I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 293: The Wushou Sword Spirit kills the genius instantly

The sword spirit is the spirit of the sword.

Spirit represents the endless spiritual foundation.

Gathering the sword spirit is equivalent to giving Yao Lan new life.

And in his hand there were traces of Qingshuang's Heavenly Sword.

So, how to condense the sword spirit is actually not a difficult task. The difficult part is how to condense the appropriate sword spirit.

Su Li meditated for a moment, and finally the touch of spirituality in his heart settled on the 'Moye Sword Heart'.

The sword can be any sword, and the heart can be any heart.

If one uses 'Moye Sword Heart' to create a sword spirit, it will naturally be extremely easy, smooth and at the same time very suitable.

But the implications will be huge.

So Su Li gave up after pondering for a while.

He began to recall, recalling the scene when he saw Yao Lan in Jiuhuang Tower, recalling the scene when Yao Lan transformed into Qingshuang, and also recalled the scene when Qingshuang transformed into a sword in the archive world and reality.

In the end, Su Li held the pen of creation, condensed the origin of life and creation, and drew a sword in the void.

A sword of nothingness.

A sword that contains spirituality.

The sword is Qingshuang sword.

The spirit is the spirit of clear frost.

Nothing else.

Does not include others.

Su Li re-condensed the condensed traces of the Dao of the Heavenly Sword, and his own understanding of the Dao of the Sword became extremely pure through meditation.

Contains no impurities.

Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword shrunk on its own in such a transparent state, turning into an inch and blending into the center of Su Li's eyebrows.

In this state, the condensed Wushou Sword Spirit also condensed again.

The white jade is flawless and full of spirituality.

At that moment, both Yaolan's statue and the transformed Qingshuang statue were filled with a mysterious and powerful aura of divine heritage. They no longer seemed to be in a depleted or damaged state, but instead seemed to be in a state of exhaustion or damage. The sword that is about to be unsheathed is like a peerless god that is about to resurrect.

This process lasted for half an hour.

Finally, this transformation and transformation has been completed, and both Yaolan's statue and Qingshuang's statue are in a dormant state.

Qingshuang Yi or Yao Lan still haven't recovered, but it's obvious that they are almost there.

Under this situation, Su Li's mood improved significantly.

Que Xinyan waited quietly.

After Yao Lan completed this transformation and Su Li incorporated it into the Heavenly Secret Sacred Jade, Que Xinyan began to form seals and control the so-called 'Ancestral Dragon Warship' in the air.

Whether it was a skeleton warship or a golden armored warship, in Su Li's opinion, they should actually be Netherworld ships.

But the so-called 'ancestral dragon ship' made Su Li a little inexplicable.

However, there must be a reason for the name. Of course, only people from the Netherworld Sea can make subtle distinctions.

Su Li can't tell the difference now, just like he couldn't tell the color of lipstick or the style of Ultraman in his previous life.

The Ancestral Dragon Ship is still strong.

An Ruoxuan suddenly sighed.

Su Li was too lazy to speak.

Que Xinyan controlled the Ancestral Dragon Ship, and the entire ship did not even tremble. Su Li discovered that the void outside seemed to have exploded, and a gap was suddenly plowed open.

And this huge Netherworld Ship Ancestral Dragon Ship actually seemed to turn into a giant skeleton dragon, entering this gap very unruly and swimming in it.

This scene, coupled with An Ruoxuan's sigh, made Su Li suddenly feel convinced.

It is really incredible that this giant dragon can travel through black holes.

The Ancestral Dragon Boat traveled through the darkness, but Su Li sensed a cold, desolate and dark, strange aura of the Yin.

This kind of breath made him feel uncomfortable immediately.

Su Li looked into the distance through the cabin door.

In the distant area, the visible external environment is really gray-white without any color.

Ancient Road to Huangquan?

Su Li's heart trembled and he asked in a deep voice.

Well, it is indeed the Ancient Road of Huangquan.

Que Xinyan said, and did not continue to control the Ancestral Dragon Ship. Instead, he looked at Su Li and An Ruoxuan and said, Okay, you two are not lonely on the road to Huangquan. Just fight and move around.

Su Li's breathing stagnated slightly. Is this what Que Xinyan said in human language?

At this time, An Ruoxuan's beautiful eyes lit up, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time! I won't kill him this time!

Su Li: ???

As An Ruoxuan spoke, she suddenly looked at the deck of the warship outside the cabin and said, Are you coming in? Or am I going out?

When Su Li heard this, he was immediately speechless. It turned out to be a real battle!


At this time, waves of void rippled in the cabin, and then, all seven figures appeared one after another.

