I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 300: Three books of heaven, earth and man, the book proves my true self

Su Li raised his hand and manifested a phantom projection.

In the projection, a battle between Yaolun and Su Li appeared.

Yao Lun manifested his peerless majesty and shattered Su Li's legs with one blow - not to mention, Yao Lun really likes to attack with broken legs. This time... Yao Lun himself was stunned.

Then, Su Li took action and penetrated Tian Yuxing with one blow, killing the eighteenth generation of his ancestors!

This is the real eighteen generations of ancestors, all of them have been killed.

Yaolun's pupils shrank - if nothing else, this murderous intention was real, and the eighteenth generation of his ancestors would really be killed!

Because this kind of history exists.

Once upon a time, Yao Ling and Yao Suo, the two geniuses, seemed to have angered the previous generation of the royal family. At a certain point in time, the previous generation of emperors roared and became furious, so much so that they came up with the details of the ultimate killing and killed ten of their ancestors. All Yashiro were killed.

This matter is taboo among the Tianyu tribe!

This is the reason why Yaolun doesn't want to fight Su Li - the emperors of the royal family all have means of killing, which may only be used once, but whoever uses it will suffer the tragic outcome of eighteen generations of their ancestors. Who dares to do this!

Yaolun sighed and said sadly: Your Majesty, please.

Yaolun said, glanced at An Ruoxuan again, and said, Do you think you are smarter or the Emperor is smarter? Women, never think that you are smart.

An Ruoxuan said lightly: So you are looking down on women? Isn't your mother a woman? What's wrong with women? Did they offend you? Can't women be smart? When will women stand up...

Hearing this, Yaolun trembled. He raised his hand and slapped himself in the mouth: I was speechless and said the wrong thing. What do you want to do? Hurry up, or - you can go see her for the last time. Remember, keep quiet when you get there, and don't say or do things that irritate her.

An Ruoxuan sighed and said, You don't know anything, you idiot! Let's go!

An Ruoxuan said and glanced at Su Li.

Su Li was stunned - are you serious about this 'idiot'? You seem to be scolding Yaolun, but you are actually scolding me, Su Li, right?

Just as Su Li was about to retort, Yaolun said, Yes, I'm a fool.

After saying that, Yaolun looked at Su Li and said, She wants me to take the seat under my own code name, and it has nothing to do with the Emperor.

Su Li: ...

Su Li, An Ruoxuan and Que Xinyan, after more than a hundred breaths, came to the mysterious and ancient huge altar again.

Looking at this seemingly evil, strange and extremely mysterious, wild and desolate place from a distance, Su Li felt a little complicated.

Next, Yaolun whispered a few words to the other guardians and stopped coming forward.

An Ruoxuan took Su Li and Que Xinyan to the extremely ancient altar.

Coming to such a vast and blood-sacrifice-like place, Su Li's heart inexplicably became extremely vicissitudes of life and heavy.

It was as if he had shed a lot of blood here.

It was as if he had been here countless times until death.

Such a feeling arises spontaneously and disappears quickly, as if life has suddenly experienced brief experiences again and again.

The moment this feeling arose, Su Li did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, he immediately meditated on the Emperor's Sutra and opened his worldly heart to sense it carefully.

Whoosh whoosh-

This time, what Su Li heard was not the sound of book pages, nor the sound of thunder, but the sound of 'painting' that made his heart tremble.

That's the kind of sound where the brush contains Taoist charm and penetrates the back of the paper!

Whoosh whoosh-

The sound of writing only lasted for a moment and then disappeared.

It was as if there was some vague awareness of something, so that it immediately froze.

At this moment, Su Li suddenly missed the sound of thunder and the sound of rustling books.

Because this at least shows that things are turning around.

But this time, there were quarrels and torn pages, which made him very uneasy.

Sage abandons wisdom!

Su Li recalled the past, recalling the past scene where he was in a state of 'absolute sage and abandonment of wisdom'.

This kind of memory only appears for a moment in the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

But this time, Su Li needed an answer.

He never thought about asking the system to find out, and he never wanted to drink the system's blood.

But he knew that just a moment of improvement in intelligence would only damage his own potential.

