I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 352: Forgetting the dust and rising to the stars, the heaven is split

Su Li's identity at this time not only shocked Su Wangchen, but also Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su He were in disbelief.

Because no matter from any angle, Su Li cannot be Feng Yao, let alone Feng Yao's clone Feng Caiwei because he likes Feng Qianwei and even goes out of his way to please Feng Qianwei!

But the current scene completely subverted the perceptions of Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and others.

Who are you? It seems you are more than just Su Li.

Mu Qingya's tone was a little cold - because this matter was beyond her control and beyond her imagination!

Su Li said lightly: It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are. Of course, no matter who I am, I understand who I am; and no matter who you are, you still don't know who you are until now. who.

Mu Qingya sneered and said: It seems that you have actually prepared a way out for yourself. If a person has thought out all his escape routes before starting to do something big, or even at the beginning, then this person is doomed. He is not a person who does great things because he lacks the courage and determination to make a desperate move.

From this point of view, you are probably the only one who thinks that you are really suitable to be the prince.

At this time, An Ruoxuan suddenly said: Mu Qingya, don't take what you think is the truth! Maybe you can use your own heart to ask about the way of heaven in this world, and see whether your ideas are more recognized, or Su's. Li’s status as the Heavenly Prince is more recognized by Heaven.”

Zhuge Qingchen said: She has no heart, so why should she ask? Originally, as Brother Li's mother, I would respect her very much, but now, the cause and effect between the two parties has been completely severed, so there is no need to worry about all this. I've said it. Asking Heaven? She, Mu Qingya, doesn't deserve it now.

Mu Qingyan said: My sister is not worthy, so you are worthy? Look at a useless existence like you, walking in a half-dead state for life after life, seeking death and seeking life, and being crazy and demonic. Don't you think it's sad?

Zhuge Qingchen said: No, not only do I not feel sad, but I feel extremely comfortable - I have no relatives, but I can feel a deep brotherly love; but you have relatives, but you can't feel anything.

Zhuge Qingchen said, then took a deep look at Su Wangchen and said: I never judge success or failure based on the situation, but there is no doubt that after judging from the heart, I know that you have truly failed.

If you are still in Yongzhen in Hell, this is actually a huge opportunity for you, Su Wangchen.

It's a pity, it's a pity that you are stubborn, it's a pity that you still don't understand after all. So, what if you continue to live for another hundred thousand years, a million years or even tens of millions of years?

Your life is just two tragedies.

As soon as it came out, its name was Wangchenhuan.

As for the other one, its name is Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen sneered: I just quietly watched your hysterical despair and crazy struggles, and you continued to ridicule, but can these change the outcome that you will be condemned to hell forever? It can't be changed!

It’s useless to say more about what it will feel like in hell. Once you enter, enjoy it.

Don't say anything about heaven and hell, because heaven is heaven and hell is hell.

Many things in this world cannot be changed, but if you want to change, the price you have paid is far from enough, and you are far from worthy!

As Su Wangchen said this, he took out an immortality pill, gestured with it in an unruly manner, and gave it a look to Su Li and others.

“This is the immortality elixir that was refined using many top-notch resources after the baby’s dead bones were washed into immortal ancestral bones.

You all know the main material, which is Su Li's bones.

And it is still an extremely pure corpse.

And with such an elixir, one elixir can break the path, comprehend the ultimate creation, and break the barriers at the level of the God King.

Well, it means that you can break through the realm above the realm of transformation.

Creation is immortal and eternal.

One hundred thousand years of returning to the ruins can't suppress the extreme transformation brought about by this pill.

So, is this elixir precious?

This elixir is not only precious, but also tastes very good.

After all, the most delicious thing in the world is steamed buns stained with blood, right?

As Su Wangchen said, he immediately swallowed the 'Eternal Creation Pill' that was very similar to 'Ginseng Fruit' on the spot.

At that moment, Su Wangchen underwent a very, very obvious transformation.

