I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,118 Que is virtuous, Hu Chen is dustless

After Su Li said these words, Ozai Dao knew that this place had actually been targeted for a long time.

He was shocked and angry in his heart, but he still held it back.

He knows very well - at this time, any existence that targets Su Li, the Su Human Emperor, will definitely be an enemy of the entire world of Heavenly Law and Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower!

And since Su Li prevented him from coming forward, he naturally had a way to deal with it.

Although Ao Zaidao really wanted to take action and teach the person who secretly wanted to intercept Ten Thousand Dragon Crystals a lesson, he had to suppress this impulse.

At the same time, Ao Zaidao also wanted to know whether the so-called Tianyan Son of God was going to take action next, or whether he would not come forward!

As for Su Li's intention to do this, Ao Zaidao had never doubted it - Su Li's character would either accept or reject, but he would never be pretentious.

Ao Zaidao took two deep breaths and then regained his composure.

However, after being penetrated here, the faces of Ao Zaidao and even the four Dragon Emperor Dao Ancestors were still a little uneasy.

Naturally, they will discuss these matters in the long term after Su Li leaves.

For now, they are just waiting for the results.

Su Li is also waiting.

He didn't take action, nor did he take any precautions - after all, Dao Injury is not a real Dao Injury. Although there are huge benefits to him taking this thing, it won't have much impact if he doesn't take it.

But if Shadow Hu Chen takes it away, it will be a different matter.

Ten breaths, I will wait for another ten breaths - if you don't take action, after ten breaths, I will directly collect it, and then go to Wangchenhuan to refine it.

After Su Li pondered for a long time, he spoke again.

This time, his tone was more direct.

At the same time, he still did not take any precautions or protect the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Crystal.

The time of ten breaths is neither long nor short.

For the beings present now, even if it takes one ten thousandth of a breath, many things can be done.

Especially in terms of combat, several fierce battles can break out in an instant.

Right now, while Su Li was waiting quietly, Ao Zaidao and the others were also concentrating and holding their breath, waiting in full formation!

The time of ten breaths passed by little by little.

In the end, when the last breath passed, the ten thousand dragon crystals were still floating quietly in the void.

Su Li looked around, and the familiar aura that had existed before had completely dissipated.

Nothing exists anymore.

It was as if the familiar aura that Su Li sensed before was an illusion.

Have you left? You still haven't left completely, and your breath is too clean. If you really leave, leaving that little breath is normal.

This is you. Sometimes you pursue perfection and the so-called balance in everything.

And this is precisely your weakness and shortcoming.

The ultimate perfection is the greatest imperfection.

This time, the aura has been restrained too completely. Is this method of restraint a means of divine concealment talent or something like that? You are also very good at practicing.

Su Li commented lightly.

Then, he walked step by step towards the ten thousand dragon crystals floating in the void, and said softly: I want to take these ten thousand dragon crystals - if you want to take action now, I will not stop you, you can take it at any time Walk.

But once you are in my hands again, I advise you - no matter how you exist here, get out of here immediately!

disappear as far as you can!

Do you understand what I say?!

Su Li's every word contained extremely sharp meaning.

Then, as if in slow motion, his hand reached out to the ten thousand dragon crystals little by little.

Ten thousand dragon crystals are also floating in the void, constantly flashing, as if they will be swept away by the mysterious power at any time.

However, this power gradually dissipated after the shock.

Afterwards, peace was restored between heaven and earth again.

However, this time, it was still the same as before, with no breath left, but it was a bit more peaceful than before.

Everyone has the illusion that it is more peaceful now.

In fact, this is not an illusion, but a fact.

After Su Li's words, Shadow Hu Chen, who was in a special hiding state, finally left.

At this time, he did not choose to confront Su Li head-on.

In other words, Shadow Hu Chen knew that there was nothing he could do about these ten thousand dragon crystals, so he did not grab them.

As long as Su Li has the slightest protective heart, Su Li will not be able to protect these ten thousand dragon crystals.

But instead of having a protective heart, Su Li didn't care at all - so once Shadow Hu Chen took the initiative to snatch it, he had provoked the cause and must bear the consequences!

And if Su Li protects it, it will be the active cause, but if Hu Chen takes it, it will be the effect.