He only hurt himself.

As a man, it was worthwhile for him to sell his blood for Qian Lan, to pay and sacrifice for Mei'er or Mu Yuxi.

He just wanted to know if this round was really as stable as he originally thought.

The moment he meditated, Su Li knew the answer.

Then, at that critical moment, Su Li interrupted his meditation.

Su Li looked at the Tianji value and burned 100 million in an instant.

It really wasn't even a second, it was really just a moment.

But the consumption is so huge.

Judging from such a huge loss of Tianji points, Su Li already understood that he already had the ability to protect himself.

There is no need for his woman to sell blood to support his growth.

At that moment, there was only one moment, but Su Li knew that what he thought of at that moment was the truth.

The moment he stepped onto the altar, all the 'demons' began to dance.

And the biggest one is also the one who jumps the hardest. I am afraid it is a hidden existence.

That being used his Su Li as a story and wrote him into a certain book, allowing him to seize all the original life energy of the world in the book and gradually grow up.

That existence wanted to suppress him and turn him into a book.

This is the ultimate level of enlightenment in terms of 'painting skills'.

Have you begun to master calligraphy?

Not using painting skills to enter Taoism, but using calligraphy to tell stories and achieve immortality?

My, Su Li's life has never been a story. The blood in it is my own blood, the light blue blood, the blood of my relatives, lovers, brothers and friends.

“It’s life, not just stories.”

Su Li closed his eyes. When he opened them again, all the emotions in his eyes had disappeared.

All of this is just for a moment.

But if I want to use a book to suppress him and replace his life and cause and effect, what kind of book could it be?

Book of heaven?

Book from the ground?

Human book?

What exactly is this?

What story does this kind of thing come from?

Su Li couldn't help but think of Su Wangchen and himself.

In his own knowledge system, the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Humans come from legends—legends that in the first judgment of Hongmeng and the beginning of chaos, the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Humans appeared in the world. It is the power of the Three Books that maintains all the cause and effect of future generations. .

The Book of Heaven has recorded everything from the beginning of humankind's creation to its demise. It is as if a powerful computer has already recorded the data of human beings from beginning to end, which cannot be changed or changed. This is fate.

The Book of the Earth records all things in the world and all the worldly events. It can change things, but it cannot change people's will, let alone the Book of the Sky. But things often change people. If things change, then people's will seems to also change.

The Book of Man cannot change anything. We know that even the most powerful computer will have loopholes, and The Book of Man is like a hacker. It is an opportunity for mankind. It is this opportunity that causes variables to appear in The Book of Heaven...

If it were just this kind of origin, that would be fine.

If it had any other origin, it would be terrifying.

Because, in Su Li's memory, he had watched the trilogy of a TV series called I Have a Date with a Zombie.

Why are you afraid of this?

Because Su Li was afraid that Su Wangchen would swipe out the props inside through Tianji Mall.

If that were the case, it would be extremely dangerous.

The horror in this lies not in anything else, but in the props that defy heaven - the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man.

Among them, there is Huangji Jingshi Shu, Huangji Jingshi Shu represents the invincible destiny!

In the TV series, the Heavenly Book is He Youqiu's Huangji Jingshi Shu. The Heavenly Book is destiny, recording the past and future of the world!

The Book of the Earth is the laptop transformed by Our Lady of Yaochi, which can change time and all matter!

The human book is in Ksitigarbha's body, and its effect is unknown, but it is quite terrifying!

If Su Wangchen comes out with these three things, the world will explode!


Because many people in the previous life had a common understanding and discussion after watching the TV series - and he in the previous life also felt that the possibility was very high!

Some people say that the Book of Man is like a mediator, because once the Book of Heaven, Book of Earth and Book of Man in the play are combined into one, they will have the power to control all living beings in the three realms, ten directions and six realms!

It can reincarnate in reincarnation, open up the heavens and the earth, and establish an eternal and perfect kingdom that is immortal and immortal!

And the most terrifying thing is that Su Li has the Emperor's Book of Classics on his body!

The Book of Human Beings came out, but it was either lost or was in Su Wangchen's possession - this is why he, Su Wangchen, could 'invade' when he had the chance!

