I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 291: Repairing the Book of Heaven, Soho on the Other Side

Master Su, there is no need to deduce cause and effect, destiny, or destiny changes for me. I have chosen to temporarily transform into a Tao, sink into the netherworld, and no longer interfere with this incident.

However, if...

If things change, if in the future, the ninety-fourth soul-suppressing tablet comes, and there is a sudden change in the black coffin, and my body is found in it...

Or if my body is found in the colorful crystal coffin, then Master Su will 'enlighten' me. At that time, Master Su only needs to say one sentence to me in person that contains the voice of heaven. Que Xinyan, you are dead. Okay, that’s it.

The voice of heaven needs to be spoken with the power of the heavenly secret, the true void, and the heavenly ban, or the energy containing the special mysterious power of heaven and earth, Master Su, needs to be blended into the voice.

At that moment, Su Li recalled what Que Xinyan had said.

Then, Que Xinyan grabbed his own neck, lifted him up, flew high into the sky, broke his neck, and turned into a blood-red lantern.

Now, Su Li looked at the black coffin burning with bloody flames, and looked at Que Xinyan lying quietly in the coffin. Su Li couldn't help but frown deeply.

Su Li, it's okay, just follow your judgment and do it. As long as a certain moment comes, the purpose will appear, so we can deal with it.

For now, we are still with you, so you don’t need to worry.

Mu Yuxi's voice echoed in the restricted area of ​​memory.

Su Li could sense it.

The memory restricted area cannot be retrieved, but the impact is not significant. After all, there are clones hidden in the memory restricted area, and information can be exchanged through the system panel.

Su Li had already prepared for this.

Su Li did not wake up Que Xinyan immediately, but searched for the heart on the other side.

The Heart of the Other Side is not a heart, but a flower, which resembles a 'heart-shaped' flower, hence the name.

Therefore, this is actually the Flower of the Other Side, but it is completely different from the Flower of the Other Side in Su Li's memory.

No one in this world has ever seen the real Higanbana, so it’s only natural that different versions of it appear.

When Su Li sees these things, he always has a funny feeling of looking at a 'knockoff', and then he develops an inexplicable 'sense of superiority'.

This feeling is almost as if it is innate.

Su Li would dispel this thought every time to prevent himself from being too inflated, and then it would be bad to develop the bad habit of having one's eyes high but one's hands low, and one's eyes higher than the top.

Thinking about why Su Wangchen became like that, there must be some reasons for this.

Or perhaps, all of this was simply intentional, so that Su Wangchen, who had obsessive-compulsive disorder, saw his discomfort and corrected him verbally, thus falling into a trap and letting others know everything.

What will be the result if this happens again and again?

At this time, Su Li knew that the heart of the other shore was the flower of the other shore, and he also knew that the flower of the other shore was not like that, but he followed this rule and did not expose or interfere.

He just looked around.

Unfortunately, after searching around, there was no result.

Su Li made another hexagram. Through the guidance of the hexagram, Su Li saw a huge blood-colored lantern hanging high above his head.

When Su Li looked over, there was a flower like three flowers gathering at the top growing on the top of the head in the lantern.

The shining shape of the flower is indeed like a beating heart.

Therefore, there is no doubt that this should be the ‘heart of the other side’ that An Ruoxuan mentioned.

found it.

Su Li glanced at An Ruoxuan. Suddenly, An Ruoxuan showed a look of surprise and rushed forward to pick it immediately.

At this time, the Tianji Sacred Jade that Su Li had blocked Fu Mu before suddenly bounced away, exploding with a bloody light.

In the bloody light, Fu Mu's figure appeared directly. At the same time, he fiercely grabbed the top of Su Li's head, trying to grab the heart of the other side.

However, when he took action, Su Li's Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword thrust out fiercely.

At that moment, Su Li's figure was like lightning, and his speed technique was even more powerful.

call out

Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou The body technique manifested across the void at a speed like that. With one sword, Su Li stabbed Fu Mu and pierced Fu Mu's forehead.

However, Fu Mu suddenly disappeared at this time. At the same time, Fu Mu's pierced head exploded into a sheet of black smoke and swept toward Su Li.

Su Li's figure pulled out the afterimage, but he was still unable to dodge.

On the other side, Fu Mu's figure directly evolved into four terrifying shadows.

These shadows are all ancient Yin spirits. They are strange and evil things that are derived from the immortal obsession of the gods after the death of the Yanling clan, combined with the methods of Netherworld and so on.

