I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 311: Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven, Immortal Leg Bones

Li Muxue's face suddenly became extremely ugly: Master Su, are you going too far? Do I, Li Muxue, have anything to say to you? Maybe I did have a little bit of resentment in my heart before. But I don’t have any anymore!”

Su Li turned a blind eye to Li Muxue's series of performances, and turned a deaf ear to her words.

Li Muxue begged again: Master Su, if you need any benefits, I can promise to give you some, but please don't force me like this!

When Su Li heard this, he glanced at Li Muxue lightly and said, You would rather die than give me some luck? Does this mean you have no resentment?

Li Muxue sighed: Master Su, as a master of Tianji, you are pursuing benefits too deliberately, which will be very detrimental to your own growth.

Master Su, I once picked up a treasure during an adventure. I will give it to Master Su.

Su Li said: Are you talking about the painting in your hand?

When Li Muxue heard this, her expression changed, and then she quickly returned to normal, saying, Master Su, you misunderstood. It's not the painting, but an extremely mysterious glass bead.

Su Li said lightly: Liu Li Bead?

Li Muxue said: Yes, the glazed bead looks ordinary to everyone, but if you look carefully, there seems to be a small world inside the glazed bead, which is very magical.

Su Li said: Okay, I'll show you a more interesting scene.

Li Muxue said: Master Su, I really don't want to see it, I know what that picture is.

Su Li was slightly surprised and said, You know?

Li Muxue said: Yes, I know, and I also know that I am bound to die. Since I am bound to die, then I must die. Anyway, my life belongs to Sister Li, so it is not bad to give it back to her, isn't it?

Su Li pondered for a moment and said, Yes, it seems that you have indeed guessed it.

Li Muxue sighed softly and said: Master Su, since I, Li Muxue, can meditate until I meet you, Master Su, I should naturally know that the relationship between us will not be simple.

Similarly, since I have been able to meditate to this point, I will bring sister Li here later, so I naturally have some ideas.

Sister Li has been able to be with me for so many years without any problems, and has been able to avoid many disasters. In the final analysis, it is actually because my physique and destiny can help her restrain some dangers.

Since there are reasons for this, it is not difficult to guess that I should be the key that Master Su said can help sister Li solve the hidden dangers.

Li Muxue looked at Su Li and said: Master Su keeps saying that he needs some luck - then Master Su has several preparations. On the one hand, he is to obtain the power of sister Li's luck, and use her to survive at any cost. In terms of his character, he will definitely agree.

Master Su turns around and gets a benefit from Muxue. If he recruits a few geniuses to back him up, he can reap the fortune of a large group of geniuses by himself.

At that time, Master Su will be able to rise to the top, right?

And I, Li Muxue, could also escape from this calamity, but I would still have to lose two things - the first was to help Sister Li absorb the calamity of life, which ended up being basically close to death.

Then even if I survive, I will survive the catastrophe and have more opportunities. At that time, Master Su will gain another fortune.

As Li Muxue spoke, she sighed softly and said, Master Su, why bother? Do you think Sister Li won't know? Do you think you are sincere and successful? Do you think I can really escape?

When Su Li heard this, his expression became slightly solemn. Then he looked at Li Muxue seriously and said, You can actually judge these situations?

Li Muxue said: Yes, sister Li told me before that she guessed that Master Su would use similar means to attack me, Li Muxue, and drive a wedge between me and sister Li.

Although I don't know how to trace the origin of time, I can still retain some projections. Master Su, do you want to take a look?

Su Li frowned slightly and said, Okay, let me take a look.

Li Muxue said, and immediately released a ray of means similar to 'Zhenxu', covering Su Li.

At that moment, Su Li seemed to have entered a 'strange realm', and then he saw the scene of Hua Zili and Li Muxue communicating.

This scene is very simple.

But the content of the exchange made Su Li a little confused.

Because some of his thoughts and purposes all fell into Hua Zili's induction.

