I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,077 Only simulation is true love

Some things, once you are inexplicably certain and extremely confident, most likely they will really come true.

This is no longer a matter of confidence!

It's scary - are the time travelers...invincible?

Su Wangchen took a deep breath again, and his eyes became sparkling!

This is so scary and crazy!

He always thought that being a time traveler would be a great experience.

Only now did he realize that the pleasure of being a time traveler was something other people could never imagine.

Not only is it exciting, but also - this kind of goal is clear, and the feeling of inevitable success and cause and effect is like being nailed to death, which makes people extremely passionate and extremely confident!

From this point of view, the existences in this world should be a group of retarded people with no brains.

Perhaps it's time for me to open my mind to them.

As a time traveler, oh, what a damn sense of superiority!

Su Wangchen still couldn't help but be excited.

He doesn't want this.

He really didn't want to expand, but after being in this simulated void and returning to his true self, the sense and wisdom, the feeling of penetrating all cause and effect, and feeling like he could control the three worlds, five elements and six realms and knead them at will, were really... It's crazy.

As a result, Su Wangchen's heart could not calm down even if he tried hard to keep calm.

Really, this feeling is too good.

Light blue.

Su Wangchen took a few more deep breaths, and then gradually calmed down the already blazing, even surging blood.

He even found that his whole body was covered with a layer of blood.

This bloody light made him feel like a god of war bathing in hot blood.

Master, Light Blue is always at the service of Master.

Qianlan's voice was delicate and particularly pleasant to the ear.

Su Wangchen felt hot in his heart, and immediately said with a smile: Is your service serious?

Hearing this, Qianlan's breathing seemed to freeze for a moment, and then she immediately said: Whatever the master wishes, it's okay.

Su Wangchen immediately felt itchy.

However, he still maintained a certain degree of sanity - because he knew that the current 'Immortal Light Blue' seemed to be just the intelligence and core of the simulator, belonging to some kind of special artificial intelligence.

Under such circumstances, he wanted to do something bold, but it was actually not very realistic.

Among them, it is definitely necessary to accumulate a lot of life heritage and the like.

There is no need to think too much about these, it must be like this.

Su Wangchen smiled and said: Okay, in the future I will give you greater authority and even develop you into the most perfect person in my mind - although you are already perfect now, I also know that you It’s more or less incomplete.”

Hearing this, Immortal Qinglan seemed slightly dissatisfied - what does incomplete mean? They are very comprehensive now, okay?

This was her almost instinctive reaction.

It was as if she was a little uncomfortable with not receiving complete affirmation.

But Immortal Light Blue still didn't say anything.

Just because these inexplicable discomforts are beyond her authority, she cannot be dissatisfied with her master.

Therefore, she immediately nodded obediently and said: Okay master, Qian Lan is waiting for the day when the master rises.

Su Wangchen smiled happily and said: Okay, from now on, I will start the life simulation. I also want to know, as a time traveler, whether I can become invincible in one simulation - although it is indeed not too realistic, but this The world is indeed very low.”

Su Wangchen had a deep-seated contempt for the world.

So he was full of confidence.

This kind of confidence is not due to arrogance, but because when he was in China before, he also read some fantasy and other time-travel novels, movies and TV series, and the protagonists in them were also very powerful.

Now that he has traveled through time and has a simulator, he can infinitely test what can happen in the future and make adjustments again and again!

Isn't this invincible?

Why don’t you have enough confidence?

So he is the real protagonist!

Then, what else should we be afraid of?

Su Wangchen's mind was gradually overtaken by ambition.

Likewise, he thought for a while and asked Immortal Qianlan: Qianlan, can this simulator customize the direction? Is it to define the simulation direction of 'I' in it?

Immortal Qinglan said: It's okay, master. The master is worthy of being a master. He immediately realized the correct usage of the simulator - the master can indeed define the direction in advance. In this way, many unknown risks can be avoided, and even through such a direction. Strategies for unknown causes and effects again and again.”

Su Wangchen said in surprise: Strategy for unknown cause and effect again and again? Do you mean that you can't get it after one strategy? I defined the direction mainly because I wanted to test it. I worked hard towards harvesting the realm of life elves, and finally Just take it down as soon as possible.

