I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1068: Repeated pulling, Tianji Soul Mirror

How much do you have to pay? In fact, this is not a deal, senior. If senior regards it as a deal, then junior can only choose the first option.

Su Wangchen looked at Hou Wanxiao and said calmly.

For Su Ye, doing good deeds does not involve cause and effect, nor is it deliberate nor does it contain any purpose.

If there is a purpose, doing good is itself a fault.

Now that Hou Wan Xiao has proposed a deal, Su Ye can and will definitely reject it.

When Hou Wan Xiao heard this, he was slightly stunned and said: You mean - you choose the first option?

Hou Wan Xiao seemed to have encountered the most incredible thing in the world, and his tone changed slightly.

Su Wangchen nodded slightly and said, Yes, senior, junior, choose the first option.

Hou Wan Xiao was stunned, and then stared at Su Wangchen with complicated eyes. After a while, he said: You really have the guts.

Su Wangchen said: This has nothing to do with whether you have the seed or not. It is just a choice of the heart. I, Su Ye, always act according to my heart's choice.

Hou Wanxiao said: No, I said you really have a seed. This seed represents future generations, heirs, and a special law of parasitism. I am not praising you.

Su Wangchen: ...

Su Wangchen suddenly felt that this Hou Wan Xiao was a real person.

Is it really okay for such an old guy to be so naughty?

Su Wangchen felt a little weird, but he didn't care too much. Instead, he said in a sincere tone: Senior Hou, now that you are out of trouble, let's say goodbye. Senior Hou, take care of yourself.

Hou Wan Xiao said: Wait a minute.

Su Wangchen said: Senior, do you have any other instructions?

Hou Wan Xiao said: Why did you refuse? Are you just following your inner choice? Or do you want to wait for the price, or do you think that I can't do anything if Hou Wan Xiao leaves you?

Su Wangchen shook his head and said: Senior is worrying too much. Junior is really just following his inner choice. Senior was trapped and fell into danger before. Although senior spoke too much, he was in such an environment and was trapped for endless years. Under the influence, no matter what attitude you have, it is actually excusable.

Therefore, if redemption has no purpose, it does not matter whether there is a reward or not. Therefore, even if he kills himself, the junior will indeed have no complaints.

But now, the senior is not in any danger, nor is he in any danger, and there is no such trend, so the condition mentioned by the senior is a kind of transaction, or an equal exchange.

In this way, the junior can agree or not.

But for the younger generation, such a predicament is not a kind of hardship.

Therefore, the junior did not agree. This was not a sale at a price.

Su Wangchen's tone was sincere, and every word he said was true.

This is indeed what Su Ye feels.

After all, Su Ye is still a very stubborn person. No matter how huge the cage is, he doesn't care.

In other words, if this kind of thing happened before Nangong Qingyi's cause and effect happened, he would still care more or less.

But Su Ye also realized the cause and effect of Nangong Qingyi, and with great love in his heart, he would be happy with any prison in this world.

Hou Wan Xiao was completely confused.

what happened?

Why doesn't this Su Wangchen follow the routine?

He has calculated everything, or the mysterious being behind him has calculated everything, but in this situation, the root cause and cause and effect have been cut off. This...

Hou Wan Xiao was silent for a while, then sighed softly and said: Forget it, this second thing... can be regarded as me asking you for help. It is indeed help, not a transaction, nor a replacement.

But in this case, if you help me, I may not necessarily do my best to repay you.

After all, the cause and effect are different, and we have no mutual agreement.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he hesitated.

Later Wan Xiao said again: You said that I am fine now, but it's just that things are not as simple as you think.

Little guy, I will help you figure out the cause and effect of the Emperor Soul’s parasitism. What kind of existence is the Emperor Soul?

This is a law, a law that has a lot to do with the Imperial Domain, and is considered to be of the same level.

The planners often spend endless energy and means to achieve the parasitic cause and effect of this kind of law.

Therefore, the cost of this layout is extremely high.

