I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 260: Dragon and snake transform into gods, bloody battle in restricted area

Netherworld Sea.

Layers of black waves rolled, rolling up pieces of violent waves.

The stormy waves hit the two huge statues on the edge of the Nether Sea, rolling up countless Nether Sea water, and the impact turned into crushed black water droplets that splashed in all directions.

The waves come in waves, each wave stronger than the last.

Amidst the sound of the waves, the dark gods, geniuses, etc. turned into streams of light one after another, falling in clusters and appearing in this area.

The prosperous age of Yunhuang era seemed to be completely revived and awakened at this moment.

This time, almost all the Tianhe tribes and many gods have participated.

And some people who have not come here are also waiting for the ninety-sixth soul-suppressing tablet to be released.

Once born, the passage to the soul-suppressing monument is opened, and they can enter through the passage.

Similarly, in the Greedy Wolf Star Territory, the Lianzhen Star Territory and other star territories far away from the edge of the Tianhe River in the Ziwei Star Territory, and in the Sihai Star Territory and other areas far away in the Ziwei Star Territory, the soul-suppressing monument is about to be The place where he was born also gathered countless gods, guardians and geniuses.

Each star field has one hundred and eight planets and the corresponding main life races.

But there is not only one race of life on a planet, nor is there only one strong person.

The situation is actually very similar to that of Light Blue Star.

Therefore, when the news of Tianchi Blood River spread throughout the universe, the sensation and impact caused when the Zhuxian Sword Formation penetrated the entire universe spread again and became even more sensational.

So, some gods began to deduce cause and effect and began to inquire about the news.

Coupled with the spreading of the news by interested people, the birth of the Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor's Tomb is no longer a secret.

Without the knowledge of all the gods of the Tianhe tribe in the Ziwei Star Region, countless forces were eyeing the opportunity, preparing to seize it.

Similarly, the gods of the hundreds of tribes in Tianhe are also watching with eager eyes, and are also ready to seize such a rare opportunity.

Because, in the past years, there has never been such an opportunity.

The Tianchi Blood River is located in the Ziwei Star Territory. It is obviously impossible to invade in a short time!

It is also unrealistic to expect the geniuses to fight their way through the Soul-Suppressing Tomb and Babel Tower - at least in the short term.

In this way, they have no chance of Tianchi Blood River.

Of course, it's nothing in a short time, but over time, the strength of the gods in the Ziwei Star Territory will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. Once one of them can understand the immortal divine soul, it will be like the gods who have understood the soul facing ordinary gods, just like It's like practitioners crushing ordinary mortals!

The gods outside the Ziwei Star Territory are naturally anxious about such a thing.

It is impossible to sit back and watch the enemy grow and develop!

So a lot of planning must be done in advance.

And as long as the royal family is not offended, head-on competition is not a problem at all - therefore, some vicious methods that have not been manifested in the past will also be displayed one by one!

Especially - this time they can enter the Soul-Suppressing Tomb through the passage in the Soul-Suppressing Monument, and then enter the Qingyun Tomb of the Great Emperor's Tomb. This is an excellent opportunity for them!

Even if you can go to the light blue star area after leaving Qingyun Tomb, that would be even more fun!

However, this possibility is almost impossible - because Qingyun Tomb is an independent area, with only an entrance on Light Blue Star.

But that entrance is consistent with the Dao Mark of the Star Territory itself.

The entrance on their side is in their corresponding soul-suppressing tomb, which matches the entrance corresponding to this soul-suppressing monument. Therefore, the normal entrance and exit are from where to go in and out - if there is a chance to come out!

Of course, there can be another situation, and that is-the soul-controlling technique!

Abandoning the body, turning the soul into a certain mark, penetrating into the enemy's soul to silence it, and then suppressing all the breath of oneself, forming an invisible point.

In this way, you can take the other party back to the light blue star at the same time.

This is planting a soul, which is equivalent to turning oneself into a cage, planting it in the enemy's soul or memory restricted area, allowing the other party to carry it back.

This is similar in nature to the Burning Sun Soul Poison and the Dark Demonic Poison.

