I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,107 Continuously provoking, Su Li takes action

This situation still had a big impact on Su Li's outlook on life.

Timeline repair, this is the result?

Sure enough, once the mouth of greed is opened, there will never be an end.

This kind of eating appearance is not only ugly, it can even be said to be extremely disgusting.

And what kind of existence is he, Su Li?

Naturally, he is not a soft persimmon, let alone the majesty of the 'Lord of Heaven' is inviolable!

Even if not, even if he has the status of Human Emperor, he is at least on par with the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan.

In fact, in terms of his actual status, even the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan would have to bow down and salute him and address him as 'Su Renhuang'.

So, who gave the other party the courage to be so arrogant and domineering?

And who gave him the courage to allow such a being who was not even qualified to be an ordinary elite disciple to have such combat power now?

Is such an existence worthy?

While Su Li was thinking about it, Que Zhishang was already fighting with Ao Ning.

Ao Ning's spear was indeed majestic. The spear shot out like a dragon, powerful and invincible.

However, such a decisive shot only hit a ripple of air in front of Que Zhishang, and was blocked by the rippling power.

Ao Ning circulated the dragon's blood and stirred up the spear, but still couldn't make any progress.

Don't you know the sky is high and the earth is high?

Then, I, Que Zhishang, will teach you what it means to be high and high!

Que Zhishang's figure was like lightning, standing in the sky, looking towards Ao Ning from a distance.

At the same time, his right hand gathered into a fist, and the twisted void light gathered in one punch, forming the same invincible fist intention, and struck Ao Ning hard.

One punch contains terrifying totems and foundations like six reincarnations, gathering into a scorching light.


When he punches out, he punches out like a dragon.

However, the true dragon power manifested by Ao Ning's spear shadow instantly collapsed under the dragon-like momentum of Que Zhishang's fist, making him vulnerable to a single blow.

The result of the instant collapse made Ao Ning's face turn red, and he immediately took three steps back, and at the same time, a large mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.

And what is very strange is——

Ao Ning spurted out a mouthful of blood, and after it sprayed into the void, it formed the four characters Heaven, Earth, Earth, and Heaven!

When Ao Ning saw this scene, her blood suddenly surged, veins appeared on her face, and she almost fell into madness again.

Fortunately, he finally held back, and at the same time, his face was extremely gloomy.

Trash, you want to marry me, the peerless dragon girl of the dragon clan, but you act like a coward and let your friends take action? This is simply ridiculous and generous!

Ao Ning has obviously fallen into a state of barking incompetently.

At this time, he had vented all his anger on Su Li.

Hearing this, Su Li immediately raised his head and glanced at Ao Ning. Then he took a step forward and his figure appeared beside Que Zhishang.

Que Zhishang immediately bowed and saluted, not to mention how respectful he was.

This kind of performance made Su Li slightly relieved and somewhat pleased.

In terms of etiquette, Que Zhishang did a very good job, and his impression on Su Li immediately improved a lot.

Su Li expressed his gratitude with his eyes.

Que Zhishang, as if he was flattered, immediately indicated with his eyes that all this was as it should be.

With such eye contact, Que Zhishang stopped standing up for Su Renhuang Su Li.

He knew that now that Su Renhuang had stood up, he no longer wanted him to interfere.

If this were not the case, Su Renhuang would have distanced himself from some relationships and not come forward at the same time.

After Que Zhishang understood, he immediately bowed and saluted again, and then silently retreated.

At this time, Su Li just looked at Ao Ning again with an indifferent and casual look.

Haha, I finally have the nerve to face it head-on!

Ao Ning spoke again, her tone even more aggressive.

He thought that Que Zhishang participated in it because he didn't know some cause and effect, or because of human feelings or something.

But this time, Que Zhishang finally repaid some karma or favor and stopped taking care of things.

His previous approach was just to show off...

Ao Ning is obviously very brainless, so some of her thoughts are very obvious.

Su Li really felt about Ao Ning's thoughts without looking at them.

Likewise, Su Li no longer kept a low profile and responded calmly: Face it head-on? Do you think you are qualified? Moreover, in this case, you can talk to the Dragon King of your Dragon Clan about these things.