At the same time, the streaks of black mist escaping from his body, the wisps of dark red blood-light chains, etc. all manifested corresponding totems and began to break apart bit by bit.

This situation was similar to some of Su Li's previous changes, so Su Li could tell at a glance that Su Wangchen had broken many taboos at this time.

And as he started taking the immortality pill, Su Li clearly felt that the connection between the two people suddenly collapsed.

It was as if the connection originating from the mind and soul suddenly disappeared completely.

It was as if the connection originating from blood and cause and effect had suddenly been completely wiped out.

At this time, Su Li deeply felt that at this moment, all the causes and effects between him, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, Su He, and Su Wangchen had been completely wiped out.

Before, he once broke off the father-son relationship between Li Dao and Su Xinghe. At that time, Su Xinghe forced him to express his stance.

At that time, he always thought that it was Su Xinghe's viciousness. Now from this point of view, it would actually be a good thing to cut off the many terrifying causal connections earlier.

Su Xinghe's purpose at that time should have been to force him to cut off the relationship between him and the whole family. Unfortunately, he didn't think about the deeper level at that time, so he just cut off the father-son relationship with Su Xinghe.

But at that time, there was no real cause and effect in severing the relationship between father and son.

But now after cutting off all the causal connections with Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan, Su He and Su Wangchen, Su Li found that his causal involvement with Su Xinghe had deepened.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

But in some respects, Su Xinghe was willing to spend eighteen years as an ordinary person to protect Su Li's growth - this alone was actually enough.

Therefore, this world has always been like this - even if you see it with your own eyes, it may not be true.

Sometimes, great love is speechless.

And sometimes, great evil is deep.

Su Li did not express any opinion on this matter. In fact, after taking this step, he felt much more relaxed.

It was like he was originally carrying an extremely heavy mountain, but at this moment, the enemy had moved the mountain away.

Therefore, when Su Wangchen got rid of the many causes and effects that he had done whatever he wanted, Su Li only felt refreshed, comfortable and comfortable.

Therefore, Su Li became more simple and natural, returning to his original nature.

The more Su Li acted like this, the more uncomfortable Su Wangchen naturally felt. However, in Su Wangchen's view, Su Li's behavior was extremely childish and ignorant - could it be that Su Li thought he was pretending to be relaxed and comfortable? , will he, Su Wangchen, be so angry?

No way, Su Li shouldn't really think so, right?

After Su Wangchen took the Immortal Pill, he took back the authority that had been stripped away, and also carried out a 'snatching' attack on Su Li. This was equivalent to a complete separation, and before the separation, he had 'provided' All things were taken back.

Therefore, when he was extremely excited to obtain the cause and effect of everything, he was also extremely looking forward to opening his own system.

Therefore, he opened his system panel immediately and looked at it carefully.

At that moment, Su Wangchen, who was full of joy, suddenly stopped breathing and his expression was dull and stiff.

Even his eyes turned a little gray at that moment.

At that moment, negative emotions such as darkness, disbelief, anger, madness, ferocity, resentment, violence, mania, etc. all appeared in his eyes.

He was like a balloon that was about to explode at any time. After inflating to the extreme, he was already in danger!

No-impossible! How is it possible?! How can this be like this!

As Su Wangchen spoke, he suddenly stared at Su Li with his eyes and said, Su Li, you - you are really using vicious methods!

Mu Qingya was still waiting for the Immortal Pill. When she heard this, she felt uneasy in her heart, and immediately asked with concern: Li'er - Chen'er, what happened? Did he plant some extremely vicious prison? ?”

Mu Qingyan also had a ray of evil spirit and a ray of coldness in her beautiful eyes at this time. She stared at Su Li with a very impatient look and said: Little guy, can you be more open-minded? Be decisive, do you still want to involve many causes and effects, and still want to get the benefits of Wangchen? Originally, my sense of you was not bad, but in the matter of Su Wangchen, you really disappointed us.