But these things are still conscious, but they don't have too high a self, and they are very much like a puppet death warrior in the form of a vicious spirit.

After this kind of thing appeared, Su Li immediately felt tremendous pressure.

But this is the second thing. Nafu Mu obtained the Heart of the Other Shore in just an instant, and at the same time, he directly put the Heart of the Other Shore into a special space.

In this way, even if Fu Mu is killed, the special independent space will not be killed and cannot be opened with confidence.

After being lost for a period of time, the space within it will collapse on its own, and the things in the space will be completely lost to the special space.

This situation has shown Fu Mu's mentality. You must either beg me, or you will not get the heart of the other side even if you kill me.

Su Li had actually been prepared for Fu Mu's series of methods.

At this time, Su Li glanced at An Ruoxuan, and An Ruoxuan immediately used her charm method. Unfortunately, this time, as soon as An Ruoxuan's charm method was used, a trace of mysterious Yin spirit aura came out of the palace. As a result, An Ruoxuan's series of methods completely failed.

An Ruoxuan was startled, and then Fu Mu raised his hand and stabbed his shoulder with a sword, cutting off one of his arms.


An Ruoxuan screamed miserably. At this time, Yu Yixin and others who followed secretly saw this scene and immediately stayed away without any intention of rushing over.

Su Li evolved the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword and displayed four clones at the same time, rushing towards the four ancient Yin spirits.

Then, Su Li ran the Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart, cast the corresponding thunder flame spell, and started fighting Fu Mu.

When An Ruoxuan used her recovery methods, a cold mist actually appeared on her body.

This fog is not only cold, but also has wisps of gray-white aura, which looks very fierce.

Not far away, Fu Mu showed a somewhat ferocious look after seeing this scene.

After Su Li stabbed Fu Mu with another sword, the derived thunder and fire spell also hit Fu Mu, but Fu Mu did not dodge at this time, allowing Su Li's attack to hit him in the opposite direction. Gives an extremely powerful, coverage-wide blow.

A large piece of gray-white cold fog suddenly swept over.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly, and a picture suddenly appeared in his heart like lightning. The last time he met Que Xinyan and was rescued by Que Xinyan.

At that time, he fell into a coma.

A few thoughts flashed through Su Li's mind like lightning. Then, as if he was caught off guard, he froze for a moment. He was hit by the gray-white mist and his body sank slightly.

The next moment, his consciousness went dark and he immediately fell from the void.

At the same time, Su Li's four clones all shattered and turned into light and shadow and disappeared immediately.

Su Li!

An Ruoxuan was shocked. She screamed, and at the same time, white air lingered all over her body. Her consciousness went dark, and she also screamed, falling from the void, and landed on the bloody ground not far from the area where the black coffin was.

The flames on the ground were still burning, but they did not burn to Su Li and An Ruoxuan.

Ha, with this little strength, you still want to fight against the ancient Yin spirits? That's all.

Prince? You can go on your way.

Fu Mu murmured to himself, then raised his hand to gather his killing power, and fiercely attacked Su Li.

However, when this blow came out, Su Li had no reaction and showed no tendency to resist. Of course, Fu Mu's blow was naturally recovered before he got close to Su Li.

Next, Fu Mu tried this again, but the result was still the same.

The third time, the parents gathered the murderous intent of the ancient Yin spirit and killed the intent with a fierce and silent blow.


At this time, suddenly, a ray of white light passed by, directly reflecting the attack back.

At the same time, a woman in a light blue gauze skirt suddenly appeared from the void, and quickly condensed into a beautiful girl in a light green gauze skirt.

It's just that the girl's appearance was a little blurry at first, and her figure was looming, not like she really existed.

You are always too confident, and you always end up suffering. I didn't expect you to have such a short memory this time.

The girl murmured in her heart, then raised her head slightly and stared at Fu Mu.

Who are you? Do you want to harm me? Do you know what I am?

Fu Mu shouted in a deep voice.

The girl spoke calmly, her voice as clear and melodious as an oriole, and extremely pleasant: Are you the one who wants to imitate the Human Emperor? Fu Mu? Dusk? Sunset?

Fu Mu's face was terrifyingly cold.

The girl didn't say much. When she looked into the mirror in her hand, the white light emitted from the mirror was like a soul locked thousands of miles away. No matter how the ancient Yin spirit escaped, it could not escape at all.

Damn it!

Fu Mu's face became even more ugly. He moved and a dark spear appeared in his hand. The spear was like a dragon. He pulled out a killing image and stabbed the girl in the light green gauze skirt fiercely.