After all, it was actually Long Zu who agreed to the marriage, not me, Su Li.

Oh, you are an incompetent and furious thing with no responsibility at all - if you are not willing, why do you want to lead this cause and effect? ​​In the end, isn't it just that you are afraid of death, and you want to cultivate the Tao together and harvest the two pearls of our Dragon Clan?

In my opinion, your thoughts are so obvious that everyone in the world can see them clearly.

So, this is definitely wishful thinking!

Even though, due to some reasons or feelings, the Dragon Emperor agreed to the marriage, those two peerless dragon girls will never agree to marry you and be your cauldron!

Ao Ning was furious. Although he was beaten and vomited blood, his injuries recovered quickly and had little impact.

Therefore, his tone and demeanor were as domineering and arrogant as ever, and he looked like an emperor.

After saying these words, Que Zhishang's emotions suddenly fluctuated.

This Ao Ning!

What a shame!

Que Zhishang's face turned slightly cold, and he took another step, wanting to teach Ao Ning a lesson!

In fact, he really felt a little regretful that he had not dealt harshly with him before and taught Ao Ning a lesson!

Otherwise, how could this bastard be so indifferent?

Or is it that this time he has gained many benefits through the world of A Chinese Girl, improved and transformed and become stronger, so he thinks that he is already stronger than the Su Renhuang?

Compare your own growth with the Soviet Emperor in the past, and then think you are better than the other party?


Brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that the other party doesn't have any!

The moment Que Zhishang was about to move, Su Li stretched out his hand to stop him.

Que Zhishang immediately stopped being impulsive. At the same time, he silently clasped his hands together and continued to practice some very ordinary but practical practices.

On the contrary, Su Li's mood changed almost completely.

Hearing Ao Ning's angry words, Su Li just responded with a very indifferent smile: I'm sorry, I really admire Sister Ao Qin and Ao Mo, the Dragon Girl.

But if the Dragon Emperor is too enthusiastic and takes the initiative to give these sisters to me as Taoist companions and marry me...

I will never shirk that.

After all, if the Dragon King is so enthusiastic, how can I have the heart to refuse?

Isn't this, as you said, too ungrateful?

I have always been a kind-hearted person, and I would never do such shameless and embarrassing things.

Su Li said, then smiled casually, and continued: Not to mention, there are indeed very few beautiful women like Ao Qin and Ao Mo who are worthy of them - but you are not worthy.

Su Li's words immediately made Ao Ning's mood fluctuate.

It was like a powder keg, exploding at a moment's notice.

What are you talking about? You are a dying person with no value at all. How dare you speak so wildly?!

I advise you to be aware of current affairs! Whatever the Dragon Emperor decides, it is not yours to criticize! But as long as you announce it to the public, you refuse this marriage because you are not worthy of the Dragon Clan twins!

Ao Ning's tone was ferocious, and her whole body was boiling with murderous intent, as if she wanted to take action immediately.

When Que Zhishang heard this, he still couldn't hold it back and said sarcastically: What is the identity of Su Renhuang, that he still doesn't know the current affairs? You really have no brains! Don't you know that Su Renhuang established the prehistoric royal family, and he is the prehistoric royal family? The Human Emperor! Does he represent the core cause and effect of the entire Chinese ancestral land?

In the future, this ancestral land will evolve into a world, and that will be a world lord-level existence!

It is an existence comparable to the world of prehistoric mythology!

You simply don't know what to say, really - to say that you have a brain is an insult to the brain.

Bah - Que Zhishang, you also said it was the future! But, do you think there is a future for him with such severe injuries?

With this level of Tao injury, one can live for up to one year!

No matter what his identity is, death from Dao injuries is inevitable and there is no solution!

And dying from Dao injuries is like a mirror, flowers, water, and moon all gone!

So, be realistic and stop dreaming! I was also meditating randomly, it was useless!

Ao Ning sneered again and again.

But he didn't develop murderous intention to provoke Que Zhishang because of Que Zhishang's words - although his words were rude, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

After all, he had been beaten until he vomited blood just now. After all, he had shown some strength in battle but was completely defeated.

