I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 262 Blood River Ambush, Perfect Crush

When Su Ye heard this, his eyes turned into a fierce bloody light, staring at Hua Zili.

Hua Zili didn't care at all: Since I dare to express such words, I naturally have my channels, and I am naturally very confident!

Su Ye said word by word: Ninety-five percent?

Hua Zili said: Ninety-five percent!

Su Ye said: Where did the news come from?

Hua Zili indicated with her eyes: Asking even though you know it!

After Hua Zili finished speaking, he secretly signaled: Actually, it's a very simple truth - to be able to dispel the killing rules of your blood river domain and make those rules invalid, the soul of the heavenly being suppressed at the end of the blood river must be extremely powerful. That’s it!

And who has such qualifications?

Only you, Master, can!

As for this, you have actually already made a guess in your mind, right?

Su Ye remained calm and continued to remain silent.

Hua Zili signaled again: Whether you are willing to admit this or not, I have to say that all of this is so cruel.

You have paid so much, and you have acted as his soul slave and son, carrying many causes and effects, so that he can stand out and become the emperor as he wished.

But your master was killed by him!

You should know that among the past causes and effects he recounted, there were many similar things in the royal family.

For example, in the Qingyun Tomb - Emperor Wang rescued Turtle Spirit, but in the end Emperor Wang was deprived of his throne.

For example, in Lanruo Temple, Nie Xiaoqian, who was transformed into Que Xinyan, even in a strange and evil spirit state, never left her Ning Caichen, but he fell in love with Yan Hongye.

For example, under the ** Tower, Que Xinyan transformed into a demon goddess and descended to earth. She married Su Li, an ordinary person, to repay her kindness, but instead he planted a cage and killed her.

Afterwards, Xia Xinyan lived her next life and became the fox from the Qingqiu Fox Clan and continued to accompany him, but she continued to be let down by him.

Nowadays, Xia Xinyan has lost all her memory and split into three selves, but the three selves are still learning from others' strengths in an attempt to please him.

And could he not have abandoned Xia Xinyan, Que Xinyan and his ilk like worn shoes?

Even if Xia Xinyan is like this, how much weight do you expect that you, Su Ye, will have in his heart?

And do you know what he wants to do?

It is nothing more than leading the heavenly demon to attack the Nine Evils, causing catastrophe for all races, and the royal family breaks out of the catastrophe to save the common people and all races, thus making great achievements and gaining endless merit.

So, why should he?

Therefore, this is the meaning of the Guixu Era. Aren’t the basic characteristics of the royal family that came out of the Guixu Era repaying kindness with hatred?

Isn't it the greatest ability of the inheritors of the royal family to repay kindness with hatred?

Hua Zili's emotions were extremely strong.

And his series of words were so precise and precise that they were enough to send chills all over Su Ye's body and shivers down his spine.

Su Ye took a deep breath, glanced at Hua Zili calmly and indifferently, raised his hand and used a shielding technique, ignoring whether Zhuge Yunshang's expression looked good or dissatisfied, and directly blocked Zhuge Yunshang. Any possibility of peeking, then he said: Your hatred for him is inexplicable. He saves you as a favor, but not as a duty.

When you get this wrong, you are distorted.

But it’s hard for you. The reason why a demon is a demon and not a demon is because the seven emotions and six desires are all distorted.

In addition, it wasn't him at that time, it was me, Su Ye, and he went against my fate, so whether I save you or not depends on me.

I don’t know if he wants to save you, but I don’t want to save you, and you’re not worth saving.

Hua Zili sneered repeatedly but said nothing.

Su Ye said: From this aspect, there is no problem in saving you or not. Not to mention, he existed in my state at that time. Afterwards, I had a vague feeling - he was indeed full of you. Compassion, sympathy.

However, there was really nothing he could do.

So, you did blame him wrongly.

Furthermore - whether we are enemies or not, whether we are enemies of life or death, it must be a matter between us brothers and has nothing to do with any cause and effect on your part!

