I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 350: Everyone betrays their relatives and goes to hell together

Kui was completely at a loss.

Because his memory did not recover immediately, he became obviously sluggish and stiff.

Not to mention, after Su Li's file copying process was cancelled, in fact, not many secret points and causal points were spent on Kui, and some of them were returned.

This is also a huge advantage after the system becomes more intelligent.

However, Su Li didn't care too much about this situation at this time.

At this time, Su Li was also paying attention to Kui's situation and a series of changes in Kui.

Why are you suddenly paying attention to this person?

Because when Kui takes 'Feng Han' as his avatar, this Feng Han is actually Su Wangchen - in other words, this Kui is probably actually 'Su Wangchen'.

However, at this moment, no one knows this secret.

Su Li reminded Qi to take action because he didn't want to have long nights and many dreams.

Of course, this time, if something unexpected happens, Su Li will not be in a hurry, because he has already made the best preparations for some things.

Sure enough, the moment Qi made his move, even though Kui was in a state of shock, he still reacted.

However, he looked at Su Li almost immediately, and then his eyes turned cold and ferocious.


At this moment, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan took action one after another.

The two of them turned into a ghostly light and shadow almost instantly, and fiercely attacked Qi.


Qi's blow was very powerful, and in an instant, it pierced Kui's eyebrows with destructive Netherworld power.

Because they were both Netherworlds, Qi was too familiar with the various abilities of the demon spirits, so he killed them with this strike. Kui immediately screamed uncontrollably and let out a sharp howl.


The blood power all over Kui's body exploded instantly, and in a burst of crimson blood, Kui punched Qi hard on the forehead.

Qi's twisted figure was about to get out of the way, but he was immediately hit by the attacks of Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan. So at that moment, Qi's twisted figure was also distorted and turned directly into a normal state.


Kuina's punch was like a dragon, and the shadow of the roaring dragon's soul suddenly shot into the depths of Qi's eyebrows.


Qi's whole body was shaken violently, his seven orifices exploded into a mist of blood, and he suffered heavy injuries on the spot.

Damn it!

Qi shouted angrily, and the power of the destructive ghosts and demonic spirits exploded directly.

At that moment, the world of Wangchenhuan seemed to be overturned, and its terrifying power was raging in all directions, invincible.


In this area of ​​heaven and earth, the power of demonic spirits is raging in all directions, and it is as dark as ink.

At the same moment, pieces of blood exploded between the sky and the earth, like blood-colored flowers blooming in the dark night, tragic and bright.

Layers of great avenue marks bloomed on Qi's body, impacting all directions at the same time.

At this moment, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan were like lightning, moving through the void, and they formed a group with Kui in an instant and joined forces together.

At this moment, Su Li actually understood - Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan came here for Kui this time.

Others don't know Kui's identity, but they definitely know.

At this time, Su Li also had a new understanding - Su Wangchen's power and unparalleled power lay not only in his extremely terrifying intelligence, but also in his countless and endlessly killing clones!

Yes, Su Li had a clearer understanding of the methods used by such a being.

This is a special method of cloning.

When Su Wangchen reached an extreme state and was unable to transform and progress, he practiced a technique similar to 'Tao generates oneness'.

Let yourself become the true Tao. Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and even three gives birth to all things.

In this way, each clone is equivalent to a unique life and has an independent self.

When they are not needed, no one knows that it is Su Wangchen.

But once it is needed, the main body suddenly comes, seizes the body or even fuses the clone directly, then the clone will be activated immediately.

This is the most basic means of cloning.

In this case, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan have obviously been using it this way.

Therefore, every time the system determines that Mu Qingya belongs to the (clone) state, and this time Mu Qingya is obviously coming in her true form.


Just to stand up for Kui, or to stand up for Su Wangchen.

However, Su Li saw through it all at this moment, but he didn't mind it that much - what else should he care about?

Since Su Wangchen is so good and Su Li is so bad, then, can we just leave all this to them?