Book of the Earth has obviously been printed out, but it is already broken! There are fragments scattered between heaven and earth, exploding into a time fault point!

Wanting to understand these causes and effects, Su Li's mentality exploded.

Su Wangchen, I'm... your uncle! You are simply a lunatic!

Su Li was extremely moved, shocked and inexplicably anxious.

At this moment, he deeply realized that he was written in a book or painted in a mural.

But if Mu Qingya and Mu Qingyan called him out before, he might still be able to jump out if he died, but now, someone has torn down the mural.

A huge crisis is about to come, and there are unknown causes and effects that are going to overthrow 'Tai Qing'.

And as long as it succeeds, it will definitely defeat Taiqing!


Tai Shang Laojun.

Su Wangchen rode an ox west out of Hangu Pass.

I already know the cause and effect. Next, let's see if we can control the direction of the situation.

Su Li pondered in his heart, and then recorded all his thoughts in the Huangji Jingshi Book, and for a moment he kept his mind in an empty state, unable to stop thinking.

In this moment, Su Li experienced a lot, but in reality, nothing happened.

Yaolun still looked complicated and gloomy, and his whole person always showed a bit of sadness.

The several guardians of the gods beside Yaolun had a faint unruly temperament, and their blood contained a faint hint of nobility.

Su Li glanced at it, and combined the judgments of An Ruoxuan and Que Xinyan in his mind, he immediately concluded that Yaolun's intelligence was about eight levels? And it’s a little more comprehensive?

And these guardians are all unilaterally equipped with seventh-level intelligence?

If that were the case...

Su Li compared his intelligence and found that he really couldn't keep up.

Yolun is very strong and low-key. But this method of judging intelligence is obviously not a universal method. It should be a top-secret method. Otherwise, if they all pretend to be like this, wouldn't they all be people with advanced intelligence? There is an upper limit to intelligence.

Yao Lun is obviously not that smart. Several of the god-level altar guardians have also not reached the seventh level of intelligence, not in any single aspect.

In my memory... Yan Ji does have this kind of aura, and Lie Shi Ni also has it.

Su Li's desire for intelligence once again arose in his heart.

But he quickly gave up such thoughts.

If An Ruoxuan did not deceive him, it can only mean that this method of judging intelligence is a trap. An Ruoxuan obtained this method without even knowing it, in order to make Su Li realize his 'Stupid', so when refreshing the system, the Hidden Dragon Elixir or the props or magic weapons that improve intelligence can be refreshed in a targeted manner.

Once this kind of obsession arises, it becomes an inner demon.

Sometimes, the more you stop yourself from thinking about it, the more you will think about it. In the words of the previous life, dopamine is at work!

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that helps cells send impulses. This brain secretion is related to people's emotions and feelings, and it conveys information about excitement and happiness. In addition, dopamine is also associated with various addictive behaviors!

Su Li knew this kind of thing, and Su Wangchen must also know it very well.

Therefore, whether it is 'habituation' or this kind of 'intellectual' temptation, it is a series of combination punches.

If he accidentally hits one, he will definitely lose!

Su Wangchen must have known about this conspiracy and the danger involved, but he didn't dare to participate, but he deliberately disguised himself as me and rode an ox west out of Han Valley to warn me!

I was asked to be a tool man again.

Once I die in the process, he will take over directly, his system will be complete, and he will solve this conspiracy.

There is a system to tell the truth, and even take away my Huangji Jingshi Shu because of it, which is equivalent to recovering the heavenly book.

Then he had the book of people.

The Emperor's Book of Classics can also swallow fragments of the Book of the Earth...

Damn it, this man's intelligence is simply useless. He can take one step and count hundreds of steps...

I thought his purpose was just to seize system authority... It turned out not to be the case. It turns out that he doesn't care about system authority at all, because as long as he possesses the Three Books of Heaven, Earth, and Man, he will be truly invincible.

So, he must have obtained the three books before, but maybe the system authority was not enough or the system did not have a star upgrade, and the fusion process was calculated, so that the earth book exploded.

