I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1081 System 5 Dojo, Tongtian Soul Locking Tower

Such an answer was already clear in Su Li's mind.

It was also because of the clarity that he felt a little trembling.

A world like this is like a huge trap in itself. As long as you enter it, you will definitely be affected, and even be contaminated with indelible cause and effect.

Can't break free, can't be undone.

This simulation is actually exactly this kind of performance.

This was the result of Su Li adding 10 points of intelligence at the beginning to simulate it after weighing it.

If we didn't add these 10 points of intelligence, I'm afraid many causes and effects would not be able to be discovered.

What is the biggest advantage of the system?

The reason is that by detecting the cause and effect, you can refine the bad cause and effect from the real to the imaginary, and then refine the good from the imaginary to the real.

This situation is the same as gold being refined by fire.

This time, adding 10 points of intelligence is equivalent to the effect of ten Hidden Dragon Pills at the beginning. Su Li's consideration is that - on the other hand, when the top leaders of this world are 'finished', he does have certain abilities. The pattern that drives the entire world, at least on the surface, is that he is the Emperor of Humanity. Regardless of whether this position is stable or not, the other party must temporarily recognize his status if they want it.

But without Li Juan causing trouble, without Li Juan checking and balancing him, this is stable.

At least this was the result within the fifteen minutes before the timeline was completely restored.

This means that he can grasp part of the direction of the Sims - that is, completing the level.

In order to pass the level, naturally many things can be given up or even retained.

Among them, there are several directions that Su Li has thoroughly explored.

On the one hand, Hua Qiudao's backstab appeared as the cause and effect of the Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword's problem.

This means that Hua Qiudao is obviously no longer Hua Qiudao.

Hua Qiudao was both a teacher and a friend to him, Su Li. If Hua Qiudao betrayed him, the so-called soul clan would have been gone long ago, and all of Hua Xia's heritage would have been completely eaten away.

This is obviously unrealistic.

The Chinese heritage is still there, but Li Juan has been betraying the Chinese heritage.

What she did was like money laundering.

After extracting all the essence of China and letting it be cannibalized and absorbed by the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, all the essence was put into the perfect world of Shushan.

And this world seems to be created by the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel, but it is actually created by Li Juan.


Li Juan was too confident.

Being overconfident is a good thing, but sometimes it can be a bad thing.

It was like Li Juan had suffered from Su Li without realizing it.

So, whether...

Li Juan's Shushan Perfect World also has a similar situation?

It seems that Li Juan is in control, but the other party is doing the opposite?

Why should Su Li doubt this now?

This is by no means a waste of time!

Just because, this time, Su Li really tried to create a force in the Sims, and this force actually developed quite well.

For example, some members of the Su family, some geniuses from the Chu family and the Lin family, etc. were actually taken under Su Li's command.

Most of these people can actually correspond to people like Zhou Wudao and Long Shiyun Lei Gungun.

It is precisely these people who, even in today's reality, although we do not have much contact with, are indeed people who can be made friends with.

And places such as Leiyan Holy Land and Yuanci Secret Realm were mostly created by Su Li who was in the Tianji Era.

The problem with simulation is this.

In the Tianji era, he was still Su Li, not Su Wangchen, nor Su Yan!

At that time, King Lei Yan already existed, and Yanyan's cause and effect also existed.

This also illustrates a problem from the side - the timeline is not a line.

That is, when Yan Yan became the ‘emperor’s daughter’, the cause and effect of her being the emperor’s daughter ran through from beginning to end.

It doesn't mean that if you become an emperor or a powerful person at the level of the Immortal Empress, if you go back to the past, you will no longer be a powerful person at the level of the Empress.

But, going back to the past or the future is useless for such a strong person.

Her life has transcended time.

The timeline is just a kind of cage, or a kind of law.

And what is the meaning of the law?

Just like in the ordinary world, rules have always restricted ordinary people.

Similarly, in this world, the so-called laws cannot restrict the real upper level or even the real top level.

If she could understand this, Li Juan might not be so confident about killing the Moonlight Box.

Of course, if Li Juan didn't kill the Moonlight Treasure Box, Su Li would also have no chance.

One of the main reasons why Su Li was sure that Li Juan's Shushan Perfect World might not be controlled by Li Juan was that in the Sims, the Tower of Babel actually appeared in the new forces and fields created by Su Li. !

This thing, when a domain and the corresponding domain rules appear, the Tower of Babel appears in it.