As for what you mean, I know and understand it, but I will verify it myself.

My master taught me very early on not to make any decisions in negative states such as emotion, distortion, anger, madness, etc. Otherwise, I will regret it for the rest of my life!

And I am indeed very, very angry now, so I will not make any relevant decisions at this time!

I really don’t believe that little brat, but I don’t believe you either!

The probability is extremely high, 95%!

Even if this is the message from that person!

There are even corresponding information manifestations on many giant monuments, but after all, not all of them!

At my level, the more I come into contact with, the smaller I find myself.

Therefore, if I use my judgment to judge more mysterious and weird things, I will inevitably make mistakes and make mistakes.

Instead of doing this, it is better to wait and see what happens, and wait and see after a period of time.

Hua Zili said in a deep voice: How can you still tolerate such information?

Su Ye said: Since I almost died of despair while practicing swordplay in Hantan, and since all my efforts have gone unrewarded, I know that no one will pity me or sympathize with me.

Even, there is no one in this world who can really tolerate me.

I am just a medicine slave and soul slave born by my parents to match his position as the emperor's son. In addition, I also have to bear his karma!

Moreover, his parents' idea was not just that, they also gave him a younger sister to take care of the cause and effect when he lived in the next life.

In this way, after the imperial family Emperor Renhuang and Nuwa Empress step down in the future, he and Su Ho can naturally ascend to the throne.

Unfortunately, this plan has been ruined by you.

Su Ye said, sighed and said: I know your purpose of getting me involved with Qianlan.

Of course, now that Qingyun Tomb has come out, all the causes and effects are connected. As long as all the arrangements develop according to the cause and effect of the Guixu era, the royal family will be completely born, and the prosperous age of thousands of races in the prehistoric world will surely come.

After all, everyone is like a dragon and everyone is immortal. This is what all races hope to see.

But, that's too far away.

Ten thousand years is too long, just seize the day.

As for me, Su Ye - no one pities me, no one loves me, no good beginning, no good end.

I am not your tool, so I will not join forces with Zhuge Qianlan to dethrone Su Li from his position as the emperor.

Although I am the most successful one.

And as long as I push it up, I can really push it down.

Su Ye said and took out a painting. In the painting, a young man rides a bull and holds a fortune pen. The pen depicts Mount Tai and the Qingdi Palace, a scene of an emperor playing the piano and Nuwa painting.

He gave Hua Zili a look at the object and said, Did you see it?

When Hua Zili saw this, a look of deep horror appeared in her eyes.

Su Ye said, taking the object between his eyebrows and sealing it into the depths of the memory restricted area.

Then, he glanced at Hua Zili again and said, I said that when I was practicing swordplay in Hantan, I fought tooth and nail until I was about to die, and no one even looked at me twice.

At that time, I knew that I was as humble as a piece of grass and a wisp of dust between heaven and earth.

At that time, only Master truly cared about me and cared about me.

My parents are very good to me, but being kind with a purpose is not a good thing, it is a greater evil.

I also know that they don't want this, so they have been more responsive to my requests over the years, but the more they do this, the less I feel the family affection.

So sometimes I envy my younger brother, who is called a soul-slave little bastard by his parents.

Call it on him and curse it on my face.

Do you understand this feeling? Because I am the being enslaved by the soul slave!

Sixty thousand years ago, I fought with him and gave up.

I am better than him in every aspect.

But why did I give up?

Is it because of the influence of the royal family’s will?

Not really.

Instead, Yan Ji transformed into Xia Xinyan to seduce me, hoping that I would kill him.

I knew at that time that you all wanted me to replace him.

If I didn’t do it 60,000 years ago, I would have killed myself.

You forcibly rescued me from Wangchenhuan and transformed me into Su Taiqing.

When I came out in this life, Su Taiqing and I became two completely independent people.

To be honest, the first time I saw this kind of existence was very creepy.

But I gradually realized the cause and effect, and I acquiesced.

But unfortunately, he is no longer qualified to step up.

