I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,071 The 8 Immortal Catastrophe, the Soul Locking Tower Opens

The Eight Immortals of China, headed by Hua Qiudao.

At this time, Li Juan's sudden inquiry made Lao Liutou's expression immediately become anxious.

His old bark-like face showed a bit of embarrassment and embarrassment.

When she saw Old Liutou's expression, Li Juan laughed angrily.

Looking at how cowardly you are, it means you don't have full strength. Why, can't you let go of your benevolence and righteousness, or can't you let go of the bond in your heart?

Li Juan's tone was somewhat mocking.

Hearing this, Lao Liutou pondered for a long time, then let out a long sigh and said: It's not that I, Lao Liu, don't want to let go of my benevolence and righteousness. What exactly is this benevolence and righteousness, I, Lao Liu, don't even know.

Do we people still have this so-called benevolence and righteousness?

Li Juan asked calmly: What? We people, who are we? Do you really not know what the heart of benevolence and righteousness is? In the final analysis, it is just the obsession in the heart and some empathy abilities that you are not willing to admit. .

These are all things that should be given up, otherwise our path will not be easy.

Li Juan's words seemed to have a certain impact on Lao Liutou, but it was not obvious.

Old Liutou pondered: Except for Hua Qiudao, the Eight Immortals of China are the Green Ox King Yin Tianshu, the Cold-Blooded King Zhao Sikong, the Qilin King Zhao Yang, the Immortal Gourd King Jiang Junshang, the Shennong Fairy Zhao Xiaoxiao, the Kunlun Fairy Qin Ruyu, and the Qinse Fairy Yun Shiyin.

These seven people are now under control.

In addition, some of the souls of the Goddess of Time and Hua Qiudao have been combined, and they can carry out reverse bargain hunting at any time.

It's just that these two people have no fixed place to live, no possessions, and their foundation is not stable - or in other words, they actually have no foundation themselves, and the foundation itself is just a kind of spiritual sustenance.

It's like being in a fuzzy state and unable to process it.

Hearing this, Li Juan nodded thoughtfully and said: It is indeed time to deal with this matter, but the current time is indeed not suitable.

Previously, I just experienced a special cause and effect. This cause and effect actually involved a multi-party game. I have already taken action head-on once, and it is very likely that many secrets will be exposed at one time.

Now's the time to lay low, so next we'll just have to watch.

I originally thought that you could suppress all the Eight Immortals of China, so that once they surrendered, they could be combined into an eight-formation diagram that enveloped the fate of the Chinese ancestral land.

With these eight formation diagrams, all cause and effect can be written through the Book of Destiny. Everything is in my mind and under the stroke of my Spring and Autumn Creation Pen.

Li Juan said, and then added: Well, I force... no, the world I write will definitely have a great future.

Lao Liutou nodded and said: Your Majesty's writings reveal the nature of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Spring and Autumn Period writes the creation of the universe.

Li Juan said: So for now, there is still one 'Spring and Autumn Period' left.

Old Liutou stopped talking.

Li Juan said: You still can't do it.

Lao Liu sighed: I'm really old, I'm really in trouble.

Li Juan said: You shouldn't be like this.

Lao Liu said: In Zhenxu, some cause and effect has been lost inexplicably, and I don't know where it was intercepted - it may be the two pheasants, or it may be that the fate of Lihe Village is at a certain time level that transcends the timeline. was disconnected.

Otherwise, the dragon veins in Lihe Village wouldn't be so messy and complicated.

Lao Liu... indeed tried his best.

Li Juan pondered for a moment and said, What about the seven? How many of them have already surrendered?

Lao Liu said: The first to surrender were the Green Ox King Yin Tianshu and the Immortal Gourd King Jiang Junshang.

Then came, you know, the cold-blooded king Zhao Sikong.

Qilin King Zhao Yang was forcibly forced to surrender by extracting his bones and refining his soul. Of course, there was also an element of threatening his sister.

However, his sister has actually been refined to death long ago and was deprived of her Qilin bloodline. This matter was done by Jiang Tianxin and has nothing to do with us.

If necessary, I am prepared to tell him the result, but I will not tell him openly, but only as a guide.

Then hatred will not fall on us.

Li Juan asked: Didn't any of those women surrender?

Lao Liu said: No, those few are actually almost there. Fairy Shennong Zhao Xiaoxiao is a disciple of the Emperor Fuxi. She is not easy to use extreme means, but she doesn't know us well, so she is not very hostile and can be tempted. , allowing her to betray without knowing it.

As for Yun Shiyin, she had actually been instigated for a long time without knowing it. She definitely didn't know it herself, and she thought she was a reverse undercover or something like that.