I helped you break this layout. Only when you cooperate with me can I fight back and save you.

This is the reason why I mentioned the conditions before.

But if you choose the first option and you don’t agree, it goes without saying that your own safety is in danger.

So, can I really take things here calmly and have no worries?

It can be said that I have just emerged from the forbidden land and this mire, but now I have fallen into the cause and effect of the Emperor Soul's hostility.

Do you really have no reason for this?

Hou Wanxiao's logic is invincible.

The key point is that there is indeed nothing wrong with this statement, and it is precisely the cause and effect of this matter.

Su Wangchen took a deep look at Hou Wan Xiao and said, If I help the senior solve the cause of being hostile to the Emperor Soul, then the junior will naturally not refuse.

As for the existence behind it, in this case, if it encounters it, the senior can completely place all the cause and effect on the junior, so that the senior will not encounter the other party's revenge.

Hou Wan Xiao said: Don't you think your statement is naive?

In other words, does the being behind this care about who destroyed this cause and effect?

For those beings, if the layout is destroyed, it is destroyed, so they will not care who destroyed it. As long as they are related beings, they will definitely encounter retaliation.

Furthermore, since I know what this thing is, since I dare to crack it, I will not do anything to let you carry it alone.

These are actually easy to think of.

Hou Wan Xiao did not hold back this time, and his tone was also very sincere.

Su Wangchen nodded and said: Since the senior is so open and honest, and tells his heart, then the junior will definitely go all out.

Hou Wan Xiao said: If I had known this, I would have told the truth to save myself so much trouble.

While speaking, Hou Wanxiao said again: This is also an opportunity, and I hope you can seize it well. I know that your way should be, 'Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do evil because they are small. ', but this crisis also contains huge opportunities.

Based on our interactions, you are still a very trustworthy person.

Therefore, I also hope that I can use this to help you. When you become stronger, you can give me some help within your ability. Isn't it a good thing to be prosperous in this way?

Su Wangchen pursed his lips and said nothing.

Hou Wanxiao said: This is not a transaction or cooperation, but a kind of mutual dependence and reliance. You can think of it as a heart-to-heart relationship, so I put my hope in you.

Su Wangchen pondered for a moment, then slowly said: Senior, this makes juniors extremely frightened.

Hou Wan Xiao said: There is nothing to be afraid of. Under my guidance, you will find that you can become very powerful. Don't worry, just go ahead and do it. That's it.

Su Wangchen nodded slightly, agreeing.

Hou Wan Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time.

It seemed that he had spent a lot of effort to deal with 'Su Ye'.

Hou Wan Xiao said: You can use the sword control method again. This time, try to gather a trace of thunder and flame power.

When Su Wangchen heard this, he glanced at Hou Wan Xiao thoughtfully, then he understood the way of sword control with his heart, and then began to gather the power of thunder and fire.

Then, as if he wanted to understand something, he immediately realized some of the rules and secrets of Lei Yan.

After the Thunder Flame Mystery gathered together, it almost instinctively produced a certain chemical reaction with the Way of the Sword.

Afterwards, the scene of Su Li practicing the Thunder God Flame Sword Technique naturally appeared in Su Wangchen's mind.

There is also the scene where Hua Jiuli masters the Thunder God Flame Sword Technique.

The memory seemed to be opened directly like a floodgate, so that many of the causes and effects were revealed.

At this time, Su Wangchen vaguely felt that the broken parasitic shackles of the Emperor Soul had penetrated his memory and his heritage more directly.

For a moment, Su Wangchen had some doubts - was it that there was no so-called Emperor Soul Law before this, and the so-called Emperor Soul Parasitism Law was exactly the soul method used by the Houwanxiao Soul Ancestor?

It is said that the shackles are broken, but actually the shackles are planted?

That's why the other party said - does he really have the guts?

This kind of reverse cause and effect method is exactly what some special boss-level beings like to do the most.

In the name of helping or giving back, in fact, they secretly planted a cage...