These seven figures are exactly the previous seven, the god-level genius Li Yanjin from the Ancient Star Split Sky, the god-level genius Yu Yixin from the Yutian Zu Star, the god-level genius Kong Yunzhao and Kong Yunsu from the Peacock Star, and Tianqi Star Tianyi. Bai Changxiao, the god-level genius of the Soul Clan, Mu Yuxian, the god-level genius of the Golden Dark Star Golden Night Demon Clan, and Tianyi, the god-level genius of the Shengtian Ancient Star.

Su Li glanced at the group of people indifferently and said: It's really haunting. I asked you to leave, but you still don't? I'm afraid you won't be able to leave this time.

Hearing this, Li Yanjin said angrily: Why get out of here? If we kill you, we don't have to get out of here? Do you really think you are invincible? What kind of precious sword of yours is so powerful? Weren't you almost beaten by that Fu Mu Shenzi? Killed to ashes.

Su Li said: Don't talk about Fu Mu. If I want to kill a hermaphrodite like you, I'll kill ten of them with one sword.

Li Yanjin sneered, obviously not taking it seriously.

Tianyu sneered and said: It's obvious that people don't take you seriously, why are you so timid?

Li Yanjin said calmly: I am usually only responsible for attracting hatred and attention. You are always responsible for doing things.

Tianyu said: Then have you attracted hatred?

Li Yanjin chuckled and said: It must have attracted hatred. The Emperor doesn't like others to look down on him, and he doesn't like others to be yin and yang, and I happen to have both of these things.

With that said, Li Yanjin said angrily again: Prince, I took the lead in stirring up the conflict. If you hate us, just chop them all to death. I have finished what I was responsible for.

If Master Su doesn't mind, next time I can help Master Su attract a wave of hatred to repay the debt.

Su Li glanced at Li Yanjin lightly and said, It seems like you all think I'm stupid.

Li Yanjin was stunned when he heard this, and then he reached out and applauded.

Papa pa pa

This is the sound of applause.

Li Yanjin said: The Emperor is indeed not too stupid, but he has seen something. Has he seen some of our methods?

While Li Yanjin was speaking, suddenly, a beam of destructive Zhiyang murderous intention turned into a stream of light and pierced Su Li's eyebrows.

It was also a seven-color killing intention, but it was completely different from the killing intention of the Plum Blossom Seven Yin Killing.

When that blow came out, Su Li's figure seemed to freeze for a moment. In this situation, it was as if Su Li saw Que Xinyan's eyes again when he woke up from the black coffin, and time seemed to freeze for a moment!


But at this moment, when Su Li was about to be killed, a sword appeared between his eyebrows.

The sword is not big, only about an inch.

Like a dagger.

But this is not a dagger, but a sword, a shrunken Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

The moment this sword appeared, it blocked the ultimate killing method of the Plum Blossom Seven Yin Kill, which contained the power of the Yang.

At the same moment, Su Li took action.

Faced with such an existence, such a cunning and vicious murderer, Su Li had no reservations.

Su Li has left behind all of his one-ten thousandth strength.

In such a moment where time was stagnant, Su Li meditated, used the True Void Heavenly Forbidden method to construct the domain, and transformed the void in an instant.

At the same time, he was using his magic to cover all directions.


That hit hit Su Li's Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword shook and made a harsh sound of 'ding'.

At this moment, Su Li used all his fighting power, destroyed the power of his bloodline, and directly used the Heavenly Evil Breaking Heaven and Nirvana Way.

This time, not only did Su Li not sacrifice the clone, but he also didn't burn the Heavenly Secret Points, not at all.

It’s not unwillingness or reluctance, but it’s not worth it.

For Su Li, using all his combat power was beyond imagination.

The path of Tianxie's destruction of the sky requires a blood sacrifice to the clone or body, or it can burn the destiny value and the causal value.

However, you can also add nothing.

Because this is a killing method, Su Li used it with all his strength. It looked like he was using his full strength, but in fact, the power was greatly reduced.

So what he showed was not one ten thousandth of the combat power he usually showed, but his real combat power.

The real combat power combined with Tian Xie's Heaven-Breaking Nirvana Dao, without using the Heaven's Secret Value and Causality Value, and without blood sacrifice to the clone, this combat power is not enough to kill the gods.

It's not enough to kill a guardian-level strongman with divinity, but it's going to kill the genius, so what's the difficulty?

This is not underestimating the enemy, nor is it blind self-confidence, but comes from the belief of a strong man!

call out

Su Li's figure was like lightning, and his movement skills exploded in an instant. At the moment when the Yang's Plum Blossom and Seven Yin killing methods failed, his figure had already broken through the sky, and like a peerless stream of light, he shot out a deadly killing path.

