I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,123 Leek harvesting, Qianwei reappears

Forget the depths of the world.

The bubbles around Su Li gradually increased.

At this time, there was one bubble among those bubbles, and its colorful halo was particularly dazzling and bright.

This kind of brightness made Su Li aware of it immediately.

Su Li opened his eyes silently, and the system's divine calculation function gave him an answer in his heart for the first time.

Su Li was also a little surprised that he met this person in this place.


In front of Su Li, the colorful bubble floated over, and then stood quietly in front of Su Li's eyes, not even ten centimeters away from Su Li's nose.

This location is already very close.

Then, the reflection of this bubble was naturally reflected in Su Li's clear eyes.

At this time, the bubbles froze for a moment and then floated away naturally.

But the colorful bubbles in Su Li's eyes lasted for a while before gradually extinguishing.

After the colorful bubbles extinguished and disappeared, a figure condensed in Su Li's memory restricted area.

When this figure began to condense, it was not in human form, but in the form of a glass bead.

Later, this glass bead transformed into a beautiful woman in white dress and gauze skirt.

This pretty girl is none other than Feng Qianwei.

Su Li was indeed a little surprised when Feng Qianwei appeared here. You must know that this place is deep in the Wangchen World, a true forbidden land of reincarnation, and is currently under the jurisdiction of Li Juan.

Su Li was a little moved by Feng Qianwei's ability to infiltrate here.

He even had a weird feeling that when he got to the end, he found out that the original idiot was the real boss.

Who are you complaining to?

In fact, even now, when facing Feng Qianwei, Su Li had unspeakable complex emotions and an unspeakably funny mentality.

You're here.

Su Li was not surprised at all that Feng Qianwei was able to enter the restricted area of ​​his memory.

After all, when the colorful bubbles were reflected, Su Li took the initiative to imprint them into his eyes.

The eyes are the windows to the soul, so it is normal for Feng Qianwei to come in. This is the door to Su Li's heart that he took the initiative to open.

Yes, I'm here. Brother Human Emperor, we haven't seen you for a long time. It really comforts me to see you again.

Feng Qianwei seemed to let herself go a little bit.

It seems that after some of the rules of the timeline were fixed, her character began to take shape.

In other words, she remembered what Su Li said back then.

Su Li still remembered that when he and Feng Yao experienced the cause and effect of the Shapolang Three-Star Bracelet, he told Feng Qianwei, don't be shy, let alone be shy, you are not suitable for this temperament. You are suitable for a personality that is a bit more idiotic, so that I can be more familiar with you and feel more comfortable.

Su Li still remembered Feng Qianwei's speechless and helpless cute expression when she said this.

Although cuteness has never been Feng Qianwei's character, being cute is indeed her code name.

At that time, Feng Qianwei's response was that if you like it, then I will always be such a big fool.

So, what about the big fool?

Hey, woman.

Su Li's thoughts flashed through his mind and he quickly regained his composure. He smiled and said, Didn't I just meet her when I came out of A Chinese Girl's World?

Feng Qianwei chuckled and said, Isn't it like not seeing each other for one day like three autumns?

Su Li was speechless and said: Your word that represents time is not very serious.

Feng Qianwei rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, It seems that your injury has really deceived everyone in the world. Brother Human Emperor, you are getting worse and worse.

Su Li:

Damn it, women are too smart to be fooled.

Su Li said: Don't talk nonsense, I'm still counting on Wandao Dragon Crystal to save my life. I'm about to enter the refining state. What are you doing here? It's very dangerous here.

Feng Qianwei obviously didn't believe Su Li's so-called life-saving words.

However, she still said softly: Brother Human Emperor, my existence is just the incarnation of a glass bead. It doesn't matter if I die. Of course, if Brother Human Emperor can feel sorry for him after his sacrifice, it will be worth it. .”

Su Li was speechless and said: Woman, don't flirt with me, or I will let you know how powerful I am.

Feng Qianwei's pretty face turned slightly red, and she immediately stopped saying these words: Brother Human Emperor, Qianwei came here to give some benefits. This benefit should not be in vain, right?