However, in this way, you can survive without being discovered, but you need to obtain a new and suitable body and complete a series of transformations. The conditions are very harsh - but for the gods, this is not a big problem.

It is nothing more than the body that has seized the body to re-condensate its realm. This realm can be improved very quickly, but no matter how fast it is, it will take some time to settle.

All in all, everything went smoothly.

If they were discovered by the gods during this period, they would be directly killed.

This is not bad, but if you encounter a slightly more ferocious god, you will have to peel off the skin and cramps, and refine the soul and divinity, and the end will be extremely miserable!

Therefore, although there are ways to sneak into the Ziwei Star Territory or even into the Light Blue Star, there may not be any gods who dare to commit suicide like this.

At least, it almost didn’t exist in the past.

But this time is different.

What does Light Blue Star have this time?

There is Tianchi Blood River!

And there are still two places, one low-level and one high-level!

Previously, they had finally managed to stimulate Su Ye to the edge of the Ziwei Tianhe area, but the demon side took action first and failed to suppress Su Ye in the Babel Tower outside the Ziwei Star Territory.

If that's the case, at least we can seize the corresponding memory restricted area and peel off the Tianchi Blood River.

This situation is a regret in the hearts of many gods who participated in the plan.

But this time, whether to use the soul method of controlling the soul of the sky is an idea that is ready to move in the minds of many gods.

There are no absolutes in this world. The reason why you don’t do it is just because the chips are not big enough.

However, as long as the benefits are sufficient and the returns are terrifying, gods will do anything no matter how crazy it is!

The so-called not afraid of losing and suffering, but afraid of ending the gamble!

As the saying goes, if you give it a try, your bicycle will become a motorcycle; if you take a gamble, your motorcycle will become a Land Rover.

Bet once to grow a soul in the sky and save yourself 30,000 years of hard work!

Gods are not strong without blessings, horses are not fat without night grass!

With this kind of mentality, this time Qingyun Tomb, let alone whether there is a mark of Hou Yi's Sunshot Dao in it, even if there is not, with Su Li entering, and with the inheritance of 'Wang Di' and 'Cong Di', it is enough to make a group of gods They are completely crazy.

Especially those gods who have reached the limit of cultivation, have no hope of breaking through, and cannot guarantee that the strength of the level of life foundation will not decrease, but can only wait for their bloodline to begin to dry up, wait for the level of life foundation to continue to decrease, and can only wait for death. Choose to fight!

And a scene like this is not like the gods of the entire Tianhe tribe, but all the heavens and tribes in the entire universe.

Especially those star fields that are hundreds of millions of light-years away from the Ziwei Star Territory. Under normal circumstances, without penetrating the Babel Tower to reach the Ziwei Star Territory, and simply positioning and invading based on the location in the universe, there is almost no hope in this life. .

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to have such contact, you will not miss it.

On the contrary, the gods of the Tianhe tribe in the Ziwei Star Region have more opportunities because they can approach the Light Blue Star at any time. They can even directly communicate with Su Li and have many opportunities to experience the Tianchi Blood River. He will personally take action to break through the planet defense of Light Blue Star and invade directly.

It's not that I don't want to, but the royal family is still there.

Therefore, wouldn’t it be delicious to honestly pay some fortune, the origin of destiny, the origin of divine soul, and the like every week or every month in exchange for a perfect level of immortal realization?

Especially after realizing the blood river, each of the gods has made huge progress. This is simply a living advertisement. How can it not cause madness?

Under such madness, how terrifying would the 'Houyi Shooting Sun Dao Mark', which is called the real immortal Dao Mark, be, and what a heaven-defying opportunity would this be?

If you don’t want to get this, then why should you practice?

Just wait for your blood to dry up and let yourself rot to death!

Therefore, at this moment, even Que De, Xia Xinyan and others felt a little numb.

Not only did the dark layer come, there were also some old-looking old men, old women, etc., all walking tremblingly on crutches.

After these seemingly ordinary people arrived, they stood aside in twos and threes, while a group of gods honestly avoided them, avoiding each other like snakes and scorpions, not even daring to say hello.

In addition, groups of children came over laughing and playing.