This kind of killing is invincible to me.

The terrifying power and murderous intent, the unparalleled killing sword intent, seem to be the evolution of the killing laws of the Heavenly Dao Sword God Linchen under the ruins, and also seem to contain the incredible power of the ultimate sword soul.

Under that blow, the majesty surged to the sky, and the heaven and earth were extinguished.

In the dark area, the seven-color glow was suppressed by such a sword, and the Dao Yun Xiaguang became unremarkable, even dim.


With one strike of the sword, Bai Changxiao next to Li Yanjin was shaken, and his whole body was immediately moved.

The pupils of his eyes shrank, and the peerless charm of Su Li's sword was reflected in the depths of his eyes.

However, when he discovered that the invincible sword intention of this sword was manifested, it was already too late.

This is an extremely terrifying way of killing. It even seems to contain the invincible killing rules of the royal family. It is unavoidable and impossible to guard against!


Bai Changxiao was extremely horrified. He still had many methods that he had not yet used, and he had many plans that he had not laid out yet!

Moreover, because this time he is not going to the ruins of the ancient city in the Lieyang Desolate Territory, nor is he truly experiencing the Tomb of the Great Emperor, so what he has in the Tomb of the Great Emperor is his clone, and what is here is the true source of creation!

Once the people here are killed, it's really over!

Bai Changxiao's heart sank to the bottom, and at the same time, the hatred in his heart was so crazy that it seemed that it would explode at any time.

However, he had no chance to explode because when the sword was reflected in his eyes, the sword had completely penetrated the center of his eyebrows, penetrated the layers of his life, and also struck Passed through his Nascent Soul.


Bai Changxiao roared in pain, but he could only hear the roar of the wind in his ears, but he could only hear the sound of breaking through the air and the thunderous sound of void sound explosions.


Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword enlarged on its own and turned into normal size. After piercing Bai Changxiao's eyebrows, he was directly nailed to the bone bulkhead of the Ancestral Dragon Warship.

Bai Changxiao's body twitched several times, and dark red blood gurgled out.

Soon, the ground was dyed red.

Li Yanjin's face changed drastically, and he looked extremely surprised and uncertain.

Yu Yihan's eyes shrank sharply, with a look of shock and horror on his face.

Kong Yunzhao, Kong Yunsu, Mu Yuxian and others around Yu Yihan were all shocked and moved.

Obviously, they did not expect that the Emperor Su Li could manifest such a powerful and invincible fighting power.

Whether it's speed or the terrifying killing power, it's so powerful that it can actually kill Bai Changxiao with one sword?

Is this the true strength of the Emperor?

Yu Yixin raised his hand to form a soul seal and tried to pass on the message.

But the next moment, his face couldn't help but darken, and his heart immediately skipped a beat.

Because no information can be conveyed here, it seems that a terrifying closed loop has been formed.

They are completely blocked here!

Su Li raised his hand and grabbed it, and Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword flew back. At the same time, countless afterimages of his figure also returned in an instant and appeared not far from An Ruoxuan.

An Ruoxuan was also in a daze at this time, and then her beautiful eyes burst into an extremely fiery color.

This kind of enthusiasm even became a little fanatical, as if he was completely moved.

Su Li noticed it, but did not look at An Ruoxuan.

This time, although he seemed to kill Bai Changxiao very easily with one sword, finishing Bai Changxiao and harvesting the secret value, he did not gain the causal value.

Bai Changxiao was killed by his sword, and as a result, the system obtained six million secret points on its own.

The source of this secret value shows that Bai Changxiao has ended.

The meaning of ending has two levels. The short-term small killing and the big picture are the ending that cannot be jumped out again.

The second meaning is to be truly penetrated.

This experience was extremely involved. If Bai Changxiao had not been killed, there would have been subsequent involvement.

Therefore, this time Bai Changxiao was really killed by a sword.

So why does this sword look so easy?

After all, before Que Xinyan's help had a miraculous effect, Su Li saw Que Xinyan was awake and his eyes were fixed for a moment!

In that incident, although Su Li was not killed by Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan actually showed a hint of 'hostility' intentionally or unintentionally.

This trace of hostility is not because Que Xinyan wants to treat Su Li, but because Que Xinyan hopes that Su Li knows that you are careless and you didn't dodge!

Under this situation, if Que Xinyan suddenly took action, Su Li would definitely suffer a big loss.