Immortal Qianlan said: Yes, Master. After all, the current master's ban has not been completely lifted. The three souls and seven souls are incomplete because of the loss of the heavenly soul. Su Li and Su Ye have not been able to cut off the cause and effect and have completely independent fates. Come out. In addition, there are no boundary-breaking beads and time-space soul-locking towers to give the simulator a complete transformation and evolution.

Based on these considerations, the owner’s early stage will definitely not be particularly smooth.

Su Wangchen thought for a while and said: It seems that every protagonist will have some setbacks in the early stage. This is because God is going to give a great responsibility to this person, and he must first work hard and work hard...

As he said that, he smiled brightly and said: It doesn't matter, it's just a simulation anyway, that's it.

After thinking about it, he chuckled and said, Anyway, I still have a lot of secrets. Let me first define a direction for sexual intercourse and try to see what the women in this world are like.

Su Wangchen said, and then added: By the way, how was my experience when I simulated life? Virtual reality? Or - to what extent? Qinglan, did you know the whole process?

Immortal Light Blue immediately said: On this aspect, the master does not need to worry at all. Because only the master knows the simulation process, and Immortal Light Blue only knows some big events or relatively important things, which are equivalent to brief descriptions in words. Information - of course, even this part needs to be defined by the master yourself, and you can erase it at that time so that Qing Lan doesn’t know about it.”

Su Wangchen said: Well, I probably understand.

Immortal Qinglan said: Yes, Master, the simulation is 100% realistic, but there will be no such thing as brain death, because the moment of brain death will be triggered by thunder, such as midnight terror, so that the Master can immediately recover from the simulation , return to reality...

And the form after the simulation is like three years old, you were born into a very poor family. When you were five years old, because your family was too poor, you were changed into a child and eaten. When you die, the simulation ends].

Master, these information strips need to be reviewed by the master after the simulation before they can be given to Light Blue.

Among them, if there are some information notes that the owner does not want Qinglan to see, then Qinglan will not be able to see them.

Immortal Light Blue said softly.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he suddenly understood and understood completely.

Because his first thought is to fuck all the beautiful women.

After all, if you travel through a journey and don’t mess with the heavens and the earth, how can you be worthy of your big brother with thick arms?

And Su Wangchen definitely didn't want Immortal Qinglan to know about this situation.

As for that simulation, the message strip is nothing more than a life summary.

Just like the few lines of text engraved on the tombstone.

But for Su Wangchen, his simulation and experience reached 100%. That experience, that taste...

Su Wangchen was satisfied, and then said: Qing Lan, start the first life simulation.

Immortal Qinglan said: Okay master, the simulation has been started, and now the virtual life is about to be defined and the cause and effect will be activated...

After Immortal Qinglan finished speaking, Su Wangchen's consciousness began to blur again.

At that moment, he had a sudden realization, an illusion that life was like a dream, and dreams were like life, and he also felt that time was passing by like a fleeting moment.

The me in the simulation has sex as my core direction.

Su Wangchen once again defined the direction in his heart.

For the first time, he had no intention of acquiring the Heavenly Secret Value, nor did he intend to acquire the Life Elf Realm and replace it.

So, he immersed himself in it.


A thunder suddenly exploded in my ears.

Su Wangchen woke up.

The blood moon appeared in the sky. In the blood moon, there seemed to be an unknown shadow holding a giant axe, chopping down an ancient tree.

Su Wangchen looked at the blood moon blankly, and then looked at his own environment.

He stood in the lake, which was up to his neck.

He was practicing his sword in the lake, and he had almost drowned before he fell into a coma.

Now he was awakened by the mysterious thunder.

Suddenly, the blood moon in the sky fell down and turned into a streak of blood. Along with the thunder that had just exploded, it struck him between the eyebrows like blood-colored lightning.

At that moment, Su Wangchen was shocked.

Then the memory awakens.

It turns out that he is a time traveler.

His previous name was also Su Wangchen.

It's just that his predecessor had a weak character and poor talent, and was looked down upon by the Su family.