Their laughter is as sweet as silver bells, but when practitioners with means such as Tianshu Divine Eye look at these children, what they see is a peerless ferocious beast that has only transformed from virtual reality into substance. The real entity formed by the soul!

Since the soul realms of these evil spirits ceased to work, they began to become inactive.

But now, every time these children look so cute, they are enough to make people's hearts tremble and their souls tremble.

The genius among the weird ones is here.

The evil spirit of the heavenly soul has become a reality in the evil soul.

Some are dark demon spirits and dark demons from the demon clan.

There are also some living stone-level gods in the extreme divine realm, whose bloodline has begun to transform and dry up.

Que De took a distant look, his unkempt, rat-like breathing trembled several times, and his eyes showed a trace of deep fear and uncertainty.

Afterwards, Que De looked at Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan and Xia Xinyan in the distance, with extremely complicated expressions.

Que Xinyan.

Que De glanced at Que Xinyan, and at the same time raised his hand to generate a netherworld power to shield the heavenly secret.

Que Xinyan immediately bowed and saluted, saying: Master.

Que De said: What do you think of this trip?

Que Xinyan said: I don't think so. If you follow Master Su, you will definitely become prosperous.

Que De said: What if he is lost?

Que Xinyan said: No, Master Su will not get lost.

Que De said: He is likely to use an ability similar to the 'True Void Heavenly Forbidden' this time, but he will fail to use it and be reversed, so he thinks he has succeeded and falls into a state of random killing.

Que Xinyan said: No, if Master Su thinks he has succeeded, that means he is truly successful. The place where he exists is the present, the reality.

Que De said: You know nothing.

Que Xinyan said: Disciple, I really understand this. Farts are the gas of impurities accumulated in the body. Their nature is chaotic. The clear gas rises to spiritual gas, exhaled from the mouth as 'vomiting', and the turbid gas sinks to become dirty gas. From the mysterious female's Door discharge is 'drainage'.

Quede's breath froze: Where does this magical saying come from?

Que Xinyan smiled proudly: Master Su's theory of the Great Way of Chaos has been kept in mind by my disciples.

When Quede heard this, his face turned black as coal: He is in big trouble this time.

Que Xinyan said: If he is reckless, he will be fine.

Que De said: I said he was in danger, but you didn't even take it seriously?

Que Xinyan said: Wouldn't it be nice if Meier and Mu Yuxi are interested in him? He is my brother-in-law, not my husband, so why should I be interested in him?

Quede: ...

Que Xinyan added: Don't worry, Master Su has deduced Mu Yuxi's fate this time. Although, if he deduces it, something will happen, but since he has made a judgment about the future, there is no need to worry too much. ”

Quede sighed: It's true that fools are blessed.

Que Xinyan agreed: Master Su is indeed quite stupid.

Que De said: I'm talking about you.

Que Xinyan: ???Master, you are bullying others again.

Que De's breath froze for a moment, and when he saw Que Xinyan's aggrieved look, he suddenly felt nauseated.


Que De coughed, then turned his head away from Que Xinyan and said, Did he draw a picture for you?

Que Xinyan shook his head and said: No, I wanted him to draw me a Taoist monk like Qi Yunmeng. I didn't ask for anything else, just something more realistic. But he refused.

Quede twitched his mustache twice: There is nothing wrong with your statement, but he may not have heard it correctly.

Que Xinyan looked suspicious.

Que De said: Okay, I roughly know what's going on. I'll ask Xia Xinning when he comes out later. I think he has solved it.

Que Xinyan said: Master, are you going to reconcile with him?

Que De pouted and said: Using the absence of absence to prove the existence of deficiency? Even he has gone in the wrong direction! Since there is perfection, how can there be deficiency? Only when there is deficiency, can we gradually move towards perfection.

Que Xinyan said: Master, this is inappropriate.

Que De said: What's wrong?

Que Xinyan said: In the eyes of my disciples, there is no such thing as having and lacking, they are just called 'having and lacking'.

To prove nothing with there is no lack is to do it step by step, and it will happen naturally, and it is also the way of nature; while to use nothing to prove there is lack is to do without doing, and it is also the way of nature.