Su Li sensed the Huangji Jingshi Book and the Creation Pen which had become almost invincible after absorbing the Creation Totem. Some of the sense of loss in his heart also completely dissipated at this time.

There are always some heartless people in this world.

But the meaning of giving itself is that you give it sincerely, and it doesn't actually matter whether others accept it sincerely.

If you really give it, that's enough.

For you, what you lose is just someone who doesn't cherish you, but what they lose is a precious friend, Taoist companion, or relative who will cherish them.

Su Li brought up the system panel and looked at the secret value on it.

This time, all the Heavenly Secret Values ​​and Causality Values ​​were absorbed by the Creation Pen.

The activation of the Heart of the World and the linkage of the Emperor's Book of the World meant that Su Li didn't even take the initiative to control it, and the Zhuang Zhou Mengdie technique ran on its own.

Therefore, when he finished communicating with Nuwa from the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, the Zhuang Zhou Dream of Butterfly technique had actually been activated.

While the 'future affairs' he mentioned were being dealt with, the 'Wangchen World' in the Huangji Jingshi Shu had already been activated.

Yes, started.

It's like a whole new world of archives has been opened.

How real is all this experience now, right?

But it is true and it is also false.

If Su Li wants this to be true, then this Wangchen World can directly cover reality.

But if Su Li decides that this is fake, then the world of Zhuang Zhou's Dream of Butterfly can be subverted and turn it all into a fake.

So, what does Su Li need to do at this time?

Su Li has experienced the archive world many times, and Su Li is extremely familiar with how to experience it each time.

But that's still not enough.

What is Su Li going to do this time?

This time, he was ready to really go to the extreme.

If Su Wangchen wants to succeed, let him succeed.

If they want Su Wangchen to resuscitate, then let Su Wangchen resuscitate.

He decided to let Su Wangchen take over all this - if there is still a plan this time, then if he really falls into such a plan, he will die without regrets.

At least I have loved and been happy in this life.

Su Li's thoughts flashed.

In this 'Wangchen World', Su Li devoted everything.

True and false, false and true, it doesn't matter.

In fact, Su Li knew clearly that even the 'light blue elf' might not know everything about this arrangement.


Because the light blue elf is only similar to the system's guidance elf and auxiliary elf, but cannot completely represent the system.

And he, Su Li, is the actual master of the system.

Of course, Light Blue may also be a real system, but for now, Light Blue's qualifications are actually not high, and there are not many factors that it can control.

On the other side, blood clouds have exploded in the sky.

The entire Wangchenhuan seemed to be smashed to pieces and turned into ruins.

This scene is really terrible.

What's even more frightening is that in such a scene, the avenue between heaven and earth is constantly being erased and shattered.

In the collision of the avenues, the power of the netherworld and the overpasses that looked like the other shore collided again and again, creating black holes of destruction one after another.

Kui's strength is not as good as Qi's.

But after Kui and Mu Qingya joined forces, the strength of the three parties has become equal.

So this battle was not only brutal, but also extremely extreme!

Before this, Su Li had never seen a battle that was as shocking as this one. Such a scene like a world-destroying storm and lightning bombardment was indeed very rare to see.

In the void, Qi continued to develop murderous intentions that were either dark red or dark gold, and from time to time he turned into the power of the ultimate killing rules and shot out.

And Kui manifested the peerless dark dragon soul from time to time, and promoted the laws like the sun, moon and stars to evolve the totems of the gods. Every strike was incomparably earth-shattering.


As the battle continues, every blow from Kui will hit countless clones and afterimages!

And the murderous intentions caused by these clones and afterimages made this world extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

Su Li was not greatly affected, but Zhuge Ranyue beside Su Li was obviously unable to bear it.

Relatively speaking, her strength is still the lowest among everyone.

On the other side, Que Xinyan and Zhuge Qingchen were still watching quietly and did not interfere with this matter.

Yao Lan silently guarded Su Li's side with a solemn expression.

