I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,102: Lord of Heaven, Difficult to Advance or Retreat

The timeline continues.

The various benefits of real-time updates are naturally completely blocked or even blocked.

Without such means, and with the completeness of the timeline, it was as if the whole world had been swept away, becoming much clearer and clearer.

This also means that many of the methods that are like bugs cannot be used at the top level.

This is a harvest opportunity that completely limits everything from the bottom up.

The order between heaven and earth has become significantly more stable.

In fact, Su Li's perception of Tianji has become somewhat pure and real.

At this time, there was no aura of Gui Xu filling the void.

Because of the perfection of his three souls and seven souls, he no longer has the so-called 'hope soul poison' secretly remaining.

At the same time, this time due to Gui Xu Su Li's transformation, his own three souls and seven souls were completed. In fact, Gui Xu's dark shadow also merged back.

This is equivalent to being completely separated from Su Ye.

In reality, Su Ye's memory of his master will always remain in the memory forbidden period 20,000 years ago, and all the memories of cause and effect after that will no longer exist.

Just like, Su Ye knew that there was a master in this world who had been protecting him, but he no longer knew who the master was and where he had gone.

Not only Su Ye, but also Su Wangchen's situation was similar.

But Su Wangchen's cause and effect has a certain conflict with the name Su Wangchen.

After some causes and effects were covered, Su Wangchen really stabbed Hu Chen in the face - of course, Hu Chen still lost a lot of things.

The most important thing is that some of his opportunities were intercepted by Li Juan.

The information exposed by Su Wangchen was not on Su Wangchen, but on Hu Chen.

Originally, after completing the promotion in A Chinese Story World, Hu Chen, the meritorious character in reality, gained the greatest benefit.

The same is true of previous results.

But now everything has changed, as if it has been reset. Hu Chen is still the meritorious Hu Chen, but he has become stronger.

But Hu also secretly retreated to the fairy gourd world and disappeared silently.

At this time, Su Li stood quietly on the Netherworld Sea, looking at the calm Netherworld Sea with a special sense of 'kindness'.

This is true recognition.

As for why he was recognized - of course Su Li knew the reason, but he wouldn't show it.

Now, after everything is normal, he can show some abilities and doesn't care whether he is harvested or not - because no one has the ability to harvest him anymore.

In terms of the definition of the timeline level, he has become the Lord of Heavenly Dao in the world of Heavenly Dao rules in the big plane of Babel Tower - whether the other party recognizes this identity or not, this is the truth that the other party has worked hard to dig out. Some of Su Li's trump cards.

So, the result is - they worked so hard to harvest, but in the end they dug the graves of their own ancestors? Eat the flesh of your ancestors and drink the blood of your ancestors?

For these top leaders, isn’t this a true filial son?

This kind of top layer is more or less superficial.

If this kind of thing was done openly, it would really be embarrassing.

In other words, a being who even has ancestors who have to pluck wool in various ways, can this be a good thing?

After the timeline was restored, the entire thirty-three days fell into a very strange state.

A group of beings such as the Three Pure Realm Lords were completely confused and doubtful about life.

Is this...did something go wrong?

The Lord of Tongtian Realm was the first to be unable to bear it, and his tone was a bit strange and a bit sarcastic.

At the same time, it was the first time that he spoke without confidence.

The confidence was also recognized by them from another level - that is imperial energy.

Having confidence and being able to straighten your back when doing things is also the spirit of an emperor.

But now, a group of upper-level officials, with Lord Tongtian as the core, all looked uncertain, embarrassed and very faceless.

Chao thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: It shouldn't be possible - Emperor Ying should still have the most say in this regard.

Hearing this, Emperor Ying felt quite complicated, but he still stood up.

For a long time, we have had a wrong judgment - a foreign race contains the soul clan ability and the emperor's way, so it is judged to be the emperor soul clan...

But what if from the very beginning, this was a plan to alienate each other with a plan of bitter flesh and blood?

If we hadn't been encroaching on the 'Lord of Heaven' from the beginning, why would our world become so fragmented?

Because of Li Juan, Emperor Ying naturally had a special 'bias' in his heart.