It turned out to be soul piercing - and my soul, after wandering in the universe for endless years and passing through endless darkness, finally found its sustenance at this time.

From now on, I am you Su Wangchen, and I will accept your soul and devour it.

Su Wangchen pondered, and then with a thought, the powerful soul swept directly towards the predecessor soul of the indigenous 'Su Wangchen'.

Afterwards, all the memories of his predecessor were absorbed and replaced by him.

Oh, it turns out that he was stimulated. His childhood sweetheart Yan Luo, the girl he always called 'Yan Yan', fell in love with Su Xuan of the Su family.

Tsk tsk tsk, what a scheming bitch Bai Lianhua.

But it is indeed beautiful.

Su Wangchen looked at the broken sword in his hand, and then a thought came to his mind. The original Qi Refining State transformed rapidly, and the foundation was established in an instant.

His powerful soul also allowed his body to be tempered and transformed.

The mysterious thunder and bloody lightning before had also tempered his body.

So his rise was rapid.

At this time, the girl named 'Yan Luo' came in wearing a white gauze skirt, standing on the stone wall of Jingyue Lake, looking down at him.

You actually stimulated your potential and made a breakthrough, just to show off in front of me? You are just destroying your own foundation by forcing yourself to improve your realm like this -

Yan Luo stared at Su Wangchen, her words full of frustration and annoyance, and of course there was a hint of hidden anger in them.

But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Su Wangchen.

Self-destroying your foundation? Self-destroying your spicy neighbor! My foundation is very strong, do you want to try it?

Su Wangchen glanced at Yan Luo coldly.

She used to be a super licker, and all the resources were given to her, but she got nothing.

But now - it's different.

Yan Luo's beautiful eyes narrowed, and her face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Just as she was about to speak, her body suddenly shook and she froze in place.

Su Wangchen's powerful soul gathered like a substance and crushed directly towards Yan Luo.

Then, the powerful mental power vibrated directly and hit Yan Luo.

Then, Yan Luo fainted.

Su Wangchen sneered, flew up, grabbed Yan Luo and threw her to the lake.

Then he raised his hand and tore Yan Luo's gauze skirt directly.

After a fierce battle, Su Wangchen felt happy both physically and mentally.

Yan Luo woke up due to severe pain.

Afterwards, she was extremely frightened and furious, and at the same time she wanted to cut Su Wangchen into pieces.

Unfortunately, she is not as strong as Su Wangchen, so it can only be said that she is humiliating herself.

Moreover, after Su Wangchen got her, he no longer tried to please her like his predecessor.

Yan Luo has a special physique, and after Su Wangchen got entangled with her and started practicing Taoism, her strength increased.

Later, Su Wangchen seemed to have opened some special memories - or maybe the previous Su Wangchen had a special inheritance.

Su Wangchen obtained a special skill - Great Yin and Yang and Combination of Demons.

This technique is also known as the Great Yin and Yang Mixed Cave Sutra.

In short, after acquiring this technique, Su Wangchen forcibly joined forces with Yan Luo again.

Yan Luo was already worse than dead, but she was not cherished by Su Wangchen at all.

After a great battle, Yan Luo lost all her cultivation, while Su Wangchen's foundation-building realm actually condensed the Yin-Yang Spiritual Foundation.

Only then did he realize that this foundation building was divided into Yin-Yang Spiritual Foundation, Five-Element Spiritual Foundation, Yin-Yang Five-Element Spiritual Foundation and Great Yin-Yang Five-Element Spiritual Foundation.

The strongest foundation building is the legendary Great Yin Yang and Five Elements Creation Spiritual Foundation.

If such a spiritual base can be constructed, the combat power will be infinitely increased, and in the future, one will definitely strive to reach the ultimate level of the God King of Creation.

Su Wangchen's heart was opened.

He felt that this Great Yin and Yang Mixed Cave Scripture was tailor-made for him.

Therefore, next, he returned to the Su family and directly slaughtered Su Xuan and destroyed everyone in the Su family who had been humiliating and bullying him before.

In the end, Su Xingzhao, the elder of the Su family, came forward and fought him off.