This means that the establishment of the Tao, the realm, the small world, and everything else cannot cross the threshold of the 'Tower of Babel'.

Either it will not be established, it will not establish the path, it will not lead to cause and effect.

Or, the Tower of Babel will directly be involved - this is not something Li Juan is willing to do, but something that will definitely happen regardless of whether she is willing or not.

Judging from this theory, memory restricted areas and the like are all unreliable.

But looking back at the system now, after the system created the dojo, it separated the memory restricted area independently.

But now the dojo information corresponding to the system has not changed much.

Specifically, it is still - having a prehistoric dojo:

Dojo 1: The first nine floors of the Tianmai Domain Memory Forbidden Zone, the ninth floor of the Hanguguan Memory Forbidden Zone, the ninth floor of the Wangchenhuan Memory Forbidden Zone, and the tenth floor of the Guixu Black Abyss Memory Zone.

Dojo 2: The Immortal Realm of the Emperor's Book of Worlds: It contains the Treasure House of the Emperor of Heaven, the Divine Realm of East Taishan Mountain, Wuzhi Mountain, Qingdi Palace, Yaochi, the Underworld Reincarnation Hall, and the new addition of Huaguo Mountain.

Dojo Three: The World of the Book of the Other Side of the Huangji Jingshi Book: The World of the Ancient Royal Family.

Dojo 4: The World of the Other Side of the Huangji Jingshi Shu: A Chinese Ghost Story.

Dojo 5: The Mirror World of Mountains and Rivers and the Land of the World. Ten paintings of the world.

Analyze based on the five dojos of the system.

Calculated based on the timeline of his current experience of walking in this life.

These five dojos are actually his life experiences.

The first dojo is the Tianmai Domain, the Memory Forbidden Zone, Hangu Pass, Wangchenhuan, and the corresponding Guixu Black Abyss.

This was most of what happened in that fantasy world, and it also included the cause and effect of countless clones on the tenth level of the memory forbidden area at that time entering the dark world and disappearing.

It also includes the cause and effect of the appearance of waste goods at Hangu Pass.

These are all the core causes and effects of the ‘One Week’, but now they are controlled by the system in the first dojo area and can be invaded at will.

And now, it’s time for the second week.

The corresponding one is dojo two.

There was Hangu Pass before Dojo 2.

But because of Hu Chen's incident, he was cut out and moved to the dojo.

The corresponding cause and effect is system anti-virus, which killed the core of the first dojo and isolated it.

The isolation from the Moonlight Treasure Box completely corresponds to it.

The second dojo corresponds to the Huangji Jingshi Book.

This is similar to the cause and effect in the life simulation, which is the Huangji Jingshi Shu, Xuanyuan Tianxie Sword and Chaos Destiny Sutra.

However, the situation of life simulation also simulates the era of Tianji, which is the possible situation of the ‘Three-Eye Eye’.

This corresponds to Dojo Three.

The third one present is The World of the Other Side of the Huangji Jingshi Shu, which includes The World of the Prehistoric Royal Family, which in the final analysis is a game world.

This is causally consistent with the fact that after Su Li died for the first time in the simulation, he returned to reality and discovered a large number of quantum game devices.

The fourth dojo is still the world on the other side of the Emperor's Classics, the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

This world of A Chinese Ghost Story is the world of A Chinese Ghost Story created by Su Li. It is a real small world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

What is the foundation of this small world?

The tenth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area - the tenth level of Su Ye's memory restricted area, is actually the tenth level of Su Li's memory restricted area.

In this way, this cause and effect is actually still in the Guixu Black Abyss.

Corresponds to the first layer.

Li Juan transformed into the perfect world of Shushan through her A Chinese Girl world. After being promoted, she transformed.

Su Li's current method is the same, using the Dojo 4's A Chinese Ghost Story world to develop secretly, and using the information obtained from the tenth level of Su Ye's memory restricted world to support the real A Chinese Ghost Story world.

Then, the fifth dojo of the system, the mirror world of the Mountains, Rivers and State Map, is the world of ten paintings.

For now, this is just a 'dream'.

If the map of mountains and rivers can exist, then what kind of mountains and rivers are they?

What kind of society is Sheji?

At this point in time, the prehistoric royal family should be completely established, and at least it should be able to shake the world of heavenly rules in the big plane of Babel Tower.

In fact, only by surpassing the Tower of Babel, being on par with the existences outside the timeline, and reaching the level of true world unification can we have this opportunity.

What the ten paintings correspond to is the cause and effect of the ‘Reincarnation Dzogchen in the Realm of the Rules of Heaven for Ten Tribulations’ in the life simulation.