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said: I understand, you are right. But does this violate some of the original intentions?

Feng Qianwei smiled and said: If the heart is Bodhi and the heart is Bodhi, then all the original intentions will not be violated. If the core direction does not go wrong, the process is actually not that important.

As for these benefits, Qianwei feels that they should not be given in vain. Even if they are used to feed back to the people of the prehistoric royal family, that is a good thing, right?

As long as it's not driven by your own sincere greed and desire, it doesn't matter.

Su Li said: You are really an old man, you have seen through all this.

Feng Qianwei smiled proudly and said, Of course.

Su Li said: Fortunately, you are not from my prehistoric royal family, otherwise the outward behavior of a girl like you would really be a headache.

Feng Qianwei said: Is Brother Human Emperor feeling well?

Su Li smiled and said: That's natural. If I am the beneficiary, I feel very happy. No wonder many people have a bad appetite and like to eat soft food. This feeling is really exciting.

Feng Qianwei rolled her eyes at Su Li and said softly: This time, Qianwei came to represent the Soul-Suppressing Palace to present the origin, which is contained in the Soul Origin Bead.

Not to mention how precious the Soul Source Pearl is, the soul source itself in it is already priceless.

Feng Qianwei said, taking out a very bright soul source bead.

The Soul Origin Bead only looks like a glass bead as big as your thumb, but this bead contains the origin of the entire world.

This is truly an extremely huge gift!

What's more important is that the world inside this Soul Origin Pearl contains three layers of foundation, the upper layer, the middle layer and the lower layer.

These three levels contain the meaning of the three realms!

Therefore, this is not only a Soul Origin Bead, but also a Three Realm Soul Origin Bead!

Before Su Li stretched out his hand, the system's divine calculation ability had already determined the information about the Soul Origin Bead.

And if there is such a soul source bead as the foundation, then the transformation and refining of ten thousand soul crystals will have an even more heaven-defying effect.

These forces are really willing to give up!

Su Li was also a little shocked. Sure enough, the treatment of becoming the Lord of Heaven is totally different.

Su Li did not take the Soul Origin Bead immediately, but looked at Feng Qianwei.

Feng Qianwei is dressed in a white gauze skirt. She has a slender and voluptuous figure. While standing tall, she also seems to be surrounded by immortal energy, like an immortal flower left behind and independent, like a divine lotus containing cold dew. It has an indescribable impact.

What's even more impactful is that her exaggerated scale makes people want to test it out.

At this moment, Su Li was inexplicably moved.

Feng Qianwei

It turned out to be really outstanding.

With Feng Qianwei like this, it's no wonder that Feng Yao was fascinated to death in that fantasy world.

Su Li withdrew his gaze and did not look again. He had experienced all the worldly affairs and his character had long been determined. This time, he was almost aroused by Feng Qianwei's simple and unpretentious performance. This was simply... Ridiculous fucking opened the door for Ridiculous. Ridiculous is home!

Su Li took a deep breath, and inhaled a refreshing breath of the girl's fragrance.

As a result, Su Li's heart became even more confused.

this thing

Su Li's eyes fell on the Soul Origin Bead.

This is the sincerity of the Soul-Suppressing Palace to help you transform into a Taoist injury, and it is also a compensation for some causes and effects of the Soul-Suppressing Monument. The Emperor Soul Realm is related to the future of the entire world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower. Although the Human Emperor's brother's approval Strictly speaking, it won't affect the result, but you are also the King of the Soviet Union after all.

At present, if you can put the overall situation first, Zhenhun Palace is also willing to show sincerity and help you.

Feng Qianwei explained.

Her words were very true and direct.

She also understood that whether Su Li agreed or not, the Emperor Soul Realm must be opened.

However, if Su Li doesn't object, that would be more justifiable.

As for the relationship between Su Li and Soul Zhendian, it has never been too bad.

After all, whether it is Feng Chaoge, the master of the Soul-Suppressing Palace, Feng Yao, the current emperor of the Soul-Suppressing Palace, or Feng Qianwei, they all have a close relationship with Su Li.

But now, the Soul-Suppressing Hall is centered on these people, so this force is not too alienated.