If the Book of Earth explodes, will Guixu come? ? ?

Could it be that in the Guixu era it was because Su Wangchen blew up the ground? If so, it would be perfectly normal for those peerless experts to chase him for eighteen streets!

If that's the case, then it would be really normal for him to betray everyone and leave his family...

Although Su Li's intelligence returned to normal in an instant, his intelligence was like a rotating gear, as if he had rushed two hundred yards at high speed. Even after releasing the accelerator, the speed did not drop instantly.

This inertia will cause intelligence to remain online for a short period of time.

In this continuous online state, Su Li has many benefits for thinking.

So he thought of these terrifying 'causes and effects' and 'truths'.

Even if these are not the truth, they are not far from the real truth.

Su Wangchen knows me, so he knows that I will definitely find a way to reach the ultimate mental state in a short time, so that I can see some small truths - and these small truths should be what he wants me to know.

But he would also overlook some things because he didn't know what the six-star system was capable of. If he knew, he wouldn't let me know so much, but would let me deduce it by my own ability.

In that case, his methods will only become more intense and terrifying.

All Su Li was thinking about was Su Wangchen's killing plan.

In other words, the various overall situations Su Wangchen is about to lay out.

If you don't pay attention to these dangerous killing situations, you will lose the system and even have the Huangji Jingshi Book taken away!

What's more important is that Su Wangchen actually has the Huangji Jingshi Shu, but obviously it's not of high quality!

Or perhaps it could be said that Su Wangchen dared to be so unscrupulous just because he owned the Huangji Jingshi, until the Huangji Jingshi was not as strong as he imagined.

So, why did I suppress Su Wangchen in the Huangji Jingshi? Didn't this let him know how strong my Huangji Jingshi is?

But, apart from the Huangji Jingshi that could suppress him, where else could suppress him? There was no place that could suppress him. That was an inevitable choice.

Then, Su Wangchen was suppressed on purpose. Did he want to know the specific 'strength' of my Huangji Jingshi? To prepare for the plot to seize the Huangji Jingshi?

Thinking about it, I'm afraid we're almost inseparable.

In that case, there was something wrong with the page that was suddenly torn out during the quarrel between the two people. Was it because Su Wangchen had tampered with it?

Good guy, you stole my creation pen and entered the Huangji Jingshi Book. What do you want to do?

Su Li thought of this and couldn't help but have the urge to punch himself in the head a few times - why am I so stupid!

When this idea appeared, Su Li couldn't help but have an obsession, but he immediately calmed down and silently maintained his state of being helpless.

He no longer maintains this state of high IQ.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare.

He found that he could no longer stabilize his mind, even if he was only in a habitual high intelligence state. He found that he could no longer stabilize his mind and had begun to suffer from anxiety, manic anxiety and other depressive states.

This situation is accompanied by a momentary feeling of hunger.

Fortunately, he immediately abandoned this meditative state.

Because this kind of intellectual state is indeed very terrifying. After thinking about any doubts repeatedly, you can figure out many causes and effects without the help of a clone.

Of course, in this state, his clone cannot be fully used, because the clone cannot reach the same level of intelligence as the main body.

Therefore, his body and clone will also become disconnected, just like the clone suddenly becomes sluggish and stiff.

Sure enough, if you don't have enough strength, you can't forcefully improve it. It only lasted less than a breath, from the previous moment of a state of absolute saint abandonment of wisdom, to the subsequent time when I saw Yaolun's performance and analyzed his intelligence, and then to The series of thoughts I have now, I can’t do it even if I take one breath.

In total, it was exactly three seconds.

In this life, I have become attached to Sansui.

Su Li continued to record all the information in the Huangji Jingshi Book.

As for whether Su Wangchen had left any information among them, Su Li was actually not worried anymore.

In fact, Su Wangchen's ability is not that incredible, because Su Wangchen can't use the creation pen, and the page of Huangji Jingshi Shu has also been torn out - there is no doubt that the torn page must be Make a mark or leave something on that page.

What did Su Wangchen do or write on this page?

When Su Li was thinking about it, he had already figured it out - it was the first half of the page given by Su Ho - ten years of life and death, unthinkable, unforgettable, lonely tomb thousands of miles away, no place to talk about desolation.