In fact all our initial information came from her.

She now knows part of the truth, so her mentality has been completely broken, and she has surrendered.

Li Juan said: What does 'it means'? Yes means yes, no means no.

Lao Liu said: She has surrendered, but her attitude is still a little wavering. As for the reason for the wavering, it is probably because of the inner demons.

Li Juan said: Then let her give up completely. Dealing with a woman is nothing more than humiliating her body, making your body rotten and making her useless. Then destroy her will mentally and let her behave and morally. It’s enough for thousands of people to rebuke you.

Do you know Pan Jinlian, a character in the small world of the heavens?

Old Liutou was startled, then shook his head.

Li Juan said: This character is a bit interesting. In the final analysis, in my opinion, she was just pursuing her own excitement and happiness, but she was nailed to the pillar of shame.

This is quite worthy of attention in the Chinese ancestral land.

Of course, nowadays, in the ancestral land of China, there are many such women, who are not ashamed but proud of them, and no one scolds them anymore - or in other words, everyone is almost as bad as they are.

But it's still easy to deal with her.

In this way, this time I pushed it into the chaotic area of ​​​​the small world, just enough to be humiliated.

Lao Liu said in a deep voice: My lord, no. It is not appropriate for us to take action again this time. As your lord said, we have already taken action once before, which may cause some hidden dangers.

These things can no longer be done.

As for Yun Shiyin, she has actually surrendered. We can only create some small empty worlds, mural worlds or even miniature bubble worlds, and humiliate her again and again to break her Taoist heart.

It would be better to get him to surrender in this way.

It is even possible to directly use the method of attacking the mind.

But the participants must be virtual and not real, otherwise they will lead to real cause and effect, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

We are already very successful, let’s not add any more extraneous things.

As Lao Liu said before, we should never think about taking advantage of all the benefits, otherwise we will only lose more than the gain.

Lao Liu is still very knowledgeable.

What he said made Li Juan quite satisfied and she nodded repeatedly.

You were trained by me after all, and it wasn't easy. If you agree this time, your value will come to an end.

Li Juan's tone was calm, but she seemed to be able to control all the cause and effect of Lao Liutou at any time, even the cycle of life and death.

Lao Liutou suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, but he was even more energetic.

His attitude was pious and respectful, and his expression was even more humble.

Li Juan added: The Eight Immortals of China have extraordinary origins, so there is no need to use extreme means. Your consideration is correct.

In other words, Qin Ruyu, the Kunlun Fairy, is the only one who has not yet been conquered?

Has this been suppressed?

Lao Liutou nodded and said: It has been completely suppressed. The special ancient soul-forbidden method and the nine-tribulation soul-locking method combined with the seven-dragon soul-locking method will make it difficult to fly without wings!

Li Ran said: Well, I understand, now you release it.

Old Liutou was slightly startled.

Li Juan said: You will know if you let her go. Part of her cause and effect is on Su Yan, or in other words, it is on Su Li.

This Su Li still has some areas that can be used.

There should be a rare treasure in his hand that can be used to derive truth and void, similar to a wheel of fortune.

You know, the destiny disk in my hand can be simulated and deduced.

This thing, on our side, is similar to a Sims simulator.

But if you don’t understand this thing, it can actually be divided into a method of divine inference, and the effect is quite impressive.

Li Juan said, and then added: This thing is actually not very useful, because it will cause the effect, and I haven't used it for a long time.

If you don't use it, there is often no danger.

But if used, abnormal death will almost always occur.

And if you know this kind of death in advance, you will be afraid of it, and then you will change your way and style of doing things. It is precisely this change that will promote this kind of death.

This situation...

You understand, right?

Old Liutou was startled when he heard this and said, Sir, are you going to give such a rare treasure to Qin Ruyu for use?

Li Juan smiled and said: No, I just want to try using it this time. Now I have all the chances to win, so I just want to see if there are any other ways to kill me.

And based on my current background, if I deduce it this way, what will happen if I avoid the abnormality, and what will happen if I don't avoid it.

When Lao Liutou heard this, he frowned deeply. Then he hesitated for a moment before saying in a trembling voice: Sir, Lao Liu actually has an idea -

If you have any ideas, just say it - in fact, I know even if you don't tell me. Are you trying to persuade me not to do this?

In fact, you don’t have to worry so much. Although the situation is like this, it just means that I am aware of this situation, right?

Since I know it and have spoken out, of course I have used it before, and I have used it many times.

Now that you have used it and used it many times with no problem, what do you need to worry about?

Or do you think that if you are not afraid of 10,000, then you are afraid of the worst?

