I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,125 The Transformation of the Human Emperor, Light Blue Protecting the Way

After Feng Qianwei left, Su Li opened a protective circle deep in the Wangchen World and enveloped himself in it.

And during this process, colorful bubbles came one after another carrying the soul of the practitioner.

The souls carried by these colorful bubbles have the same existence form as Feng Qianwei. Each one is a clone. After entering here, there is no intention to go out.

And their purpose of coming in is also very pure, not to explore cause and effect, nor to be harvested by Wangchenhuan, but just to give some origin.

Youfeng Qianwei's previous reminder, coupled with Su Li's own understanding of himself and his identity as the Lord of Heaven, so Su Li did not refuse.

Of course, there are also some malicious beings mixed in among them.

However, this time Immortal Light Blue even manifested directly, standing quietly outside the protective circle.

Dressed in white, he stood there quietly, as if he were left behind and independent, filled with an indescribable aura of intimidation.

Perhaps, before these malicious beings came, they had already thought about how to attack crazily, or even assassinate them.

But when they saw the immortal light blue standing quietly outside the magic circle, their thoughts were completely extinguished.

At this time, even if they are unwilling, they can only choose the second option - sincerity.

These things happened one after another, which also caused Su Li's transformation to be somewhat hindered.

But he was in no hurry.

After the timeline is repaired, the entire world has temporarily stabilized, and many causes and effects will also be stabilized.

Gradually, the colorful bubbles around them became less and less, and soon disappeared completely.

After completely disappearing, the world became exceptionally clear, and Su Li's figure was even directly projected above Wangchenhuan.

The entire Wangchen World was as clear as a mirror, and what the mirror highlighted was Su Li's current situation.

This kind of projection was completely projected across the entire Netherworld Sea, so that all the geniuses in the entire Netherworld Sea area became even more excited.

The cause and effect of Su Renhuang touches people's hearts.

And his ever-present Dao injury has become the key to whether the leader of the prehistoric royal family can survive.

This time, many beings have devoted a lot of resources and provided help. This news has already shocked the world and attracted the attention of all practitioners in the world.

Now, when projections have appeared, this seems to be a prosperous scene that has not appeared in a long time.

Just like the wonderful projection between heaven and earth when the soul-crushing monument arrives.

After real-time updates are turned off, this situation is already rare.

Su Li's figure was sitting quietly in the void, his whole body exuding a powerful aura of the Imperial Dao. His long black hair was flying uninhibitedly in the dark night, and his bright and deep eyes were as bright as stars.

He was dressed in white and looked like an unsheathed sword, exuding an indescribable courage and momentum.

This is the Su Renhuang! He looks so handsome and extraordinary!

With such an imperial aura, he is worthy of being the human emperor of the prehistoric royal family!

The Human Emperor seems to be really strong!

It is rumored that the transformation of his Pangu bloodline contains the Ten Thousand Soul Crystals derived from the Dragon Heart of the Ten Thousand Dragon Emperors. Once transformed, he will be invincible!

At least he has achieved king-level combat power in one step! King-level combat power in golden robes!

Su Renhuang, is he finally going to overcome Dao Shang and become a golden-robed king-level combat power?

It's a bit confusing. I don't think it will work. After all, Taoist injuries are not that easy to suppress!

If you fail, then you will have fun.

It was actually the first time for many ordinary practitioners to see Su Li in such a state at such a 'close range'.

Therefore, they couldn't help but start talking.

Under this world, strong pressure gradually became apparent.

Behind Su Li, streaks of light blue light gradually formed a ripple-like sky curtain, gradually covering Su Li.

And outside the sky, the immortal light blue figure emerged bit by bit.

That's Immortal Light Blue!

Immortal level peerless combat power, peerless goddess!

Can the goddess compare to the immortal Lord Light Blue?

This momentum is so terrifying!

This is the real top, worship!

The crowd was a little stirred.

Some of the most talented people or the upper echelons couldn't help but sigh.

And more existences don't even dare to speak out, for fear of blasphemy and being obliterated by majesty or consciousness.

You know, such a top level, a single thought is enough to kill countless geniuses and gods.


At this moment, all the dangerous auras that existed suddenly exploded into pieces of dazzling light.

