I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,083 The love of heaven, the sorrow of light blue

Immortal Light Blue has completely explained the cause and effect of the Tower of Babel world.

This just shows that Su Li is no longer a middle-level person, but a temporary upper-level person who is qualified to know the truth.

If it were in the past, even if Su Li's background and mentality had reached the level, due to personality reasons, Immortal Light Blue would probably have some reservations about the big cause and effect.

After all, something like this has a huge impact on a practitioner.

After all, any special practitioner is a leek.

One hundred thousand geniuses in Jingyang Village were harvested, and a large number of corpses were found in the mysterious Five Elements Forbidden Land.

The corpses of those peerless women in the secret realm of Linghe.

The mysterious bloody pagoda.

The sea of ​​blood and mountains of corpses that I encountered many times.

Which of those corpses was not a person of extraordinary talent and beauty during their lifetime, and which one was not a best among men?

But on the road to practice, they eventually fell, in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, at the end of the abyss, in the Bone Burial Wilderness, and in the Soul Refining Demon Cave.

It's like fertilizer that has been harvested again and again. After it has no use value in the end, and after these peerless talents are all mediocre, it will be completely harvested again.

Even after death and turning into a ghost, they will still be harvested and used, and all their value will still be drained.

This is the world of Babel.

In other words, the Qingyun Realm.

Now, it is difficult to break this shackles from the inside, and the existence of the timeline is actually the core.

What is the logic of real world promotion?

Judging from these many experiences, it is nothing more than the blessing of rules, origin, destiny and timeline.

Then these combinations are combined into a small world, and the small world will grow into the Zhongqian World.

And so on.

Now, in the core cause and effect, there is a problem with the timeline due to real-time updates, so repairing the timeline is indeed inevitable.

During this process, the world on the tenth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area became very interesting.

Perhaps, they are all waiting for an opportunity to open the shackles. Then, at that time, they may all jump out and scramble to escape from the Tower of Babel.

Su Li's heart became clearer.

Immortal Qinglan was aware of it, and just nodded gently, sighing softly: If the Tower of Babel is really broken, then many existences will indeed appear.

At that time, some things were impossible. The scary thing was that after breaking through the Tower of Babel, if there were restrictions on escape, these beings might use all their means.

By then the Tower of Babel will no longer be so scary, but the scary thing will be internal fighting.

When Su Li heard this, his heart sank.

Su Li, you should know that although many forces have always coexisted and maintained a balance, it does not mean that there is no hatred between the two parties.

This kind of hatred is actually the kind that never ends.

Before leaving the Tower of Babel, whoever jumps out will be harvested, which leads to a special balance.

However, once a critical moment occurs, things like adding insult to injury or backstabbing will definitely occur.

Even the first being to break out of the Tower of Babel is very likely to use other means to repair the Tower of Babel and lock the rest of the forces in it.

As long as they can escape on their own, they can do whatever it takes.

This is what you need to pay attention to.

And you, in fact, have no choice. Apart from breaking the confinement of the Tower of Babel, you have no other way to go.

Moreover, if there are restrictions on the rules of the timeline, time travel can only be compared to a computer system restore. It can indeed solve many program problems, but it cannot solve anything other than the computer itself, let alone the problem of sitting in front of the computer. players or other existences.

This is just a metaphor, but it can vividly explain what the world of Babel is.

The world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel that you are currently exposed to is actually just the tip of the iceberg presented in the world of Babel.

The Babel World is like a country's economic market, and the Babel Great Plane Heavenly Rules World is actually just a food court or a supermarket in this economic market.

The biggest feature of Babel Tower is actually its chain, with countless branches.

It doesn't make any sense if you break one of them.

Immortal Light Blue said this in very simple words.

These words made Su Li completely understand some of the operating logic.

But at the same time, he also had some other doubts. If the Babel world is so powerful, how can the group of beings in the prehistoric mythical world become independent?

Similarly, if the world of Babel Tower is so powerful, why are people like Li Juan and Chao not harvested?

Just being a dog?

How can Hongmeng Research Base ensure its integrity from being invaded?

Why was Feng Qianwei not harvested?

Is it just a piece of shit that doesn't dance and doesn't start?

This move is obviously not going to work.

What's more, how can the system completely block the erosion of the Tower of Babel world and ensure that it can still make such trouble under such surveillance?

Why does Hu Chen think he can reverse the Babel world?

What confidence does the system have that Su Li can break the Tower of Babel?

These, perhaps, are the key to getting to the core. What exactly is this ability?

This ability should be a special ability for all these forces to coexist. As long as you have this ability, you will have the ability to compete with the Babel world.

Su Li realized the real key.

But he didn't think of the answer.

So, think carefully about what Su Wangchen has?

