I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,075 Memory Awakening, Life Simulation

After Su Wangchen was shrouded in blue light, the shackles deep in his memory suddenly cracked like the sky falling apart.

It was accompanied by a deafening sound of thunder.

The sound of thunder shook his soul sea, shook his soul, and made his heart unable to calm down for a long time.

But it's still not important.

The important thing is that when the extremely weird thunder exploded, the accompanying lightning was enough to pierce the depths of his memory, suddenly lighting up his life!

And in this lightning lighting, Su Wangchen saw it!

He saw everything there was to see, a mixture of dreams and illusions in his life.

At that moment, Su Wangchen couldn't help but burst into tears.

It turned out that the isolation and loneliness he had always felt inexplicably came from the foundation of his own soul.

It turns out that he was never from this world.

This mysterious fantasy world is just a temporary wandering destination for his soul, but it is not forever.

His ancestral land is not here.

In other words, he, Su Wangchen, is actually a time traveler.

And the other Su Li is actually a native.

It’s just that—but something special happened.

After the memory was opened, Su Wangchen saw many causes and effects in the past.

For example, when he first traveled through time, it was because Su Li's body existed in his mother's body.

At that time, it had only been a few months, but at that time, Su Li's father, Su Xinghe, had stirred up the secrets of heaven and deduced terrible secrets, thus causing disaster.

It was precisely this time that a soul-suppressing monument descended from the sky. This soul-suppressing monument carried the soul of Su Wangchen's time traveler.

This soul formed a special Tao Fei Qi because of Mu Qingya's vision of the stars in the universe are Tai Chi, and the stars in the Huawei galaxy come into dreams.

And that fetal energy was actually Su Wangchen who had passed through the soul.

He traveled through time and became a child, and also occupied the original Su Li's body.

However, this Su Li himself is a person of great love, and his existence is still in the form of a 'twin'.

In other words, Su Li is not just one, but also has a twin brother, Su Ye.

But Su Li, a native, seemed to have noticed an abnormal situation, or perhaps the will of heaven in this fantasy world itself rejected heretical souls. Therefore, Su Li committed suicide in the womb, wanting to drag Su Wangchen to die with him!

With Su Wangchen's ability as a time traveler, of course he would not give in so easily.

So another situation occurred at that time, that is, Su Li succeeded in committing suicide, and all the information was absorbed by his twin brother Su Ye.

In this way, Su Ye actually has three souls in his body.

And it was still in a symbiotic state, but Su Ye himself didn't know it.

Su Li also didn't know that he committed suicide in the womb.

Just because this Su Li is in a state where a person dies and becomes a ghost.

In this way - the master is actually Su Wangchen.

But because the world is hostile to heretical souls, all of Su Wangchen's background was blocked by the 'simulator' that followed him - something similar to a system but not a system.

In this way, Su Wangchen transformed into a special character and survived in the form of split personality.

At the same time, in order to survive better, this native has the core character of great love, so he got the name Su Li.

Before that, everything had been completed smoothly.

Su Xinghe and Mu Qingya were punished by God for being involved in such a huge cause and effect. They passed away not long after Su Li was born.

In this way, the experience of the next eighteen years was born.

As for the situation of Hou Yunyi and Xiaoluan, Su Wangchen didn't know.

But he was certain that when the Su family had a strange phenomenon eighteen years ago, this must be the key to attracting Hou Yunyi to come.

After such memories were revived, Su Wangchen knew everything that 'Qianlan' said...

It's true.

After all, it comes from the memory of the time traveler, and this is by no means something that can be given to him.

And this is the real core secret. Even if his memory recovers at this time, he will never expose it.

More importantly, such a world is indeed very scary, and even those who have intentions may not be able to hide it. Therefore, they need to constantly hide themselves before they can develop.

It's just that this kind of careless development method conflicts with Su Wangchen's mentality of being invincible and dominating.

Su Wangchen frowned slightly, and then carefully sensed this soul sea space. Suddenly, his heart moved, and he said: Qianlan, do you know where this place is? Is it my soul sea, or is it my subconscious?

Immortal Qinglan heard this and immediately responded: Master, this is the master's soul sea and also the subconscious space.

Su Wangchen thought for a while and said: I remember when I was on earth, I watched some movies, such as Painting on the Wall, such as Inception, there is a logic in it that can be used for reference, do you think, If you hide your thoughts in dreams, or make dreams into independent small worlds, similar to the inner and outer worlds...

Is it possible to hide one's thoughts from prying eyes?

Immortal Qianlan heard this and immediately said: This is okay, Master. Although as a simulator, this is a modified software developed by the Master in China and obtained the blessing of the will of the earth, but there are some things, the Master because Carrying the civilization and inheritance of a world is not difficult to do.