It's not necessary, because even if something really happens, then - hahaha, do you remember who will bear this fate?

Could it be me, Li Juan?

How many Li Juans are there in this world?

How many non-Li Juans are there in this world who don't know that they are actually Li Juan?

Therefore, as long as there is cause and effect of life and death, my destiny disk has another ability called time and space displacement, cause and effect inversion, and transposition.

Li Juan said and glanced at Lao Liutou inexplicably.

Old Liutou suddenly became cold and said immediately: Sir, what are you talking about? Old Liutou... I can't understand it at all.

Li Juan felt a little regretful and said: It seems that you still forget about it after hearing it, still can't remember these things, and you don't even have the slightest chance to participate. If not, you are actually very suitable for many things.

Having said that, Li Juan still felt a little regretful.

She looked at Lao Liutou carefully again, and carefully sensed Lao Liutou's bloodline and Taoist system. In all aspects, she had perfected it to the extreme.

It should be said that Lao Liutou can fit the destiny chart and help her make various deductions to become an extremely qualified tool person.

However, no matter how many times she told Lao Liutou about the destiny disk, after the conversation was over, Lao Liutou would forget all the relevant information.

Can't remember even a little bit.

At the beginning, Li Juan also doubted whether Lao Liutou was pretending or a special means of self-protection.

But later, after countless experiments——

Old Liutou is still like this, he can't remember anything.

Even if he remembered it on the spot, once the cause and effect was explained to her, Old Liutou would forget it.

At this point, it also secretly shows that Lao Liutou cannot control the cause and effect of the destiny disk.

Old Liutou is not recognized by the reincarnation system of the Chinese ancestral land!

It's such a shame.

For Li Juan, she is actually willing to give Lao Liutou a bright future. After all, there are so many people around her, but Lao Liutou is actually the most useful.

Low-key, calm, and very effective at doing things.


After all, he is not recognized, so in the general direction, his future is still hopeless after all.


Li Juan will give him a decent death, or help him fulfill his wish.

Li Juan sighed, and then offered the destiny disk from the cliff of Cangshan Mountain.

The huge destiny disk matches the six paths of reincarnation, forming a giant void passage.

These are the six paths of reincarnation, which represent the true authority and the true foundation.

It's just that Lao Liutou obviously doesn't understand at all.

Li Juan waved her hand, and Lao Liutou immediately left respectfully.

Then, Li Juan looked at the destiny disk and fell into deep thought.

In fact, what she said before was not the truth, and all simulators were actually fake.

There is no so-called game, and there is no so-called simulator. What is actually there is real reincarnation.

It's just that this kind of reincarnation has been reduced by Li Juan.

Shrunk into consciousness and fantasy.

Yes, in fantasy.

Start the reincarnation simulation in fantasy and use the reincarnation authority. This is the real life simulation.

But how could Li Juan tell these things?

This is naturally her biggest secret!

To start a reincarnation, one of the egos must die, which is equivalent to a sacrifice.

But this kind of sacrifice is really too easy for Li Juan to deal with.

Through the reincarnation system, give a ray of origin to others, and then let others sacrifice...

This is how Hou Wan Xiao died.

But after the sacrifice is made, part of the fate of the owner of that ray of origin will be eroded and he will participate in reincarnation.

The person who died at this time was not Li Juan, but someone else.

It's like Wan Xiao died and was sacrificed this time, but it opened up an opportunity for life simulation.

This opportunity now falls into Li Juan's hands.

At this time, what Li Juan wants to do is life simulation.

There is nothing to be afraid of or to be afraid of. In fact, there is nothing.

Because simulation always has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Unfortunately, she is too powerful now, so every simulation she participates in is invincible.

Although there will be gaps in details, the results will not be obscured.

And through these life simulation trials and errors, she got to where she is now.

Now she is simulating it again, and the loss is huge. She has accumulated it for a long time, but she is still close to something.

This little thing was taken away from Su Wangchen - this was precisely the source of his self-destruction.

As for the matter of Su Wangchen seizing Su Ye to break into the memory restricted area, she didn't know about it before, but she knew it at the same moment.

Of course, Li Juan didn't know that what she knew was exactly what Su Li wanted her to know.

Likewise, she became more confident.

Now, with the opportunity to simulate, in such an environment, of course she would no longer hide it, but of course she would try to simulate it again.

Li Juan opened the Destiny Sky Disk, and combined the fate origin derived from Hou Wan Xiao with the strand of origin from Su Wangchen, triggering reincarnation and completing the supply of energy.

Then, she started a special life simulation.