What does Hu Chen have?

What does Li Juan have?

What does Feng Qianwei have?

What does Fengyao have?

What's in Immortal Light Blue?

What does the system have?

Even what does Su Li have?

What is the exact same point as these people and these mysterious forces, and can then restrain many causes and effects?

And the behemoth world of Babel lacks exactly this kind of thing?

Su Li was still very confused at first, and his heart was full of thoughts.

But he didn't get an answer.

But gradually, his mind couldn't help but return to the fantasy world of the past, trying to find cause and effect in it.

The immortal light blue beautiful eyes stared at Su Li who was in deep thought, but did not say a word to remind him.

She knew Su Li's doubts, and the answer to this question was simple.

But it's not that easy to figure out.

Just because this kind of common thing is actually not powerful, only people with truly strong hearts who have this common characteristic can become strong and have the basic ability to compete with the world of Babel.

Moreover, it is still a basic ability and cannot be directly competed with.

Su Li closed his eyes and immersed himself in the past years.

First is Hu Chen.

Hu Chen was the original Su Wangchen, the swashbuckler who broke through the sky.

The swashbuckler originally mentioned a cause and effect in the fantasy world, where people betrayed relatives and separated, and families were destroyed.

He mentioned that he gave everything, but in the end he was beaten to death, so he resisted, was hunted down, and hid in various mural worlds.

If these words are true, then the prodigal must have been in a situation similar to a thought of a god or demon at first. Under special circumstances, he could not bear it and transformed into a demon.

When a person becomes a demon, why does he become a demon?

It's unwillingness, anger, and hatred.

Besides Su Wangchen, there was Li Juan.

How does Li Juan control the six paths of reincarnation?

Is this a secret?

It doesn't seem to be a secret either.

This method comes from confession to Su Xia, complete self-repentance and painful blood and tears.

This was almost an act that moved the heavens.


What does Feng Qianwei have?

What does Fengyao have?

What does Feng Chaoge have?

Also, what’s with the immortal light blue?

The answer is ready to come out.

They all have true feelings.

In other words, the sentiment itself is a very strange setting.

In Yun Qingxuan's forbidden memory area, a real-life demonstration of the rules of love was actually staged.

In Yun Qingxuan's memory restricted area, in order to seize the soul-suppressing monument, Feng Cangqiong and Feng Yao staged an earth-shattering father-son relationship. At that time, Su Li was moved to tears.

At that time, Su Li also sighed deeply, this is really a fucking explosion of acting skills.

This point, combined with the scene where Su Youru was killed and Zhuge Ranting's body died on the spot, and Zhuge Chunqiu flew out of the jade pendant to kill himself and died for love, Su Li in the back world was also moved. It’s incredible, I even feel sad because there is true love in the world!

Turns out, it’s also an act!

Love is real love, but even if you are acting, it can really shake the soul-crushing monument!

At that time, Su Li really never thought that love could be used as capital for gambling.

But when love is used for gaming, is it still true love?

When emotions are mixed with foreign objects and become impure, the emotions will have no effect, or the effect will gradually decline.

So, why was Su Li able to continue in that fantasy world?

After all, it's still love.

At the beginning, he deceived Meier, Yun Qingxuan and others with his despair and despair, and deceived everyone present by killing himself.

At that time, Su Xinghe showed a soul slave divine son plan that was similar to the bitter flesh trick. Even though Mu Qingya was dead, she still stood in the state of a corpse, shouldering the cause and effect of the Soul Suppression Monument, and found a way for Su Li to enter the Netherworld Sea. Chance

These are actually all feelings.

Why do profligate goods become so popular?

Because his love for Jiang Luan is true.

Even if he acts very indifferent and seems to be fake.

Why is Emperor Chi Yan so awesome?

Why is Emperor Wang invincible?

The blood in the sea of ​​emperor's blood and flowers is still the cry of Du Juan and the cry of the blood ape, and it is still love.

As for Qingyun Realm, this Qing is part of love, but without heart.

Love without heart is not love, but just green.

All causes and effects all point to love.

The answer to this point has actually been given in Su Wangchen's life simulation.

The details are all in life and in the simulator.

It is said that fire refines gold, and love is stronger than gold. So is love superior to fire?

This is how Feng Chaoge broke through his own flame Nirvana catastrophe.

And Jiang Luan's detachment, is it because he sacrifices his life for Wangchen and makes his ambition clear for love every time?

Therefore, along the way, they are actually doing one thing to break the catastrophe!

What is breaking the tribulation itself?

What is broken is some kind of harvest in the Tower of Babel world.

Why is Su Ye never harvested?

It's not the shadow of Guixu that protects Su Ye that's awesome, but Su Ye's karma that's awesome.