When the girl looked at the mirror in her hand, a terrifying mirror reflection spurted out, which made Fu Mu's brain buzz. His soul seemed to be shaken to the point of being unable to move, and his scalp was numb.

call out

A colorful divine light appeared in the girl's hand.

The moment the colorful divine light appeared, the girl held it and swiped it towards Fu Mu's head.


Fu Mu's head immediately seemed to be pierced by the nail-headed book of seven arrows. Blood burst out immediately, and all the layers of life in his body and the original life energy of heaven and earth were pierced by one blow.

Fu Mu screamed in agony, and his body exploded repeatedly, but in an instant he manifested the body of a strange beast and a human-shaped head.

It looks like a vicious snake with a human head.

He roared and actually swallowed the black coffin where Que Xinyan was.

However, at this time, the woman in the light green gauze skirt directly took out another magic weapon. This magic weapon was a cane-like cane.

After the cane manifested, the peerless green dragon hovering on it suddenly seemed to be resurrected. It rushed out and penetrated directly towards Fu Mu's head.

Fu Mu's body froze for a moment, and his body and soul were killed all over at this moment.


Fu Mu screamed miserably, and finally turned into endless energy and soul, which was swallowed up by the green dragon.

In just an instant, this battle was over.

Then, the green dragon flew around in a circle and then flew back. After landing on the cane, it turned into the carving on the cane.

At this time, the woman in the light green gauze skirt glanced at Su Li gently, and then looked at Yu Yixin and his group who were about to stop Su Li's deduction.

The seven people in Yuyi were stared at by the woman in a light green gauze skirt. They suddenly trembled all over, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and they did not dare to move.

The woman in the light green gauze skirt did not take action, and her figure flew up, as if she would lift up the clouds and fly into the sky at any time.

But at this time, Su Li, who was lying on the ground, suddenly returned to normal, and the white mist on his body disappeared instantly.


Su Li suddenly called softly.

With the sound of 'Suho', the delicate body of the woman in the light blue gauze skirt who was about to leave trembled, and her figure paused for a moment.

Sure enough, you saved me when I was in a coma. Some of the scenes that Que Xinyan can't forget are actually memories that have been replaced, right? Are they replaced here?

Su Li asked Su Ho.

Su Ho did not answer, but instead stopped staying and left in the air.

Su Li's figure flashed and appeared where Su Ho was, reaching out to hold her hand.

However, Su Li got it all in one hand. Where Su Ho was, the shadow had dissipated. It seemed to be just a shadow projection.

Su Li was silent for a long time, preparing to raise his hand to divine and see Su Ho's situation.

But at this time, where Su Ho was, some mysterious energy suddenly condensed in the void.

After these mysterious energies were gradually combined, the remaining pages of the Night Book were formed.

It was a broken page from a heavenly book. It was golden in color and looked very gorgeous.

When this thing appeared, Yu Yixin and others in the distance were so jealous that their eyes almost bulged out, not to mention the burning in their hearts.

But they didn't have any courage to grab it.

Su Li looked at the golden page, and while thinking, he grabbed it.

On the pages of the book, there are recorded several lines of ancient and familiar words. This is the second half of Jiang Chengzi.

At night, you suddenly return to your hometown with a deep dream. They are dressing up outside the small Xuan window. They look at each other without saying anything, only a thousand lines of tears. It is expected that the heartache will be broken every year, and the pine trees will be short on a bright moonlit night.

As soon as Su Li finished reading, the golden page suddenly burned on its own, and then turned into a ray of golden light, which directly penetrated into Su Li's eyebrows.

This is a broken page of the Heavenly Book. After it turned into golden light and escaped into Su Li's eyebrows, it was almost immediately absorbed and refined by the Emperor's Book of Classics.

As a result, Su Li's Huangji Jingshi Shu, which had more than half of the damage, was immediately restored to more than 70%.

This recovery was a shock and surprise to Su Li.

But deep down in his heart, there was also an unspeakable worry. What was Suho's situation now?

This time he suddenly appeared, but then left suddenly?

Su Li used the thunder and fire spell of Xuan Xin Mysterious Technique and put a mark on An Ruoxuan's eyebrows.

In just an instant, the strange and sinister gray-white aura on An Ruoxuan's body was dissipated.

An Ruoxuan's severed arm was reattached.

After An Ruoxuan woke up, she took two pills for treatment for a while, and then returned to normal again.