Although his background is strong and his soul is powerful, his combat power is not particularly high.

The improvement is also very limited, so if you are defeated, you have no choice but to retreat.

Later, the Su family expelled Su Wangchen from the Su family.

Even so, Su Wangchen's battle shocked the entire Wuli Town.

After that, Su Wangchen's rise seemed to be destined, starting from his crazy practice of Great Yin Yang and Combination of Demons.

At the age of eighteen, you were practicing swordplay in the Mirror Moon Lake. A blood moon fell from the sky, and your soul revived. 】

Yan Luo came to find you, but you forced her to join him. 】

Yan Luo lost all hope and was taken away by Granny Yueying of the reincarnation ancestral land. She became your lifelong enemy. 】

Three years later, your Great Yin Yang and Combination of Demons skills reached perfection. During this period, He Dao spread all over the world, even the female dragon and the Ice Palace Saint Bingli Bingyuying were no exception. 】

You are hated by everyone in the world. 】

Yan Luo has mastered the Great Reincarnation Technique to suppress you and join you in reverse. 】

You live in the cracks every day, and eventually your roots are sucked away. you are dead. 】

After this life simulation is completed, you can choose to edit your life information to reduce some privacy, and then submit it to the simulator for definition. 】

For this simulation, you can obtain - the following permissions are reserved. 】

1. Three years of practice. 】

Two or three years of cultivation realm. 】

Three, three years of life memories. 】

The moment the life simulation was completed, thunder exploded again.

Su Wangchen was startled, and then he woke up.

After returning from the life simulation, he did not immediately return to reality, but returned to the simulation space.

Su Wangchen recalled this life simulation and felt sad in his heart.

He is indeed a seeder-like existence, messing around everywhere, some of which are done hastily, and some of which are heavily developed and reversed.

Some, indeed, survive in the cracks.

For example, the last days are really just days, not sons.

That experience is hard to describe in words.

This kind of life simulation is really... extremely shameful.

Although all kinds of messing around are indeed very exciting, the final ending is indeed too miserable.

This woman named 'Yan Luo' is too cruel, cruel and disgusting.

It seems that this woman cannot be offended?

Or kill her at the beginning?

In other words, the world of life simulation is different?

Su Wangchen still had many doubts in his heart.

But in terms of choice, he didn't think too much about choosing one of the three.

There is no doubt that this choice is a no-brainer.

What's the point of retaining the memory of that shameful thing of being reversed to death?

Moreover, if he retains his memory, he may have a shadow on women.

Moreover, after practicing the Great Yin-Yang and Combination of Demons skills, you will be unable to stop.

But now that he is not practicing, he feels like he has been bitten back. When he thinks about things like Hedao, he feels like vomiting - the kind of normal vomiting, not the kind that big brother wants to vomit.

Choice - Realm.

Su Wangchen did not hesitate and chose to retain his realm.

At the same time, his superb practice of Great Yin Yang and Combining Demon Techniques suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, all the memories of having sex are almost forgotten.

However, in the process of forgetting this point, there suddenly appeared an abnormal fluctuation in time and space.

This time and space fluctuation comes inexplicably.

But it was precisely this fluctuation that allowed Su Wangchen to retain the corresponding memory of forcing Yan Luo and humiliating Bingyu Li Bingyuying to death.

Just because, among the many females, only these three strange women were the most outstanding, and they were the most fascinating to him.

Su Wangchen was also a little dazed by the sudden retention of this inexplicable memory.

This may not be a bad thing - after all, these memories are super satisfying for him.

But - does this mean that the simulator does still have hidden dangers?

This is one of them.

Furthermore, why is the name of this woman named ‘Yan Luo’ so scary?

Although the characters and language pronunciation in this world are somewhat different from those in China.

But when translated into Chinese language, this name is almost homophonic to ‘Yam Luo’.

If Su Wangchen wanted to say that he was not afraid, he would be lying.

But he didn't think deeply about it, maybe it was just a coincidence of names.

After all, Yan Luo's nickname has always been 'Yan Yan'.

Su Wangchen pondered for a long time, and finally deleted many shameless parts of the 'life simulation information', and then transferred it to the simulator.