In the light, hundreds of practitioners were inexplicably exploded into bloody mist and powder. Even the Nascent Soul, Infant Soul and even the Divine Soul were not able to escape for a moment. They were directly vaporized on the spot and completely disappeared.

Then, the world was quiet for a moment.

Then, that abnormal aura quickly disappeared.

The world became even more silent.

At this time, Su Li opened his eyes.

A dragon crystal suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

That is none other than Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Crystal.

Ten thousand dragon crystals appeared, and the terrifying source of reincarnation also gathered out of the forgotten world at this time, constantly lingering into the ten thousand dragon crystals.

Su Li sat cross-legged in the void, and all his energy and blood escaped.

Mainly the Pangu bloodline, the terrifying blood boiled and immediately broke through many curses.

At this time, even if Lianxu is still a real Taoist, with such a background, there is no way to stop Su Li's growth.

The Tao injury is fake, but it has been created by the system to look exactly like the real thing.

As for the foundation of the loss, naturally everything falls into the foundation of the system, and there is no real loss.

However, this process of 'confrontation' is like its own internal consumption. The total amount of energy is not really reduced, but is absorbed by the system.

So Su Li didn't care at all.

His mentality was as stable as ever.


At this moment, the shackles of the bloodline were opened, and all the shackles and bottlenecks in the body were broken through in one fell swoop.

Divine light soared into the sky, and the clouds and mist in all directions were shattered by the terrifying mirror projection.

The divine light penetrated the void, shattered the Dao marks, soared into the sky and shattered the stars, causing the heaven and earth to shake and eclipse.

Such a divine light is so bright that even some of the top geniuses are so stung that they cannot open their eyes to see, or even use their six senses to sense it!

Just because the impact is too strong.

Just because this kind of bloodline aura is too powerful!

Boom boom boom——

A series of shackles in the bloodline were broken one after another, the most terrifying of which was the genetic level sword intent contained in the bloodline.

After the energy and blood boiled out, that kind of sword intent completely penetrated the gold and cracked the stone, just like the way to control the sword with the ultimate method, it wanted to pierce all the laws and traces of the path in this time.

This scene is really terrible.

All those watching the battle couldn't help but take in a breath of cold air - you must know that this is just the transformation of Su Li's bloodline at this time, and it is also Su Li's transformation after compressing his endless combat power.

If he releases his shackles with all his strength and explodes with all his strength...

This world may not be able to accommodate his breakthrough and transformation.

But even so, such movement is still shocking.

This time, what he manifested was not only potential, but also a foundation.

Even if the combat power is infinitely compressed, the expression of such a foundation is still shocking and inexplicable, and it is still treated with respect and respect.

Strength is foundation.

Even if he only shows less than one billionth of his true potential, he is still invincible and unscrupulous!

Everyone was extremely shocked!

Is this the Su Renhuang?

This Su Renhuang has not even become a true purple-robed level combat power, or even just a white-robed level combat power. Unexpectedly, it can reach the height of the Colorful Emperor with the momentum of transformation!

This is unbelievable!

Everyone present at the scene changed their expressions at this moment!

Such an existence, once the true Dao injury is successfully restored and the bloodline transformation is successful, then... that is simply an extremely terrifying existence, a terrifying existence that cannot be contained in the future!

Also at this moment, Su Li felt the murderous intent that was as dense as locusts.

Each of these murderous intentions is extremely violent and powerful, and they are also very dense.

He didn't sense it. Through Wangchenhuan's mirror sensing system and his own divine calculation ability, how could Su Li not know the specific reason for this situation?

But he didn't care.

Any tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Although he didn't want to show off, there was actually no other option at the moment.

And if this is considered a show, then Su Li has nothing to say - although it does look very good, this is indeed the lowest breakthrough in strength and potential that he can show so far.

Su Li also wanted to keep pushing down, but he couldn't go any lower.

In terms of the lower limit, he has forced it to the limit.

If pressed further, it will rebound and break.

Is this a murderous intention? If I break through the Three Thousand Avenues with all my strength, haha.

Su Li also snorted coldly in his heart.

This time, Immortal Qinglan came directly to protect the road and sat here. Su Li was not worried at all.

Of course, even if Immortal Light Blue is not in charge, Su Li will not be too worried, but at that time, he will reveal more of his strength.