Su Wangchen's mood was very complicated, but he was not stupid either.

With such thoughts, he almost instinctively thought about it while meditating on the Huangji Jingshi. When thinking, these thoughts also echoed in the Huangji Jingshi.

In this way, no matter whether he is imprisoned or not, these secrets will not be exposed.

If the other party really has the ability to invade the Emperor's Book of Worlds, it also means that Su Li will definitely lose, which means that the entire orthodoxy, rule system, and order chain have been broken.

If so, there would be no chance of struggle.

In this regard, Su Wangchen is also very confident - after all, Su Li and Su Ye are not without guardians.

Su Li's protector is an immortal light blue level existence.

And Su Ye's protector is a Guixu shadow-level existence.

With the existence of such two big bosses, Su Wangchen felt that it was unlikely that any problems would arise while meditating on the cause and effect of the Emperor's Classics.

In this regard, he has always been confident.

Likewise, after this idea emerged, Su Wangchen pondered for a moment, and carefully sensed it. At the same time, he pulled Su Ye's state of the Ten Thousand Dao Supreme in the meditative state.

Your judgment is not illogical, but you just need to respond according to normal feedback and reactions.

There is indeed something wrong with Hou Wan Xiao, but you don't need to worry about the details.

You have to believe that although the other party's methods are very beautiful, the planners behind you, such as Su Li, are also not simple.

Besides, the general environment is not that bad. At least the current environment is still the restricted area of ​​my memory, Su Ye! All of this happened in my restricted area of ​​memory, so in the final analysis, I am still the number one person in the core. The true Creator, the Creator God.”

Su Ye's voice also resounded in the Huangji Jingshi in meditation.

It was only when Su Wangchen took the initiative to meditate with Su Ye that Su Ye could pass on the information.

If not, even Su Ye's message would not be able to be delivered to such a place.

Su Wangchen was thoughtful, and then immediately responded: Okay, I understand, and I have figured it out. Thinking about it, a lot of cause and effect should have happened, but I am not qualified to know it yet. Once I know the truth, I'm afraid that this truth cannot be concealed, which will ruin the plans of Su Li and even the higher-ups.

For now, I can even be a little skeptical, but otherwise not much needs to be done.

It is reasonable to doubt, but it would be unreasonable to not doubt at all...

Su Wangchen figured out the key.

He does not know that the interoperability of cause and effect has already occurred or even been completed.

Not to mention that Que De had already made a choice and joined the prehistoric royal family, which was equivalent to having the partial authority blessing of the light blue world's reincarnation authority.

In other words, Li Juan took away 50% of the reincarnation authority, but Su Li has now taken away 50% of the light blue world's reincarnation authority.

Yes, 50%, Que De occupies at least 50% of the authority of Netherworld Sea and Wangchen World.

This authority cannot be given or taken away by anyone. It is a authority recognized by the rules of Netherworld Sea and Wangchenhuan itself.

With such authority, even if Que De is not the Lord of the Netherworld Sea or the Lord of the Forgotten World, on the timeline, he was for hundreds of thousands of years, so even with the blessing of inertia, he will still be the Lord in a short period of time. !

Not to mention, the timeline is not inertia, but a whole, a whole that runs through the starting point and the end point.

As a whole, if the years are calculated as four hundred thousand years, or one hundred thousand years as one era, the entire time is divided into four eras - three of them, Que De is the master of the world.

Coupled with Xia Xinning's surrender - Xia Xinning had already surrendered to the prehistoric royal family.

This point has been equivalent to a statement since Xia Xinning taught Su Li the Emperor Qi Transformation Dragon Swallowing Heaven Technique.

In this way, it is almost equivalent to the reincarnation authority of Netherworld Sea. In the three eras, 50% is in Su Li's hands.

This is also the case, Su Li has the capital to play.

In the situation where the other party is refining the virtual or the real and the real or the virtual, some things, whether they are real or virtual, real things like authority will not change.