In addition, Zhuge Jiufeng is also out of your control, right?

You probably didn't expect Zhuge Yunni to solve the problem, right?

Therefore, you think that the truth is true even if my master is at the end of the Tianchi Blood River in Su Li.

So what did the person who made the news think about it before making the news?

When you underestimate that person, that person may also underestimate you.

Su Ye's mood gradually calmed down.

But Hua Zili was speechless.

She thought that after Su Ye knew such news, Su Ye would be furious and rush out to fight Su Li, or this time, he would directly take action to peel off Su Li's memory restricted area and snatch it himself!

As long as Su Ye succeeds, then no matter what, Tianji Pavilion will win!

Unfortunately, Su Ye's reaction was too terrible.

Su Ye said: Are you planning to directly support Qianlan? Or is there something deeper behind you planning?

Hua Zili did not speak.

Su Ye said: I probably understand, you have learned the royal family's skill of repaying kindness with hatred, right? In fact, in my opinion, many ancient inheritances of the royal family in the Guixu era are true, but the person who has experienced them is not my younger brother, the Son of God. .

He just brags and then insists on the cause and effect.

Because many details cannot withstand scrutiny.

Of course, maybe it's because we really don't know anything about the Guixu era, and it's just that he is too familiar with many things.

However, whether it is from my master or from his actual character——

Among all the tribes in the world, no one can match their grace.

As for my master, if he is really suppressed by the royal family, then I will follow the cause and effect of the Leifeng Pagoda, move the royal family with sincerity, and take the blame for my master, instead of doing that kind of killing each other.

The reason why I, Su Ye, was born was to make him an emperor. If I die, I will die to make him an emperor.

“On top, I am worthy of the hope of my parents and mentor, and on the bottom, I am worthy of the teachings of my mentor through words and deeds.”

As Su Ye said, he glanced at Hua Zili again and said, You may never understand such a state of mind in your lifetime.

Hua Zili said: The ways are different and we don't conspire against each other. Now that the cause and effect are established, you can take care of yourself.

Su Ye said: I will return this to you.

Hua Zili snorted coldly and said, You will regret it!

Su Ye said: You have underestimated people's hearts, you have underestimated Zhuge Qianlan, you have underestimated Feng Yao, you have underestimated Su Taiqing and you have underestimated her!

Hua Zili sneered and said: Oh, maybe you are right. I have underestimated Zhuge Qianlan, Su Taiqing and Zhuge Yunmei'er! But Feng Yao? A person who can not only improve the level of life foundation but also raise his realm to the level of becoming a god Is this worthy of a seventh-level waste?!

Su Ye glanced at Hua Zili lightly and said, Okay, I said the wrong thing.

As he spoke, he directly canceled the shielding effect of Tianji.

Hua Zili still sneered twice to show disdain.

Zhuge Yunshang said: Did you two reach a private agreement to join forces? Are you going to kill Su Li? Are you sure it will happen?

Hua Zili said: Some people are destined to be just chess pieces, slaves to the realm of sin! Things that will be slaves forever!

Zhuge Yunshang smiled and said: It's a pity that he is the emperor now, so you can't do anything, right?

Hua Zili said: No, I mean someone in front of me!

Zhuge Yunshang was stunned and said, Then I won't express my opinion.

Su Ye said: You have a disaster, a disaster that interrupts your destiny.

Hua Zili sneered and said, Why, you want to deal with me? It's a pity that you have to follow the rules of the royal family. You are no longer a genius, but a guardian.

Su Ye said: I mean you have the calamity of being a genius, and now your strength has dropped to the level of being a genius.

Hua Zili said: Oh, thank you for reminding me, don't worry, I have already overcome the Jiuyao Glazed Life Tribulation, and now it will only be smoother!

It's you, I hope you can live to see your master!

After Hua Zili finished speaking, her figure moved and turned into a stream of light, escaping into the purple void in front of her.

