I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,100: The fire that returns to the ruins and the martyrdom of Qiudao

Li Juan has made a decision.

Since Hua Qiudao wanted to die, and he knew many of her secrets - then the most suitable method was to let him die in the most direct and pure way.

At this time, instead of trying every means to torture or let Hua Qiudao die in peace, it would be better to end it in the most direct way.

Under this situation, what Li Juan was thinking about was no longer a matter of choice, but how to make Hua Qiudao disappear completely in a more secure manner!

Therefore, she used the most stable methods of locking the soul in nine tribulations and fighting the soul in purgatory.

This method was developed by her and is specifically used to refine the spirit and soul.

Using this method, she has refined many strong men to death and harvested many of their secrets. She has always been foolproof.

This time, she used such methods again.

Li Juan paid full attention to Hua Qiudao's words. She just nodded lightly and responded softly: At this time, I have no other thoughts. No matter what you think, your current result will be the same. It's your own choice.

I don't have any choice between you and I won't choose either.

Since you already know what I'm thinking about what I'm going to do now, you also know that I won't care about it anymore.

After reaching this point, what’s the point of fussing?

Li Juan's mood gradually calmed down.

At such moments, she regained her composure.

This point indeed exceeded some of Hua Qiudao's expectations.

However, Hua Qiudao just nodded slightly and said: That's right, now your cause and effect on me has been directly ended. In your opinion, I am just a dying person - a person who has been squeezed out almost completely. There is indeed no need to use any torture on a dying person of any value.

If you are an ordinary strong person, you may have some powerful emotions due to a distorted state of mind, strong unwillingness, and angry obsession - but you also know me and know that I will not be like this.

Therefore, those methods, torture and torture, are of no use to me.

In this case, in order to be more stable, you will now use the ultimate method, the most stable, largest and strongest method, to completely refine me, so that I will be completely destroyed and die.

This is your choice.

Hua Qiudao told Li Juan's thoughts completely in one sentence.

Li Juan felt a little sad in her heart and said with emotion: In my whole life... I really never thought that you, Hua Qiudao, would be the one who understands me best. Unfortunately, I have not yet been born in this life, and I am already 'old'.

Really - I wish I could meet you before we were married.

Li Juan's words indeed came from her heart.

Just such emotion made Hua Qidao almost break through his defense again.

With Hua Qiudao's character, his emotions could not help but fluctuate slightly, and his face looked slightly unnatural.

I can't bear it, and I can't bear it - stop 'wish we met before we were married'.

Hua Qiudao sighed and immediately stayed away.

Such a woman can still say such things - Hua Qiudao has no contempt or disgust, nor does he despise or look at some special women in a strange way.

But Li Juan is like this...

He does not discriminate or look down upon, but he will never be tainted by the slightest trace of cause and effect.

Li Juan sneered and said: Sometimes, you are so sanctimonious, which makes you disgusting. In the end, men are still stupid after all.

Hua Qiu said: At this moment, what you say is actually meaningless. For me, these offensive words are just a listen, and there will be no objection or resentment. Changes in character.

In addition, you are actually wrong about one thing - even a woman who has fallen into prostitution, if her heart yearns for light and purity, she is still beautiful and lovable.

The prodigal son who turns back is really far more worthy of respect than being in cahoots with others or working together.

Li Juan sneered, her voice even more contemptuous: Some people, after being kind all their lives, do one wrong thing, and are thrown into the abyss! Her merits are also extremely small!

And some people have done bad things all their lives, even to the point of being really bad, but then they do one good thing, and their merits last forever!

What a double standard indeed!

Hua Qiu said: If you want to talk about Tao, then what matters is the heart for good or the heart for evil. How can a person who has been kind all his life have evil thoughts? This can only show that there is something hidden under the appearance of kindness. Great evil.

In the same way, if a great evil person does a good deed, he will achieve great merit - then when he does this good deed, he has truly achieved boundless love and selfless self-dedication!