Que De and Feng Qianwei discussed the truth, and Que De was persuaded to join the prehistoric royal family. 】

You noticed the changes in Que De, but you did not participate or get involved. Instead, you muddied the muddy waters, causing the ghosts of the Three Purities to target you. 】

The war finally breaks out between you and the Ghost of Sanqing. 】

You win. After the ghosts of the Three Purities broke through, they chose to fuse with the masters of the Three Purities. The world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel began to rise, and the perfect world of Shushan began to rise. 】

If you buy the bottom in reverse, you win again. 】

A Chinese Story World was successfully promoted, and after the timeline was repaired, the Goddess of Time successfully merged with the Tao. 】

You are shackled by the reverse shackles of the shadow, Emperor Ying rises, Emperor Ying ascends the throne. 】

Su Li broke away from the shackles of the Moonlight Box. Without the Moonlight Box to restrict him, he lost the reincarnation authority of the royal family. After learning that Meier did not actually exist but only lived in his memory to comfort himself, he committed suicide. 】

Su Li is dead. 】

Darkness returns to the ruins and alien beasts arrive inexplicably. 】

you are dead. 】

Li Juan was stunned for a long time, looking at this inexplicable life simulation, unable to calm down for a long time.

This is the scariest simulation result.

The result was—she never showed up!

She is actually dead!

It’s like a prophecy!

This is really...


She and Lao Liutou said before that every simulation would end in death, but it turned out to be the case now?

The key is - this is actually just a lie she made up.

At this moment, Li Juan panicked.

The simulator is scary, but she is still a bit cool!

But the result...

What's happened now?

Que De and Feng Qianwei were discussing the Tao, and the two of them had an affair?

Li Juan was suspicious and her expression was quite uncertain.

At this moment, she was indeed a little panicked and at a loss.

Originally, everything was under control, but after such a life experience, she felt that everything was out of control.

Can I be shackled by the shadow in reverse?

Is this a problem?

Could it be that because I was afraid of Ying, I suppressed him instead, so that the matter was exposed and was suspected by the masters of the Three Pure Realms, and they strengthened Ying in the opposite direction?

I have absolutely no problem controlling Yinghuang and Ying.

So it's the ghost of Sanqing who is causing trouble?

What is the Hongmeng Research Base doing? A sand wall?

Li Juan's mentality was somewhat affected.

But after pondering for a long time, she decided that she would no longer interfere with Quede's affairs, let alone muddy the waters.

One thing is actually true. This time she took action and broke the cause and effect of the Moonlight Treasure Box. She indeed lost the restriction on Su Li.

The reason for this was precisely because she felt that she already knew all of Su Li's trump cards and background, and there was no need for secret surveillance.

No, we still have to attack his heart and give Su Li something to rely on for the time being.

Also...how could Meier not exist?

Spiritual fantasy? To comfort yourself?

How can this be?

What kind of simulation is this? It's the first time I'm so confused.

Li Juan couldn't help but complained a little.

After thinking about it, she decided to choose an immersive experience.

The immersive experience, considering her background, can be experienced for a certain period of time.

But the results are only in the form of reports, which are different from the loss of immersive experience.

Li Juan is also very reluctant to bear this kind of loss.

After all, what she had consumed before was Su Li's wealth, just like spending a man's money, and she didn't feel bad at all.

She would spend whatever was pleasant and expensive.

But she would be reluctant to spend her own money - after all, it is not easy for her to accumulate every bit of wealth!

And as a special being in the Shushan Perfect World, she is definitely a big spender in terms of resource consumption. Although she has always relied on other people's pockets to help her do things, she must also invest herself.

Otherwise, if you are not invested in this world, just controlling reincarnation authority will not be enough!

In this regard, Li Juan has actually suffered a loss in Su Li's fight for reincarnation authority.

Su Li's inaction and great love captured the hearts of the people of the Huaxia Ancestral Land. Winning the people's hearts meant winning the world in ancient times.

This is giving.

If she doesn't pay, this authority will soon be unstable - even if she is the right one.

In the ancient imperial power, are there too many destined emperors who overturned?

The same is true, she also needs to pay - it doesn't matter if she pays less, but she has to pay.

And for a world that pays less?

Even if it is just the tip of the iceberg and a drop in the ocean, it is still a huge thing!

Li Juan chose the experience she had before her death with some heartache.

Just for a moment.

But this kind of experience is actually the most depleting.

For Li Juan, the experience of death can make her face death more calmly.

In the previous simulation, she had never really died.

This time in the simulator - dead!

A true report of death cannot be faked.

Everything she has comes from the destiny disk, and she naturally knows that this thing is extremely powerful.

The immersive experience started, and Li Juan's emotions fluctuated slightly.

But soon, she regained her composure and composure.