Zhuge Yunshang glanced at Su Ye lightly, with no trace of disappointment in his eyes, and then he also did not enter the depths of the purple void.

At the same time, the purple void on that side also disappeared.

At this time, Su Ye's eyes showed a bit of loneliness.

He put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth for a long time before letting out a long sigh of despair, his whole body feeling indescribably decadent.

After a while, his eyes became firm again and he looked into the distance.

The sky, the setting sun, has turned bright red.

This world has become more magnificent and vast.

The entire light blue star has expanded to a terrifying extent.

A planet whose size is nearly a million times larger than that of the Sun Star.

Therefore, the originally huge blazing sun in the sky was now as small as a fist, looking quite humble.

Su Ye thought about the elders for a long time, raised his hand and touched the void, and a blue vortex light door appeared.

Within the light gate, a very mysterious, deep and bizarre passage appeared.

Su Taiqing, come out.

Su Ye said coldly.


Su Taiqing, who was far away in the Nether Sea, was still communicating with Zhuge Jiufeng, but a ghost on his body penetrated the endless void directly on the spot and walked out of the Lancer Whirlpool Light Gate.

What are you undecided about?

Su Taiqing glanced at Su Ye calmly.

Gangquede took the initiative to lend me one billion karma.

Su Ye said in a deep voice.

When Su Taiqing heard this, the muscles on his face stiffened for a moment, and then he said calmly: It seems that he has mortgaged Wang Chenhuan. From this point of view, he is going to win, which is a good thing.

Su Ye said: I thought so too, so I spent 100 million karma to buy a piece of news.

Su Taiqing said: You guys are going back and forth about cause and effect. It seems that Wangchenhuan can stay open for another three years.

Su Ye said: Is this what you should be concerned about?

Su Taiqing said: What else is there to care about?!

Su Ye said: My master was suppressed at the end of the Tianchi Blood River?

Su Taiqing said: That is the avatar of the Supreme Heavenly Demon. The avatar of your master who became possessed by the demon is not your master.

Su Ye said: Where is my master?

Su Taiqing said: Your master rode an ox west out of Hangu Pass, and went to the light blue star.

Su Ye said: Have you come out of Hangu Pass?

Su Taiqing said: Not yet, we have only left the Qingyun Tomb. If there is an ancient ruins like Lanruo Temple in the Qingyun Tomb, it will be soon.

Su Ye said: Is it top causation or flat causation?

Su Taiqing said: What's the difference? Man follows the earth, earth follows the heaven, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature. The Tao is always inactive and everything is done. If you do something and don't do something, you will succeed without striving.

Su Ye said: I understand, that's why I thought of countermeasures before some dangers appeared, so as to prepare in advance instead of waiting for the danger to happen before ignoring it.

This is because it is easier to solve problems when things don't exist, but it is very difficult to make up for them when things happen and become something.

It is precisely in this way that saints can become great without being great in the end.

Su Taiqing said: So what else do you have doubts about?

Su Ye said: It's about the question of 'virtue'. The superior virtue is not virtuous, because it is virtuous; the inferior virtue is not virtuous, so it is without virtue. The superior virtue does nothing but does everything, and the inferior virtue is done because of it?

Su Taiqing said: Things are mixed together and are born from heaven and earth. If you lose the Tao, you will lose your morality. If you lose your morality, you will lose your benevolence. If you lose your benevolence, you will lose your righteousness. If you lose your righteousness, you will lose your etiquette.

Su Ye said: So, humans follow the earth, earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and Tao follows nature?

Su Taiqing said: You can also understand it as - man follows the earth, follows heaven, follows law, follows nature. Here are the four major ones in the domain, corresponding to the four giant tombs in the starry sky.

Su Ye said: There is a deviation in enlightenment, so can you and I coexist?

Su Taiqing said: The law of the earth and the earth is selfless; the law of heaven and heaven means that the sky is selfless; the law of the road is the way of nature. The 'law of nature' is what it is, that is, self-caused, self-created, self-original, and self-rooted .