Later, Immortal Light Blue obtained the corresponding information.

Although a lot has been deleted, the final way of death...

This cannot be overly covered.

So much so that Immortal Light Blue's breathing became heavy for a moment, and the expression on her beautiful face became a little more exciting.

However, Immortal Light Blue didn't say anything. The master likes all kinds of weird experiences, so that's understandable.

Young people are young and energetic, and it is normal for them to be unable to control themselves.

It would be nice to have more of this kind of thing.

Immortal Qinglan thought, and still sent a message: Master, this simulation is completed, and the master has chosen the realm. This is the wisest choice.

Su Wangchen said: Reality is real, but it's just too fucking real. If returning to reality hadn't weakened the memory part, then this experience would be... hard to describe.

When I did this, I had the illusion that Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly or a butterfly dreamed of Zhuang Zhou, and the impact was too strong.

Immortal Qinglan said: Master, these insights can be loaded into the memory forbidden world. In this way, the reality of the memory forbidden area and the mural world will be invincible.

Su Wangchen said: Well, I already have such an idea, but it would be very good if you could remind me - in the future, if you have any good suggestions or ideas, you can provide them to me at any time.

Immortal Qinglan said: Good master.

Su Wangchen said: In addition, this time I chose to keep the first item, why will the memory still be retained? There is something wrong with the simulator!

Immortal Qinglan pondered for a while and then said: Master, these are unavoidable because there is an inevitable connection between realm and memory. It would be unreasonable to cut off all memories.

In fact, the simulation itself, like the harvest of luck in this world, has a certain causal connection.

After all, according to the principle of conservation of energy in the universe, the master's realm cannot actually be born out of thin air.

And an existence like Yan Luo... is indeed an existence with terrifying opportunities and destiny.

This is involved. It’s not impossible to cut them all off, but the current simulator does not have such powerful functions.

The key point is that the absence does have a certain impact, but the impact is not big.

And wouldn’t it be better if we retain a little more of our heritage?

Although this will cause unknown damage to the way of heaven and order in this world, for the entire world, it is just a drop in the ocean.

Immortal Light Blue's explanation also made Su Wangchen relieved.


If you choose one of the three, it will indeed be a bit regretful.

But if after choosing one of the three, some benefits can be found in the other two, it would be even better.

As for what's wrong with this world, it's none of his business.

These natives of this world?

Su Wangchen had no sense of belonging or identification with them.

The same was true. Soon, Su Wangchen's mentality completely calmed down.

After thinking for a while, Su Wangchen said: Leave the simulation space first.

Immortal Qinglan said: Master, after leaving, the master will be fully blessed by the realm.

Su Wangchen said: Of course this is a good thing.

Immortal Qinglan said: Such a process will cause certain phenomena in the world.

Su Wangchen said: Well, I understand, then I will find a place to transform, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble due to abnormal situations.

In the early stage, it's better to be a little more cautious.

Immortal Light Blue praised: Master is wise.

Su Wangchen said: I am confident, but I am not a sand wall.

Immortal Light Blue: ...

Returning to reality, Su Wangchen did not immediately choose to inherit the realm. Instead, after some thought, he left Wuli Town and continued deep into a wasteland area at the end of the Wusang River, reaching the Tianji Wasteland.

Later, in a deserted swamp area, Su Wangchen chose to inherit the realm.

At that moment, it was like a sudden enlightenment, like a piece of heaven and earth, and the rays of light suddenly surged over.

What followed was endless calamity clouds and rolling calamity thunders.

However, before these thunderbolts fell, Su Wangchen's realm had already been promoted - and, when he was promoted, Su Wangchen did not seem to exist in this void, so that even the tribulation thunder could not lock on.

Unable to lock, after the promotion was successful, Su Wangchen returned to normal. Although the Tribulation Thunder had been locked, there was no corresponding Heavenly Punishment Rule to bless Su Wangchen.

Therefore, the calamity thunder naturally gradually dispersed.

The strength becomes stronger in an instant!

This is like a version update! It's so powerful!

It's really fun to simulate for a while, and it's fun to simulate all the time!