An Ruoxuan had many doubts in her heart, but Su Li had no explanation.

He glanced at another ordinary, inconspicuous little lantern in the void.

An Ruoxuan suddenly realized and said: The true heart of the other side is actually in that inconspicuous little lantern, right? The greatest simplicity?

Su Li shook his head and said: The real heart of the other side is in the mural. As for the little lantern, it just looks like an eye, like the eyes of an old friend, so I took another look. So, you are thinking too much.

An Ruoxuan was stunned for a moment, and then she could only smile helplessly.

She couldn't keep up with Su Li's thinking now, so she was confused the whole time.

However, she won't make random ideas now. Su Li won't be afraid anyway, so she can just follow him and see how Su Li heals him up.

Su Li returned to the area where the black coffin was. Then he looked at some of the totem marks on the black coffin and began to think deeply.

After a while, Su Li walked to the black coffin, looked at the transparent coffin lid, and then began to meditate again.

This time, after Su Li meditated on the Emperor's Classics, the effect was obviously greatly improved, and the feeling of fit finally appeared again.

Su Li was a little sad, but he quickly concentrated on meditating seriously.

Soon, Su Li found the location corresponding to the black coffin.

That is the area on the upper left side of the black coffin.

Above left, Zuo Qinglong.

Su Li found a special room in that area.

The door to the room is not a real door, but a door painted with murals.

But such a door can be entered and exited.

It’s a real painting and a real door.

Su Li did not enter that door or that room.

He looked outside the room and saw that there were obviously murals on the four walls of the room. Although Su Li only saw part of the mural on one wall, it was the 'fourth mural'.

Therefore, it can be determined that there are obviously three murals in front.

But these murals are all incomplete.

Su Li looked at Que Xinyan sleeping in the coffin, then at the creation pen lying quietly in the space of Tianji Mall, and finally decided to give it a try.

Su Li walked into the door, and An Ruoxuan immediately followed after seeing this.

After Su Li looked at the four murals, starting from the first one, he silently began to add.

This time he did not condense the charm, and Su Li did not show his superb brushwork. He just completed these murals at a basic level. Of course, Su Li would not forget to add the 'Heart of the Other Shore' among them. Drawn.

It's not that he needs to draw these things, it's that these things already exist, they just haven't been erased.

But now, what Su Li is doing is to complete these murals.

As for what’s on the mural…

Su Li was actually shocked, but he didn't think about it deeply because he already knew the result completely.

An Ruoxuan was beside him, but An Ruoxuan looked confused because the mural An Ruoxuan saw was a gray-white wall with no mural on it.

An Ruoxuan couldn't even remember the trajectory Su Li drew with the pen of creation.

Su Li quickly completed the four murals. After the four murals, Su Li was also a little tired. The murals recorded certain scenes of 'Going out of Hangu from the West'.

It's just that it has also been changed by magic.

And, this has happened before, and it will happen again.

After the modification of the four murals, the skeleton warship as a whole has become full of the ultimate netherworld attribute.

In a place like this, even if Su Li took a breath casually, he felt it was better than ten days of hard training outside.

This benefit is obvious.

After Su Li finished repairing the mural, he put away the creation pen, glanced at An Ruoxuan, and said, Come out with me and wake up Que Xinyan.

An Ruoxuan followed numbly throughout the process. This time, she was indeed a little shocked because she could not understand anything and seemed to be sleepwalking.

Originally she thought she was very smart, but this time... she was really knocked down before, and Su Li was obviously knocked down too. It turned out that it was obviously a trick.

If this guy continues to grow like this, he won't be like that one again, right?

A complete old scumbag, a bastard!

No, definitely not!

An Ruoxuan murmured in her heart, feeling a little worried at the same time.

Don't worry, I won't turn into a bastard, don't worry.

Su Li suddenly responded to An Ruoxuan.

An Ruoxuan snorted softly and said, Only Meier and Yuxi believe you. You are talking nonsense. Who will believe it? You, you, you?

An Ruoxuan responded instinctively at first, and then realized that her mind was very light and full of distracting thoughts. At the same time, she would not really express certain thoughts in her heart. After all, she was not an ordinary practitioner and could not hide her thoughts.

But in this case, had Su Li captured all the thoughts in her heart? Did you deduce it?

This, this, this, this is too scary, right?

Thinking of this, and remembering that she had had some bold ideas and some super exciting scenes from time to time, An Ruoxuan's pretty face suddenly turned red as if she was about to bleed, and she wished she could find a black kite to jump in and bury herself.