It must be something like this recorded.

Because, Suho will not give out the second half for no reason.

In the same way, if Su Wangchen wanted to see the cause and effect of Su Li or replace him, some things must be planted or transplanted in him.

After Su Li finished recording and stopped all thoughts, he felt a little tired.

This is a feeling of fatigue that comes from the mind and soul.

At this time, An Ruoxuan looked at the top of Su Li's head strangely and said, There is smoke coming from the top of your head. It seems that you are forcibly improving your intelligence?

Su Li said: Yes, it's a pity that people are a bit stupid, and the effect is not very good even if they try to improve it. I almost vomited myself.

An Ruoxuan said: It is better to do less of this kind of thing in the future. It will greatly damage the essence and soul, and it will also damage the foundation.

Su Li said: Yes.

An Ruoxuan said nothing more. At this time, the altar was approaching.

Su Li saw that the statues on the altar had all dried up. They all looked like skin and bones, as if they had been sucked out of their essence and soul.

These statues are undoubtedly the gods of the Tianyu Clan.

It's just that these gods have all become statues.

Moreover, they were on the altar, chained with thin thread-like chains, without any freedom at all.

Su Li no longer wanted to think about the meaning of this.

What he wanted to do was just let Yao Lan obtain the title of Heavenly Sword Taoist God.

After possessing divinity, Yao Lan is the real Yao Lan.

Okay, I'm here. I'll leave this place to you.

Yaolun said lightly.

After saying that, he took another deep look at the altar.

On the altar, Su Li actually saw the statues of Yaosuo and Yaoling that he had killed. They were only half statues, and they were thrown aside like discarded toys, as if they were exposed in the wilderness. , and no one paid attention.

After Yaolun's eyes glanced at Yaoling, he withdrew his gaze.

An Ruoxuan said: You already have a rough idea of ​​what to do. Just proceed from your heart and let nature take its course - if possible, be sure to follow the Tao. This is the best way.

Su Li said: I understand.

Que Xinyan said: We are waiting for you outside for the time being, but we don't have much time. We only have two hours. Do you think it is enough?

Su Li said: Two hours is indeed a bit short. If it is really the combination of yin and yang, I usually spend three days and three nights.

Que Xinyan chuckled: Really? Then you are indeed very powerful.

Su Li said: This... I won't say much more. Anyway, it is very powerful.

An Ruoxuan said: Do you believe her? Yao Lan's ability is no worse than Yu Xi's physique, no worse than my charm ability. With his weak strength, he still has two hours? He is also in the ordinary Nascent Soul right now. Or maybe he is just more powerful in front of ordinary geniuses.

Yaolun had already walked far away at this time and had no intention of listening to what Su Li and his party were saying.

As An Ruoxuan and Que Xinyan spoke, they also left the altar and guarded it outside.

After Su Li pondered for a moment, he temporarily collected all the clones and blocked the memory restricted area.

He didn't mind Mu Yuxi and Mei'er helping to watch, but if it was really Hedao, it would be embarrassing to be watched in this 'scene'.

It would be okay if only Meier and Mu Yuxi were watching. After all, they had met him once.

But there are Zhuge Ranyue and Yun Qingxuan, so this is a bit embarrassing.

You know, in real terms, Su Wangchen is Su Li. Su Wangchen has a clone who is Zhuge Chunqiu, and Zhuge Chunqiu has a clone who is Gongcheng Tiansheng - and this Gongcheng Tiansheng is the ultimate beast. It once left an indelible shadow on Yun Qingxuan...

Calculating it this way, it was not without reason that Yun Qingxuan was almost instinctively unable to trust him at first, and even felt inexplicable hostility and hatred.

Not to mention these, more importantly, Su Li didn't think what happened this time would be that simple.

Su Li opened the system panel and shared the information.

In the memory restricted area, the statue conveyed Su Li's information to Mei'er and Mu Yuxi.

The two of them were naturally extremely supportive and at the same time asked Su Li to be careful.

However, if Yao Lan really recovers, Su Li's safety will be more secure with Yao Lan by his side.