At such a level, one has truly realized from the depths of one's heart and even from the depths of one's soul and soul what is the unity of the world and what is boundless love - so what evil has this kind of person done before? That may not really be evil.

Likewise, those previous kindnesses can only be called hypocrisy.

In this world, even some true words may not be sincere, but merit comes from inaction, from the original pure source of heaven and earth, and from the Tao and nature.

For a prostitute to be a good person, this is the unification of thoughts, the destination of the soul, and the cognition in the ideological realm. This will lead to true enlightenment in the future, and the ability to achieve greatness and sublimity, to do things without doing anything, and to give merits without desires or demands.

The other kind - when it is preoccupied, it is already in a state of inferiority and narrow-mindedness.

You, Li Juan, are also engaged in the method of the soul, the method of the heart and the eye. You know all these, but you still want to ask me about the Tao at this time, and you want to test my Taoist heart...

I also know that this is because you want to know more about me and let me leave something behind.

Hua Qiudao even named Li Juan’s name.

However, Li Juan showed no abnormal emotions.

Regarding Hua Qiudao's series of answers, I only have a bit of appreciation.

Hua Qiudao, it's a good journey.

Li Juan gently applauded three times.

Pah, pah, pah—

The sound is very crisp.

resounding in such a dead and dull space.

The echo of papa did not dissipate for a long time.

Layer after layer, passed to the distance.

The strange and terrifying order chain with the aura of the emperor's soul combined with the power of thunder and fire, constantly tore at Hua Qiudao's soul, twisting and breaking it bit by bit.

Hua Qiudao's soul had already cracked, and soon dissipated bit by bit amidst such cruel methods.

Hua Qiudao's words seemed to still be floating in this space.

The echo has not completely disappeared, Hua Qiudao's soul has been twisted into clusters of soul energy.

These soul energy groups are also disintegrating little by little.

At this time, Li Juan activated a double helix structure similar to DNA, which was all filled with various anomalies superimposed on the hexagrams of the Book of Changes.

And these things present various fragments formed by various base pairings.

Generally speaking, after such a thing appeared, it quickly swept towards the clusters of soul energy.

But just when these structures swept towards those souls along with the chains of order, the clusters of soul souls suddenly became brighter.

The soul energy of the soul, which was originally colorless but whose soul source collapsed, became extremely blazing like the blazing sun.

At the same time, such a blazing scorching sun is like the outbreak of a solar storm or a super helium explosion.


All the soul energy collapsed in all directions, and at this moment, together with the mysterious chain of order, an extremely huge totem of the sixty-four innate hexagrams was formed.

And the hexagram areas of the sixty-four hexagrams are all the soul energy of Hua Qiudao.

The originally shattered soul energy of the soul actually seemed to have an independent will at this time, forming the innate sixty-four hexagrams totem and directly forming a whole.

The huge Tai Chi diagram, together with the Bagua, continued to rotate, and exploded when all the soul energy burst into light like the blazing sun.


At that moment, the most terrifying soul explosion broke out.

The moment the Jidao Soul Explosion erupted, it was as if all the chains of order in this special space were mobilized!

Along with all the rules and shackles of order in this space, they were all triggered by such a soul explosion.

Just like using force to fight, now, the two sides are suddenly superimposed and pulled together, and they all burst out.

At this moment, Li Juan's eyes suddenly shrank.

Immediately, she was so shocked and horrified that she even discovered the real horror!

Li Juan almost didn't hesitate, she immediately returned to the ruins, destroyed her original source, and transformed into a Tao.

The real abandonment of the car to save the handsome man!

Such sudden danger made Li Juan immediately realize that this clone would definitely die - if not decisive enough, it might cause an even more unimaginable crisis.

So she committed suicide very decisively.


The moment Li Juan killed herself, all the chains of order between heaven and earth were detonated.

A ball of flames suddenly broke out, blooming directly from this space, and directly ignited the entire space.

The fire of returning to the ruins was ignited by Hua Qiudao's last resort.