Suddenly, his realm advanced by leaps and bounds. This feeling of getting something for nothing really made Su Wangchen extremely excited and felt the ultimate happiness.

At this time, even women have become an obstacle in his heart.

Women and so on are no longer interesting.

Only simulation is true love.

With such an extremely happy experience, Su Wangchen was so excited that he immediately started the second simulation.

After the first simulation, Su Wangchen also noticed something.

For example, in the simulation state, he does not have a simulator and cannot make nesting dolls.

He also doesn't have a special golden finger - except for the powerful soul that comes from his own background, the rest of the aspects tend to be ordinary.

This should be based on his actual situation.

In other words, without the simulator, his real situation will be similar to the situation in the simulated world.

These are all experiences that can be accumulated or even recorded.

I remember there was a TV series called Zombie Date, which included the Three Books of Heaven, Earth and Man, and the Book of Destiny was particularly awesome. It seemed to be called The Book of the Emperor?

Su Wangchen thought for a while and asked Immortal Qianlan.

Yes, Master. In Zombie Date, the Emperor's Classics is a heavenly book that records all kinds of things in the world. From a person's birth to a person's death, everything is detailed. But it cannot change the world. All kinds of things, so it’s also called destiny.”

Immortal Light Blue explained.

Saying that, Immortal Light Blue added: Master, actually... in fact, everything in I Have a Date with a Zombie has nothing to do with historical mythology, it's just a borrowed name.

Looking at the zombie trilogy of the TV series, if fate is compared to a super computer, The Emperor's Book of Worlds is actually just a monitor. It is a collection of the effects of laws in the real world.

Just like we can't change the plot of the TV series broadcast on TV, The Emperor's Classics can't change destiny. Therefore, Huangji Jingshi can be called destiny, but it is not a pure destiny, because it cannot be changed, so it is an incomplete destiny.

The owner who built this may not be used for it, but may be harmed by it.

Su Wangchen pondered: Then I plan to create a book like this, not a heavenly book, but a complete 'Tianshu' that brings together the three books of heaven, earth and man, and name it The Book of the Emperor's Classics!

As for whether I will suffer harm instead of not being used, of course I use it, and let the world bear the harm.

There is a saying, I think therefore I am.

From an idealistic perspective, if I have this thing in my mind, this thing can exist!

As long as I make the existence of this thing extremely reasonable.

Su Wangchen had many thoughts in his mind.

It seems like I have an idea all the time.

These thoughts seemed to give him countless hearts - which was strange.

But Su Wangchen liked and enjoyed this special seven-orificed mind very much - especially after retaining the realm for 'three years' this time, he reached the terrifying realm of the ninth level of Nascent Soul Realm in one step.

Moreover, it is also the condensed Great Yin-Yang and Five Elements Holy Infant of Creation!

This is the most top-notch Nascent Soul!

Such a state has completely changed!

Such strength has only been achieved for three years!

It’s only been accumulated for three years, it’s so terrifying!

And his combat power is even more terrifying, and he can even fight against half-step guardian-level gods.

God, that is the legendary boss of the God Transformation Realm!

Su Wangchen was very satisfied with this ability.

His growth rate is too fast.

Not only is he extremely fast, his strength is also extremely stable, and his foundation is extremely solid!

This will make other geniuses hide their faces and cry, make the most extraordinary men in this world ashamed to death, and make them despair and even completely despair.

After all, when it comes to 'talent', he, Su Wangchen, is ranked second, and no one else in this world can be ranked first.

The geniuses in the simulation, even the top ones, are far from enough!

After one simulation, he completely emerged.

This is the door open to outrageousness, outrageous as hell!

This is Heifer a hundred years later—really awesome!

This is the old cow flying in a plane - awesome!

Therefore, Su Wangchen focused entirely on his realm.

He decided that in his second simulation, he would focus on accumulating realm and combat power.

With this direction chosen, Su Wangchen in the simulator will spend all his thoughts on improving his realm and combat power!

This is a way to control your destiny.

In other words, Su Wangchen has realized how to use this simulator to make better use of it - a method similar to fate.