And after you became the Heavenly Prince, you became even more domineering, forcibly cutting off many of the karma of the royal family, and not giving others a chance to rise. This approach is really too arbitrary and independent!

Su Ho also said: I just looked down on you originally, but I didn't really hate you. After all, you are also a part of my brother. But now, you have no self-awareness, and you still want to continue to mess with the cause and effect, and want to hold on and never let go? Really? The Emperor's return, if you are more decisive and let go, I will still think more highly of you.

When Su Li heard this, he looked at Su He and Mu Qingyan and Mu Qingya strangely. Then he looked at Su Wangchen and said, What are you talking about?

Su Wangchen did not answer directly, but with a hint of will in his eyes and Chinese language, he said: You destroyed the system?! If you can't afford to play, then don't play. You don't even have a basic bottom line?!

Su Li responded: What system? Do you think you are playing a game? Are you still using the system?

Su Wangchen's eyes narrowed and he gestured: What are you pretending to be? You don't know the system?

Su Li said: Come, test it carefully to see if I lied to you! I have already taken the initiative to stay in hell forever, do I need to lie to you about this matter? What system are you talking about? What do you mean? ?The prehistoric royal family has already established a corresponding system? Or are you talking about the systematization of the way of heaven such as conferring gods?

What Su Li said is true.

Because when he fused the Tianshu crystal as Feng Caiwei, he discovered that there was no system in this world.

Because at this time, he is the system.

However, he exists as the Tianshu crystal and core authority, but he does not know that he is the system.

This is not surprising - the reason is because Qinglan killed everything by himself.

When the system does not exist, Su Li, the core authority of the system, will temporarily block all memories of the system.

Su Li still knows this - the reason is that this is the world of Wangchen, and he has always opened the Huangji Jingshi Book.

Therefore, Su Li is somewhere between knowing and not knowing, but his subjective consciousness will definitely not affect the development of this world.

Su Wangchen stared at Su Li for a long time and said, If you want to truly completely cut off the cause and effect from me, you'd better let go of your soul defense and let me investigate.

Su Li said: Do you think it's possible? You are a man, and now I am a woman. I let go of my soul defense for you to check? Are you thinking about Taozi?

Su Wangchen: ...

Su Wangchen discovered for the first time that he was speechless on this issue.

Su Wangchen glanced deeply at Su Li and said: You are cruel, but it is not as easy as you think! Depending on success or failure, life is heroic, everything is just starting over!

Su Li said: So, do you really want to live another five hundred years?

Su Wangchen said: I won't argue with you, I will use your life files to determine your identity, but you can forge the file information.

Su Li said: I am familiar with what you are talking about, so you want to deduce it? You can do whatever you want.

Su Wangchen hesitated for a moment, and then used his level 1, 0-star system to lock Su Li and check.

After checking, the information he saw was the real 'Fengcai Wei' and not Su Li.

As for the life experience line, he couldn't see much information, but it was indeed Feng Caiwei's life path, not Su Li's.

You are really amazing. After playing such a song, where is the real you? Have you escaped long ago?

Su Wangchen was a little emotional, but he just sneered.

There is a system, even if it is level 1 and 0 stars, it doesn't matter, as long as the system is there.

Not to mention, the level was so high before, but not a single star was upgraded - so this time, wouldn't it be enough to upgrade the star?

How did Su Li upgrade the system's stars before?

He just had to do it.

The lower the level, the easier it is to upgrade the star. When the time comes, just give the system instructions directly. Don’t upgrade first, raise the star level to the extreme, and then slowly upgrade.

At that time, just brushing the Tianji value will be able to upgrade the system in large quantities.

Aren't those gods and kings slaughtered casually, and the destiny value and causal value are easily captured?

What's more important is that he, Su Wangchen, no longer has any debt!

Is it difficult to make a comeback without debt? It's so easy!

After Su Wangchen felt regretful for a moment, he quickly changed his mentality.

