I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

A summary of December and December, as well as a creative outlook for 2021.

Summary of December and creative outlook for 2021.

Let me talk about this book first. This book is still relatively new. It was only put on the shelves on October 1, but now at the end of December, it has 2.16 million words.

Except for the public 160,000 words, 2 million words were updated in three months.

There are 600,000 words in October, 700,000 words in November, and 700,000 words in December.

In fact, at the beginning of December, the amount of writing I set for myself was 800,000 words to ensure quality.

However, after working hard for a month and only having five hours of rest every day, I still only completed 700,000 words to ensure quality.

In fact, this workload is already very heavy, because this book is a high-IQ brain-burning text written in a philosophical style, rather than a pretentious text that is an upgrade from the traditional genre.

In this book, I abandoned all the previous routines and created my own genre, the infinite matryoshka flow.

I believe readers who have read Chapter 200 will already recognize this.

Of course, readers who have not read the first thirty chapters will also think that this is a ridiculous thing, and that a has-been master like me is putting money on his own face by saying this, and he is talking nonsense.

But in fact, the polarization is very serious, so it is destined that this book may only be loved by those who can understand it, and discarded by those who cannot understand it. Because in the early stages of this book, it was indeed a very brainless piece of writing.

Although Can Jian worked hard day and night to create, this book has been running around without any publicity or recommendation. In this situation, the discomfort and depression in my heart are indescribable.

The only in-site text message recommendations and promotions I got were official rewards won by updating my scores.

But it doesn't matter. If you choose this path, Can Jian will keep going.

I won’t talk about these uncomfortable things, but let’s talk about the origin of this book and the update for the new year.

The story of this book has been accumulated since 2012. In 2013, I tried to use this writing method to write part of the book Sword Dao Evil Lord, but it was only a little prototype, but the response was actually good. good.

After that, I wrote a semi-matryoshka-style book called The God of War, Little Peasant, which I wanted to combine supernatural, novice novels, and matryoshka-doll genre. But I failed, so I went back to writing an upgraded fantasy genre of wireless novels.

After that, I returned to the starting point from Creation and tried to test the waters with The Mysterious Detective, which was still a supernatural half-matryoshka model. I already had poor grades and encountered a crackdown on supernatural beings, so I changed the name to The Mysterious Detective... and there are many It’s really impossible to write content related to ghosts, so I cut it with only 300,000 words.

Even so, during this period, this creative mode has been accumulating, and I have been thinking about stories, plots, outlines, etc.

This kind of story has been accumulated until August and September this year. It has been accumulated for almost 8 years in total.

In fact, I have always wanted to write this book, but because it is very difficult and I am afraid that I will not be able to write it, I have never dared to write it.

But considering that I am getting older, if I don't write, I may not have the chance to write, so I gritted my teeth and wrote such a book.

During this period, in order to allow himself to write with peace of mind, Can Jian even found a very stable job to avoid the embarrassing ending of not being able to support himself even if the book's performance was not satisfactory.

Therefore, with the guarantee of life, the pressure of writing this book will not be so great.

So the idea behind this book, Broken Sword, is that it will be written regardless of whether there is a subscription, whether there is publicity, or whether it will be buried.

Of course, it would be even better if it can be recognized and loved by readers.

It doesn't matter if you are really buried. As long as you are busy enough and have no time to give up on yourself and feel depressed, you will gradually get used to the days of struggling alone.

Fortunately, the group of cute friends slowly gathered together.

In the book reviews, Can Jian saw many new readers who came to subscribe specifically for this book, and also saw many old readers coming back.

My heart is filled with emotion every day.

Therefore, Can Jian's creations are more sincere, serious and focused.

Because only by truly giving sincerely can readers truly understand whether the book is a good book or not.

The framework of this book is really too big. To be honest, if I had to go back and rewrite it, I definitely wouldn’t be able to finish it.

I have written more than two million words and have just left the newbie village. I am afraid that this is something I can't even imagine.

More importantly, in these two million words, although there may be flaws of one kind or another in some places, more than 90% of what I wanted to write was written.

I don’t know what will happen next, but I will work harder to write every chapter and every key foreshadowing and turning point.

This book, so far, does not have any of the routines in the novice novels, and there are no routines. Everything is completely new.

Real, cruel, helpless, touching, and full of calculations.

One level, two levels, three levels, etc., game within game, plan within plan.

Competing with each other in the back and forth, and intrigues among each other, each character has his own shining point of humanity, as well as his own persistence and helplessness in the face of fate.

Next, let’s talk about what you most want to see.

I am very ashamed that I did not complete the update volume of 800,000 words this month. It is because the use of time is still insufficient, and it is also caused by my lack of effort.

Next, we won’t make any plans that are too far away for 2021.

First, make an update plan for January. This month, there will be 900,000 words, an average of 30,000 words per day.

I will strictly require myself to fix my work and rest time to create the most efficient and stable connection between life, work and writing.

I will strictly control the quality and stabilize the update time to give you the most sincere text and the best reading experience.

Finally, as always, I would like to ask for full subscription. I hope everyone can subscribe to this book. After all, the real heart of a book is a subscription.

Secondly, there are monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

Thank you very much to my friends who have been with me all the way.

I bow to you and wish you a happy new year and happiness.

Can Jian, on 2021-1-1 00:00:00

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