From the structural system of these dojos, it is not difficult to find that the core is in the second dojo.

The second dojo corresponds to the so-called Second Zhoumu, which is what it is today.

By comparing them one by one, you will find that the system has made corresponding plans and adjustments for everything, and even made the layout.

The system's dojo can be regarded as a 'system first aid kit', which directly locks the core's cause and effect within the core's authority, so that nothing from the outside can be invaded.

The corresponding reality of this point is that Su Li still doesn't know who Immortal Qinglan is!

I don’t even know who the being above the immortal light blue is.

In that fantasy world, Su Li knew one thing.

Mu Yuxi is the split clone of the system.

But Mu Yuxi...

All have disappeared now.

After this timeline, Mu Yuxi's existence should almost disappear.

Meier's existence may still exist, and Meier may not be found in the Qing Emperor's Palace.

But this is not a tragedy, because the causal logic is very complicated, and it can even be said that this is a good thing.

After all, Su Li will make corresponding arrangements for Mu Yuxi, Hua Ziyan, Yun Qingxuan, Mu Qingyan and other confidants without leaving any regrets.

Su Li pondered for a while, then let out a long breath, feeling a little sad.

Not to mention this huge pit.

The higher up you are, the more you know how terrible this is.

Oh, nonsense...

Immortal Qinglan's voice was still somewhat emotional at this time.

She mentioned this and took a deep look at Su Li. Her beautiful little cherry mouth moved, but she still didn't say anything.

However, in this word, she still emphasized the words Hu and Luan.

According to the pronunciation and even the meaning of the ancient Tianji Era language, Luan and Luan have the same pronunciation and even have similar meanings.

In the Tianji era, Luan means the king of birds in the mountains, the protector and guardian of order in troubled times.

And ‘Hu’ is similar to the meaning of Hu in mahjong.

In the Tianji Era, the meaning of this word contains the meaning of 'big victory', 'lying win', 'win-win' and 'must win'.

Therefore, Su Li actually knew what the situation was like without Immortal Qinglan specifically mentioning it.

This is indeed a matter of mentality - and... if it weren't for this life simulation, I'm afraid that even if we win this time, there will still be many crises.

Furthermore, if Li Juan's Shushan perfect world becomes truly constant, incorporates the laws of order, and connects the timeline to become a truly real world, once the Tower of Babel suddenly appears in it, it will be over.

The 50% reincarnation authority and core heritage of the Chinese Ancestral Land were really cannibalized by the Tower of Babel.

Although Li Juan is disgusting, she even takes it for granted that she can trick me and take advantage of me. She has even become my protector now.

But once she is screwed, and she is copied by the great plane of the Tower of Babel and the world of heavenly rules, it will be really over.

Then totally gg.

Obviously they are disgusting existences that make people vomit, and the two sides are obviously at odds with each other, but they are both prospering and losing. The key is that there is no cooperation and no possibility of cooperation!

Both sides can't show their cards!

I can't let her know that I exposed her background, and I can't be easily killed here.

She can't let me know her situation, otherwise I will take advantage of her, and she will become a knife in my hand. Of course, if she knows, she will definitely put herself in a desperate situation and force her to Babel and I will go head-to-head, and sooner or later we will both lose, and she will surely gain the advantage of being a fisherman!

This is why the upper layout cannot be opened.

This is why I didn't deserve and couldn't know the truth. Some causes and effects can be discovered, but some really can't be discovered - just like this.

Su Li conveyed his thoughts to Immortal Qinglan.

Immortal Light Blue nodded gently without any surprise.

According to Su Li's thoughts and Su Li's current situation, in the short remaining ten minutes, including the short-term timeline break ten minutes ago, Su Li is indeed the top layer - at least. In terms of heart, thinking ability and other aspects, it has been completely achieved.

There's really no problem with that.

But after these ten minutes, Su Li could only be at the eighteenth level of life wisdom enlightenment level.

At that time, Su Li's thinking will continue to become much narrower, and his judgment of many causes and effects will not be as good as it is now.

But it doesn't matter. After the system is established, many causes and effects will form a foundation and will enter the Tianshu and Tianshu pages of the Emperor's Classic. At that time, Su Li can know and call it at any time.

At that time, no matter how bad Su Li was, there was a system that could remind him at any time without being spied on.

This is true fearlessness.