Therefore, although Su Li did not really suffer from this experience and Que Xinyan did not deliberately point it out, Su Li had learned a profound lesson in his heart.

And it was exactly the lesson learned this time that when Li Yanjin was deliberately attracting hatred, this group of people had already arranged a killing method.

Therefore, if Su Li hadn't been paying attention all the time and maintained a state of being helpless, then the decisive blow combined by these seven people, the Yang-attribute Plum Blossom Seven Yin Kill, would have been directly It would shock Su Li for a moment.

And at such a moment, if you are hit by this kind of plum blossom seven yin killing with the solitude attribute, you will suffer heavy losses even if you don't get killed!

At the very least, that's 50 million Tianji value to be killed.

Of course, five million can save lives, but around fifty million is to prevent complete destruction!

Not to mention, this Plum Blossom Seven Yin Killing imitates the nail-headed Seven Arrows method. This method is vicious and cruel, and it is a frightening method!

Su Li is not afraid of some of the instinctive killing methods in this world, but is afraid of those attack methods that imitate ancient magic weapons. Those methods are really shocking and make one's scalp numb when used.

These magic weapons are things that do not follow martial ethics or reason.

At this time, Su Li experienced this seemingly ordinary murderous intention, but in fact, he was very afraid in his heart.

As soon as Bai Changxiao died, the united group was eliminated by means such as the Plum Blossom Seven Yin Killing.

The Plum Blossom Seven Yin Killing was originally a perfect interpretation of the Seven Ultimate Yin Killing Intentions, but they actually used this 'eyesore' killing method to evolve it to the level of extreme Yin generating Yang, a step further!

This is indeed an impossible method to prevent.

The six Zhuge Ranyue are six women.

If you go by what Que Xinyan deliberately mentioned about the Seven Fairies of Yue Ming and the Seven Fairies, it is actually a hint.

This time, it seemed that there were five men and two women coming, but those two women, whether Tianyi or Kong Yunsu, both had a perfect Yang physique.

This situation is not uncommon. Even if the probability is one in a million, one in a million will have such a physique.

Not to mention, the people who come here this time are not ordinary people, but all geniuses. Can you be considered a genius without some special physique?

The key to using the seven yang methods to develop the plum blossom and seven yin kills is that before Bai Changxiao took action, Li Yanjin was still deliberately tempting and distracting.

Therefore, none of these seemingly silly and brainless geniuses are fuel-efficient.

After Su Li raised his hand to grab the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword, he flicked out a purple thunder fire from the Thunder Fire Spell, which directly swept over Bai Changxiao's body and burned it to ashes.

Then, Su Li pointed at Li Yanjin with his sword and said: Extreme Yin generates Yang, what kind of cause and effect is this?

Li Yanjin said in the same loud voice as always: Guess! I have to say that the Emperor is pretending to be useless, and he is indeed pretending to be first-class!

With such a method, I was wondering whether the Emperor would not be able to react, or whether he would be completely killed by us in one blow!

Guess what I was thinking at the time?

Su Li first glanced at An Ruoxuan who was beside him. An Ruoxuan was thoughtful, and then immediately responded with a smiling look.

Afterwards, Su Li said calmly: Of course I am thinking that if I can kill him, it would be good to kill this trash with one strike, but if I can't kill him, well, that is indeed a bit interesting.

After all, the geniuses of the human race are actually not interesting.

When Li Yanjin heard this, he couldn't help but applaud again and said: Yes, yes, they say that the Emperor is the real divine fortune teller, but I don't know if they have calculated that this time the road to hell is the Prince's real path to hell?

Su Li said: Actually, I calculated very clearly that the road to hell this time is your road to hell. It's just right for you to be together. Having a companion on the road to hell means you won't be lonely at all.

Li Yanjin sneered and said: So, the Emperor thinks that since he killed Bai Changxiao with one sword, he must think that he can deal with us beings? Prince, there is actually a difference between practitioners and cultivators.

Su Li said: Having said that, are you ready with some trump cards? Or, do you think there is something wrong at this time?

Li Yanjin said: What is the prince trying to say? Illusion? Reality? Prince Tian, ​​on the road to Huangquan, can you still play this trick?

Su Li said: An Ruoxuan, take action.

An Ruoxuan said: Didn't you realize that you can't move anymore? Or are you in a state of being charmed?

Li Yanjin hadn't spoken yet. At this time, Yu Yixin suddenly shouted: No, we are like a dream! Damn it!

Kong Yunsu exclaimed: Impossible!

Tianyi said: We have indeed fallen into a dream and been pulled into the dream. But when did this happen? Why is the reality of the dream so terrifying? Why does our ability in the dream not change at all? So real?”