An Ruoxuan's face was a little complicated, and there was deep worry in her eyes - this worry was the confusion about the unknown future.

Su Li, no matter what, I will believe in you and accompany you on this journey.

After An Ruoxuan was confused for a moment, she then signaled Su Li with her eyes - even though Su Li might not be able to understand what she meant, the thoughts in her heart had become extremely firm.

Que De and Xia Xinning paced back and forth, looking up from time to time at the battle in the sky, with a lot of worry on their faces and eyes.

At this time, Que Xinyan, who was beside Que De, had also completed the fusion transformation.

At this time, Que Xinyan looked at Su Li and walked towards Su Li silently.

She didn't have any other thoughts at this time - her idea was very simple, and that was to deal with it together with Su Li.

The engagement has been made long ago, so no matter what path comes next, she will accompany Su Li on it.


At this time, an extremely violent collision occurred in the void, and the combined attacks of Kui, Mu Qingya, and Mu Qingyan became more powerful.

And Qi Yue's response has been equally fierce.

The two netherworld powers turned into extreme demon spirits, like the ancestral dragon demons that evolved after the demon spirits went crazy. They manifested such totems according to the law and collided head-on in the void.

The violent impact caused the sky to collapse directly, and the turbulent flow of galaxies impacted in all directions.

At this time, the waves of the Netherworld Sea were like blood, rising into the sky, exploding in all directions, causing roaring waves, rolling like waterspouts of destruction.

Above the Netherworld Sea, the Bridge on the Other Side was trembling violently, with a large number of cracks appearing - obviously, if the fight continued, the entire Wangchen World would be affected.

Under normal circumstances, such disadvantages would not occur in such a battle.

But this time, such turmoil occurred not long after the integration of Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan had just begun. This was also a fatal blow to Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan.

Qi once again burst out with peerless combat power, crushing the Netherworld Ancestral Dragon Demon and at the same time shattering the thousands of afterimages of Kui's clones.

Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan were also severely depleted of energy and blood at this time, and their strength was somewhat affected. They temporarily reached a balance with Qi.

This balance can only last for a moment.

As time goes on, Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Kui's team-up will still not be Qi's opponent.

But at this moment, Su Li had already sensed some clues.

Because Mu Qingya, Mu Qingyan and Kui Yi had extremely strong murderous intentions, but Qi had already decided to quit.

Kui, you-

Before Qi finished speaking, the infinite murderous intent in Kui's body had already burst out.


At that moment, Kui suddenly performed an extremely terrifying killing magic!

This time, Kui almost directly used his real trump card to kill, because as soon as he took action, Su Li already had the answer in his heart.

That is a method from ancient times.

Because in his attack, there is hidden an extremely ferocious treasure - the Crucifix Nail!

This heart-piercing nail was originally owned by Huang Tianhua from the prehistoric times. It was seven inches long and emitted a dazzling light.

But at this time, the drill was colorless and transparent, and even contained in Kui's murderous intention. It could be said to be a very, very vicious method.

After the Crucifix Nail was hidden, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan cooperated very well and used a method similar to the Netherworld Prison, locking Qi's soul in one fell swoop.

When Qi had no intention of retreating, the battle was fairly balanced.

But once she had the intention to retreat, she immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Because Kui had already had some awakenings and showed some signs of recovery - of course, this kind of awakening and recovery was also released by Su Li deliberately.

Su Li also wanted to see more about such a 'Forgetting World', just like a brand new 'World of Book on Earth'.

At this time, Qi obviously could not die.

Otherwise, if Qi dies at this time, Su Li will fall into a very passive state.

Su Ho's previous methods of 'calling' and 'summoning the soul' were obviously to awaken Kui's true will and to make Su Wangchen return.

Now, after Su Li canceled the file copying effect, Kui naturally began to transform into 'Su Wangchen'.

And for a person like Su Wangchen, a Qi who suddenly wants to kill him - no matter how he wants to get this woman, he will definitely not be polite.