At present, some of Su Li's judgments are more comprehensive than the system, and this is based on - at this time, Su Li is even 'borrowing' many causes and effects from the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of the Babel Tower as his foundation.

But Su Li did not inherit the benefits of life simulation, nor did he count the expenses this time in the perfect world of Shushan.

In terms of today's system, all the energy lost in such a simulation, Su Li's dedication to the Chinese ancestral land, his own merits, etc., can be completely afforded.

At this time, once he harvested part of Li Juan's cause and effect, causing Li Juan to lose blood, it would be a loss for both sides.

Not to mention, once something goes wrong, it's easy to alert the enemy.

Whether Li Juan is suspected by the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, or Li Juan feels that she is suspected by Su Li, or Su Li is suspected by Li Juan, it is a bad outcome.

Even if this possibility is almost impossible, Su Li will not do such a thing as long as it is not certain.

The system wants to extract the destiny secret of Shushan's perfect world, which is the so-called divine value.

But after Su Li provided this information, the system immediately followed Su Li's judgment and continued to improve it.

Su Li, your current condition is excellent and your ability is extremely strong. As I said before, this time you are so good that the system almost didn't pull you out of the simulation.

Immortal Light Blue explained.

Su Li said: I know, but if this is not the case, the world's attempt to explore cause and effect will be just nonsense.

There is only one chance, just like the cause and effect of the timeline turning into a catastrophe. Once the clone in the simulation state is destroyed, something may happen.

Furthermore, the Ten Hidden Dragon Pills, as well as some of my practices, also drew on Su Wangchen’s practices in the fantasy world, as well as some cause and effect stories.

In the direction, I pulled it deliberately.

I also deliberately created the power in order to test how serious the penetration of the Tower of Babel is.

Facts have proved...it has indeed penetrated.

Furthermore, in reality, my Tao injury has not recovered yet.

Therefore, I have also considered the marriage with the dragon clan that you mentioned.

As for Dragon Clan Princess Ao Qin... From this point of view, this name is indeed a good one.

Although Ao Mo was arrogant and cold, he was actually strong on the outside and soft on the inside.

Then there is the cause and effect of Su Ho, which was finally discovered.

As for Mu Yuxi and the others, I actually didn’t want to drag them along, but they still appeared and were somewhat affected.

In addition, the appearance of Que De reminds me that among the many causes and effects, some are true and some are false.

The appearance of Hua Qiudao seemed like an assassination or a backstab, but on the contrary, it was a relief for me.

This situation is the same as Zero's seizure of my body.

It is to assassinate first and then seize the body, which is to cover the cause and effect of the person involved and prevent it from being exposed.

Hua Qiudao... It seems that he is probably in danger at this time.

Su Li explained the simulation situation.

Immortal Qinglan said: Judging from this simulation, there is almost no end to the real special existence. And the real terrifying place is not actually shown.

The king of star beasts - the king of star beasts, 'Pi', has actually seen through it a long time ago.

Su Li was silent and didn't speak.

Immortal Qinglan said: The latest judgment of the system, combined with the accumulated resources of the system, confirms that the Babel Tower is a plan of internal and external collusion, not just an ordinary Babel Tower big plane world of heavenly rules.

This point is consistent with some of the causes and effects in the fantasy world. It's the kind of collusion between insiders and outsiders, but it's only reasonable that the cause and effect needs to be higher.

But there are also some corresponding causes and effects.

I have been exploring the cause and effect in the Soul-Suppressing Monument.

Nowadays, it is equivalent to exploring the cause and effect in the soul-suppressing tomb - whether it is the starry sky tomb, various ancient temples, various secret realms...

All of them were corpses.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a variety of ‘soul-suppressing tombs’.

And some places where there are monuments and tombs everywhere, coupled with the ancient times...

So this is actually the environment of ‘Barren Tomb Mountain’.

Based on this calculation, what is the Tower of Babel?

Ladder to heaven?

Or is it the pagoda guarding the tomb?

Is it a ‘mountain’ similar to the Ancient Tomb Mountain?

In a sacrificial tower, there are many tombs, and each ancient tomb has a monument.

Is this the structural pattern of the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower that we first saw?

Immortal Light Blue said, and directly reproduced the scene and projected it.

What is this projection?

It's Lie Xuanji's cause and effect.

From now on, you all are slaves, and the light blue star you are on is the star of the sin domain!

You are the slaves of sin in the realm of sin!

Slaves in the realm of sin will be slaves forever!

Only by surrendering, kneeling, repenting, and offering sacrifices with great piety... can you truly obtain the forgiveness of the God of the Fierce Sun, and then... allow your humble souls to obtain the glory of eternal life.