Then, her vision went dark, and in her eyes, Su Li's eyes were dead, floating quietly in the void.

When his eyes were filled with despair, there was no more life or hope in the world.

All the hopes that were lit were completely dark at this moment.

After the darkness completely fell, Li Juan discovered that the real darkness far covered all the darkness she controlled.

Dark as an abyss, as black as ink.

In the darkness, the light on Su Li's body dimmed completely, and finally exploded into a gorgeous firework that was fleeting.

The moment after Su Li's death, after darkness fell, an even darker beast opened its huge bloody eyes, and locked its eyes on Li Juan.


The heaven and earth roared, and mysterious thunder exploded.

Li Juan felt her head pounding and her scalp numb.

Subsequently, both the Destiny Sky Disk and her own head were hit by the blood spurting from the dark beast's bloody eyes at this moment, killing them with one blow.

She is dead.

The whole world suddenly turned from darkness to gray.

In the end, Li Juan only saw her own headless corpse floating in the cold and dead universe, gradually weathering into dust, with no bones left.

It seems like a long time ago.

It seemed like just a snap of a finger.

Li Juan opened her eyes, and there were still drops of blood lingering in her eyes.

Soon, this ray of blood dissipated.

Instead, there was unspeakable emptiness, loneliness and coldness.

At this moment, Li Juan wanted to be conquered severely by a man.

And that imaginary person was the former Su Xia, a man who made her cry and be happy.

It's just a pity that I can't go back after all.

Many times, when she dreams back to midnight, Li Juan still wants to go back to that innocent era.

Unfortunately, the world is like this, the reality is like this, everything has made it impossible for her to look back, and she can't look back.

In other words, even if she has turned back and returned to that era again, under the pressure of life, she will still bow her head and embark on this path.

It's nothing more than selling yourself better or better.

After the confusion of thoughts, Li Juan no longer thought about it or paid attention to this cause and effect.

She first looked for Lao Liutou, but after all the madness, Lao Liutou still couldn't do it.

She was old, weak-minded, or unable to keep up with her ability and strength, so she became completely useless in a very short period of time.

If you can't be strong-willed at all, and can't be strong-willed in front of women, naturally you can't be considered a man.

So Li Juan went to find Kui again.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Kui was indeed very excited, and the two of them naturally fell in love.

It's a pity that although Kui is very powerful now, he is also very unbearable. At least in front of Li Juan, he suffered successive defeats, so that Li Juan couldn't enjoy himself.

Therefore, Li Juan found Mandrill again, but unfortunately Mandrill didn't have much interest that day, so he just did it in a very simple and hasty manner.

Next, Li Juan approached Chao again.

This time when I returned, I enjoyed the feeling of burning fire, but unfortunately I still lacked some sense of satisfaction, as well as the irreplaceable special ceremony and sense of belonging.

After a period of confusion, Li Juan returned to Lihe Village deep in the soul sea.

Wearing a white gauze dress, she looked as pure as a white lotus, but she only felt more empty, lonely and cold.

She stood blankly on the Wusang River, looking at the cliffs of Cangshan Mountain in the distance, with inexplicable tears streaming down her face.

The tenth floor, memory restricted area.

There must be cause and effect in chaos.

Su Wangchen forgot that he was Su Wangchen.

Su Ye's Supreme State of Ten Thousand Daos was also pulled away from this world by Su Li.

How many levels are there in the memory zone?

In fact, there are no real layers in the memory forbidden zone.

For Su Li, the core of his memory forbidden area is actually only ten levels.

But the foundation of the tenth level does not mean that the tenth level is a number.

This tenth level represents a kind of limit after the Nine.

In this world, nine is the ultimate number.

Ten is just a way of saying perfection.

Because in a sense, ten is actually zero.

However, those who do not understand the existence of these principles will only superpose them without limit.

Perhaps the thirty-third level corresponding to the thirty-three days is the limit?

So since there are thirty-three floors, is there thirty-four floors?

No one knows.

At this time, Su Li also had some understanding of the current situation through the light blue elf.

He saw Su Wangchen's situation, but did not intervene.

As for the Shura Hell Scythe that was said not to be intercepted?

That was really just a joke.

Intercept cause and effect in front of the system?

Without the Moonlight Treasure Box, it’s like a turtle in a urn, it’s like beating a dog with the door closed, and every one of them will hit you accurately!

Therefore, the cause and effect of intercepting Shura's Hell Scythe was intercepted by the system on the spot.

Later, Su Li noticed a series of actions by Li Juan, and also noticed the cause and effect of Li Juan's control over the Eight Immortals.

Su Li didn't expect that Li Juan would be so vicious.