Su Li nodded lightly and said, I understand.

Feng Qianwei opened her red lips lightly and continued: Brother Human Emperor, you

As she spoke, she noticed something, and immediately instinctively gathered a ray of light, blocking her in front of her.

Brother Human Emperor, what are you doing?

Feng Qianwei's pretty face turned slightly red. At this moment, she felt a mysterious aura peeking at her.

This breath seemed to be directed towards her body.


This Su Renhuang is too unruly!

Feng Qianwei was also a little confused in her heart, and felt a little embarrassed and annoyed, not because she didn't want to, but because how could she peek through the Eye of Heaven!

You are Su Renhuang, not Su Renhuang!

When Su Li heard this, he was startled, and then he instinctively turned off the ability of divine calculation, and said: I just instinctively used the art of divine calculation, which is similar to the ability of the Eye of Listening. I want to know more about this soul source bead. That’s all.

Don't get me wrong.

Su Li explained.

Feng Qianwei nodded slightly, then converged the glow that blocked the undulating environment area, and returned to normal.

But her crimson face made her still look a little uncomfortable.

Su Li didn't pay attention to her figure. Instead, he was a little surprised that Feng Qianwei could sense the power of the gods?

Moreover, the ability of Tianji Divine Calculation was not to peek into Feng Qianwei's body, but when he came out of the Soul Origin Bead, Su Li subconsciously glanced at Feng Qianwei's body.

If it weren't for Feng Qianwei's violent feedback, Su Li himself wouldn't even realize this.

Now, having been exposed by Feng Qianwei, Su Li is still a little embarrassed.

However, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Su Li Zhengyi explained solemnly.

As for whether Feng Qianwei believes it or not, what does this have to do with him, Su Li?

Feng Qianwei blushed and did not mention this matter again. It was obvious that before, she said that not seeing each other for one day was like three autumns and so on. These were all exaggerated words that she took for granted. Now that she has not really gone into battle, she just took it from her heart. Incredible.

This is a real king of strong mouth, a big boss with good mouth.

Feng Qianwei said softly: Well, I believe you. By the way, in addition to this Soul Origin Bead, there are also some resources provided by Master Netherworld Haique and Kame Mako, which are also similar Origin Soul Stones.

Feng Qianwei took out some more good things and handed them to Su Li.

Su Li hesitated for a moment.

Just accept it with peace of mind. In addition to these, there are also some large holy places and divine places that have also given many benefits. I will transfer them to you one by one.

Su Li:

Su Li said helplessly: You are really capable of backstabbing. Are the forces behind you going to cry?

Hearing this, Feng Qianwei rolled her eyes at Su Li cutely and spat softly: Brother Human Emperor, what are you talking about? Who posted it? It's best if you accept these with peace of mind.

You have to know that each of these guys is more cunning than the last, and they are all a group of scheming people. How can they really suffer?

When Su Li heard this, he smiled and did not answer.

In fact, he saw very clearly that being courteous for nothing was either adultery or theft.

Not to mention, in this kind of world, can these beings really feel at ease and be friendly with him?

After all, it wasn’t the message from the higher-ups?

Even if these holy places don't know Su Li's identity as the Lord of Heaven, those at the top will hint that they will support Su Renhuang well during this period.

As long as this message continues to be conveyed, these holy places will need to be considered in depth.

The above meaning often needs to be carefully studied.

If you figure it out right and do it well, then you will naturally have the hope of rising and prospering.

And it would be weird if these gods didn't understand such a clear message.

Therefore, now that Su Li is repairing his injuries, it would be unreasonable for these beings not to take the initiative to offer the most precious collection.

“I have been cut off for a lifetime, and now I can reap some benefits. It is simply unimaginable.”

Su Li sighed and felt a little dumbfounded.

After all, he is not the true master of heaven. As a result, with this status, he can now harvest leeks in reverse, which is very comfortable.

Therefore, it must be natural to feel at ease.

Feng Qianwei could not tell whether Su Li was the true master of heaven, but it was obvious that Feng Qianwei knew this information.

At this time, some of Feng Qianwei's advice was the most beneficial to Su Li.