Every time Lie Xuanji said a word, Zhuge Qianlan's state was shrouded in darkness.

At this time, Su Li in the immortal light blue projection would glow with a layer of blood.

Su Li's eyes were dark, and he looked back at Su Ye, who was almost unable to move after being crushed by the unknown power of divinity, with sad eyes, and felt a sigh in his heart.

Lie Xuanji's move can be described as extremely vicious, draining the fire from the bottom of the cauldron.

Altars have sprouted everywhere and have enslaved all human races.

At exactly this moment, four huge starry sky tombs appeared in the sky, and opened their black hole-like mouths, and began to absorb a large number of ghosts, dead souls, and seven souls shining with colorful light. Six souls.

And what does the remaining soul represent?

It just represents blood and vitality.

That means that these people will become true soul slaves and soul food. From now on, the only value of living is to provide a steady stream of the power of the six souls and the source of soul power of the souls of heaven and humans, and the souls of death.

Because after the complete three souls and seven souls are harvested and only one soul is left, a person will eventually grow until he dies.

The process of growth is a continuous process of harvesting.

If things go on like this, these people will think that they only have one soul.

Those that grow a little bit will be harvested after being exposed to the scorching sun every moment.

The sun is warm because it is divine ‘care’.


Su Li's eyes in the projection became even darker, and he sighed in his heart.

Those colorful bubbles that are as dense as locusts flying into the sky. In the bubbles, ghosts are either confused, pious, struggling, or roaring filial piety and unwillingness...

There are all kinds of life, all living things.


Lie Xuanji struck out with the ax again, and Zhuge Qianlan's whole body once again exploded with countless colored lights. At the same time, her figure weakened on the spot and turned into a fragment of light blue gauze skirt.

The fragments of the gauze skirt flew down and scattered in all directions, turning into countless Zhuge Qinglan.

The next moment, countless Zhuge Qianlan was once again shattered into pieces by countless blood axes, turning into more.

In this way, in an instant, Zhuge Qianlan was smashed to pieces countless times.

Finally, Lie Xuanji stopped, and when he stretched out his hand, an ancient tower appeared in his hand.

Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower.

The Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower in Lie Xuanji's hand had just materialized, and his whole body seemed to tremble violently. Then, Su Li discovered that a little causality value from his system in the projection was deducted on the spot.

Su Li in the projection obviously noticed this situation, and his expression couldn't help but change.

At this moment, Lie Xuanji made a blood sacrifice to the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower on the spot.

In an instant, the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower shook violently, and colorful phoenixes flew past it. While they howled and howled, a dark and ferocious aura arose inside.

The vicious aura lingered, and it was as ferocious as crazy. It turned into a dark divine phoenix and rushed out on the spot, rushing towards Zhuge Qianlan.

But suddenly, the sky froze for an instant. At this time, Su Li's causal value in the projection seemed to form a curve dividing yin and yang.

The curve was like a bow of laws between heaven and earth. It was frozen in time and instantly cut into the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower.

The causal value disappeared, and the frozen time returned to normal.

In this world, probably only Su Li in the projection saw what happened.

Therefore, when he stared at the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower, this tower had become different. For details, see Chapter 179: Cutting off the creation of heaven and earth and destroying the source of evil!

When this scene was projected, Su Li already understood it.

Immortal Light Blue's answer is - living in the tower.

The Babel Tower is an existence similar to the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix Tower.

You live in the tower, and everything you do is naturally bound by the tower.

Unless you jump out of this tower.

Su Li was thoughtful - since Immortal Light Blue dares to release such a cause and effect, it means that he has at least jumped out for now.

Jumped out, and when the timeline is restored, that will be the beginning of the great struggle.

But at that time, every step of the game will be extremely terrifying!

Su Li pondered for a long time, and his eyes became deeper and firmer.

Immortal Qianlan said softly: Not to mention Feng Chaoge, Feng Yao, Feng Qianwei...

This patroller, or the origins of her and Feng Yao, are obviously extraordinary.

These two may be beings outside the tower, but got involved.

However, even though he was so extraordinary, after getting involved, Feng Yao... was gone.

Feng Qianwei barely managed to protect herself. This is why she sacrificed herself to your cause and effect.

Su Li thought thoughtfully and said, Is that huge ancient corpse in the Red Flame Desolate Ridge the corpse of Feng Yao outside the tower? Is this the real truth?

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