Therefore, when Li Juan started the simulation, Su Li was indeed a little shocked - this was reverse bargain hunting. As long as Li Juan took action, all the cause and effect and information involved would be the prison in Su Li's hands!

Is the karma of Shura Hell Scythe profitable?

If you make enough money, it will become Su Li's bait!

However, Li Juan even ate it!

If it weren't for the fear of startling someone, Su Li wouldn't even use this bait.

But this bait is very good at fishing, and it pulls out the fate of the sky in one fell swoop.

Su Li was thoughtful, and then tried to use the system's new ability - the divine calculation to pull it.

He needs to accumulate knowledge, although the system is now perfect and complete.

But Su Li was unwilling to use the system or the secrets at will.

One week, everything in the fantasy world once made Su Li know that the more he accumulated, the more invincible he would be in the next round.

What he needs to do now is almost the same as in the fantasy world of the past, continuous accumulation, continuous recklessness, continuous gains and even deciphering various causes and effects.

If all the causes and effects can be solved this time, even if the losses are heavy, even if the losses are severe, it doesn't matter.

Because he still has another chance!

Therefore, Su Li finally used the system's ability - the divine calculation ability!

After the divine calculation was mobilized, Li Juan's life simulation became a joke.

It's like a disk in the hands of a trader.

Just two words - hold her!

Then, the life simulated by Li Juan's simulator is weird.

Su Li even directly defined a death ending for Li Juan!

Of course, there is definitely truth and falsehood in this.

But Su Li knew and understood what Li Juan was.

Therefore, he didn't care about Li Juan's performance or Li Juan's back-up - anyway, nothing Li Juan did could affect him now.

Su Li knew before that without the control of the Moonlight Box, the system would be invincible.

Now that he has personally experienced this method, Su Li thinks about Li Juan's method again and feels that it is indeed not that difficult anymore.

This is the result of gradually expanding the advantage.

So, if you have an advantage, be sure to do it early!

This is the experience and lesson of blood and tears.

At this time, seeing that Li Juan was feeling empty, lonely and cold, she was looking for a man everywhere...

Su Li was too lazy to understand.

Anyway, it was Su Xia who was cheated, not him.

Not to mention, Su Xia is already dead, and the two of them have separated a long time ago.

Although this kind of thing is disgusting, it can only be ignored.

As for Li Juan finally crying in the sea of ​​soul...

Generally speaking, this should be the only bit of humanity left in the once pure Li Juan.

Su Li didn't want to comment or say anything about these.

How could he not understand what the real world is like?

There was once a time when Hu Chen went to karaoke with the money his parents earned from selling blood to find a little princess to sing with him, and went to various large-scale purchases to show off.

There used to be people like Li Juan who could not bear the pain and poverty and sold themselves, abandoning their husbands and children...

It can only be said that in an era when poverty was laughed at but not prostitution, morality had long been lost, and rationality, benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, trust, and even faith had long been lost.

If this were not the case, the Human Emperor should be established, and why should he be established?

What is noble and inaction charity?

What is Su Ye's kind of love for the world that God loves the world?

The turbulent thoughts passed by, but Su Li's mood became calmer.

Many causes and effects are actually the result of the broken dragon veins of the ancestral land.

Under the erosion of darkness, people's hearts are distracted, moral restraints are dissipated, and many orders will naturally fall apart.

The origin of the Age of Dharma Ending is naturally both a cause and an effect.

A dark person, of course, also has beautiful yearnings in his heart - just like Li Juan, no matter how disgusting and despicable she is.

But the woman she created is indeed the most perfect woman in the world.

The world she created is one that is fully recognized by the order of heaven and earth, the Tao circuit system!

Just like the perfect world in Shushan.

Whose deepest heart is not a perfect little public servant?

A lot of sadness and a lot of emotion.

Su Li silently watched the evolution of the chaotic world, gradually returning to normal.

Li Juan's methods of suppressing the Eight Immortals and humiliating the fairies, as well as her despicable way of finding a man to sleep with her, really made people's blood pressure soar.

But these are actually no longer the point.

The point is - this time, another cause and effect of Su Wangchen was activated.

This cause and effect was a promise made by Su Wangchen, and it was also involved with Su Ye. In the end, it also dragged him, Su Li, into it.

Because this time Su Wangchen represented him, Su Li, but he entered as Su Ye.

some of……

Forget it, let nature take its course. Perhaps whether to be independent and whether to become a true Wangchen, this time will be his final decision.

Su Li didn't say anything else.

At the same time, he meditated on the Huang Ji Jing Shi Shu and had a brief connection with the black shadow of Guixu.