Because for him, maybe a six-star system with more than 20 levels is also very good, but it was not cultivated by him. With his mind in the late stage of obsessive-compulsive disorder, he must have a feeling of imperfection.

Now that he has spent all his efforts to cultivate his own slave system, wouldn't it be more perfect?

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment, then looked at Mu Qingya and said: There is something wrong with the immortality pill, but the impact is not big, but I need you to kill the original life energy of heaven and give it to me, and each of you can kill one percent of it.

It's best to kill yourself willingly and gratefully, and then I'll give each of you an Immortal Pill.

Now that I am determined to help you and give you the opportunity to do so, please hurry up.

There is no such shop after passing this village.

Su Wangchen was already determined to upgrade the system.

But it was impossible for him to spend the Tianji points to deduce the cause and effect for others and accumulate the first batch of resources, so he directly used transactions to obtain them.

After Su Li said this, Mu Qingya looked at Su Li thoughtfully - it was obvious that Su Li was determined to give up, which made her child Su Wangchen a little passive.

This is simply a centipede insect that is dead but not stiff. It is really hateful.

However, Mu Qingya did not hesitate and immediately cut off 20% of the original life energy of Tianji and gave it to Su Wangchen.

She was worried that 10% would not be enough.

In addition, she had obtained many benefits from Su Wangchen, so much so that Su Wangchen almost failed and was suppressed in hell. She felt that she owed Su Wangchen more or less in her heart.

Therefore, this time she took the initiative and gave more.

Su Wangchen took a look at the Tianji Value - at this moment, he received 2 billion Tianji Value and a full 10,000 Karma Values.

But he locked the secret value and causality value and did not upgrade the system.

Next, Mu Qingyan also cut off 10% of the original life energy of Tianji. Therefore, Su Wangchen gained another 1 billion Tianji value and a full 5,000 causal points.

Su Ho also cut himself off by 20%.

Su Ho's strength was a little off, with 20% of his ability slashed out, and only 200 million chance points and 1,000 causal points.

After doing this, Su Ho discovered that she didn't seem to have any affection for Su Wangchen - because he had always been the one who had failed his father and her, but she was still paying for him.

Su Wangchen seemed to be a bit supercilious.

Forget it, maybe he will wake up in the future. After all, he is my biological brother. After all, my father's biggest wish is that he can grow up early. So, I have to help him no matter what.

Su Ho quickly gave up the abnormal emotion in his heart and became even more determined.

Su Li saw all this.

In just one breath, Su Wangchen obtained 3.2 billion Heavenly Secret Values ​​and 16,000 Karma Values.

With this ability and speed, Su Li was truly ashamed.

At this time, Su Wangchen was still stuck in the system and would not upgrade stars or upgrades. Instead, he set his sights on Que De, Xia Xinning and Kame Mako.

I now set a cause and effect in the name of the Lord of the World - I am now going to extract all the power of merit from the 'Wangchen World' I created, and at the same time, I will express my reward for your work in the Wangchen World.

You kill 20% of Tianji's original life energy, and I will give each of you an Immortal Pill!

As Su Wangchen said, he took out three Immortal Pills and flicked them to Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su He.

At this time, there were no accidents in this process. There were no practitioners trying to snatch the top elixir of the prehistoric royal family, the Immortal Pill of Creation.

Mu Qingya and the other three were obviously not on guard either, and they didn't care whether anyone would rob them.

After the three people received the elixir, they couldn't help but show excitement.

Afterwards, the three of them took the immortality pill without any hesitation.

The elixir is real.

The effect of the medicine is also very incredible.

Even Su Li is sure of this.

Su Wangchen did not cheat on the elixir, nor did he fall into any trap.

Just like this, the extreme medicinal effect of the elixir also gave Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Su Ho incredible benefits.

It was a terrifying transformation that was close to breaking the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth, rules and order.

It is the ultimate transformation after the ultimate sublimation.

A pill directly increased the strength of Mu Qingya and the others by more than ten thousand times.