For anything, the cause is always the responsible party, and a price must be paid.

Su Li did not take action, but his mentality was as if he was lying flat. At this time, as long as Shadow Hu Chen pulled the cause and effect to cause trouble, Su Li would have some means to counterattack.

In this kind of infighting, Shadow Hu Chen had to consider many causes and effects.

In the same way, Su Li didn't mind giving Shadow Hu Chen a fatal blow this time. He could also use his sword to kill people - with the help of the world of heavenly rules of the Babel Tower, he could severely harvest Shadow Hu Chen.

It's a pity that this person is not a good person. He realized that something was wrong and stopped.

Su Li's hand finally touched the Ten Thousand Dragon Crystals again.

Then, the ten thousand dragon crystals bloomed with incomparable brilliance in his hands, bursting out with the ancient charm of the Canggu Dragon Emperor that shocked the world.

This kind of aura, along with Su Li himself, seemed to be bathing in the divine radiance and completing a transformation like washing the muscles and cutting off the marrow.

In the palm of Su Li's hand, the light of thousands of dragon crystals shrank little by little, and finally seemed to converge all the light, turning into an extremely bright divine source bead.

It's bright but not dazzling, giving people an indescribable sense of shock.

Then, the Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Crystal shrank little by little, and finally disappeared into Su Li's hand.

This process was very smooth from beginning to end, without any abnormalities.

After Su Li waited for the ten thousand dragon crystals to disappear from the palm of his hand, he felt a little regretful - what regrets, regrets that Shadow Hu Chen did not take action.

If Shadow Hu Chen takes action, this cause and effect will be involved, and it will be very difficult for the other party to escape.

At the moment, Su Li has actually regarded himself as a causal system and a special trap.

It's a pity that Shadow Hu Chen didn't jump in.

In other words, the existence of Li Juan also made Shadow Hu Chen quite afraid.

Amidst such unpleasant words of rebuke, Shadow Hu Chen let go, which in itself was a terrible thing.

Su Renhuang, it seems...that existence has really left.

After a while, Ozai noticed something, couldn't help but sigh a little, and said.

Su Li nodded and said: It is true that he left. He wanted to set off smoke bombs before, but I noticed it.

In front of the extraordinary Master Tianji, how can these be concealed?

Su Li said disapprovingly.

Ao Zaidao muttered: So, the four dragon emperor guardian elders all have some problems.

Su Li said: This aspect is not a big problem. After cutting off some of the causes and effects, they returned to normal. Moreover, since these causes and effects were exposed this time, some of the shackles on the four old Dragon Emperors were abandoned. So there’s no problem for a long time.”

Ao Zaidao looked a little ugly and said: Sure enough, it has penetrated to this level. I'm afraid the four Dragon King guardian elders themselves don't know about it.

The black-faced old man among the four ancestors of the Dragon Emperor smiled bitterly and said: We old dragons really don't know it ourselves.

When Ao Zaidao heard this, his face turned even darker.

He wanted to complain and scold him, but considering the situation at hand, he held it back.

Forget it, this matter is over.

Ao Zaidao said, and then said: Su Renhuang, these ten thousand dragon crystals - once they leave this treasure house, their effects will dissipate quickly. I hope Su Renhuang can refine and absorb them as soon as possible to repair the damage.

Su Li said: Well, Emperor Ao is interested, and I have already made arrangements in my mind for this matter.

Su Li said, and then added: That place is Wangchenhuan.

Ao Zaidao thought that Su Li just made some threats before or to make 'that person' be afraid and not to cause trouble against Ten Thousand Dao Dragon Crystals!

Now that that person has left, Su Li actually said this again?

At this time, Ao Zaidao also understood that what Su Li said must be true and not just rhetoric.


Ao Zaidao said softly: Su Renhuang, please come this way.

Su Li nodded.

Later, under the leadership of Ao Zaidao, Su Li left the Dragon Palace and appeared in the depths of the Netherworld Sea.

When they arrived at the depths of the Netherworld Sea, the huge ancestral dragon ship was already standing there quietly.

On the Zulong ship, Que De and Que Zhishang were waiting quietly.

Su Li did not see the rest.

For example, Que Xinyan, Que Xinyan or Xia Xinyan.

For example, Xia Xinning and Kame Mako.