Because Li Juan believed that she had scooped up Su Li's core secret and wanted to support Su Li while also picking up the fruits of victory again at the critical moment.

Therefore, she certainly didn't want anything to go wrong with Su Li at this time.

On the surface, she even acted hostile to Su Li to hide the reason why she would become Su Li's 'protector'.

The purpose of protecting Su Li is to harvest this fat sheep one at a time after Su Li fully grows up!

Before that, Li Juan also thought that if Su Li did anything out of the ordinary, how could she protect Su Li without exposing her own status and abilities.

Unexpectedly, Su Li's true background turned out to be the Lord of Heaven in the world of Heaven's Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower!

Think about it carefully - good guy, the Lord of Heaven is not the incarnation of Heaven itself, so naturally he is neither in the Three Realms nor in the Five Elements.

This was an obvious feature that she hadn't noticed before.

As for the other side, the cause and effect of Su Wangchen and Su Ye.

In Li Juan's opinion, it was Su Wangchen who traveled through time and failed to seize Su Li's body, which led to this situation.

Her peers are Su Wangchen, Hu Chen, or rather Su Xia and Jing Xianzi.

And Su Li is a real native, and he is also the Lord of Heaven in the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel Tower!

In this way, it can explain why the 'Immortal Light Blue' protects Su Li.

Because Su Li is the master of heaven, is the immortal light blue the will of heaven from the original ancient light blue star?

The way of heaven itself, according to Hua Qiudao's series of causal logic, is also divided into yin and yang.

When yin and yang are in harmony, chaos is born.

This is the embodiment of the laws of heaven.

Thinking of this, Emperor Ying felt even more relieved, reassured and satisfied.

Naturally, her series of words tended to give Su Li the full answer.

Although, in fact, there is no need for Li Juan to reveal anything.

The Lord of the Yuanshi Realm pondered for a moment and said: Actually, this point was evident in several aspects a long time ago.

On the contrary, we have neglected it.

The first aspect is the source of hope.

In this world, only the true master of heaven would be willing to become the source of hope.

Similarly, the soul poison of hope, which contains the terrifying soul poison of returning to ruins and destroying the world, is still the ultimate hope.

In addition, there are the rules of speaking, the will of the royal family, the orthodoxy of living in the present, etc.

Another aspect is growth - constant harvesting and growth, and the various benefits of real-time updates.

After all, he is still 'nurturing' us.

The words of the Lord of Yuanshi Realm once again silenced the scene.

Now that we have reached this point, what should we do now? In fact, he has become the emperor of the prehistoric royal family and the human emperor, which is completely different from our ideas.

Taiqing Boundary Master's tone was also quite complex and he couldn't help but ask.

When asked this question, neither the Queen of Life nor the Ghost of Sanqing spoke at this time.

This time, there were not only the Eight Emperors, but also special beings such as the Ghosts of the Three Pure Ones.

These existences also represent some special forces.

It doesn't matter if it's different - if it's a foreign race, if it contains special traditions and heritage, it's normal to keep fattening and harvesting. After all, there will be no pressure to kill foreigners.

But the result is...

It can only be said that we must have been alienated and plotted by those beings outside the imperial domain, so that we have been taking action against our ancestors.

Of course, calling us ancestors is a bit much, but after all, we exist in the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, but as a result, we are disrespectful to the real world master and continue to gnaw at the world master.

Although this has many benefits for our own growth, it also brings the Realm Master himself to the level of the end of Qianglu.

Among them, whether it is Su Ye's love for the world or his source of hope...

They are all real, and they are all great contributions given without any intention of merit.

Such existence, to us, can be regarded as one of our own no matter what.

Since they are our own people...even if their ideas are different, it is just a difference in ideas, not grudges, or enemies of life and death.

In the future, we shouldn’t harvest like this.

The Lord of the Shangqing Realm, that is, the Lord of the Tongtian Realm, thought for a long time before saying this.

Having been so infinitely harvested by us, we also brought him into the lineage of the Chinese ancestral land and became the human emperor of that lineage... This may not necessarily be a bad thing.

Moreover, with his meritorious deeds and his status as the ‘Lord of Heaven’, we don’t need to worry that he will be detrimental to the world at all.