If Mu Qingya's strength was not Qi's opponent before, now, Mu Qingya's strength alone is enough to completely crush Qi.

Of course, strength is not the biggest benefit of this pill - the biggest benefit of this pill is that it breaks the limit and extends the life span!

Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan, who were originally 99,999 years old, now have a life expectancy of 10,000 years longer!

This is equivalent to directly breaking the taboo of returning to the ruins, and truly possessing the qualification of 'transcendence'!

In this regard, the preciousness of this elixir is self-evident!

In other words, from now on, Mu Qingya no longer needs to hide in the time gap, but can appear openly and openly in reality, without having to worry about suddenly dying at any time because the deadline has arrived.

At this time, Que De, Kame Mako and Xia Xinning did not kill themselves at all. Instead, they looked at Su Wangchen calmly, without any intention of executing them.

Su Wangchen said: Take a good look at the Taoist charm in them and the immortal divinity after breaking the taboo. Isn't this the level you have been pursuing all your life? Now, immediately, do as I say, then, You will receive endless benefits.

Que De smiled and said: I am a wicked person, so what I pursue throughout my life is just the perfection of the six paths of reincarnation, and I don't care whether the realm changes.

When heaven and earth are destroyed, reincarnation will never be destroyed; when they return to ruins, reincarnation will flourish forever.

Therefore, my virtue does not have the so-called expiration date of one hundred thousand years. I am always who I am, and there is no difference between time and space.

Therefore, I don’t need the Immortal Pill—if such an Immortal Pill comes from the blood and soul of the Prince of Heaven, then there is no need for it.

The Prince of Heaven has made great contributions to the human race, and has made great contributions to this universe and the world.

No matter how unscrupulous I am, I will never do such things as drinking the blood of the emperor and eating cannibal pills!

Kame Mako said: I have never agreed with what Quede Lao Bangzi said, but this time I, Kame Mako, agree, because these words are exactly what I, Kame Mako, feel. So, put away those ridiculous thoughts of yours. !”

Xia Xinning said: This time, Que De's old Bangzi's words are the only ones that are true from beginning to end, so I recognize his way. For this reason, it doesn't matter what my own way is!

Because of his word, I approve of his ways.

So I have no objection to him being the lord of the mortal world.

But if it’s you, then I’m sorry, you are not worthy of being the Lord of this world!

Su Wangchen said: You have no qualifications to depose me, Su Wangchen, because I am the real master of Chenhuan! Therefore, I am the only one to depose you! Now that you have integrated into this Netherworld Sea Wangchenhuan, that is my rule and authority Under the situation. I can't deal with you easily, but you still dare to jump sideways repeatedly?

Xia Xinning sneered and said: I, Xia Xinning, at this moment, am severing the cause and effect of Chenhuan, and no longer hold the position of deputy leader of Netherworld Sea Wangchenhuan.

Xia Xinning said, Look carefully, am I deposing you?!

At this time, Que De also said the same thing: I, Que De, at this moment, am severing the cause and effect of the world, and no longer hold the position of the Lord of the Netherworld Sea, Wangchen World.

Kame Mako said: I, Kame Mako, at this moment, am severing the cause and effect of Chenhuan, and no longer hold the position of deputy leader of Netherworld Sea Wangchenhuan.

After saying that, the three of them killed themselves, but the corresponding cause and effect and heavenly secret suddenly fell into Su Li's body.

At that moment, Su Li felt that he had gained a lot of destiny energy and karma from the heavenly creation.

This number is much more than Su Wangchen.

Su Li sighed softly and said: My three-level memory forbidden area will be completely independent, peeled off, and turned into the Six Paths of Reincarnation! And you are the masters of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Next, ten palaces will evolve out of the six reincarnations, and among them, the position of Yama in the Ten Palaces is reserved for you and the person you most want to cultivate.

Su Li's tone was very light.

And as he said these words, suddenly, there were endless chains of order in the void that turned into the sound of the avenue, turned into the flowers of the avenue, and gathered around the three Que De.