In this reincarnation system of exploring cause and effect, he decided to suppress it as long as he could for the time being and not to overdo it.

While pondering, Su Li's heart was completely immersed in practice.

The entire Wangchenhuan soon became even more dazzling.

Endless radiance continuously surrounded Su Li, forming clusters of extremely magical scenes of light.

Cluster after cluster of terrifying divine lights soared into the sky, breaking through the sky and destroying all things.

The bright and scorching light became more crystal clear and dazzling every time.

Massive amounts of origin and Pangu bloodline aura of such high quality that it makes people want to kneel are constantly surrounding Su Li, gradually forming waves like the roaring waves of an angry sea.

The entire Wangchen World seemed to have turned into the headquarters of the bloodline of immortal gods, as if it had become the eternal prehistoric imperial domain between heaven and earth, eternal and immortal.

Su Li sat cross-legged quietly, his energy and blood boiling like crazy, constantly eliciting huge visions, shaking the world, and causing the vibrations of the rules.

This supreme divine power is so powerful that it can overwhelm the nine heavens and ten earths, making everything else eclipse.

The blood energy is powerful, and the order and chains of the Tao derived from the Tao injury are constantly cracking and shattering in such powerful energy and blood.

Among them, Su Li's physical body is also in this kind of energy and blood, constantly breaking through the Taoism and various mysterious rays of light, and constantly transforming and evolving in it.

This is a method of sublimation and a way of concealing the dragon.

At this moment, even if only a ray of combat power appeared, Su Li's power was extremely shocking.

In fact, it is so shocking that it makes people feel chilled and shocked to the point of numbness.



At this time, on another level shrouded by the system, all of Su Li's three thousand avenues were ready to move.

It's just that these changes have all been introduced into the core area of ​​the system. Therefore, the transformation and evolution are equally violent, as if nuclear fusion has occurred in the small world inside the body, but none of the outsiders and gods know it.

The same is true. When such a situation occurs, even if Su Li does not manifest any vision, the terrifying sense of crisis still scares many geniuses out of their wits.

This time, it was no longer so shocking that it was almost numb, but almost complete plasmolysis!

This shock and sense of horror severely impacted the minds and bodies of everyone present, making all those who saw the scene deep in Wangchenhuan through the light of the mirror feel horrified.

Some beings no longer even dare to look, nor do they dare to use their six senses to sense. They are completely in a state of wanting to see but not daring to see, and their body, mind, and will are suffering.


Why is there such a strong sense of crisis?

This aura of crisis, aura of danger, is so appalling!

Could it be that he also contains extremely terrible karma?

At this time, beings such as the ghosts of the Three Purities and the Lords of the Three Purities were also paying attention. Therefore, a group of upper-level and even top-level beings began to feel uneasy.

It doesn't matter. After all, it is a special existence. If it weren't for this, it wouldn't be so targeted and impossible to win.

At this time, Emperor Ying mentioned his opinion.

Her opinion is of course not an opinion, but a guide.

how so?

Just because the being behind her guessed part of the reason - it must be that the Three Thousand Avenues contained in Su Li have undergone some kind of transformation and improvement. However, because the Three Thousand Avenues are mysterious and powerful, they are not shown and no one can sense it. arrive.

The same was true. While Emperor Ying was even more excited, he also instinctively helped to cover it up.

Of course, she actually doesn't know the specific cause and effect - only Li Juan behind her knows everything she does. Her actions are only influenced by Li Juan and are judged instinctively.

The Lords of the Three Pure Realms were silent for a while, but they did not interfere.

As for the ghost-level beings of the Sanqing Dynasty, their eyes were a little uncertain, but when their eyes fell on the immortal Qianlan next to the Wangchenhuan protective formation where Su Li was, that thought finally dissipated.

Can't take action.

Among the ghosts of the Three Pure Ones, the Ghost of the Supreme Pure One responded.

Indeed, otherwise some beings from the prehistoric mythical world would appear.

The Ghost of Taiqing responded.

The ghost of Yuqing remained silent.

Just then.


There was a sudden violent tremor between the heaven and the earth, and then there was a sound that resounded through the void in all directions, like a sound that destroyed all realms.