Not to mention, it's actually not difficult to hide your thoughts and the like.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he felt slightly happy and said, Huh? So, Qianlan, do you have some ideas?

At this time, Su Wangchen had indeed accepted the so-called 'Immortal Light Blue'. After all, he had revived the memory of the traveler and at the same time knew that Su Li was a native.

Once such a secret is known, his first goal is to kill Su Li and kill Su Ye!

Only in this way can he truly keep the secret of the time traveler!

But before that, he will definitely keep this secret secret!

Not only the secret of the time traveler, but also the secret of the modifier Immortal Light Blue, he must hold it to death!

Otherwise, this thing would really happen, and there would be no way for him to survive.

In comparison, women like Jiang Luan and Hou Yunyi are considered ders!

Immortal Qinglan said at this time: Master, actually... if the other party just wants to peek into his mind, then create a memory field specifically to hold his mind, so that he can peek into it? In this way, the enemy has achieved his goal and is satisfied; The master was successfully deceived and was satisfied.

It's enjoyable on both sides, isn't it?

If it is just defense, then in terms of the development trend of this world, the master will soon be unable to keep up.

Because after all, the master is alone, there is only one person.

And this world is the whole world.

Such a confrontation is totally unwise.

Immortal Light Blue gives a reminder.

Su Wangchen thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case.

Suddenly, he was even more satisfied with the simulator ‘Immortal Light Blue’.

Then, if I turn on the simulation ability, will there be any problems? Will I be detected by the heaven of this world or discovered because of the simulation?

Su Wangchen hesitated.

Immortal Qinglan said: No master, because this kind of simulated life is actually just a simulation, just like the wild thoughts of a madman - let me ask, what does a person's random thoughts have to do with others? What does it have to do with the way of heaven? What's the relationship?

It's just that our random thoughts are based on heaven's secrets, a cause-and-effect deduction similar to a parallel world.

Su Wangchen said: If that's the case, that's great!

Immortal Qinglan said: Master's memory has been revived, but there are still some means missing. Such a basic method of hiding memory - Tianji Soul Diagnosis Technique is very amazing. Master can learn it first.

Su Wangchen said: Okay, then how should we study?

Immortal Qinglan said: Master only needs to try to meditate, then turn on the simulator and use the simulated practice function, and the simulation will be successful quickly.

If the simulation is successful without any surprises, you can make the corresponding selections.

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment and said, So this kind of simulation requires energy loss, right? Where does this energy come from?

Immortal Qinglan said: Yes, master, this energy can be called 'divine value' or 'creation point', but it doesn't matter. No matter what kind of energy it is, the master can gain enlightenment and obtain the secret. Value can be obtained by hunting strong men, or by deriving the secret value and helping others change their fate against the will of heaven.

These heavenly secret values ​​can be used to conduct various simulations.

Su Wangchen pondered for a long time and said, How many fortune points do I have now?

Immortal Qinglan said: Because Su Li was the main person before, and he was a person with hope, and Su Ye was also a person of great love, so he paid a lot.

But after they became independent, they actually lost their cause and effect.

Qian Lan has also mentioned before that the master is the real core, so all these fortune points currently fall on the master.

Su Wangchen said: So, my fortune is worth a lot? How much is it specifically?

Immortal Qinglan said: It's specific enough...huh?

Immortal Qinglan said, slightly stunned, and then fell into silence.

Su Wangchen's heart skipped a beat and asked, How many are there?

Immortal Qinglan said: Originally there were more than 24 million.

When Su Wangchen heard this, his expression suddenly brightened, because he understood the word 'original'.

This is definitely not a good word!

Not only is it bad, but whenever this word appears, there will definitely be nasty and disgusting things happening.

Sure enough, I heard Immortal Qinglan say: Now there is only... only negative three thousand.

When Su Wangchen heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched - Am I still in fucking debt?

Who do you owe it to?

Su Wangchen's face turned dark.

One can imagine how he feels!

If he didn't also know that being a time traveler must have some special abilities, and he was a real time traveler, he would definitely suspect that this was a very smelly cause and effect, a very terrible prison shackles, that is Trapping his monkey!

Su Wangchen took out a breath and resisted the urge to turn against Immortal Qian Lan.

Immortal Qinglan was also a little cautious at this time, and said in a very panic: Master... all of the more than 24 million were intercepted by a special peerless treasure - that treasure is called the 'Time and Space Soul Locking Tower' '.

According to Tianji Calculation, which is the core authority of the simulator, this thing is probably the culprit that caused the owner to travel through time.

This thing must belong to the owner, but now it was taken away by Su Li.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, the tower spirit of the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower may even contain part of Qinglan's cause and effect.

However, those people there should also be classified as ‘indigenous’.

The situation should be similar to the situation between the master and Su Li.

Immortal Light Blue explained.