At the same time, in Wangchen World, the three-layer world of the forbidden memory area that was about to be merged completely broke away and turned into a dark light and shadow, forming a world of six reincarnations on its own, no longer related to the Netherworld Sea and Wangchen World.



But at this time, the Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan, which was almost completed, collapsed due to Su Li's three-level memory forbidden world of reincarnation being peeled off, and turned into a dark ruin.

Wangchenhuan is still Wangchenhuan, but he no longer bears reincarnation and cause and effect.

Su Wangchen took a deep breath, his eyes were fierce and resentful, and his face was gloomy and ugly. He said word by word: Okay! Okay! Okay!

He said, and then added: In this case, in these endless years, I have accumulated many heavenly secrets, causes and effects, and merits in Wangchenhuan under my command. Now, I want to take back all of them! Wangchenhuan is a private investment by me. It is only natural and right for me to do this. !”

Mu Qingya seemed to have noticed something and exclaimed: No, if this happens, the way of heaven will collapse, and the rest of the Netherworld Sea's forces will become dominant——

Unfortunately, although Mu Qingya tried to stop her, she was interrupted by Su Wangchen.

It's okay. When I rise, no dominant force will be able to dominate. What I need to do now is to cultivate Immortal Light Blue. Because Immortal Light Blue was injured before, but now, I have gathered many fortunes. , Karmic merit, just to heal Qian Lan.

Su Wangchen's statement was a bit cryptic, and he mentioned the 'Immortal Light Blue'.

But only Su Li knew that what Su Wangchen was talking about was actually the system.

Therefore, only Su Li could understand this sentence.

To others, this sentence means something else.

Su Li took a deep look at Su Wangchen - Very good, let's start fucking again.

Is this devoting all the original life energy and karmic merit of heavenly creation to upgrade the system?


Su Li didn't want to say anything more, because whether it was a targeted refresh or a targeted system upgrade, it was definitely not a good thing.

However, Su Li didn't care whether it was reality or the so-called 'Wangchen World' in Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterflies.

Because everything that happens now can overwrite reality at any time, and you can start over at any time.

But if Su Wangchen wanted to do this, Su Li wouldn't say anything.

There is no cause and effect between the two parties.

Therefore, Su Wangchen is Su Wangchen.

As for Mu Qingya and the other three, Su Li also had no cause and effect with them.

Originally there was, but unfortunately, they have already done everything possible.

And like this cause and effect, even if time goes back, even if the world of forgetfulness disappears, this cause and effect is still gone.

Cause and effect transcend everything.

Some things, because we live in the moment, are done when they are done, the cause and effect are established, and the solutions are resolved.

As for the cause and effect of when and where it is resolved, it actually doesn't matter.

Because cause and effect only emphasizes cause and effect, there is no need to care about the process at all.

Not to mention, Mu Qingya and the others took the Immortal Pill refined from Su Li's bones and ate it with joy and joy...

Su Li didn't feel cold because there was no need anymore.

Because a person will not be chilled by the words and deeds of a passerby or a stranger.

Love and hate both care, but true insignificance is indifference, and true indifference.

At this time, Quede and the other three were in charge of reincarnation again, in charge of the reincarnation passage in that small world, and connected with the way of heaven in this world.

At the same time, the reincarnation in the small world is not the Nether Sea and Wangchenhuan, but Huangquan, Naihe Bridge, and Wangxiang Terrace.

Everything has suddenly become a royal family.

Even, because Que De and the other three represent the way of heaven and reincarnation in this world, suddenly, the reincarnation system of the royal family has a basic contact with the reincarnation system of this world, and an initial stage of mutual 'acceptance' process.

More importantly, Su Wangchen, who was originally privatized, lost his authority to interfere during this process.

This was actually a matter of blood loss, but at this time, apart from Que De and others who were aware of it, only Su Li could see it clearly.

Su Wangchen was actually in a very good mood.