Que Zhishang also sneered and said: It seems that having a being like you in the Dragon Clan is really a misfortune for the family, and it is really a shame for the Dragon Clan! However, in a world like this now, the most indispensable thing is your lack. I am a disciple who lacks both brains and insight.

In this case, Que will take stock of you and discipline you on behalf of the Dragon Clan.

Just you?

Ao Ning's tone was teasing and contemptuous.


At this time, in the distance on the Netherworld Sea, another group of young men and women dressed similarly to Ao Ning appeared.

One of the men yelled in an extremely arrogant and domineering tone.

After he finished scolding him, together with the group of men and women around him, the dark area above the void in the Netherworld suddenly appeared, and he quickly walked towards Ao Ning.

Ao Ning also saw this group of people at this time, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her expression became a little more excited.

Que Zhishang, I advise you, never touch the muddy water that shouldn't flow!

Yes, every one of the dragon girls in my dragon clan is stunningly talented and beautiful, surpassing more than 99% of the amazing women in the world! You are a dying person who only has a few days to live. You really don't deserve it!

The dragon girls are invincible in talent. At such a young age, they have already reached the purple robe level of combat power and the triple perfect level of the divine transformation realm. They are already at the level of medium gods or even god kings.

Huang Suli from Su, don't tell me that you are suffering from Dao injuries and are on the verge of death. So what if you don't have Dao injuries? I advise you to stop having such wishful thinking! You are not worthy!

After this group of men and women arrived, they all spoke.

Every word is too much.

Su Renhuang.

At this time, Que Zhishang spoke again.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

It is unimaginable to have an abnormal mind.

As a result, almost all of these young disciples from the Dragon Clan are like this!

Que Zhishang was a little surprised and confused when he thought about this result.

Are the new generation of blood and disciples of the Dragon Clan all like this?

If a being is like this, there is no need to doubt the sincerity of the Dragon Clan.

But so many disciples were like this, and there was only one reason - Su Li was not really valued by the higher-ups, nor was he valued by the Dragon King.

Well, I already understand.

Su Li shook his head gently and expressed his gratitude to Que Zhishang for his efforts with his eyes, but also stopped him from making any further appearances.

Su Renhuang, you...

Que Zhishang couldn't help but ask.

Su Li turned a deaf ear to what the male and female disciples of the Dragon Clan said, but after Que Zhishang asked, he immediately gave an extremely clear response.

“Don’t worry, just do whatever you want to do—suppress if you need to, and kill if you need to kill.”

Su Li said something with an indifferent expression, and the scene immediately fell into dead silence, followed by a very strange and funny hissing sound.

This undoubtedly indicates a sense of humiliation.

Que Zhishang did not expect that the Human Emperor would dare to make such a strong decision, and even dare to express his repression directly!

You know, after the real marriage, these are the various brothers and sisters of Dragon Girl Ao Qin and Ao Mo!

Even if this relationship is just a side branch, or even just a temporary relationship, it is still closely related to Su Li.

Oh? Still want to suppress? Still want to kill?

How ignorant!

You are so shameless! You don't know whether to live or die!

Beside Su Li, a group of Dragon Clan members began to make noise.

Su Li, on the other hand, stared at the group of practitioners calmly and coldly.


A cultivator suddenly developed a strange murderous intention and stabbed Su Li directly.


Deep in Su Li's eyes, a ray of cold light flashed away.

Then, the divine light in his eyes condensed, and a terrifying power containing the same ancient heritage filled his body.

Then, Su Li gathered an illusory hand.

This hand, after instantly expanding, directly crushed the group of young men and women at the scene.


The giant hands in the sky that Su Li evolved are enough to challenge more than ten practitioners on their own, and they are not at all inferior!


A loud noise still resounded between heaven and earth.

Su Li's giant hand in the sky was filled with golden light and was full of momentum.


The giant hand of the sky stretches across the heaven and earth, containing the Lord of heaven and earth and the order and rules of heaven and earth, as well as a powerful impact.


At this time, Ao Ning seized the opportunity and stabbed directly towards the condensed giant hand.

Go to hell!

Ao Ning was so angry that one blow had already brought out his strongest state!

This time, without Que Zhishang interfering, he wanted to see how powerful Su Li, the Su Human Emperor, was in a dying state!

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