Tao follows nature, that is, Tao is as it is, self-formed and self-caused, without any interference, that is, inaction.

Therefore, the ‘dharma’ in my statement means law!

You can understand the meaning of the whole sentence as, as an emperor, you must take the selflessness, humility and non-controversy of the earth as the law, the selfless storage of the sky as the law, and the nature of Tao as the law, so that Tao and nature can be unified. .

Su Ye said: I have learned a lesson.

Su Taiqing said: It's just understanding without doing anything. Don't be confused in the heart, don't be trapped in emotions, the six roots are pure and do nothing.

Su Ye pondered for a long time, and then finally realized something.

After a while, he said: Feng Yao is going to Wangchenhuan?

Su Taiqing said: It should be that he has already thought of a way out.

Su Ye said: So——

Su Taiqing said: Let nature take its course.

During the exchange between the two, Su Taiqing turned around and left, while Su Ye went directly into the blood river area of ​​​​the restricted memory area.

After passing through the dark light spot, Su Li almost instantly appeared in a restricted area of ​​blood river.

Very familiar place.

But the moment he appeared, there was a cage like a heaven and earth net blocking him. At the same time, the endless purple energy manifested the ultimate murderous intention, and suddenly the extreme murderous intention appeared.

At that moment, Su Li's mind froze, and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

However, he had already noticed it - he had actually seen through Feng Yao's situation.

Therefore, he knew that Feng Yao's reminder was true.

Therefore, Su Li was stunned for a moment.

And at that moment, he was hit.

Su Li's paper substitute was directly 'suppressed', and just when it showed a faint ray of energy and blood, pretending to be in the state of Xuanji Fighting Spirit, it unleashed another extreme killing power. Suddenly invaded and killed.

Thousands of purple energy, combined with Zhuge Yunshang's killing intent, gathered together to form the ultimate killing intent.

Hua Zili himself fell from the ranks of the top geniuses, and Zhuge Yunshang himself was extremely powerful when he first existed as 'Leng Yunshang', and was very high in the system rankings.

Now, the two of them have joined forces, not only using a dragnet-like method of suppressing the prison, but also evacuating the rules of the cage in one fell swoop, and using means such as soul-suppressing secret treasures and soul-suppressing monuments.

Not only that, at this time, Hua Zili has directly transformed into the once peerless genius, the 'Beheaded Girl'!

She used to be able to kill hundreds of thousands of geniuses with one sword in Jingyang Village, but now, she has killed such a sword!

That sword, burning with vast purple energy, was actually like an unparalleled killing swordsmanship that was extremely lethal.

Su Li vaguely saw a faint hint of the 'Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique' in this sword.

Suddenly, Su Li felt very strange.

Is this - a trick?

Xuanyuan Yulongxian Sword Technique is full of loopholes in my eyes. To other geniuses, your sword technique is indeed annihilating with one sword, but in my eyes...

Su Li no longer wanted to complain.

However, we can’t let Hua Zili down, right?

She has burnt purple energy and ten thousand skills to develop the ultimate murderous intention, and she has used peerless combat power. If she can't break through the defense now, wouldn't it be very desperate?

Su Li seemed to be stunned for a moment. The paper substitute stood on the spot, but his own body evolved into Dao Sheng Yi: The Hidden God Chapter, turned into a streak of dust and flew out, and quietly watched the battle.

After Hua Zili took action, Leng Yunshang also took action.

As soon as she took action, it was a fatal talisman that immediately locked the essence and soul of the paper substitute, and forcibly suppressed and locked the power of his bloodline.

This method made Su Li's body, which turned into dust, feel slightly heavier.

The circulation of the blood vessels was also somewhat stagnant and obscure.

But, that’s all.

While Su Li's body was watching, the two of them joined forces like this. The moment the clone was locked, Hua Zili slashed his neck with a unique soul-suppressing secret treasure, a purple energy sword.

The neck of the paper substitute was cut off on the spot. At the moment when blood flowed out, Hua Zili pierced out with another sword and stabbed the paper substitute between the eyebrows fiercely.