Yao Lan follows his mother Mu Qingya, so now he can be sure that there will be no problem.

As for whether they carry a cage, it is impossible to tell at the moment.

But soon, there will be results.

The environment at the scene became a little darker, and Su Li walked to the altar.

The altar is like a giant blood-colored Bagua formation, and the runes engraved on it are somewhat ancient and mottled.

The runes were vaguely like oracle-bone inscriptions.

However, although Su Li could not identify it, he could still roughly judge the meaning of the runes.

After Su Li took one look, he looked at the location in the statue.

That was originally where Yao Lan was, but because the statue was taken out by Su Li, there was a shadow there.

That was Yao Lan's ghost, and it seemed as if it would be extinguished at any time.

Su Li looked at Yao Lan's shadow and took out Yao Lan's statue and Qing Shuang's statue.

Afterwards, Su Li thought carefully about the ideas in his mind, and then combined the next various methods together to form a process.

This process has not happened yet, but if nothing unexpected happens, he will do it next.

But Su Li was not sure what the result would be.

Therefore, after he combined these practices, they were condensed and passed on to the Huangji Jingshi Shu.

After a while, Su Li sensed a brand new process from the Huangji Jingshi Book.

This process is the Huangji Jingshi Shu repairing the 'error' into a 'correct' state.

This kind of 'modification' also comes from the correction and repair of destiny. For Su Li, the six-star system combined with the 'modification' of the Emperor's Classic means that he can use it with confidence.

This kind of modification also requires the loss of Tianji points.

Moreover, after this operation, 10 million of Su Li's secret points were deducted.

This is a very huge amount.

But Su Li knows - you get what you pay for!

The more you collect, it just shows how perfect the effect of the series of 'steps' after this modification will be.

Therefore, Su Li followed the revised steps in the Huangji Jingshi Book and began to operate the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Art to derive the power of Tianji to spread in all directions. Then, after constructing a Beidou Tiangang formation, he operated the Tiangang Divine Body He created the Hunyuan Qi with Tiangang, and then set up a Big Dipper array to cover the four directions. After combining with the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Art, this array actually formed the Zhoutian Star Guardian Array.

This kind of protective formation has produced thirty-six changes in Tiangang?

This scene made Su Li stunned.

But he quickly came to his senses.

Because after these appeared, his secret value began to decrease by 10,000 per second.

If you calculate it like this, in one hour and two hours, he will burn 120 million Tianji points.

Su Li took a look at his total secret value - 105 million.

This actually limits his powerful operations!

In the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu, there are indeed changes in the combination of Yin and Yang. In fact, Su Li deliberately did not set this into the steps he imagined.

However, Huangji Jingshi Shu took the initiative to add it.

Su Li could vaguely tell Qian Lan's kindness towards him.

Perhaps, Qianlan felt that she could not accompany him as a wife, so she did not want him to be lonely, and she also did not want Yaolan to fail this time.

No matter what the reason was, Su Li knew that this was already an indispensable part.

Su Li sensed the changes in the heavens in all directions, and an extremely magnificent, magical and powerful realm-like environment enveloped the altar.

Then, Su Li thought about the shadow and stretched out his hand.

The moment he stretched out his hand, Su Li had the illusion of reversing time and space, as if he had arrived at the Jiuhuang Tower and saw the former Yao Lan at the Jiuhuang Altar.

Xiao Langjun, you are finally here.

Vaguely, it seemed that Yao Lan's once charming and charming words were ringing in her ears.

When Su Li came to his senses, Youying had already fallen into his arms.

However, Su Li didn't feel any warm fragrant nephrite, but only a bone-chilling coldness.

At that moment, the environment between heaven and earth suddenly changed.

Su Li also left the altar with the shadow, as if appearing in another world.

Here, it's snowy.

Here, everything is covered in silver.

The north wind is like a knife, using the earth as a chopping board and treating all living beings as fish and meat.

Thousands of miles of flying snow turns the sky into a furnace and melts everything into silver.

Su Li stood in this land of ice and snow, and suddenly realized that he was so humble and insignificant, and also so lonely and alone in the face of the world and nature.