The difficult things in the world must be done in the easy way, and the great things in the world must be done in the details. Do it before it exists, and fix it before it is in chaos.

The woodcutter has his work with the axe, but not with the wood; the boatman has his work with the oar, but not with the water; as practitioners, we have some work with the self-cultivation, but no work with the road.

Therefore, this is actually the difference between ‘no action at the top and action at the bottom’ or ‘action at the top and action at the bottom’.

But is there really a difference?

The disciple feels that there is no difference.

Therefore, from the disciple's point of view, the path taken by Master and Xia Xinning is still the same path of 'no action and no lack'. Master uses causes to find effects, while Huanzhu Xia Xinning uses effects to find causes. Is there any difference?

Hearing this, Que De felt a little agitated.

He took a deep look at Que Xinyan - Good guy, is this the lost 'heart's eye' back?

Suddenly had an epiphany?

Quede took a deep breath, thoughtfully, and said: You are really good, you can actually understand this step? I am deeply gratified as a teacher! In this way, you can really become a teacher!

Hearing this, Que Xinyan was overjoyed and said, What Mu Yuxi said is indeed true. I can really start training. It's so cool - uh -

At this time, Quede had already withdrawn his eyes of joy, relief and admiration, stared at him coldly, and said: I know you are not capable of saying such a thing, how much do you weigh now? , Master, I understand in my heart - you can actually say such things?

Say, when did Mu Yuxi tell you this?

Que Xinyan immediately denied: No, really not. This is not what Mu Yuxi and I said.

Que De said: Then how long did you recite this passage? Did it take three days?

Que Xinyan said: How could it take three days? From the time Mu Yuxi told me until now - no, Master, please listen to my explanation.

Que De said: What's good to hear? It's not your ability to memorize this stuff. It's your ability to really understand it.

It’s not that you can’t touch advanced levels, but it’s that if you don’t even have a low-end level, how can you get to the top? Through the Looking Glass?

Que Xinyan smiled sarcastically and could only listen to the instructions honestly for a while.

But this time Quede didn't reprimand him much. Instead, he took out a red lantern and said: Take it with you. If you are in danger, just kill yourself and light the lamp with the head to ignite the source of hope.

You have a calamity this time. Whether you can survive it depends on your own destiny.

After Quede finished speaking, he said no more.

Que Xinyan was silent for a moment, sighed, and said: Master, I understand, if this happens, there will probably be no next life - so that paragraph is not what the disciple should understand, but what the disciple wants to understand about Mu Yuxi, her Please come and repay Master's kindness.

The disciple once had a debt of gratitude to her, and now it can be regarded as the end of cause and effect, and it can also be regarded as a way to repay the kindness of the master's teaching and training.

If it is still there after this time, I will continue to fulfill my responsibilities as a disciple from now on.

Quede waved his hand and said: Okay, after all, we are also the ones in charge of Wangchenhuan, and we have a better chance of breaking the tribulation than other practitioners.

It's just that some of the experiences and murals from this time appeared on the No. 99 soul stele collected by some powerful people, and appeared on the Seven Dragons Altar, the Eight Dragons Altar, and even the Nine Dragons Altar and the Ancestral Dragon murals.

After all, the Ancestral Dragon, the Ancestral Dragon Demon, the Demon Dragon, and the Demon Spirit will all appear this time. What will happen will be revealed after the Qingyun Tomb - the Tomb of the Great Emperor is opened.

This time - I will also go as a teacher, but probably more as a bystander than as an authority figure.

So, you have to do everything entirely on your own.

This can be considered the most dangerous time, not only for you, but also for Su Li.

Winning is not particularly profitable.

But if you lose, you will lose everything. Not only will you lose the throne, but many other important positions will be taken away.

Que Xinyan said: Is it the Black Night Demon Clan who wants to inherit the throne of Emperor Wang? Or is it the White Night Demon Clan who wants to inherit the position of Emperor Cong?

Quede shook his head and said: These are all unknown factors, but the White Night Demon Clan is not very ambitious, and it does not seem to be deception, but such a matter is very involved, and it is not appropriate to use Wangchenhuan's Wangxiangtai ability.