Because this is a better choice for him - is there anything more satisfying than the sudden realization of Wangchenhuan that has been in business for a hundred thousand years?

Especially, when he saw that the divine value on the system in his hand had become an endless number, and when he saw that the causal value on his system panel was also an astronomical number, he knew , and he must have a lot of merit.

Therefore, he immediately locked the system and said in his heart: System, rise to the star!

[This star promotion requires 10,000 Heavenly Secret Values, 1 Karma Value, and 1 Merit. Are you sure? whether? 】



At that moment, Su Wangchen's system became a star.

System, continue to raise stars!

System, let's raise the star!

Finally, the system reached 9 stars and could no longer be upgraded.

So, Su Wangchen said again: System, start upgrading.

[This upgrade requires 10 billion Tianji Value, 100,000 Karma Value, and 10,000 Merits. Are you sure? whether? 】

Su Wangchen was about to say yes, but suddenly, his breathing stagnated and he thought in his mind: System, why is there such a huge loss? It's only level 1!

The system did not answer.

Because this is a dead system.

In other words, this is the initial template of the system.

But this time, because the star was promoted to 9 stars, the system elf Qian Lan was not able to be conceived, as if she was suddenly stillborn.

Impossible, how could this happen?!

Su Wangchen couldn't believe it.

Immediately, he stared at Su Li fiercely and said, Bitch, you are harming me!

Su Li said: Why did I hurt you again?!

Su Wangchen wanted to say something else, but he still locked on Su Li and directly checked Su Li's life files and current thoughts using the 9-star system.

This inspection was also very easy, and Su Li's thoughts were also very simple. No matter how proud he was now, Su Wangchen would definitely continue to follow the same path.

Because his character determines his future achievements - as long as he doesn't change, what happened in the past will definitely happen in the future.

Seeing such a mentality, Su Wangchen almost exploded with anger.

However, Su Wangchen was also certain that Su Li no longer knew about the existence of the system.

Because the cause and effect were cut off, Su Li was deprived of the system and lost all memory of the system!

Judging from this, the two completely cut off the cause and effect, so the system was somewhat damaged!

So, this is truly a lose-lose situation.

That's fine, then I will be the only one in the world who knows the core secret of the system!

Whether it's cut off now, I can still repair the system, and if it's upgraded to 9 stars, everything else won't be a problem!

In this way, the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain, so you will get better if you upgrade more. It may also be because I upgraded the star too fast, the quality of the system is too high, but the level is low. In fact, we should help each other. Mode of rising stars.

For example, if I upgrade 1 star first and then a few more levels, I should not be able to use up all my destiny points, causal points and merits at the moment.

I was still too hasty and careless!

Su Wangchen felt a little guilty, but it was mainly because the system was too important to keep calm.

This has nothing to do with intelligence, because he has an impatient temper and has never changed at all.

After a while, Su Wangchen felt much better after obtaining the 'file information'.

Therefore, he no longer cares about Su Li - because he has finally stepped onto a new high level.

More importantly, after taking the Immortal Pill, his own combat power has surpassed 'Qi', so what else does he need to worry about?

System, upgrade, upgrade until it cannot be upgraded, no need to ask.

Su Wangchen began to make up for the system's level.

And like this, when the star level of the system began to increase to 9 stars, the reincarnation system of this side of the universe had directly exploded - deep in the universe that Su Wangchen didn't know, above the dark cliff-like void, The destiny roulette directly shattered and exploded, turning into blood mist powder in the void.

Endless evil spirits are all born and come to all the planets in the universe.

The devil is born.

The devil is in the world.

(PS: The first 9,000-word update is here~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommended tickets. I also wish everyone a happy new year and all the best~

Also: Thank you very much to book friends ‘Autumn pants can’t ball’, ‘I don’t know if I know, I don’t know’, ‘Book friend 20200805170634464’, ‘Book friend 20190706182811005’ each for their support of 100 starting coins~)

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