Su Wangchen pondered for a long time, with strong murderous intent in his eyes.

But after the murderous intention was condensed, it quickly dissipated.

If he wanted to kill Su Li before, he would just kill him. After all, he became independent and everyone could live well without him.

But now, Su Li has disappeared. He wants to obtain the other party's information, which is obviously not an easy task.

Su Wangchen muttered: This thing has taken away so many secret points, so whose debt I am carrying now belongs to whom?

Immortal Qinglan said: This is because you have been targeted by the 'Tiandao', and you need to pay a certain price.

But this is also a state of disobedience.

In this case, as long as the master continues to break this 'curse' restrained by fate, he can harvest the secret value in reverse.

Su Wangchen said: Then I am now in debt and unable to simulate life. What should I do?

Also, I killed Su Xuan before. Could it be that he didn't have any destiny value? Doesn't this Su Xuan have a special fate and is the head of the Su family?

Su Wangchen questioned.

Immortal Qinglan said: Although he had such an opportunity, his virtue was not worthy of him. He died immediately after becoming the head of the family. This kind of existence is worthless.

However, someone like Hou Yunyi is very valuable.

Su Wangchen: ...

Su Wangchen imagined the situation of being hostile to Hou Yunyi, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Suddenly, he also knew that whether it was Hou Yunyi or behind Hou Yunyi, he really couldn't afford to offend this kind of existence at the moment.

Not to mention, Hou Yunyi may have ulterior motives, but it's really good to be nice to him, and he also wants to take the initiative to do so.

Although Su Wangchen was not unfamiliar with it, it had to be said that perhaps, the magical structure of the demon fox would indeed make people extremely enchanted.

Su Wangchen pondered for a long time and said: Needless to say, in my situation, being in contact with this kind of existence is really life-threatening.

I can’t overstate the power of that demon fox projection alone to kill him instantly!

I am still aware of this.

Su Wangchen said, and then added: Let's do this - as a simulator, and also so smart, you should have good background, provide some for me to use first, I think the initial simulation consumption will not be too high.

After I simulated it a few times and learned some basic survivability skills, I was able to quickly obtain more secret points, and then I could make up for the shortfall.

Hearing this, Immortal Qinglan's breath froze and said, Is this... the master wants to overdraw the simulator?

Su Wangchen said: What is an overdraft? This is just an advance. In the final analysis, no matter what the simulator or the consciousness of the earth, they still chose me, the son of destiny. In this case, the start cannot be opened, and many things will be difficult to do.

There is no need for me to say more about the principle of one step being fast and one step being fast, right?

Immortal Qinglan said: However, before the memory blockade was opened for the master, a lot of losses were already incurred.

Su Wangchen said: You didn't lock the secret value and let the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower intercept it. This should be considered your mistake, right? You threw away the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower for me, and I didn't blame you. What else do you want?

After saying that, Su Wangchen added: First provide some basic secret values ​​and balance the debt, and then block some unnecessary and unused functions, giving priority to the main functions.

Then, when I start the life simulation, I first need to learn the secret soul detection technique, and then learn to create a fantasy world of dreams within dreams - well, let's call it the 'memory forbidden zone'.

Then, through the method of dreams within dreams, the memory restricted areas are superimposed.

First... let's add three layers.

Please help me meet this requirement first.

If you can't reach it, then I will destroy you directly. Anyway, you are of no use and cannot bring me any real benefits.

I, Su Wangchen, do not raise waste.

Su Wangchen's tone was very domineering.

Even though the time traveler's memory has been restored, his nature has not changed much.

In other words, after eighteen years of twisted character growth in this world, it is still difficult for some huge changes to occur.

This is the result of inertia and habituation.

Maybe there will be changes later, but this inertia will always exist in the short term.

At this moment, Su Wangchen's extreme side suddenly appeared again.

Immortal Light Blue was stunned for a long time, but stopped talking.

After a while, she could only sigh silently and said helplessly: Since...since the master has the permission requirements, then Qianlan will arrange everything for the master.

Master, now your Tianji Points have arrived - 100,000 points.

Sure enough, under Su Wangchen's domineering words, the simulator had paid off the three thousand debts and gained an additional one hundred thousand fortune points.

Light blue, start the life simulator The Sims. 】

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment, then spoke.

Because at this time, he still doesn't know what to do or how to grow and transform.

So he planned to simulate the situation first.

And the Sims - you can see how the future will develop.

For this simulation, one thousand points of Tianji value need to be deducted. 】

Is it deducted? yes? no? 】

At this time, a transparent light blue void panel was projected out and appeared in front of Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen didn't hesitate and chose 'yes' directly.

Then, a blue light rippled out, and at the same time, a strange thunder exploded directly into the void.

Su Wangchen was so excited that his consciousness seemed to have completely disappeared.

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