And this method has changed just now - that is to say, Xia Xin Ninghuan took the initiative to use such power, and we won't be able to use it in a short time.

After all, such usage restrictions are still very large, and if he uses it this time, the loss and cost will be high.

It can be seen that his sister's situation is also not good.

Que Xinyan hesitated slightly and said: Master accepts my sister and me as disciples. Does he want to restore the status of Xia Xinning, the master of the world, and Xia Xinyan, the god? Just in case they succeed, our inheritance will be cut off?

Que De said with a smile in his eyes: Yes, you really have a lot of brains. It's not easy.

Que Xinyan was extremely happy immediately, and there was a little smile in his eyes: Of course, but this time I thought of it, but what I thought of myself, it really has nothing to do with Mu Yuxi!

Quede smiled and said: Of course I know it, but you must remember the truth and don't spread it everywhere, otherwise the Lord Xia Xinning will definitely fight for it!

Que Xinyan said: This disciple feels that this situation is somewhat obvious. Why doesn't he doubt it?

Que De said: It's so obvious. If he doubts it, wouldn't it look stupid. But this is the same in this world. Things that seem stupid are actually the truth.

Que Xinyan said: Master Su likes to do this kind of thing the most. It is indeed the case! Every time he tells the truth, but he gives people the impression that he is talking nonsense. Alas, that eloquent and spitting , the rhetorical performance is really unforgettable.”

Que Xinyan's eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

Quede calmly distanced himself from this bitch.

Immediately, Quede canceled the shielding effect, and then looked at Xia Xinyan thoughtfully.

At this time, Xia Xinning had already walked out of the memory forbidden zone.

At this time, Su Li directly manifested a giant hand that covered the sky from the memory restricted area and grabbed Feng Yao.

Feng Yao frowned slightly, and was very dissatisfied with Su Li's 'arrogant' methods. He snorted coldly and let Su Li be captured into the memory restricted area.

Quede glanced at Xia Xinning.

Xia Xinning narrowed her eyes slightly, then glanced at Xia Xinyan again, and said in a gentle voice: Xinyan, please wait here for a while, I will talk to Quede about Wangchenhuan.

Xia Xinyan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of smile and tenderness: Brother, go ahead, but be careful of the trap Que De sets to avoid being manipulated by him.

Xia Xinning's smile was extremely bright: Don't worry, the person who can manipulate your brother has not yet been born in this world!

Xia Xinyan smiled and said, Brother, you and Quede should go to the west to talk. The direction to the east is not very good right now.

Hearing this, Xia Xinning smiled and said, Okay.

As he spoke, he immediately stopped after taking three or four steps towards the east area, then hooked his fingers towards Quede, and then turned around and headed to the west.

Xinyan, can you look at this place?

Three thousand feet further.


After Quede came over, he glanced at Xia Xinning and said, Your sister is deliberately manipulating you.

Xia Xinning said: If I can make her happy, it doesn't matter if I am a fool.

Que De said: When you say that, I feel very uneasy.

Xia Xinning said: That's okay.

Que De said: Is it done?

Xia Xinning said: Do you want to tell the truth or a lie?

Que De said: If the words are paintings, then they must be truthful. If the paintings are words, then they must be lies.

Xia Xinning said: What I will give you will be a real painting, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to use it.

Que De said: I listen to the truth and take fake paintings.

Xia Xinning said: I told lies and gave you real paintings. Do you want it or not?

Que De said: Don't you care?

Xia Xinning said: I don't care, do you care?

Que De said: She is your biological sister.

Xia Xinning said: She is not only your disciple, but also the key inheritor of the 'Tao of Wuwei', which can be regarded as the comprehensive inheritance of our two inheritances.

Although I care, this trip is so dangerous. I have tried my best and tried my best. Whatever the outcome, I will not be too sorry after all.

But if you don't try your best, you will end up regretting it.

Que De said: Okay, I will risk my life to try it, but I am afraid that I will die if I try it.