A ray of light and shadow suddenly rushed towards the mirror area of ​​Wangchenhuan.

At the same time, an extremely terrifying killing aura filled the air in all directions, sweeping like a storm and rushing down from the sky like a flood. It roared out and brutally killed Su Li in the area where he was.

This aura comes from a certain aura of Hu, but it is not Hu.

It was a special existence named ‘佞’ who had followed Yu Hu before.

However, at this moment, Ni seems to have turned the wheel several times, and contains an extremely terrifying Xiyi way, that is, the kind of people die as ghosts, ghosts die as ghosts, and ghosts die as Xi. Hope death is the way to go.

It contains a special state formed by four full reincarnations of death. It is unknown whether it is an entity or a causal existence.

But when it appeared, the murderous intent caused even the ghosts of the Three Purities and the Lord of the Three Purities to change their expressions!


But, at this moment, Immortal Light Blue took action.

It was an azure glow.

In the light, a golden lotus petal-like weapon suddenly appeared, holding up the entire Wangchen World in an instant and twisting the void in reverse.


The murderous intention of destruction suddenly exploded and then disappeared.

The next moment, the golden flower turned into a stream of light like a golden sword.



In the void, all the energy of destruction fell apart.

At this moment, the Xiyi-like existence, 'Ni', also let out a shrill roar like a ghost.


The next moment, the ground shook, and the entire Wangchen world was extremely turbulent as if it was going to explode.

But among them, Immortal Light Blue just snorted coldly, evolved a light blue glow, and shot towards the void again.

A light blue petal suddenly swept across the world, causing all the Dao marks, mountains, and chains of order that appeared in the void to shatter into pieces.

Then, the shattered light and shadow were all swept away by the light blue petals, and they all collapsed.

By this time, Ni's miserable cries had also disappeared.

The world between heaven and earth, which was originally filled with evil spirits and murderous aura, quickly became quiet.

The world returned to peace in a very short period of time.

At this time, Su Li didn't even open his eyes or look.

Because there is no need to open your eyes, let alone see.

Today's system is already an eight-star balanced system, and it even has enough foundation to be terrifying!

The system protector in this state - Immortal Light Blue, is so powerful that it is unimaginable.

It can be said that as long as Su Li is willing, he can conquer most areas of the world.

If it weren't for the purpose of exploring more details and secrets, and digging into the core of the third round of cause and effect, he could live a more carefree life.

As for the mysterious existence that appeared, Su Li didn't take it seriously at all.

Appearing at such a moment, assassination can only have one result - death!

Xiyi puppet.

But it's still a way to die.

Immortal Qinglan spoke calmly, and then his eyes fell on the other side of the area where Hu was not far away.

There, a light and shadow named 'Zhu' gathered immediately, and then tried to escape.


The next moment, Immortal's light blue eyes condensed.

The terrifying divine beauty burst out from her beautiful eyes.


The light and shadow named 'Zhu' seemed to be fixed in the void, and then was rolled up by this divine flower, and immediately made a collapse sound like a broken path.

In this instant, the light and shadow named 'Zhui' was directly obliterated by the immortal light blue on the spot, turned into fly ash, and completely annihilated.

Still a Xiyi puppet.

But the foundation is still retained, just for Su Renhuang as the source of transformation.

Immortal Qinglan raised his hand and grabbed it, as if grabbing the ridge of a heavenly path, and then pulled it out violently.


The order and traces of heaven and earth exploded one after another, and then the sound of thunder seemed to explode, but the silence quickly returned.

Such a strong method made beings such as the Three Pure Realm Lords feel their eyebrows beating wildly and their minds uneasy.

Afterwards, the scene became silent again, and the turmoil in this world finally calmed down.

Su Li sat cross-legged quietly in Wangchenhuan, and his Three Thousand Great Ways continued to transform.

He remained unmoved. Everything in the outside world was controlled by the divine calculations, but he had no intention of it at all.

Now, Daoshang has been completely covered by blood and pushed forward in one fell swoop.

Even if he secretly strengthened the bad consequences of Dao injuries, the result was still vulnerable.

After the transformation of the bloodline, the Pangu bloodline entered the palace, leaped into the realm of proficiency in one fell swoop, and was crushed to the point of being crushed without any suspense!

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