He defined himself as the cause and effect of God’s love for the world, and he loved the whole world for her sake.

Once such a person is harvested by the Tower of Babel world, most timelines will collapse directly.

In this world, is there anyone harvesting Su Ye?

So the existence of Su Ye

Su Li thought that after he copied Su Ye, his subsequent experience became much smoother.

Then he became a source of hope.

Inexplicably, I started to Madonna.

But this kind of cause and effect has led to a new and complex event.

On the one hand, the source of hope has been slandered in various ways. Even in the gradual development of cause and effect, Su Li was drawn into his thoughts and even believed that the source of hope was the greatest evil and could not be the source of hope.

On the one hand, through some cause and effect, Su Li also discovered that the source of hope is very powerful. The colorful halo of light transformed by the source of hope can block many extremely terrifying murderous intentions, drive away unknown evil, and frighten evil spirits thousands of miles away.

Digging deeper, when the source of hope first gathered, there were special mottos and mantras coming to protect the world.

Hope that comes from true love, true love that comes from hope, can create miracles.

So, what is true love? True love is love.

In short, love can create miracles.

Among them, Su Li survived precisely because of the cause and effect of the source of hope.

The experience of spending three thousand years in hell allowed him to escape the second cycle.

All his merits along the way are actually just achievements!

But the other party had no choice but to start slandering the merits, so he had the evil pagoda cause and effect, and used the method of habituation to let Su Li gain a lot of merit power.

In this way, it was originally possible to get rid of him through this method.

Unfortunately, the greatest love is not actually Su Li.

But it comes from the love of the immortal empress Fang Yuening.

Why did Fang Yuening jump into this world that he knew was an abyss?

She jumped in and induced special causes and effects such as the Immortal Light Blue. Su Li didn't know how this cause and effect was caused.

But Su Li thought of the deep love hidden in the immortal light blue eyes he just saw, the eyes that made his heart feel happy and warm.

Immortal Qinglan didn't even know that Su Li had seen through all of this.

Once you see it through, many things will become clear.

The only way to deal with the Tower of Babel is love.

So, now that the answer is out, why didn’t Immortal Light Blue say it directly from the beginning?

Because doing nothing is the true path.

Giving without the purpose of merit will result in immeasurable merit.

If you give with the purpose of merit, even if you give the whole world, the merit will still be small or even non-existent.

If you know it from the beginning, love can break the disaster.


This feeling will fail.

When Su Li grasped this situation, the system pulled the cause and effect to do something.

This matter is Zhuge Wuwei's way of doing nothing.

The way of doing nothing.

Su Li now has an extremely deep grasp of this Tao.

And not only had he mastered it, Su Li had also used this Tao before to reward him with various merits.

Many times, he did not expect to gain any benefits, just because he knew that most of the Chinese people were gone.

The Huaxia people were living in dire straits, but he himself was actually not doing too badly, so with so many resources, it was appropriate to give some back to them.

Even if you suffer a little bit, what does it mean?

After all, they are compatriots with the same origin, and they are connected by the blood of Yanhuang. After the branches and leaves spread, we are still brothers and sisters.

This is what Su Li was thinking.

So he asked for nothing. On the contrary, this charity and this feedback just returned to Guixu after flowing through the bodies of the clan members.

The benefit fell on Guixu Heiying.

Return to the ruins, return to the ruins.

In fact, the Guixu era is the era of the dead souls of the Chinese people.

There is no doubt that Su Wangchen has compiled a big net to catch all the Chinese people.

When thousands of hearts are filled with enthusiasm, it has actually shown its effect.

Chinese people

Perhaps the only ones who are still alive today are Su Li, Hu Chen and Li Juan.

The rest have all become ghosts, and it is even possible that they will still be harvested even if they become ghosts.

Otherwise, how could there be such orthodoxy as ghosts and dead animals?

As for Li Juan, the harvesting of China's heritage is ultimately for the purpose of laundering money, in order to launder this heritage into the perfect world of Shushan.

But this process is full of great dangers and crises.

She may not be able to get this vote.

Are the benefits gained from selling one’s body really reliable?

Maybe she has other means and the chips she has paid are enough, but since the Babel world is the Qingyun realm, the situation may not be ideal.

Unless Li Juan has a more terrifying trump card.

What is this trump card?

Su Li is also unknown.

Just like Li Juan couldn't possibly know that he had a system in his hands.

Perhaps, at this time, Li Juan was also worried that Su Li only had such a small trump card. If he didn't have two huge killer weapons, the Source of Hope and the throne of the Emperor, how would he be qualified to play?

In short, all the Huaxia people are gone, and they have become the soul tribe.