Therefore, the missing part of the timeline, the part to be cut off, the core cause and effect has actually emerged from sleep.

However, Su Wangchen didn't know these, and he didn't have the qualifications or ability to know.

Knowing that, he doesn't have the ability to hold on.

All he needs to do is get through Su Ye's memory restricted area.

The specific number of floors in this memory forbidden area is a mystery. It may be eighteen floors, it may be nineteen floors, it may be thirty-three floors, or even more.

At the beginning, Su Wangchen was also influenced by some of Su Ye and Su Li's arrangements, thinking that this memory forbidden zone really had a fixed number of floors, such as the eighteenth floor, the nineteenth floor, or the thirty-third floor. .

But now he understands that the number of layers is not the key, the key is to get through, and the key is 'communication'.

The key is, the process of clearing Su Ye's memory restricted area and the significance of the result!

These are what really matter.

Therefore, Su Wangchen's mentality also experienced some subtle changes.

In such a state of mind, Su Wangchen cut off the Taoist communication with Su Ye, and then the meditation state also broke away from the Huangji Jingshi Book.

Then, his thoughts became completely clear and pure.

He completely connected his own cause and effect with Su Ye's cause and effect.

Since it is Su Ye, it should be Su Ye.

Whether it's Su Wangchen or Su Li's cause and effect, they should step aside.

So - at this time, Su Wangchen seemed to be completely reborn, and his whole condition was better than ever.

In this state, the Thunder God's Flame Sword Way completely transformed, and in an instant the prototype of the Thunder Rule was revealed.

At this moment, Su Wangchen couldn't help but feel shocked physically and mentally.

Look, doesn't this already have some results?

When Hou Wan Xiao saw this, his eyes showed a bit of satisfaction.

Now, gather the sword spirit contained in it and try the Soul-Slaying Way.

Later Wan Xiao spoke again.

Su Wangchen did not hesitate and tried again according to Hou Wan Xiao's words.

This time, a ray of sword soul condensed out in an instant.

Yes, it was condensed. Before this, Su Wangchen himself did not have the ability to control the sword.

Even though he once transformed into Hua Jiuli, some causes and effects actually did not belong to him.

He is just a 'replacement' and 'clone' of Su Li.

When cause and effect become independent, when he chooses to inherit the name 'Su Wangchen' and the corresponding cause and effect, he is who he is, and he is Su Wangchen.

He could know everything Su Wangchen knew, but he couldn't know everything Su Li knew.

It is an existence that transcends cause and effect, and it is also an existence that does not follow the rules.

The only result of violating the rules is to be wiped out.

This is true in the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, but it will only be even worse in the prehistoric royal world!

After all, for a world, going against the destiny, the way, and the rules is a taboo in itself, let alone the world corresponding to the prehistoric royal family, like the perfect world in Shushan, where the rules are strict and cheating is not tolerated.

Su Wangchen made these judgments very clearly.

Now that he had easily used and mastered the Thunder God's Flame Sword Technique and the sword soul's foundation, although he was excited, he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart.

This is obviously possible to be penetrated!

Su Wangchen presented this idea this time, and he presented it with Su Ye's mentality.

As soon as this suspicion arose, Hou Wan Xiao immediately noticed it.

Hou Wan Xiao didn't show it too obviously.

You don't have to think too much, and you don't have to worry that by helping you break the shackles of the Emperor Soul Parasitic Law, I will do the opposite and plant a cage for you. This is impossible and unnecessary.

My queen, Wan Xiao, is a soul ancestor at the imperial level after all, so he cannot do such a thing.

But it’s normal for you to have doubts, or it’s normal for you to have doubts.

As for why I noticed that you were suspicious...

As the Emperor Soul Soul Ancestor, Soul Dao methods are naturally very powerful.

This is a method similar to soul identification.

In the way of Tianji, there is also a method called Tianji Soul Appraisal Technique.

Hou Wan Xiao said, his eyes falling on Su Wangchen again.

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