Destiny is a very special thing - especially when you control your own destiny and change your own destiny, you will have a greater sense of accomplishment.

Although the virtual reality experience is very real, simulated life is also an extremely real life experience.

But as long as the memory is not imprinted, then - a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, he can be as cruel as he likes, as long as he can get benefits.

As for whether Su Wangchen in the simulator will be killed or exhausted, what does it matter?

Su Wangchen noticed that his mind was more exquisite, as if there were thousands of mental orifices, as if thousands of mental orifices had been opened, and he suddenly thought of more.

Before he traveled through time, he had a very high IQ.

But now, he knows that he must have truly transformed, and his intelligence must have reached an unimaginable level.

In this way, combined with the overwhelming sense of superiority of the time travellers, the feeling of being superior to others becomes even stronger.

Light blue, start the second life simulation.

Su Wangchen did not hesitate and started the second round of simulator life.

Then, the familiar opening scene special effects appeared again.

After the thunder roared, he appeared in the chaotic simulated space.

Then, Su Wangchen thought for a while and said: The second simulation, the main purpose is to transform the realm and combat power, and everything else does not matter - do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and abandon all bottom lines.

Master, to start the simulation this time, 40,000 Tianji points will be consumed.

Do you want to consume the secret points and start the second round of life simulation? Yes? No?

Immortal Light Blue reminded.

Turn on!

Although the secret value doubled in the second round, it was still forty times.

However, Su Wangchen knew that this was because his level had improved so much in the first round that the base number was too high.

When the base number is larger, the simulation effect will naturally be larger and the consumption will naturally be higher.

The 40,000 Tianji value will be deducted quickly.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen's thoughts fell into darkness.

At the age of eighteen, you were practicing swordplay in the Mirror Moon Lake. A blood moon fell from the sky, and your soul revived. 】

Yan Luo came to you, discovered your breakthrough in strength, and reprimanded you. You argued with her, taunted her, and even tore her gauze skirt on the spot and touched her grandma. Her screams attracted a crowd of Su family disciples. 】

You had a conflict with the disciples of the Su family. In your rage, you injured three disciples of the Su family, and then you were captured by the ancestor of the Su family. 】

Yan Luo watched with cold eyes as you were suppressed, deposed, expelled from the Su family, and flirted with Su Xuan. 】

You were dragged up the cliff of Cangshan Mountain like a dead dog by Su Xiaoli, Su Xuan's dog-legged follower, and thrown off the cliff. 】

You are dead, but your powerful soul and obsession make you a ghost. 】

You were spotted by the witch Nie Niannian, and you died after taking tonic to absorb your soul, leaving your soul scattered. 】

You were completely dead, and you lived for a total of two days. 】

This time the life simulation is completed, you can choose to edit your life information to reduce some privacy, and then submit it to the simulator for definition. 】

For this simulation, you can obtain - the following permissions are reserved. 】

One or two days of practice. 】

Two, two days of cultivation state. 】

Three, two days of life memories. 】


Su Wangchen woke up from the simulation.

Everyone was confused.

Good guy - damn good guy!

Only lived for two days!

At this time, Su Wangchen also realized that this stupid Yan Luo was an early boss!


This fortune value doesn’t look so easy to earn!

This time, because there was no immediate choice, memory was the first 'inherited' - Su Wangchen remembered the real experience of the simulation.

Therefore, he clearly realized that this time he started the simulation, he was obviously a bit 'targeted' by the world.

Because he seems to have become the protagonist in those idiotic novels, a walking hate machine.

Everyone who sees him will hate him and be hostile to him as if they are crazy.

Or ridicule him or despise him.

In this situation, anyone with any brains would no longer write novels like this.

Damn it!

It actually happened to him!

At this moment, Su Wangchen really wanted to say something - I've made a fool of myself!


This is an instant death. There is no skill, no realm, and the Dantian has been destroyed. It's a shame to choose the realm!

The only choice is memory!

Damn - this ghost of Nie Niannian is so cruel, it killed me!

My brothers are all broken!

Su Wangchen's face turned extremely dark.

Later, he inherited the complete memory of two days and vomited a mouthful of old blood on the spot!

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