Xia Xinning said: Don't worry, after you die, I will set up a creation monument for you in Wangchenhuan. Su Li has set up a creation monument for you on the other side of the bridge. Who asked you to be ranked first?! The monument has been erected for you. Don’t you know yourself yet?”

Que De said: This ungrateful brat!

Xia Xinning said: Don't expect him to be virtuous. Thank God for accepting my sister as your disciple. If it weren't for your bad idea to raise a goddess as a son of a god, what would be like this?

Que De said: Then you still praised me for doing a good job and raising me perfectly.

Xia Xinning said: Did I praise you? It must have been that my mind was filled with water at that time, so I talked nonsense for a while.

Que De said: Many gods also praise this method.

Xia Xinning said: Those old guys praise you because they want you to make mistakes again and again. Do you believe this?

Que De said: What's more regretful now is that Su Ye's debt cannot be recovered. He owes me nearly one billion in karma. It's a loss.

The corner of Xia Xinning's mouth twitched and she said, He also owes me more than a billion yuan in karma.

When Quede heard this, he almost vomited a mouthful of old blood: The little brat also said that you have deposited billions of karma, is this the way to deposit it?

Xia Xinning said: That's what he told me too, and he vowed... It seems that if we hadn't faced a life-and-death disaster this time and had to leave a legacy, I am afraid that this kid would have continued to use each other.

Xia Xinning said, seeming to remember something, and said: I owe him more than one billion yuan! Isn't that the same for you?!

When Que De heard this, his face turned as black as coal: The same goes for that old bastard Su Xinghe.

Xia Xinning was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: Su Li doesn't owe anything, right?

After Quede heard this, he felt a little better and said: Nothing is owed. This time I made a small profit of a thousand karma, and Su Li is the only one who is doing better.

Xia Xinning said: Be careful. I taught him the Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Technique. That kind of sword technique, I don't know how many people can be burned with one strike.

When Quede heard this, he almost vomited blood: You... you taught him this method of burning karma to enhance killing ability? I just formed an alliance with him, and I also agreed to move the Netherworld Sea into it. This -

Xia Xinning said: Look, how much have I paid, right? It's already like this, it's time to fight. What did that kid say before - give it a try -

Que De said: What the hell, if you think about it, the entire force of our Netherworld Sea has worked for the Su family for free for 100,000 years! We also lost our direct disciples!

Xia Xinning said: Calm down, calm down, hasn't he already secured his position as the Heavenly Prince? As for the plans he mentioned in Tianchi Xuehe, when the time comes, the border closure of the Ziwei Star Territory will be opened directly. After the Starry Sky Tomb is opened, It should be possible to form an independent small world.

I thought that if we could combine the soul realm, we could create a world of 'True Void Immortal God Realm'.

At that time, he will be the Creator, and we will be the ‘enforcers’ in charge of that world, the true enforcers of the law.

If you randomly harvest a portion of cause and effect from all sentient beings, that would be more than tens of billions of cause and effect?

If you think this way, you will be willing to die this time, and you can die in peace.

When the time comes, I will turn the excess karma into paper and burn it to you.

Think about the ghost papers flying all over the sky in Jingyang Village. They are all cause and effect. How spectacular!

Although that is an illusion, isn't it a good thing to dream about it?

Not to mention, this scene appeared in the fake soul-suppressing secret realm, and it will definitely happen in the future!

Que De said: I have shortcomings, you have no shortcomings, I am not your opponent. Okay, I will die, it depends on the cause and effect, okay!

Do you think Su Li's painting is not impressive enough? You want me to call Ollie?

Xia Xinning said: What nonsense?

Que De said: That little brat Su Li's mantra from a hundred thousand years ago is very magical. He probably won the favor of the royal family because of it. I will try to see if I can earn some favor points from the royal family so that I can die with a little dignity. .”

Xia Xinning said: Didn't he draw a little Qiao for you?

Que De said unhappily: Stop talking, it's leaking. This time the royal family rose up and the Immortal Killing Sword Formation penetrated. Xiao Qiao was affected. It's gone. Otherwise, why do you think I'm so haggard recently?

Xia Xinning said: Su Li's painting this time is a bit too fierce, it's so awesome. I want to shout at Oli, so I might as well not use this painting until the critical moment.