Therefore, he had almost no calculations at all - his calculations were actually seen clearly in Hua Zili's eyes.

Su Li frowned slightly, somewhat incomprehensible. According to the system, his intelligence has been raised by seven levels!

The seventh-level intelligence is still inferior to that of Hua Zili, who is in the Jindan realm?

Su Li didn't believe in evil, so he retrieved Hua Zili's life file information and looked at it. As a result, he saw a lot of question marks.

At that moment, Su Li suddenly understood that the system was a waste, and most of the information he saw was false.

Is Qing Lan plotting against me?

Sure enough, this system doesn't work at all!

Su Li pondered in his heart, and then said: Okay, then take a look at the scene where she and I communicated before.

As Su Li said, he directly projected the scene of his previous exchange with Hua Zili for Li Muxue to watch.

Li Muxue said she didn't want to see it, but when Su Li showed the scene to her, Su Li discovered that Li Muxue's eyes were shining and looked extremely bright.

At this moment, Su Li suddenly realized that he had lost - he had already fallen into a disadvantage the moment he confronted Li Muxue.

Su Li remained silent, then brought up the system panel and looked at the system elf.

Light blue, do you see it? What do you think?

Su Li asked calmly.

Qianlan tilted her head, her eyes showing deep confusion.

Su Li scolded in a deep voice: Don't pretend to be stupid, don't you give me an explanation? Since I am burdened with the corresponding task, then even if your assistant is wrong, you can't provide wrong information, right? In addition, my intelligence has increased by seven Level, shouldn't even such a native be able to make me suffer, right?

I could have taken away half of her fortune power, but now I was deceived by her words and gave it to her for free!

And, after I showed it to her, she made no secret of the fact that she actually wanted to see it!

And I knew that she must have deliberately let me know that she actually wanted to watch it, and was deliberately sarcastic!

Qian Lan thought for a while and said, Master, don't be anxious. Master, you are just too impatient.

Su Li said: How can I not be in a hurry?

Qinglan thought for a long time, and then said seriously: Master, although you have level 7 intelligence, you have not fully understood it, nor have you really used it. This is like a top-level aircraft that has just started. The speed is definitely not fast.

Su Li said: I have already started it!

Qianlan shook his head and said: Master, you probably haven't started it yet, because Qianlan only discovered when executing some core programs and functions that there seems to be an unknown permission that has locked Qianlan.

Su Li frowned and said, What do you mean? What do you mean?

Qian Lan said seriously: This should be a kind of power of time, a... well, the power that Qian Lan likes very much is contained in it. It can be vaguely sensed and is very comfortable, but...

Qianlan said, pursed her small lips, and looked at Su Li with some fear and timidity.

Su Li said in a deep voice: But what?

Qianlan said: But if you come into contact with that kind of authority, it will have some bad effects on you, the master, so Qianlan didn't contact it.

When Su Li heard this, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then he entered a meditative state, manifesting his extremely bright and sunny side on the system panel.

He smiled softly and said: Xiao Qianlan, tell me, what kind of energy is it? How do you get in touch with that energy authority?

Qian Lan tilted her head and thought for a while, then said carefully: It's just... it's just a product. This product is a bit special.

Su Li smiled and said, Oh? What kind of product is that? Qinglan, can you still touch the product privately?

Qian Lan said: It's okay, after all, there is the Emperor's Treasure House... No, after all, you can sense the treasure house.

Su Li's eyes flashed, and then he smiled and said: Okay, it's so light blue. What kind of product is that? Can you take the master to have a look?

Qian Lan smiled and said, Okay, Master.

Qianlan said, and then flew up and landed on the shoulders of Su Li, who was in a meditative state. Su Li, who was in a meditative state, followed Qianlan's pull and walked into a dark void. among.

After walking in the dark void for a long time, Qian Lan suddenly appeared in front of a magnificent attic.

And this attic is extremely glorious and domineering, and also extremely mysterious and majestic.