Ahead, on the top of the snow-capped mountain, a woman in a white gauze skirt stood there quietly, looking down.

She stared at Su Li, her eyes filled with deep expectations.


Hot blood arose in Su Li's body and turned into boundless flames in an instant, burning fiercely and moving forward.


Wherever the flames burn, endless heat spreads in all directions.

In an instant, the ice and snow melt, spring returns to the earth, and everything revives.

Then, the grass began to sprout, and the dead trees began to grow new green.

In the distance, mountain flowers began to bloom.

Soon, the originally snowy and ice-covered environment turned into beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the beauty of spring.

And when all these changes occurred, Su Li discovered that this was the Flower Moon Valley.

The scenery of the flower moon is beautiful, and the fairyland on earth is approaching.

Flowers are arranged, and weeds are blue. Streams of water fall in succession, and streams and clouds are as leisurely as clouds. There are many valleys covered with vines and vines, and there are tall trees on the distant peaks.

Birds are singing, geese are passing by, deer are drinking and apes are climbing. The Cui Dai is like a mountain peak, and the green cliff is like a hairpin. It's hard to see the rolling dust, but I don't get tired of seeing the trickling springs and rocks.

I vaguely understood some of the origins of Huayue Valley, and also understood some deeper causes and effects.

Huayue Valley, Nine-aperture Stone Body - Is this going to evolve into Huaguo Mountain?

Su Li abandoned his distracting thoughts and immediately looked towards the top of the majestic mountain.

Then, he began to concentrate and hold his breath - in his domain, Yao Lan opened the domain of divinity, that is, the domain of true gods.

Therefore, this is already an independent small world and will not be disturbed.

Moreover, the time here is longer than that in the outside world, but the speed at which the time in the outside world burns the secret value remains unchanged.

So for one hour in the outside world, there might really be three days and three nights here.

However, the three days and three nights here - System Tianji Mall is not timed.

Because the time defined by the system is connected to the outside world.

After Su Li exhaled a breath of turbid air, he concentrated and held his breath to adjust his condition, and then he began to condense the sword soul.


This time, because the sword heart channeled the spirit and swordsmanship, Su Li easily condensed the sword soul.

The sword is Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, Xuanyuan Sword and Moxie Sword of Ganjiang.

The soul is the soul of his joys and sorrows, and the soul of Tianxin.

The heart is the heart of heaven, and the heart of heaven is also the heart of heaven.

Tianxin is Tianxin, not Tianmo.

Therefore, Su Li condensed the sword soul very easily and freely - he condensed the sword soul in an inaction gesture. This kind of sword soul was unprecedentedly powerful, even beyond what he deliberately condensed when he evolved the ultimate kill. The sword soul.

The gap in combat power level between the two sides is at least ten times greater.

At this moment, Su Li understood one more thing - it was not that the clone was stronger than the main body, but that the clone could bring out the true ultimate potential and combat power of the main body.

His actual combat power can only be used 10%, and the real use is only 10%.

However, the clones condensed by the techniques of External Incarnation and One Qi and Three Purities are in a state of fully releasing their potential, so their combat power is ten times greater.

Now, Su Li discovered that the sword soul he had condensed was ten times more powerful than the sword soul he had condensed in his previous extreme state.

After the sword soul was condensed, Su Li directly took out Yao Lan's statue and Qing Shuang's statue, and then silently pushed both statues into the eyebrows of the shadow in his arms.

In fact, the shadow has always been there, but it seemed to be on the top of the mountain before - that's because Yao Lan's situation has reached its extreme state, and it has evolved into the True God Realm.

If it cannot be intact, Yao Lan's idea is to give Su Li a romantic and good fortune.

But she didn't expect that after Su Li condensed the sword soul, he directly drove the sword soul into the center of her eyebrows, and at the same time drove the two statues into the center of her eyebrows.

At that moment, Yao Lan or Qing Shuang was greatly touched.

At that moment, Yao Lan and Qing Shuang merged into a beautiful girl in white dress and gauze skirt.

The girl in white dress and gauze skirt was the girl who stood on the snow peak earlier. She was the 'Xinxin' that Yao Lan had always called herself.