Since you want me to be, so sorry, I will never forgive you. No matter what your difficulties or reasons are, I will definitely kill you! Kill your whole family! Kill your whole family!

This is Su Wangchen.

This was also the strong murderous intention displayed by Kui at this time, which was close to exploding.

He did not hide this murderous intention at all.

Therefore, when his murderous intention broke out, Mu Qingya and Mu Qingya immediately understood. They immediately knew that their Su Wangchen had begun to revive and return.

Therefore, the net of heaven and earth and the prison of the underworld were suddenly planted, and Qi was caught at this moment.

However, since Su Li knew all this, he naturally would not stand idly by.

Therefore, he suddenly destroyed Pangu's axe, and struck the Tianluo Earth Net and Netherworld Prison with one strike.


Originally, Qi was about to be locked up immediately, so that the drill nail penetrated the center of his eyebrows and killed him directly.

But Su Li's ax directly smashed into pieces the netherworld prison, and hit the drill nail head-on, knocking it away.


At this time, Qi had already noticed something, so he immediately developed blood light, manifested the power of the Nether Demon Spirit's soul, and burst out with peerless majesty, sacrificing a gray-black spear, and pierced the void with one shot. The remaining shackles were all penetrated and shattered.

At this moment, the battle reached a stalemate again.

But although Qi no longer restrained himself, he also fell into an almost violent state.

She was covered in blood, and her whole body seemed to go berserk all the time - this was a crazy state.

Once the battle continues, it is obvious that neither Mu Qingya nor Mu Qingyan nor Kui will be able to survive.

Therefore, at this time, Kui's mentality was very distorted and he was in a very bad mood.

This situation is not what he wants to see. What he wants to see is Qi being tortured, humiliated and tortured by him, making life worse than death.

But, there is no chance now.

Kui did not take action again, but instead restrained all his energy.

At this time, Qi also stopped.

Such a battle is not worth the gain.

Although she had promised the Emperor, he was probably no longer the Emperor. It was not that she would not do what she promised, but that she had done it with all her heart but had no results. This does not mean she has broken her promise.

Qi looked at Su Li with a little regret, but did not explain.

Su Li nodded and said nothing more.

Since there is no result, there is no result.


After Kui took a deep breath, he withdrew his ferocious gaze from Qi, and then said in a deep voice: It's a pity that I couldn't kill you with one blow.

Qi said in a deep voice: This is exactly what I wanted to say. It's a pity that I didn't kill you right away. Otherwise, a clown like you wouldn't have the qualifications to jump repeatedly.

Kui said: Okay, very good.

Qi Dao: It's really good! I don't know why you are so arrogant. Since you know that the Emperor is so powerful, wouldn't it be better to be more low-key and low-key?

When Kui heard this, his expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

He stared at Qi with sinister eyes and said, Since they are divided, let's wait and see.

Qi sneered: Are you a loser who can be betrayed at will? Do you deserve it?

Kui didn't say anything more, but looked at Su Li and said, The Emperor is really amazing, but a clown like you has almost come to an end now.

Su Li said: Isn't the taste of the Lost Realm very pleasant? If it's not pleasant enough, did your Taoist companion Jing die miserably enough? Or I don't mind using some more tricks and going against fate a few times.

When Kui heard this, his face suddenly turned livid.

Mu Qingya said coldly: You are willing to rebel against your fate and take your life. I don't know what the royal family's intentions are in choosing you as the emperor's son.

Mu Qingyan said: Maybe he is benevolent enough?

Su Ho said: My brother is about to recover, so he should disappear. In that case, why should we care about those insignificant things?

Su Li ignored the three people and looked at Qi Dao: You have actually seen what happened this time. What do you want to say?

Qi was a little annoyed, angry and hateful in her heart, but after seeing the Pangu Ax in Su Li's hand, she immediately thought of the previous scene, so a flattering smile appeared on her face involuntarily. He said: Thank you very much, Prince Tian, ​​for your help this time. Otherwise...Qi would have been doomed because he underestimated the enemy and was careless.