On this golden attic, there are four big characters written - Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven.

After Qian Lan brought Su Li here, Qian Lan was also trembling a little. She looked at Su Li and said: Master, permission is required here, but the master's permission is very high, so he can open this treasure house.

Su Li smiled and said, What's in this treasure house?

Qianlan thought about the person for a while, then shook her head and said, Qianlan doesn't know either. Master, would you like to go in and take a look?

Su Li said: Okay, let's go over and take a look together.

Su Li was not worried about what would happen in reality, because everything in reality was at a standstill.

In a still state, there will naturally be no abnormal problems.

The current state is just a meditative state, including his figure, which is just a condensation of consciousness produced by meditation, maybe not even a soul.

So Su Li didn't care at all.

Therefore, he came to the splendid treasury of the Emperor of Heaven without hesitation.

In this place, Su Li saw some magnificent scenes that he couldn't even shoot in movies, and saw everything that was far beyond his modern imagination.

Is there a building in this world that can be as big as the planet?

Su Li would have said no before, because it was obviously impossible.

But the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house in front of us is just that big.

Moreover, it can be larger.

Su Li walked to the huge golden gate with no top visible. The huge golden gate gradually shrank and soon became only three to five meters in size.

Su Li stretched out his hand, put his palm on the door knocker, and then pushed it gently.


Without wasting any strength, he pushed open a door.

And inside this gate, what Su Li saw was not endless treasures, but an extremely huge square.

In the square, Su Li saw countless corpses.

The corpses looked majestic, but they were all with broken arms and limbs.

Moreover, within the huge treasure house, there were very terrifying flames burning everywhere.

This kind of flame, a word emerged in Su Li's mind - karma fire, or the true fire of samadhi?

Su Li didn't know, but he knew that he couldn't be contaminated by this kind of flame.

Su Li walked in suspiciously, and then he turned back to look at Qianlan.

By this time, Light Blue had disappeared.

In other words, the light blue has been blocked?

Su Li didn't know either. He called Qianlan twice, but he couldn't call out.

It seems like that little thing really doesn't have any authority...

Su Li pondered, and then looked at the massive corpses and flames in this huge square, feeling more suspicious in his heart.

Then, Su Li looked up at the sky - he discovered that this was not a square, but the huge 'Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven' that had returned to its normal size!

Therefore, the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury looks so huge that even a small flat area looks like a giant square.

Su Li took a few steps forward, and suddenly he stumbled. It turned out that it was a half-bone of the thigh bone that tripped him.

Su Li raised it with a kick, and after two turns, the bone rolled into the flames ahead.


The flame suddenly swelled.


While it was burning in the flames, the leg bone actually began to shrink and gradually condense.

In the end, Su Li discovered that the leg bone had turned into the size of a thumb, like a small strip, which looked quite weird.

What's this?

Su Li thought for a moment, then picked up another leg bone and held it in his hand.

He couldn't feel the weight, and it felt light in his hands, as if there was no gravity.

And he himself is light and airy, without much sense of gravity.

After Su Li walked over, he used the leg bone in his hand to pull out the long gray strip the size of his thumb.

After the strip came out, it quickly turned into pitch black, looking like a small cement slab.

What the hell is this?

Su Li's heart moved, and instead of continuing to move forward, he stopped.

The flame that was burning so brightly before now began to become much smaller because there was no burning material.

Su Li thought for a while, then threw the leg bone in his hand and burned it.

And he squatted down, looking at the small black strip, thinking.

After a moment, Su Li stretched out his finger and gently poked the small strip.

There was no movement on the small strip, it was stiff and looked a little weird.

Su Li was thoughtful. After looking around, he saw what seemed to be a small pool in front of him.

Su Li picked up the small black strip and walked to the pool. After hesitating for a moment, he threw the small strip directly into the water.


In an instant, the small pool turned completely black, and at the same time, the small strip exploded directly in the water, and rushed into the depths of the pool in an instant!


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