Su Renhuang, it's been a long time.

Quede cupped his fists and saluted, with a smile in his words.

Su Li glanced at Que De and said, After the timeline is repaired, you are now perfect and your virtue has been restored.

Que De shook his head and said: Virtue can never be replenished. If Que really thinks so, then he will be lacking even more.

If anyone who gives merit feels that their actions are giving merit, then there is no merit at all.

The same goes for virtue.

Que De's words contain profound truth.

Su Li smiled and said: So, you are still on the second level, and the mountain is not the level of the mountain.

In fact, when you realize clearly that what you see is me, it means that what you see is the Tathagata.

If you are giving away merit, you are giving away merit.

Ksitigarbha said, I will never become a Buddha until hell is empty. He was also trying to achieve salvation with the intention of salvation.

This is very contrary to what you said.

Hearing this, Que De smiled bitterly and said: The Su Renhuang's words are very kind. However, Que has not yet reached that level, so he can only be more pragmatic and move forward step by step.

When your own abilities are insufficient, you must understand what it means to do what you can.

Su Li nodded and said: You have finally realized that being down-to-earth is the simplest and most eternal foundation, but many existences have already completely abandoned it.

Quede responded seriously: Yes, only by being down-to-earth can the soul be stable and the mind be stable.

Su Li said: Lead the way.

Quede once again cupped his fists and saluted, making a 'please' gesture.

Su Li stopped being polite and flew directly onto the Ancestral Dragon Ship.

The Ancestral Dragon Boat is still unrivaled in dominance and mysterious.

But Su Li no longer paid attention to these changes.

Ao Zaidao and the four ancestors of the Dragon Emperors said goodbye to Su Li at this time, and at the same time told Ao Qin and Ao Mo, the two dragon girls, to be smarter after following Su Li, and at the same time to let go of their past as dragons. With the pride and reserve of a woman, she helps the Emperor Su Lisu to do things well...

After some explanations, Ao Zaidao returned to Longguang with the four ancestors of the Dragon Emperor.

The two dragon girls, Ao Qin and Ao Mo, temporarily acted as Su Li's followers and followed Su Li.

Naturally, the two of them followed Su Li onto the Netherworld Ship.

Quede didn't stop him, and he didn't even look embarrassed at all.

Obviously, he already knew the specific identities and origins of Ao Qin and Ao Mo.

Under the passage of the Ancestral Dragon Boat, the dark Nether Sea also quickly passed through.

The mysterious Wangchenhuan finally appeared.

It was a dark and gloomy place, but it was also very mysterious. It existed between virtuality and reality, between the way of heaven and the rules. The virtuality and reality coexisted, which was very bizarre.

After Su Li came to such a place, he was immediately touched - as if this was the real core area of ​​life and reincarnation.

It's as if this is the real core dragon vein place!

And here, Wangchenhuan, is a magical place where you can even conduct 'merit transactions'.

Su Renhuang, once we get here, Su Renhuang needs to move forward alone in the remaining area.

We don't have access to that.

In addition, the two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo are also not allowed to enter.

After Quede arrived at the Wangchenhuan area, he couldn't help but remind him.

When Su Li heard the words, he just nodded slightly, and then said to Ao Qin and Ao Mo: Dragon Girl Qin Mo, you two wait here for a moment. I will come over after I finish transforming Pangu's bloodline and refine the dragon crystal.

The two dragon girls Ao Qin and Ao Mo are very obedient, and their behavior is far less strong, unruly, and cold than they are in the simulator world.

But it is precisely this kind of obedience that makes Su Li more satisfied.

Su Renhuang, go ahead, we will wait for you here.

Ao Qin and Ao Mo immediately bowed and saluted, their words and deeds were very decent, and their respect for Su Li in their words was also very real.

Su Li got off the Ancestral Dragon Boat and stepped into the deep place of Wangchenhuan.

The moment he entered the dark realm, Su Li had the illusion of being spied on.

So, you are waiting here.

Su Li stopped walking forward, his eyes focused, and after gathering a calm state of mind, his ability to calculate the secrets of heaven and fortune was also mobilized a bit.

Then, in Su Li's eyes, a faint shadow of a person gradually appeared - this person was none other than Shadow Hu Chen.

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