They are still inferior beings among the Emperor Soul Clan, the kind that are used to absorb nutrients and strengthen the Emperor Soul Clan.

So, why is the situation said to be at risk?

So, why in the past, the light blue elf and even the immortal light blue have always mentioned one thing: time is running out?

This is because time is really running out.

Su Li sighed lightly, and then took a deep breath.

He is no longer as simple as having a numb scalp.

This is the game at the top.

This is still really just the tip of the iceberg.

When the Tower of Babel appeared in Yun Qingxuan's memory restricted area, it should have been known that the invasion and expansion of the Tower of Babel had reached such a terrifying level.

Or even say something scarier.

In his life simulation of Su Li, the Tower of Babel also appeared!

Although this Tower of Babel has not become a reality, it is a life simulation!

That was still the era of Tianji!

At that time, Babel Tower could penetrate into Su Li's new forces and new areas?

what does that mean?

This means that the Tower of Babel has been capable of strong invasion since that time.

And after the Dayan era after the Lao Tianji era.

The Guixu Era, the Taiyuan Era, the Taichu Era, the Nirvana Era, and the Yunhuang Era.

And today's Yunhuang era.

After so many eras, what has the Tower of Babel looked like today?

This is definitely an extremely terrifying behemoth.

Can simple love really be a game?

It's like a poor boy who came out of the ravine with almost no background but dreams of financially killing the most powerful rich man in the world.

Just dream, it may come true.


In reality, consider first how to avoid starving to death!

After Su Li figured out most of the causes and effects, one can imagine the pressure and almost despair in his heart.

This is a heavy mountain. Let alone knocking it down, it is almost impossible to climb over it.

This is the time when people are really desperate and cannot understand, that is, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

I understand, in addition to the numbness of my scalp, I also feel deeply powerless.

But Su Li knew that he was no longer a poor boy from the ravine, but the human emperor of the Chinese people.

He also contains the cause and effect of the source of hope.

He is even the spiritual sustenance of the ancient mythical world.

Because he established the prehistoric royal family and established the prehistoric cause and effect.

But these are not important yet.

The most important thing is that the system is there and the core is still there.

Now, what exactly is the system?

Su Li almost had some associations in his mind.

But on the one hand, he was not sure, and on the other hand, he didn't want to be sure.

Some things are like this. If you are not sure, they will have very good effects.

Once it is confirmed and revealed, it may no longer be so invincible.

Because it is mysterious and weird, it often makes people fearful.

And once he finds out, this information will soon be leaked, and then there will be a situation that is difficult to deal with.

In short, Su Li no longer thinks about the question of what the system is.

The expression on Su Li's face gradually relaxed.

He realized again, but this was not his own ability, but his current state.

This is the most top-level state, and I’m afraid it will be difficult to see again in the future.

But it doesn’t matter. Once you understand some causes and effects, you will understand them for life after life.

Qinglan, this simulation has made me realize it. It turns out that the fatal flaw in Qingyun Realm is love.

Su Li spoke softly.

As he spoke, he reached out and took Immortal Light Blue's hand.

Cold as ice.

But extremely soft.

Immortal Qian Lan sighed softly, but did not take back his hand. Instead, he hugged Su Li gently before letting go.

She turned around, looked at the chaotic world, and said softly: The more you understand, maybe we can only go further and further away. This is a good thing, but it is also a very cruel thing. .”

But every existence must pay for its own willfulness.

Inexplicably, two tears flowed out.

Okay, you have some understanding, this is a good thing.

Over at Hua Qiudao, I tried to save him. I can only say I tried my best.

In addition, after several eras, the Qingyun Realm may have evolved into the Emotional Realm, but this world has not shown the already sentimental side.

Of course, this is just her speculation without any evidence.

But her guess itself can be regarded as evidence.

So, unless the timeline is completely repaired this time, there will be no accidents in the next ten minutes. In such a short time, there will be no serious problems here.

If there are fluctuations or abnormal situations, the situation will still be difficult.

“In terms of volatility, the possibility is not too great.”

After all the bad news, here's another good news.

After this simulation, a lot of causes and effects that you can't understand have been discovered, but it is precisely these that enrich the system's foundation. After the system transforms, you can also be invincible.

This invincibility lies in the system's celestial calculation function, which is completely independent like the world of Babel, forming a special celestial simulation.

This secret simulation is rooted in the Tower of Babel. If the Tower of Babel world wants to deal with this function, it will be self-inflicted.

If we don't take action to deal with this function, we can only let the system become stronger than heaven.

You can think of this function as a cancer cell in the Tower of Babel world, and it's still malignant!

Immortal Light Blue finally showed a beautiful smile after saying this.

The smile is beautiful and reassuring.

But Su Li felt heartbroken for no reason.

just like

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