Su Li nodded and said, Okay, I'll accept it.

This is a rare opportunity to cut leeks. Failure to do so will make this group of people feel that he looks down on them.

After the soul source beads fell into Su Li's hands, there were special soul stones one after another, each of which formed a small world of its own, containing many top-level origins and immortal treasures.

Among them, each soul stone has a corresponding mark, marking the corresponding holy land or divine land.

After Su Li accepted it, he did not immediately refine and absorb it, but stored it all in the system space.

There is no problem with these things this time because this is their sincerity.

At the same time, it was also because Su Li had a special status at this time.

For the enemy, even if he makes a mistake, Su Li will not waste these sources obtained. He will either feed them back to the Chinese ancestral land or feed them back to himself.

What is fed back to the Chinese ancestral land is the foundation of the soul clan. Then, the harvest of the Emperor Soul Realm continues. After wandering around for a while, these origins are actually recycled.

And when Su Li grows up, if there is something wrong with Su Li himself, it will not be considered a waste if it is harvested at that time, it is just raising the pigs to be fatter.

The enemy must have thought about this.

Su Li can also think of it and judge it, so there is no pressure for him to accept it.

Even if Su Li really surrenders and really rises, they will give him a benefit at this time, which is to provide help in the time of need. After all, if the Dao injury fails, he will be completely wiped out.

Giving help in times of need is definitely better than adding icing on the cake.

If they gave Su Li benefits after he successfully transformed into a Taoist injury, then Su Li would not even need the benefits.

Even if you ask for it, it won't have much effect, and the relationship between the two parties is far less good than providing help in times of need.

Su Li, who has the ability to calculate the secrets of heaven, can see these situations very clearly.

After Feng Qianwei finished delivering these things, she hesitated slightly and said, After you have completed your transformation, you can go to the Soul Zhen Palace or the Wind Clan royal family.

Feng Qianwei was a little hesitant in speaking.

This is not her habit.

However, Su Li suddenly understood when he thought about Feng Qianwei's playful confession before arriving.

Su Li smiled and said: Go to Soul Zhen Palace to participate in your brother Feng Yao's selection ceremony for the Heavenly Prince?

Feng Qianwei rolled her eyes at Su Li and said, Brother Human Emperor, you are pretending to be stupid again.

Su Li laughed and said: Okay, I understand, I will go when the time comes.

Feng Qianwei's face lit up with joy and she said, Brother Human Emperor, have you agreed?

Su Li took a deep look at Feng Qianwei. At this time, Feng Qianwei was extremely beautiful. Her whole body was covered with a layer of fairy charm like moonlight. She was dressed in a white gauze dress that was graceful and moving. She was extremely beautiful, like a real woman. Fairy is like a fairy.

In fact, she seems to ride on the wind all the time, flying like a fairy.

The snow-white gauze skirt was flying, highlighting her extremely attractive figure.

At this time, her beautiful eyes were smiling, but she also had a unique temperament. Her snow-white skin looked particularly crystal clear in this forbidden area of ​​memory.

Su Li smiled and said: In fact, we have always been together. I have taken care of you and kept your promise. In fact, how we should go in the future has already been decided.

Feng Qianwei's eyes flashed, and her pretty face turned a little red.

She smiled lightly and said, With these words from Brother Huang, all this is worth it.

Su Li nodded and said no more.

At this moment, the environment was somewhat peaceful, and the woman in white dress and gauze skirt in the tranquility gave Su Li a dream-like illusion, which was somewhat unreal.

woman in white gauze skirt

woman in white gauze skirt

Why does Feng Qianwei wear such a white gauze skirt most of the time?

Su Li almost instinctively implicated Feng Qianwei and the woman in white gauze skirt above Immortal Light Blue, but quickly gave up this idea.

This is not a system, nor will it be a system, nor can it be a system.

Feng Qianwei is just Feng Qianwei.

She's just a poor woman who was involved from the outside world.

Su Li was silent for a while, and then said with certainty: Don't worry, I can suppress the Dao injury and even repair it. And this time the transformation of the Ten Thousand Dao Soul Crystals will definitely go smoothly.


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