Su Li said lightly: Actually, from the moment you started taking action, time froze for an instant, and you had already entered the dream. The method of entering the dream was provided by Meng Qianqiu, right?

I really have to thank him properly. But it's a pity that he has been completely stripped of all his soul, and he is dead and dead!

Kong Yunsu said in a deep voice: Impossible! Moreover, I have peacock blood, I am from the Immortal Phoenix Divine Clan, and my ancestor is Kong Xuan! He is from the prehistoric royal family.

Su Li said lightly: No, you are nothing!

Su Li's eyes narrowed as he spoke, and the void at the scene suddenly twisted and exploded.

Time seemed to flow back suddenly, returning to the moment when Su Li was stabbed between the eyebrows.

Then, in reality, the sword he struck before was actually just struck.

It’s just that when it’s fake, it’s also true when it’s true!

Su Li's figure evolved into extremely dao marks, and at the same time, his clone also appeared in an instant.

The Three Supreme Beings Tongtian!

Three incarnations outside the body!

Plus his own body!

Let’s do it together!

When the clones are separated, the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword in their hands is the same, and the Tianxie Breaking Heaven and Nirvana Dao is also used in the same way!

It's like the clone of Sun Wukong also has the Golden Cudgel, it's an exact replica!

This is not logical at all.

But sorry, the existence of Honghuang itself does not follow logic from anyone.

It’s so outrageous!

The combat power of the six clones is ten times that of Su Li's current combat power. When they fully develop the Heavenly Evil, Break the Sky, and destroy the Dao of Nirvana, there is no need to mention that scene.

The dream was shattered, reality came, and in an instant, the murderer turned into a being who was killed.

At this moment, the moment of sluggishness is the death of eternal life.

Seven paths of heavenly evil broke through the path of silence and destruction, and evolved into seven paths of peerless killing splendor.


Su Li continued the previous blow, still nailing Bai Changxiao to the bulkhead of the cabin in the midst of Bai Changxiao's shocked and horrified eyes.

As always, he gained six million fortune points!

As for An Ruoxuan, her beautiful eyes widened with incredible expression!

This is really too strong, too strong, too strong!

This is really too fierce, too fierce, too fierce!

How can the Emperor of Heaven be so strong and powerful!

In an instant, An Ruoxuan's heart palpitated and her heart beat like a deer.

Mu Yuxi and Mei'er, who also saw this scene, couldn't help but smile with great joy, touch and pride.

Yun Qingxuan was stunned.

And Zhuge Ranyue's beautiful eyes were full of brilliance.

Master Su...Su Li's true ability is really that strong! So, in Wanli Holy Land, was he really pretending to be weak or was he?

If he is really powerful, Su Li is really not a human being!

But if it's fake... the speed of progress is too scary. It's only been two months and it's not here yet!

Yun Qingxuan was so shocked that she fell into pieces!

Especially when covering reality with reality and reality at the same time, switching in an instant, using the combination of truth, void and heaven, the transformation between true and false is such a perfect fit!

This... this is too evil!

Who can withstand such means?

Yun Qingxuan was quite sad, and after a while, her wildly beating heart gradually calmed down.

She really never thought that such a situation would happen. She originally thought that they would take action secretly and directly help Su Li deal with those talented people.

And even if she takes action, she must evolve the form of the Ancestral Dragon Demon in order to have a certain possibility of killing individual geniuses among them.

Yes, some, not all!

Because there are some geniuses among them, Yun Qingxuan knows very well that even if she transforms into the Ancestral Dragon Demon, she may not be able to defeat them.

For example, Yu Yixin, for example, Kong Yunsu.

For example, that ‘Tianyi’.

These are all very famous, fierce and powerful geniuses!

Unexpectedly, he was killed by Su Li's clone with one sword, and it was the kind that killed him directly!

This is simply beyond imagination.

At this time, not only Yun Qingxuan was like this, but Zhuge Ranyue was also thinking the same way.

Even An Ruoxuan's heart was beating wildly and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

too strong!

This is really too strong!

She has never seen such a genius, one against seven, killing him instantly with one move!

An Ruoxuan could see that what Su Li showed was real strength and not increased strength!

The sword in his hand only showed sharp abilities, but did not show any special ability bonuses, no influence on mentality, erosion of the soul, and other strange negative states.

Therefore, An Ruoxuan could tell that this was a truly 'real' battle.

What's scary about Su Li is that he split into six clones, each of which has ten times the combat power of his own!

This is too much praise and too scary!

Moreover, every clone is so real, so powerful, and so cold and exciting.

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