Que De said: So I won't waste this painting even if I die? What's the painting? So powerful?!

Xia Xinning said: The earth is murderous, and dragons and snakes rise from the land. My sister was originally a snake, once a dragon, and now she is a human! You think about it, think about it carefully.

Quede's breath was stagnant and he said: Oli! I'll die! Can I die a few more times? As long as I don't die, the glimmer of hope is to earn money with blood!

Xia Xinning said: The prince is no longer the prince today!

Que De said: What kind of role do you want to be? As long as I can succeed, I am willing to do anything!

Quede said, and then said: Where is the painting?!

Xia Xinning's eyes narrowed, and Que De's eyes focused on each other.

The next moment, after a light and shadow came into contact between the two people's eyes, Quede took a deep breath and said: Awesome! The little bastard is awesome!

Xia Xinning said: It's really amazing.

Que De said: Is Su Ye here?

Xia Xinning said: What do you want to do?

Que De said: Lend tens of billions to him.

Xia Xinning trembled - you still have so many?

Que De said: If I shoot it now, it will be hundreds of millions.

Xia Xinning said: How many gods have you lent money to over the years?

Que De said: That little brat was taught well a hundred thousand years ago, otherwise how could he make so much money? Those gods started to have a hard time thinking that the low interest rate doesn't matter. If you use it, you won't be able to get out of this big prison!

Xia Xinning gave a thumbs up and said: Six six six.

Que De said with a stern look on his face: Don't do anything wrong.

Xia Xinning was in a good mood and said: Okay, this is the best news I have ever heard. I finally feel at ease. But you are so rich and yet you cry about poverty every day, you are really enough!

Que De said with contempt: You don't cry about being poor but you still show off your wealth? Are you beaten up? Those gods know that I have to work hard to pay off the debt. Otherwise, if this kid like Su Ye is like this, I really can't pay enough!

Xia Xinning said: Borrow some first, and I will repay the debt with five million karma.

Quede: ???

Xia Xinning said: I may look glamorous on the surface, but in reality I am extremely poor.

Quede: ...

Xia Xinning said: Do you want to borrow it or not? I have the dividends from the Tianchi Blood River. You make me bear so many consequences. You can't bear it if something happens!

Que De said: What did you do? Could it be that you were gambling with those gods? If you want to forget the world, don't do it blindly!

Xia Xinning said: No, I just killed a few blind ants, which consumed a bit too much. My Xuanyuan Yulong Immortal Sword Art is a big user of karma.

Que De said: Five million is enough?

Xia Xinning said: Then fifty million?

Que De said: You'd better die.

Xia Xinning said: We will definitely make a profit from now on! What are we still afraid of? When I recover the Xuanyuan Heavenly Evil Sword, I will only need the original life energy created by Heaven to destroy the killing move. What else is needed for cause and effect? .”

Que De said: Okay, five million, the last time! Moreover, you have to pay me back what you owe me, and I am also the Lord of the World. This is a determined cause and effect, and it cannot be ignored, otherwise the gods would have defaulted long ago. .”

Xia Xinning said: Don't worry, I'll just call you 'Oli' again.

Que De said: Thank you, don't learn the method I learned to get close to the 'royal family', and don't spread it to others.

Xia Xinning said: I am the most trustworthy person. I keep my mouth shut. It will definitely not be spread.

As Xia Xinning said, she directly sent a message to Xia Xinyan, telling her some truth and asking Xia Xinyan not to tell anyone else.

Xia Xinyan thought about it and immediately passed it on to Mei'er, asking Mei'er to pay attention and don't spread the word.

Then... Meier directly passed it on to the Tianyu Clan and Tianji Pavilion, telling them not to spread the word.

Que De was still waiting to speak when his face suddenly darkened - Is this your sister's tight-mouthed attitude?

But now Que De didn't care anymore and borrowed five million interest-free loans to Xia Xinning. Not only did he get no profit, he also had to die...

But when he thought about the painting he had obtained, Que De felt very satisfied - he had made a lot of money.

This bastard can only reap any benefits in this life-and-death moment.