The world shook violently, and the light in the Blood River Domain area became completely dim.

Although the paper substitute is now only one-tenth of the original body, because Su Li's strength has improved so much, the paper substitute in this state has already been blessed with the Xuanji Battle Spirit when Su Li fought with Feng Zhishui. 》The state of combat power.

Therefore, the scene from the moment the paper double freezes the frame to the moment he is killed is very shocking and very real.

After all, no one would think that Su Li would make such great progress in such a short period of time.

Moreover, Su Li's previous killing of Feng Zhishui was obviously a complete display of his own strength, and everyone could see it clearly.

So this time, neither Hua Zili nor Zhuge Yunshang had any doubts.

In an instant, the ambush was successfully completed.

The paper double was killed on the spot.

Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and immediately relaxed at the same time.

Then, at the next moment, the two of them were suddenly alert again, sensing all directions at the same time.

However, no crisis broke out.

It seems that there is really no big problem.

After Hua Zili sensed it for a moment, he showed a satisfied smile.

At this time, Zhuge Yunshang retrieved the cage like a dragnet with a smile.

At the same time, the two people suddenly waved their hands and gathered together a larger cage, covering the world again.

No problem.

At this time, Zhuge Yunshang sensed the larger cage on the outermost layer again. When he didn't notice the problem, he softly signaled to Hua Zili.

Hua Zili then walked step by step towards the body of the paper substitute, which was dripping with blood, with a ferocious look on his face.

At this moment, Su Li's body condensed little by little. There was no breath in his whole body, as if there was nothingness, and he looked at the backs of the two people quietly.

He did not use Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword.

Why use a knife to kill a chicken?

Su Li didn't even make a sneak attack.

It's not that it's impossible, but with Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou's movement technique in his possession, how could the speed of these two people be compared with him?

After Su Li saw the strength of these two people, he finally understood that the so-called genius of Light Blue Star was really not good.

His figure emerged bit by bit, and at the same time his gaze turned into substance, locking on Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang.


The two figures trembled, then their bodies became stiff, and they gradually turned around.

Later, they saw Su Li who was safe and sound.

At this moment, the dead Su Li behind them was lightly ignited with a raging fire, and soon turned into ashes.

Paper Stand? Is your Paper Stand so strong? Paper Stand can indeed activate the bloodline technique to increase combat power!

However, this is too weak!

If your strength is increased by about ten thousand times, you will almost be qualified to fight with us!

Hua Zili spoke coldly.

There was deep disappointment in Zhuge Yunshang's eyes, and the ambush had failed. It was obvious that Feng Yao must have leaked the secret, or Su Ye had tipped him off.

Zhuge Yunshang sneered and said jokingly: His strength is only that strong, and he has increased it ten thousand times? He is already a thousand times stronger now, right? How about another ten thousand times increase, a tens of millions of times increase in strength?

Will he sacrifice the life of the woman next to him to Wangchenhuan to increase his strength?

Hua Zili couldn't help but laugh and said: That's right, every time his strength increases, isn't it the strength gained by his idiot women who sacrificed themselves in Wangchenhuan?!

Su Li looked at Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang calmly and said, Are you done?

Hua Zili said: I didn't accept the move, but I was a little more cautious. Didn't I talk about breaking the sky and brag about myself before? Why have I shut up now? This is not good.

Su Li glanced at Hua Zili indifferently, gathered only one ten thousandth of his combat power, raised his hand and punched, using the ordinary Hunyuan Qi fist of Tiangang Creation Hunyuan Qi.

Even if it was an ordinary punch, based on Su Li's understanding of the Tao of Heaven and Earth at this time, that punch already contained a trace of the charm of the Tao of Heaven's Evil Breaking the Sky and Nirvana.

Therefore, this punch already has the momentum of the 'Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique'.

With one punch, the void seemed to be distorted, creating an extremely terrifying afterimage.