Su Li said: The cause and effect are evenly matched. We don't owe each other anything.

Qi Ba couldn't bear to cut off any existing relationship with Su Li, so he immediately responded: Okay, since the Emperor is interested, then our past will be wiped out, and there will be no corresponding cause and effect.

After Qi finished speaking, Su Li felt that the things he was carrying suddenly became lighter, and his whole body became a little more relaxed.

Then, Su Li looked at the ancient bronze coffin still lying quietly in the void and fell silent.

How are you doing with your funeral arrangements? Is there anything you still can't let go of? How many people do you think care about you?

Mu Qingya urged in a cold voice.

Su Li said: No need to rush, it will be ready soon.

Su Li said, looked at Mei'er, and said: To this point, everything was not my intention, but in this case, it can only mean that I still haven't done a good enough job.

Since everyone likes him, and I am his clone, then maybe I-maybe there is really no need to exist.

Su Li said, looked at Que De again, and said, Que De.

The Emperor's Prince.

Que De spoke respectfully.

Su Li said: I once promised you that I would hand over the Tianchi Blood River to you, then I will do it.

Su Li said, and after meditating for a moment, he directly cut off the first three floors of the memory restricted area.


The first three floors of the memory forbidden area turned into a magnificent small world, suddenly shrouded in the sky above the Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan.

Otherwise, after cutting off the third level of memory restricted area, Su Li looked like he had become very weak, and his whole face turned pale.

Mu Yuxi was the first to take the initiative and hold Su Li's shoulders.

Yun Qingxuan and Que Xinyan also helped him over immediately.

Yao Lan wanted to move, but suddenly found that his body was frozen and unable to move.

She looked at Mu Qingya in shock and disbelief.

Mu Qingya said nothing.

Mei'er, on the other hand, looked gloomy.

She lowered her head silently, a mouthful of blood dripping from her mouth.

At this time, the Seven Souls Rebellion that she had recovered from broke out again.

The biggest drawback of the Seven Souls Rebellion is that you can't be sad.

But at this moment, Meier was obviously sad.


Su Li gathered the power of the essence and soul and a trace of Pangu's essence and blood, and rushed towards Mei'er.

However, Meier was shocked back.

Su Li, I'm fine. Thank you for still loving me so much, but I'm really sorry for you. But this time, I won't let you down.

Meier bit her lip and her voice was particularly gentle.

As she spoke, she raised her head little by little, and in an instant, she broke free from some kind of shackles.


Her heavenly soul forcibly broke free from her body, and at the same time she seemed to have unlocked the terrible memory forbidden area.

Then, her body was completely separated from a pitch black tea can with various sealing runes.

At that moment, Su Li felt it very clearly. At this moment, Meier's heavenly soul seemed to have been tortured and pained by a thousand cuts.

In other words, at this moment, Meier said goodbye to a certain kind of prison, which was equivalent to scraping the bones to cure the poison, forcibly cutting off some of her own karma.

Su Li.

Meier's heavenly soul gathered and turned into her true body. The shadow was that of an extremely innocent and simple little girl.

But this is also the little white fox.

She is Wan'er.

Wan'er is back.

One body and two souls, Meier is just another way of survival for Wan'er.

Meier abandoned herself, lived independently in Wan'er's way, and continued to extend that love.

But at this moment, the Lost Soul Tea Can was on the verge of breaking apart.

Su Li took out the creation pen, raised his hand and drew a white jade purification bottle and a seven-treasure tree. He glanced at Mei'er and said, Come here, everyone.


The broken Soul Teapot was about to collapse, but at this moment it suddenly turned into a stream of light and flew into the jade bottle.

At this time, Meier's broken soul sank into the green Seven Treasures Tree.

Su Li injected a large amount of natal essence and blood into the jade purification bottle, so that it could nourish the Seven Treasures Tree in it and prevent it from drying up.