Quede murmured in his heart, and then felt the painting again, and suddenly couldn't help but feel palpitations again.

Memory restricted area, third floor.

Su Li looked at Feng Yao quietly, his expression extremely calm.

Have you made up your mind? You want to fight me? In fact, the outcome has been decided, you lose.

Su Li said lightly.

Feng Yao snorted proudly, coming from his throat and snorting from his nostrils.

Originally, the position of the prince today belongs to me! And the responsibility of patrolling Qingyun Tomb is also mine!

If I hadn't glanced at you on a whim when I was inspecting the soul-crushing monument that day, things like this wouldn't have happened today.

Not only did you steal the royal bloodline inheritance of my Wind Clan, you also stole the position of the Heavenly Prince.

This time, no matter success or failure, I want to really fight you!

This battle continues the last encounter between you and me at the end of Su Ye's memory zone.

We met in the past and fought in the past.

So, if I am really not as good as you now, I will admit it, because I was not as good as you in the past!

But, if I win, then——you won’t be able to sit still in this position!

Because your trip to Qingyun Tomb this time is a huge danger with endless killing and killing. You can't do it, you can't withstand it!

Even if the royal family forcibly supports you up and puts you in that position, you still can't do it!

You are so far behind!

Your virtue is unworthy!

You can't even do the most basic thing of giving up your emotions and desires!

Or rather than giving up, because I have all of these too!

But you - you pursue these things too much, are too personal in your emotions and joys, and do not have the grace and temperament of a royal family at all.

So if you represent the royal family, it will make the royal family look very low-end and humble.

This is not my personal feeling, but countless gods actually look down on you from the bottom of their hearts and think you are as humble as an ant.

Feng Yao said something from his heart.

This kind of words could only be said on such occasions.

Su Li said: Dignity is never given by others, but earned by oneself!

It doesn't matter whether I have been looked down upon by others, the key is that no one in the royal family dares to look down on me.

Because the gods know very well that there must be a reason why I became the emperor.

This is the reason they are looking for!

And you just saw my shortcomings.

But I see the good in you.

So, you have actually lost, right?

The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom. I don’t need to teach you this basic truth, right?

Therefore, you are really inferior to me.

Also, how did your heavenly soul come back? I released it.

I built the Tianchi Blood River and delineated more powerful laws of heaven and earth, and royal rules, so most of the prehistoric royal laws in Su Ye's blood river restricted area became invalid.

In this way, the suppression of your heavenly soul will naturally be ineffective.

And why the royal family suppressed you, in your opinion, it was for training.

This is both right and wrong.

Because at the end of the blood river, it’s not only you, but also me, and many talented people!

But everyone failed, only I became the Emperor's Prince.


Because I have the right combination of virtue and talent.

The one who really doesn't deserve it is you, Feng Yao, isn't it?

Su Li responded directly with words.

This verbal confrontation over the emperor's status is also a battle.

It's just that this is a battle between Tao and law. If you can't gain the upper hand, you will fall into extreme passivity.

At that time, even if you win, it will be disgraceful.

And if you don't have enough fighting power and use special moves to win, it will stretch your hips even more.

This is not what Su Li wants to see.

Feng Yao sneered and said: Whether it is worthy or not, in a world like this, the first factor is the strength of the heavenly soul! And the second factor is the level of combat power!

Even this basic thing is not there, everything else is just a mirror image.

Therefore, this battle is the most basic judgment!

Let's fight first. After the battle determines the outcome, I will discuss it with you.

Of course, if you lose and are not convinced, I am willing to discuss it with you and make you convinced!

The future is fixed, but there are gaps in time, and the past is not yet determined. The past can be written, and the past can determine the future.

The future may go wrong, but once the past is set, the future will still change!

(PS: The first update of 10,000 words~I am asking for full subscriptions and monthly passes. Dear friends, come and order a monthly pass. Thank you~Also, I am very grateful to 'book friend 160405225513682' for the 600 starting coin reward support~Thank you very much for the book Friend 'a Binghuna' gave 200 starting coins for support. Thank you very much to book friends 'Wuxian' and 'Tiantian' who gave 100 coins each for support~)


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