At that moment, Hua Zili manifested purple energy and killing fighting spirit, and faced Su Li with a punch.

The moment the fist intention collided with the fighting intention of the purple energy, Hua Zili's expression suddenly changed. She thought she could crush the opponent's fist intention, but instead, the fist intention shattered her purple energy on the spot. Wandao!

Not only that, at the moment when the concentrated purple energy fighting spirit was shattered, Hua Zili suffered a certain backlash, so much so that she couldn't control it at all. Her body shook, and she took a few steps back, and An uncontrollable mouthful of blood spurted out.

Her blood was not red, but light blue.

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly and he took a deep look at Hua Zili - Damn it!

How can this be!

Hua Zili's eyes showed extreme coldness and ferocity.

In a simple confrontation, she had already seen that Su Li did not use all his strength!

However, how could Su Li be so powerful?

Is it a special hiding method - clearly using all your strength but hiding it so that no one can see it, or is it really strong?

Hua Zili doesn't know.

But she knew that her previous murderous intention had used almost 60% of her combat power.

But the opponent's punch was definitely a casual punch - but a casual punch shattered her extremely murderous intention! The ultimate murderous intention with 60% combat power!

Hua Zili realized something, and her face suddenly turned extremely ugly.

Zhuge Yunshang also looked a little surprised and uncertain at this time, and looked at Su Li with a strange look.

Su Li! You deserve to die!

Hua Zili said every word.

Su Li said: This is exactly what I want to say to you! In other words, if you have anything else to say, you can say it, and then I will send you on your way!

Hua Zili sneered and said, It's up to you, humble ant!

Su Li said: Yes, it's up to me! So, use all your methods and let me see it! See what you, the bedbug-like reptiles who think you are noble but are actually extremely mean and despicable, are capable of!

Hua Zili took a deep breath, looked at Zhuge Yunshang and said, No need to tell me any rules, let's go together!

Zhuge Yunshang said: Okay!

When Hua Zili finished speaking, a light blue gourd that looked like an immortal-killing flying knife suddenly appeared in Zhuge Yunshang's hand.

The moment the gourd appeared, Su Li's eyelids twitched, but he soon calmed down.

At this time, after the light blue gourd appeared in Zhuge Yunshang's hand, the gourd head showed a smiling face, and Zhuge Yunshang raised his hand, and the smiling gourd head opened immediately.

At that moment, Huluzui pointed at Su Li fiercely.

At that moment, Su Li really felt that his soul was locked by some terrifying force.

That kind of shackles is very similar to the shackles on the Seven Dragons Altar.

Obviously, this is something similar to the Immortal Killing Flying Knife Gourd, but it is a counterfeit.

This object is a mysterious treasure from the Guixu era that I obtained from the soul-suppressing monument. It is called the 'Soul-killing Gourd'. You can die in the hands of your Guixu era magic weapon and you will die without regrets!

Zhuge Yunshang said calmly.

As she spoke, a peerless murderous intention emerged.

The gourd mouth has also sprayed out a light blue light.

The nature of that light was actually the same as that of the immortal-killing flying knife, but its killing ability was much weaker.

However, even though it is much weaker, it is still fierce and invincible and unavoidable.


The moment the gourd spurted out light, it flew up violently and expanded rapidly.


In an instant, the gourd had turned into the size of a mountain, and the light it emitted directly turned into a thickness of several thousand meters, annihilating everything!

At that moment, the small and inconspicuous light with murderous intention turned into a thick beam of light, which was simply invincible.

At this time, that terrifying aura not only enveloped Su Li, but also enveloped the Blood River Realm behind Su Li!

It was as if this giant light of destruction was going to destroy Su Li and this river of blood, annihilating them into nothingness.

Su Li glanced at this murderous intention lightly.

The next moment, his figure moved, and the Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou movement technique was directly derived.

However, the moment this movement technique was used, a faint layer of Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique was added to his body to prevent the breath from leaking out.

In this way, not to mention that he cannot be peeped and deduced, even if he could, he would not reveal any secrets.