Don't be shy, I know absolutely nothing, let alone that you have thought of dozens of ways to sleep with me.

Su Li smiled.


An Ruoxuan was so ashamed and angry that she couldn't stand being ridiculed by a little kid like this even though she was a lot older!

Bah, you're so smart, I'm just helping you get familiar with it in advance. If you want to save Yaolan and save your little baby Xinxin, you must combine the Tao! The combination of Yin and Yang is the best way.

An Ruoxuan said hard and seriously.

Su Li said: I almost know it. Yao Lan is my sword heart and sword spirit. Now if I want to transform into the Taoist God of Tianjian, I have to complete the soul transformation again and again. This transformation must be accompanied by my soul. Variety.

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What happened to her this time was actually because she helped me before. She manifested the Shinto sword soul at the critical moment and made my sword heart clear. Otherwise, she would not have been injured this time and suffered such a tragic disaster.

So when I join forces with her, it is equivalent to giving her some nourishment and feedback.

An Ruoxuan spat lightly and said, Bah, what kind of nourishing food are you talking about in such a mean way?

Su Li glanced at An Ruoxuan strangely and said, You have thought about such a scene, and now it is like this? It really is one thing in front of you and another behind your back.

An Ruoxuan covered her face with her hands: Okay, stop talking. It's all Yaolan's fault for leading me astray! In fact, she is essentially a prodigal.

Su Li said: The more she is a wolf girl, the more I love her.

An Ruoxuan: ...

While Su Li was communicating with An Ruoxuan, Yu Yixin and others were still guarding outside. Su Li frowned slightly and shouted in a deep voice: Get out!

Yu Yixin and the other seven geniuses had uncertain expressions on their faces, but they still silently retreated some distance.

Su Li looked at Que Xinyan in the coffin, thought for a moment, meditated on the Zhenxu Heavenly Forbidden Technique, and condensed the Tiangang Creation Hunyuan Qi technique, and in a helpless state, he called out in a deep voice: Que Xinyan, you have already died.


As soon as these words came out, Que Xinyan in the black coffin was shocked, and then, the previously modified murals all released a massive amount of blood and golden light.

The entire skeleton warship turned into a huge golden armored warship in an instant!

Not only that, Su Li also seemed to have suddenly gained countless merits at this moment, so much so that he was forced to automatically enter a state similar to meditating on the Emperor's Classics.

In this state, Su Li immediately sensed a devastating catastrophe coming over him.

This kind of catastrophe is not aimed at him, Su Li, but at the entire Tianyu Star!

The catastrophe of Tianyu Star is coming!

And what is this catastrophe?

At this time, Su Li instinctively meditated on the Emperor's Book of Classics and had an inexplicable feeling that the catastrophe was an unknown void soul poison energy.

This void soul poison energy seems to be very similar to the energy carried by Fu Mu, but it is more terrifying, and contains the characteristics of evil spirits and demon spirits, including immortality.

This kind of soul poison erupted from the Sin Realm Demonic Abyss, and then spread continuously, and soon covered the entire Tianyu Star like a black cloud.

As a result, all the lives in Tianyu Star were covered by soul poison, and the tragic end was beyond description of the hell on earth.

Su Li felt awe in his heart, woke up inexplicably, and then his expression became much more solemn.

This time it was not his active meditation, but an inexplicable guidance, as if he had a sudden impulse that made him instinctively do this on his own.

After coming back to his senses, Su Li still felt a little baffled.

However, Que Xinyan had already begun to recover at this time.

Su Li thought for a while and tried to send a message to Yaolun, but was isolated by the unknown void and the message could not be transmitted.

Su Li tried again to deduce the origin of the bloody black coffin in front of him. This time, the result was partly correct.

Su Li deduced a few more times, but the results were not great. But overall, he almost found out part of the cause and effect, and also sensed the deep and terrifying secrets in it.

At this time, the golden-armored warship began to vibrate like an earthquake again, and the space inside the warship became a little chaotic.

However, this change did not last long. Que Xinyan in the black coffin suddenly opened his eyes.

At that moment, Su Li discovered that the pupils of his eyes had also turned into colorful plum blossom pupils.

(PS: The third update of 7,000 words is here~ The 27,000-word update is completed today~ Please continue to ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions, thank you brothers and sisters~ Also, I am very grateful to the book friend 'Dancing Ker' for the 1,500 starting coin reward for support~ Many thanks to book friend 'Xu Hongxu Banxian' for his 200 starting coin reward for his support~)

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