Su Ye's consciousness of the Supreme State of Ten Thousand Daos has been released. After the ninth level, all cause and effect will be initiated by himself.

At this time, the information conveyed by the dark shadow of Guixu also made Su Li slightly relieved.

Time is very meaningful sometimes.

But like this, it makes no sense.

Because in the time gap, it actually corresponds to the outside world - there is not even a thousand breaths left.

That is...

In almost fifteen minutes, the timeline will be completely closed.

But just such a little time, how long is it in the tenth level of the memory restricted area?

You know, the proportion of time in dreams has been very delayed.

And the dream within a dream, the third level of dream, is even more unimaginable.

In the memory restricted area on the tenth floor.


has become a number.

Maybe here, after three lives of reincarnation, the outside world has only taken a few breaths.

It is also possible that in a lifetime of tens of thousands of years, the outside world will only take a few breaths.

In short, time shows a gradual and progressive progression in exponential proportions, making the time on the tenth floor of the memory forbidden zone form a separate time system and a separate reincarnation system.

Because this chaotic world is also chaos, and it also belongs to the world.

As the guardian of heaven, Su Ye, as a being at the level of heaven...

Su Wangchen and even Su Ye are the controllers of reincarnation authority - the cause and effect of Su Wangchen corresponds to Wangchen Huan.

Wangchenhuan is even named after Wangchen, how can he not have authority?

It's just that the permissions are lost.

Now, when all of this is put together, what causes and effects will occur on the tenth level of the forbidden memory area?

No one knows.

This time, Su Li couldn't interfere, nor would he interfere.

Su Ye, on the other hand, has broken away from the Wandao Supreme Ideology and has entered the situation.

The Guixu shadow will also not interfere with the cause and effect this time.

Just because Su Ye needs to choose whether the tenth level of the memory forbidden area is the end or just a transition.

Su family.

The Su family is in a very special position in this world and can be considered a big family.

The Su family gave birth to twins eighteen years ago.

The elder brother was born first and was named Su Ye.

The younger brother was born later and was named Su Li.

Su Li's personality is stubborn, even a little extreme, but sometimes he is very quiet.

Many people will dislike such a moody person.

The Su family had a sojourn disciple named Hou Yunyi.

There was a little maid beside Hou Yunyi named Jiang Luan, nicknamed Xiao Luan.

Hou Yunyi and Xiao Luan have a very good relationship as sisters.

Hou Yunyi and Su Li met

They are childhood sweethearts and have grown up together since childhood.

It's a pity that Su Li's father Su Xinghe and mother Mu Qingya passed away prematurely, so Su Li, who has a weird personality, is not taken seriously in the Su family.

Moreover, Su Li didn't have much ability and his talent was very poor.

This is an existence that is similar to trash and has high ambitions and low abilities.

Su Li's brother Su Ye was selected by the powerful Tianji Pavilion very early because of his extraordinary talent, and went to Tianji Pavilion to practice.

The Su family has a true inheritor named Su Xuan.

This year, Su Li has reached adulthood and has just turned eighteen. Su Li, who was originally a direct descendant, should have succeeded his father Su Xinghe as the elder of the Su family.

Unfortunately, this position was taken by Su Xuan.

Su Li himself didn't have much idea about this matter.

He seems to be a little out of tune with this world, as if the whole world is turbulent and I am alone.

This kind of performance made another thought deep in Su Li's heart very disgusting.

In fact, he felt that Su Li was cowardly and incompetent, so he gradually became disgusted with him.

This ideological conflict started out as nothing.

But gradually, when Su Xuan became more and more aggressive, suppressed Su Li more and more, and even deliberately erased the contributions of Su Xinghe and Mu Qingya to the Su family, this conflict became more intense.

Su Li's body was characterized by severe schizophrenia.

Therefore, Su Li was a little confused all day long, as if he didn't remember anything at all.

During this period, Hou Yunyi had been taking care of Su Li silently.

Xiaoluan, who was beside Hou Yunyi, was somewhat complaining about all this.

Just because Hou Yunyi was very talented, but he didn't practice hard. His heart was completely focused on Su Li, but he was completely indifferent to Su Xuan's advances.

It's a pity that no matter how much Hou Yunyi sacrificed, Su Li was not moved. He only cared for Hou Yunyi as a younger sister and did not develop any additional feelings.

Of course, treating my sister is like treating a relative, and she is indeed extremely loving.

When Su Li was awake, he could give Hou Yunyi the same care and attention.

It can be said that the two of them are both affectionate and ruthless.

On the other hand, in this complicated Su family, they depend on each other for survival and dependence on each other.