At best, it just lets people know that he is very fast!

The moment Su Li's figure was cast, he had an indescribable confidence.

At that moment, he seemed to be traveling through the endless void, and almost instantly came to a dark area, as if he had traveled through a gap in the void.

Such a situation shocked Su Li himself - he had long known that Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou's movement method could walk in the void, and he also realized it when he understood it to an unfathomable level.

But now, for the first time, I realize it personally.

So, this feeling is still very shocking.

After Su Li traveled through the void, the next moment, he appeared from the void again, appearing behind Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang.

Subsequently, Su Li condensed Mo Xie's sword heart, evolved the sword intention, and turned the sword into energy.

call out--

In an instant, Su Li's sword already possessed the killing mood and shadow of Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art.


Su Li slashed directly at the huge gourd with his sword.

The belly node of this gourd is its weak point.

The killing light of this thing is soul-locking and must be killed, otherwise the killing light will lock him and keep killing him, which is a bit troublesome.

When the sword was slashed out, the gourd shook violently, and suddenly with a 'pop' sound, it was pierced through and exploded on the spot.


Zhuge Yunshang suddenly spit out blood and suffered a backlash on the spot.

At this time, Su Li used the Kunpeng Xiaoyaoyou movement technique again, and struck Hua Zili on the back of the neck with a sword.


Hua Zili's head was cut off at once, and suddenly, a mass of dark and destructive demonic energy surged out.


The void shook. Hua Zili raised her hand and grabbed the head. While pressing it on the neck, she turned her head sharply to look at Su Li.

Damn it!

Hua Zili shouted coldly, and a dark spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

After the spear evolved a massive amount of purple energy in an instant, it formed a destructive demonic energy.

After the demonic energy condensed into the spear, the spear became cold and forbidding, carrying the killing will of destruction!


Hua Zili stabbed out with a powerful blow.

That blow seemed to penetrate the void, turning into the ultimate spear spirit, and even condensed into a killing point, as if it could penetrate everything.

After Su Li glanced at it, the Tiangang Divine Body suddenly appeared. After forming a defensive point, Pangu's energy and blood surged into the Tiangang Divine Body.


That attack point hit Su Li's eyebrows, but three inches away from Su Li's eyebrows, it was shattered on the spot by a faint force of blood and energy gushing out from Su Li's eyebrows.

Just a burst of defensive aura escaped, shattering Hua Zili's attack.


This, this is impossible!

How is it possible not to break through the defense! Are you wearing an artifact-level magic weapon? A prehistoric artifact?

Hua Zili looked like she was crazy and was instantly struck to pieces!

However, Su Li ignored this person and said calmly: Tian Nao Zhi, I've given you the opportunity to perform, but the result is like this? In this case, let's start from your true path!

When Su Li spoke coldly, the energy and blood in his body surged, and the majesty of the royal family suddenly erupted.

At that moment, Su Li suddenly became extremely tyrannical and terrifying.

He still only used one ten thousandth of his strength instead of his full strength. He didn't even use Xuanji Fighting Spirit, he just used Tiangang Divine Body!

Not only that, Su Li also didn't use his clones, because the clones now have ten times the combat power except for the paper substitutes!

Therefore, Su Li only had his true body. After activating a trace of blood power with the Tiangang Divine Body, he exploded out of the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique to form the Tianji Domain, which directly enveloped the two of them.



As soon as the domain was opened and the Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique manifested, the endlessly terrifying Tianshu Ancient Town Tianji Divine Technique directly suppressed Hua Zili and Zhuge Yunshang to the ground on the spot.

The battle process seemed to be much simpler than Su Li imagined.

(PS: The third update of 10,000 words is here~ A total of 30,000 words have been updated today~ I am asking for a monthly ticket to support, thank you~ I am also very grateful to the book friend Xunqiu Wangye for the 1500 starting point coin reward support, thank you very much book friend' Spukgestult'800 starting coin reward support~)


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