Yes, Xinxin.

It was the Xinxin who called Su Li 'Little Prince' in the first place.

Xiao Langjun.

Xinxin called softly.

From those three words, Su Li felt a little creepy - not because of fear, but because the tone, the charming aura and everything else were exactly the same as 'An Ruoxuan'.

There is not even the slightest difference in audio frequency.

Su Li was stunned for a moment, then sighed a little and said, How are you now?

Xinxin said: Suddenly I feel at ease, a rare peace of mind, and also very peaceful, a rare tranquility.

Su Li said: Perhaps, in such a realm, such a moment, only peace and tranquility is the most rare thing.

Xinxin said: Yes, it's just... why is this necessary, young master?

Su Li was surprised and said: Have you recovered like this? Have you succeeded?

Xinxin said: Not yet, because the sword master has cut off the cause and effect, so Xinxin wants to have a heart-to-heart relationship with the young master.

Su Li smiled and said, What kind of heart-to-heart posture is this?

A faint, delicate blush appeared on Xin Xin's pretty face.

She sighed softly and said, As long as the young master doesn't mind the impure heart and soul, any posture is fine.

Su Li said: Why is your heart not pure? Are you not alone? Are you Xinxin, Yaolan and Qingshuang?

Xinxin said: My true identity is Yao Lan, the god of Tianjian Dao. I just recognized the young master as the master of the sword, and then because of the young master... something happened, I followed him and lived in the next life. As a result, I also lost some memories.

Later, a layer of Mu Qingshuang's memory was added to the mural, following the young master's mother, Mrs. Mu Qingya.

As a result, because of the accident, he almost lost his memory, so he was covered by the mural with another layer of memory. He turned into Xinxin and followed the young master to 20,000 years ago, lived for 20,000 years, and once again took the place of the Heavenly Sword Taoist God.

To be honest, this is actually similar to Mu Yuxi's situation, except that my situation is much better than his.

Nowadays, although the memories of Qingshuang and Xinxin are only part of the experience in the mural, there is also some self.

These egos want to absorb and need to be in harmony with yin and yang.

After all, this process is... somewhat complicated, and it will also damage the young master's foundation in the beginning.

However, if the young master takes the supplement, the benefits will be great.

Su Li said: I'm not too sure about the cause and effect, but I'll figure it out eventually.

Don't think too much now, I will take care of things this time.

In addition, if it is really Hedao, this is not just helping you, nor is it helping me, but it really comes from your constant protection during this period of time.

Even though you are never by my side, your sword heart will channel my spirit.

I know this.

Several times at critical moments, when I evolved my sword intent to kill, I sensed your presence.

There is a kind of love called letting go.

But you turned this feeling into protection and didn't want to involve me, so you kept letting me go.

But I know that you actually pay no less than they do.

Su Li's voice was very gentle.

This is the truth, and it is also what he says from his heart.

Yao Lan sighed: This is the young master, the young master that Yao Lan deserves to sacrifice everything for. So, with the young master's words, wouldn't Yao Lan be filled with happiness no matter what he does?

Yao Lan said, and then said: Master, this time, Yao Lan, Qingshuang or Xinxin do not regard the young master as a young master, but as a young gentleman.

Su Li said: You can treat me as anything you want, but don't treat me like a human being. You can ravage me however you want! Come on!

Hearing this, Yao Lan couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckled: Okay then, but for matters like He Dao, it's better for Xiao Lang to take action.

Su Li said: Then shall we practice the Great Yin and Yang Harmony of Demons or the Great Yang and Yang of Creation and Joy?

Yao Lan smiled and said: Xiao Langjun, you are best at the Great Yin and Yang Mixed Cave Manual. This one is the most direct.

When Su Li heard this, he smiled and said, Okay, that's it. Madam, your husband is here...

(PS: The third update of 10,700 words is here~ A total of 32,000 words have been updated today~ I am asking for full subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets~ Thank you very much~ In addition, I am very grateful to book friends 'Infatuated with Scorpio', 'Xiaoxia', '.. .Tip 300 book coins each day to support~)


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