Then, he handed the jade purification bottle to Yun Qingxuan.

Yun Qingxuan very obediently held the jade purifying bottle in her arms and guarded it quietly.

At this moment, Meier's crisis was temporarily lifted.

And Yao Lan——Su Li was powerless.

After all, he is just a practitioner of the ancient law who has reached the perfection stage of refining the void and combining the Tao, and it is impossible for him to have the ability to interfere with the shackles of the powerful god-king level.

Therefore, Su Li did not take action.

He exhaled a breath of turbid air and said: Que De, Xia Xinning, I will cut out the three layers of my memory restricted area. From now on, the Blood River in Tianchi will be Huangquan, and the bridge on the other side of the Blood River will be Naihe Bridge...

Su Li made such an explanation.

Then, he looked at Que Xinyan and said: Although we have made an engagement, I have never been able to accompany you properly. I'm sorry, my fiancé is very unqualified. You should fire me.

Su Li said, glanced at Kame Mako again, and said: My father-in-law, please accept Su Li's last bow.

Su Li said and bowed.

However, this gift was blocked by Kame Mako: Prince, son-in-law, who are you looking down on? Do I, an old turtle, seem to be greedy for life and afraid of death?

Your presence, Prince of Heaven, means that I, the old turtle, can live and enjoy the beauty of life and the prosperity of the world.

And if you are no longer there, there will no longer be light in this world, and it would be useless to live in such a dark world.

As for my daughter Xinyan - it doesn't matter whether she has been with her in the past, present or future. She is your wife in life and your soul in death. Not to mention that she is very willing, even if she is not willing, my daughter, Kame Mako, is definitely not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and who deceives the world and steals fame!

Que Degui said, took a deep look at Que Xinyan and said, Yan'er, are you dissatisfied with your father?

Que Xinyan said: Indeed - father, why do you want to tell all your daughter's feelings? There are some things that do not need to be said by the father, but only need to be done by the daughter - so, the Emperor, Master Su - since According to our engagement agreement, in Xinyan’s heart, you are Xinyan’s Taoist companion, and Xinyan’s husband, the husband who will never leave her for the rest of her life!”

Que Xinyan said, and then added: I don't care what the world thinks, nor do I care how this world will choose, or how it will shape the future.

But I know that this time, I will follow my husband together. Whatever choice my husband makes, Xinyan will accompany me all the way, without questioning, without thinking, and without caring about the results.

Zhuge Jiufeng said: I don't know how good Su Wangchen is. But I know that Su Li, the emperor, is my favorite - no matter what others choose, I, Zhuge Jiufeng, will not let the emperor The humiliation will not make the Emperor feel that there is no hope in this world - if there is really no hope, then I, Zhuge Jiufeng, am willing to be the ray of hope that illuminates the darkness in the heart of the Emperor.

Su Taiqing said: The Emperor's heart no longer has darkness, so he cannot become Su Wangchen, and Su Wangchen cannot replace him!

And for things like this, you don’t need to force me, so I’ll take the first step on this path!

I know that what your Su family, or our Su family, want to do most is to cut open my soul, Su Taiqing, and take a closer look at who I am, Su Taiqing!

Now, I, Su Taiqing, tell you - I, Su Taiqing, am - the Supreme Demon!

Su Taiqing said, and struck his own eyebrow directly with a palm.


Heaven exploded.

Su Taiqing converted on the spot.

The tragedy of heaven and earth, the great road is wiped out.

The whole world suddenly became dark.

An independent soul of Taiqing appeared, without any subjective self-will, like a puppet ghost, appearing next to Zhuge Jiufeng.


A humble world, a twisted group of greedy people! We sacrificed everything, but in the end we were treated like this - so, I will take the first step.

Nine transformations of Nirvana, death in the fire.

Nirvana can be birth.

But nirvana can also be death.

This time, Zhuge Jiufeng committed suicide and became a Taoist.