This scene finally changed at the end of the month in midsummer.

That day, Su Li regained consciousness, and then he was going to Luoxia Barren Mountain to worship his parents.

The end of August was the anniversary of his father's death.

The day his father died, the same thing happened to his mother.

However, the burial places of the two people are one in the south of the mountain and the other in the north of the mountain.

And on this day, Su Xuan inherited the position of head of the family, and then he directly deleted Su Xinghe's name from the family tree in the Su family.

The reason is that Su Xinghe stole the secret and made powerful enemies, which caused the Su family to suffer heavy losses.

Now, in order to prevent the enemy from seeking revenge on the Su family, Su Xinghe must be expelled.

On the other hand, Su Xinghe's wife Mu Qingya is a special member of the Nether Clan, a branch of the Demon Clan.

Therefore, Mu Qingya is truly a witch and does not deserve to be included in the Su family tree.

Therefore, without Su Li's knowledge, Su Xinghe was expelled from the family tree.

As for Su Ye, because he went to Tianji Pavilion, no news has come out for more than ten years.

Although Tianji Pavilion is very powerful and mysterious, there are countless disciples who have entered, but too many have died.

The elimination rate is also extremely high.

After finding no news about Su Ye and finding no talent named 'Su Ye' rising in Tianji Pavilion, Su Xinghe was abandoned like this.

This incident caused a certain sensation in the Su family, and there was a lot of discussion.

As someone close to Su Li, Hou Yunyi became very angry after learning about this situation.

Therefore, she couldn't help but go to Su Taicheng, the previous head of the Su family, to argue.

However, Su Taicheng simply avoided seeing him.

The new head of the family, Su Xuan, directly asked to see Hou Yunyi's performance.

Hou Yunyi was naturally angry and refused. At the same time, he also mentioned that the Su family was unkind and unjust.

This approach directly angered Su Xuan, so Hou Yiyi was suppressed by the elder Su Xingzhao.

Later, Hou Yunyi was slapped twice hard by Su Xuan, and then started to humiliate him.

Then Xiao Luan, who was next to Hou Yunyi, turned pale with fright. He tried hard to stop him, but Su Xuan directly took action and wanted to humiliate Hou Yunyi in front of him.

At this time, Su Li came back.

The moment he saw Xiao Luan was about to be covered by Su Xuan's big hand, Su Li's mind was shocked, and the violent thoughts took over!

Although, Xiaoluan had always hated Su Li and was very unhappy before that.

But this time, Su Li rushed out after his blood surged.


After the thoughts exploded in Su Li's mind, an unspeakable murderous intention suddenly grew.

The next moment, a knife suddenly gathered in his hand - a dark and terrifying long knife.

call out--


In an instant, Su Li slashed out with the knife in his hand, hitting Su Xuan in an instant.

A bright light exploded from Su Xuan's body, and the terrifying talisman erupted directly, blocking the killing blow.

Subsequently, Su Xuan's body exploded one after another, his energy and blood boiled, and the armor robe on his body was blown into pieces.

He rolled and flew backwards, rolling on the ground four or five times before he stopped. At the same time, his whole body was covered in blood and flesh.

After he screamed miserably, he tilted his head and passed out.

Su Xingzhao and other elders immediately became jealous and wanted to take action immediately.

At this time, Su Li didn't care at all, and slashed out with another knife, directly shattering several terrifying murderous intentions.

The terrifying energy shook the void and drove away many elders who wanted to kill him.

Su Li ran over and took Xiao Luan's hand, but Xiao Luan violently broke away.

It's all your fault!

Xiaoluan said very dissatisfied.

After she spoke, tears couldn't help falling down.

Su Li was a little confused and confused, but he just stood there stupidly.

After a while, he tentatively asked: Xiaoluan, um, Yiyi, are you okay?

Brother Li, I'm fine. It's just...

Hou Yunyi said, then hesitated slightly and said: This is not the place to talk. Brother Li, let's change places and I will talk to you in detail.

Xiaoluan said reluctantly: Miss——

Hou Yunyi said: It's okay, this matter should not be hidden.

Xiaoluan hesitated for a moment and stopped trying to dissuade him.

Su Li, on the other hand, just glanced at everyone present coldly, and then pulled Hou Yunyi away from the Su family.

After leaving the Su family, the Su family did not chase him out.

After all, the momentum and murderous intent carried by Su Li's sword were very terrifying.

Brother Li, what happened this time is actually related to your father, Uncle Xinghe.

Hou Yunyi spoke softly, with a deep sense of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Su Li pondered slightly and did not speak.

At this time, Xiaoluan snorted coldly and said, Don't think that I will thank you just because you saved me!

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