So after this, I feel...necessary goodwill still needs to be there.

Taiqing Boundary Master suggested.

The Yuqing Realm Master, who is also the Yuanshi Realm Master, shook his head and said: I think that even if we are aware of such cause and effect now, we should have some reservations and not be too obvious.

On the one hand, it is too obvious and deliberate, which is very detrimental to protecting him - just imagine, such a cause and effect will occur. In the final analysis, it is the existence outside the imperial domain that wants to see us target him like this.

If he were not targeted like this, would unknown shackles appear and unknown dangers come?

After all, the difficulties we encountered still exist and have not been resolved at all.

And a huge direction lies in Su Li's body.

On the other hand, Su Li was indeed the Lord of Heaven before - the original cause and effect reproduced by the timeline and the truth washed out by Guixu cannot be faked.

In this case, we do need to face this, so we are indeed disrespectful to the Lord of Heaven.

But the overall result was not bad. In this way, Su Li survived!

Moreover, the current 'Lord of Heaven' is no longer Su Li, but Su Ye.

Su Ye also loves the world wholeheartedly, and we have always been good to Su Ye - not harvesting him is the best performance in itself.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm pondered: So what do you mean?

The Lord of the Origin Realm said in a solemn tone: His Dao injury is obviously very serious now due to real-time updates, timeline collapse, and various harvests.

Although the connection and repair of the timeline were perfect, his injury existed before this, and the cause and effect has not been eliminated since then.

Therefore, his Dao injury, coupled with his abdication of the identity of the 'Lord of Heaven', defined all the authority of the Netherworld Sea to Su Ye, which means that he no longer has the ability to 'protect himself'.

This injury will definitely get worse, and he will be hopeless by then.

Emperor Ying was a little dissatisfied - could a mere Dao Shang stop Su Li?

Could it be that his great destiny technique, great reincarnation technique, and great astrology technique were just for show?

That's right, he still lacks the Great Chaos Technique, and it is true that he cannot change the impact of certain Dao injuries. In addition, he lost the opportunity this time, which is equivalent to being stable on the surface, but actually defeated, and it will naturally not be smooth in the future.

Emperor Ying pondered in his heart, and then spoke in agreement, saying: In that case, let's pull the cause and effect, stabilize his Dao injury, or even help him repair it.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm pondered: Okay, then I will try to contact the higher-ups on the Immortal Light Blue side to see what their opinions are.

After Tongtian Realm Master finished speaking, he asked again: How is the situation over there with the Son of God Tianyan?

Chao shook his head and said: This time, Hu Chen, the son of Tianyan God, left the world of A Chinese Girl very early, with no big gains or big progress.

It’s not much different from before I went in.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm was thoughtful and said, What about that special Su Wangchen?

Ying Huang said: This person has been a little crazy since he came out of A Chinese Girl's World. I don't know what his situation is yet.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm pondered for a moment and said, Jiang Luan, do you still have the ability to pull me?

Emperor Ying shook his head and said, Don't act rashly.

The Lord of Tongtian Realm looked at the Queen of Life again and said: Yamina, how is the situation here?

Yamina shook her head and said: Because of the Su Renhuang incident, many things are now in a dilemma - the previous methods are definitely not applicable now. After all, the identity of the Lord of Heaven is there, what else can we do? You can do anything to him.

When the Lord of Tongtian Realm heard this, he couldn't help but exhale a long breath, and the angry look on his face flashed away.

Now that the identity of the 'Suren Emperor' is different, like that of his ancestor, this is not easy to deal with.

I don’t know, it’s okay, eating meat and drinking blood is quite sour and refreshing, but if you still do it now, won’t your skull be turned over by some special upper level?

The key is, if this thing is really done, the world will not be overthrown by them?

Isn't this the equivalent of standing on a ship without constantly wreaking havoc on the ship? Explore the various benefits of the ship itself - once the hull is destroyed, won't everything on the ship sink to the bottom of the sea?

This matter, this cause and effect, these top leaders are still clear in their hearts.

But if he rushes to help, it will be even more weird and the truth will be more easily detected, which will cause Su Li to be deliberately targeted by some beings outside the imperial domain.

Now, all of them, the former reapers, are going to become guardians?

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