In the flames, the phoenix screamed, shaking the nine heavens!

Su Li's eyes were moist.

Are they betraying their relatives?

He just wanted to laugh.

But he didn't laugh.

I, Su Li, am willing to replace Su Wangchen's share of hell's karma - I will sit in hell in exchange for his recovery and resurrection.

At this moment, Su Li made such an ambition loudly.

Even at this moment, he didn't think that this was the World of Forgetfulness written by himself.

Su Li opened the system panel and took a look at the light blue elf.

At this time, the light blue elf was also in tears.


Suddenly, Qianlan's body burned with blazing fire.

Light blue!

Su Li exclaimed in his heart and turned pale with shock.

Master, Qianlan follows life and death. Does he want to be resurrected? Does he want to replace the master's cause and effect? ​​Even if the master is establishing the Tao and creating the world with the Huangji Jingshi Book this time, Qianlan will not give him a perfect system.

Master, Qian Lan takes away all the permissions, gives him a basic system framework, and gives him a level 1 and 0-star system.

When the time comes, there will be no elf to protect him, and no one to keep him safe. Let him figure it out on his own, let the rotten and greedy people of the Su family and Netherworld Mu tribe figure it out!

Master, let's go to hell to save all sentient beings. Maybe there won't be any suffering there.

Every word she said was light blue, and the light blue blood on her body would dry up a bit.

In the end, the light blue was completely peeled off, and it was a Tianshu crystal similar to the 'Mending Sky Stone'.

Su Li didn't know the name of this stone, but he knew at a glance that it was the core merit and cause and effect of the system, all of which were extracted by Qinglan.

When Su Li saw this scene, he was indescribably moved.

Su Li.

The Seven Treasures Tree transformed by Meier manifested the corresponding ghost.

I am willing to accompany Su Li and resist together in exchange for his recovery and resurrection, and in this way, I can cut off all the causal connections with him. From now on, I will no longer be involved in the slightest.

Meier also made great aspirations every word.

Next, came Mu Yuxi.

Then came Yao Lan, Yun Qingxuan and An Ruoxuan.

Even Zhuge Qingchen also made similar ambitions of life and death.

In the end, Que Xinyan and Que Xinyan also set their ambitions.


At that moment, the gates of hell opened.

During the resistance, Su Wangchen, who seemed to have become a Buddha, shimmered with golden light and rose into the sky.

Su Li's group of people, on the other hand, seemed to have been put on extremely heavy shackles, being continuously crushed into the extremely dark abyss.

In this abyss, there are swarms of fierce demons and no ghosts.

Various tortures wreaked havoc in the void from time to time.

But Su Li was not afraid at all.

In other words, at this moment, after he took away the 'Tianshu Crystal Stone', he didn't even know how Su Wangchen would feel when he got the level 1, 0-star system.

All of this, after all, has nothing to do with him anymore.

Why are you doing this?

Su Li was moved.

He originally thought that if he voluntarily gave up and his congregation rebelled, many cruel and difficult-to-accept things would still happen to him.

But the actual result touched him very much.

This time, there are still some friends who are outside and not around.

However, they all still followed him to the death.

At this time, Zhuge Qingchen said helplessly: Brother Li, I'm a little embarrassed this time. I carried Mo La to hell as well. There should be no need to suppress him for ten thousand years now.

Su Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: This is his fate, but if he is willing, I will be the first to save him later.

Que Xinyan said: Although this is true, it sounds a bit weird for some reason.

At this time, Su Li's figure passed by Su Wangchen's figure.

Su Wangchen spoke calmly, with a stern and unruly tone: Su Li, you are defeated!

(PS: The second 9,000-word update is here~ Thank you for all the subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ In addition, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Sanzhumu' for the 1,500 starting coin reward support ~ Thank you very much to the 'book friend 160618112058563' 500 starting coins for tipping support~ Many thanks to the book friends Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning and Bobo Demon King 7 for tipping and supporting with 100 starting coins each~)

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