Guixu's cause and effect exploded directly, and the ruined Guixu flames burned blazingly.

At this moment, what is even more terrifying is that after the flame burned, the power of the return to the ruins directly penetrated the bridge on the other side between heaven and earth!

At this moment, the bridge on the other side collapsed immediately.


Outside the bridge, the heavy and thick Guixu was pulled out.

Then, further away in the endless darkness, the gate to hell opened on its own.

At this moment, endless evil spirits surged out.

Each of those evil spirits has teeth and claws, ferocious, strange, ferocious, and terrifying.

Such endless evil spirits were all born from hell.

Between the heaven and the earth, the miserable ghosts and evil spirits screamed and roared, the flames of ruins and the storm and wind of destruction began to wreak havoc on this world.

At the same time, a rotten lotus in the depths of hell began to crazily encroach on all the auras of ruin and catastrophe in the void, blooming again at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, that lotus flower quickly grew back into a bright and colorful lotus flower, as if it contained thousands of new hearts.

At this time, the lotus flower that contained thousands of hearts grew rapidly, and soon produced countless lotus seeds that were like thousands of hearts.

These lotus seeds penetrated the Land of Guixu, penetrated the depths of hell, entered the unknown chaotic void, and directly penetrated the void again. Combined with the mysterious Emperor Soul aura, they quickly clung to the cracks in the timeline.

This forced parasitic and rooted situation was completed in an instant.

When the catastrophic aura and mysterious evil spirits in Guixu all calmed down, and when all the causal auras between heaven and earth gradually dissipated, everything seemed to have entered a peaceful state again.

At this time, no one knows what such a cause and effect is.

No one knows that mysterious lotus seeds have grown on the timeline.

At this time, this mysterious void that was abandoned by Li Juan and extinguished by Guixu Ji still left a ripple.

In the ripples, there is another small piece of independent and broken space.

In this small, independent, broken space, a trace of Hua Qiudao's remnant soul appeared.

Hua Qiudao stood quietly in this small space, looking at the small turtle shell outside the space - looking at the four twisted words turtle book Xuantu on the turtle shell, his face also showed signs of confusion. There was a somewhat gratified smile.

Sorry, I didn't expect that either...

In this space, Su Li's voice appeared softly.

The remnant soul of Hua Qiudao shook his head slightly and said: There are always sacrifices, and it is good to be able to do this now - after the timeline is covered this time, Hua Qiudao will appear again.

At that time, Hua Qiudao was no longer your master, but a traitor.

Redefined cause and effect, you will understand it by then.

Hua Qiudao responded softly.

Su Li's voice said: I know, but you don't have to do this at all. The meaning of your existence is greater than your transformation into a Tao.

Hua Qiu said: No, if I don't transform into the Tao, then there will be no subsequent success. All the causes and effects will not allow me to still exist. In addition, you have to pay attention to that door...

Su Li's voice did not appear again.

But he already knew that Hua Qiudao had indeed decided to die.

As a 'Tao Ancestor' level existence, he is not allowed to appear after the timeline connects cause and effect.

To appear, it must be another existence that can be controlled.

And at this time, it is obviously far from the time for stud.

Hua Qiudao added: Don't be sad, don't be sad. For me, this is the most gratifying result.

As he spoke, Hua Qiudao murmured softly: The rain brings spring back, and the flying snow welcomes it.

There are already hundreds of feet of ice on the cliff, but there are still beautiful flowers and branches.

Qiao doesn't fight for spring, she only reports that spring has come.

When the mountain flowers were in full bloom, she smiled among the bushes.

After finishing this sentence, he smiled naturally.

This remnant soul of Hua Qiudao has completely transformed into a Taoist spirit.

In the smile of great love, he directly sacrificed himself as a martyr and turned into the dawn fire of Tao, which lasts forever.

The fire of Tao exists together with the lotus seeds of thousands of hearts, buried deeply in the timeline, like a gangrene attached to the bones, which cannot be relieved.

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