I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,052 Cause and effect reappears, fate sets up a plan

The reminder to watch the autumn water made Su Wangchen thoughtful.

At the same time, some memories about Hua Jiuli in his mind were also revealed.

Only then did Su Wangchen realize that he had actually experienced such an experience before.

In other words, it is something that 'Su Li' has experienced before.

After some thought, Su Wangchen immediately clasped his fists and saluted: Thank you, Elder Qiu Shui, for the dawn of dawn.

Guan Qiu Shui said: Well, you go down, you can participate in the next banquet and interact with people from all walks of life, and then relax a little.

Nothing should happen during the banquet, but you should pay due attention after the banquet.

I noticed that there is a trace of black between your eyebrows, and there will probably be some abnormality on the way back.

So judging from the news, your promotion to Chief Senior Brother will attract some criticism.

Su Wangchen nodded and said, Nine dawns are white.

After Guan Qiu Shui heard this, he said no more and instead focused his attention on Hua Yunmeng.

Then, she gave some tips on a series of practice issues for Hua Yunmeng, and also gave some guidance to Hua Yiyue and Hua Xianyue.

In this kind of guidance, she was very serious and focused, and at the same time she did not shy away from Su Wangchen at all.

As a result, Su Wangchen also listened to these instructions.

Su Wangchen was a little shocked - based on his current experience and attainments, it was obvious that he came from the 'future'. At least for these beings, he came from the 'future'.

Combined with his proficiency in the secrets of sword control, he is actually more powerful and heaven-defying than Guan Qiushui.

It can be seen that Su Wangchen was deeply touched by Qiu Shui's series of pointers, and even benefited a lot from them.

This also made Su Wangchen's sense of Guan Qiu Shui immediately heightened a lot - this Guan Qiu Shui could really be regarded as a true 'master'.

It was almost instinctive. Originally, because of his own origin and background, Su Wangchen had a more or less instinctive sense of superiority - it was not that he was arrogant, but that this superiority originated from his blood and soul, and even extended to his bones.

But now, an extremely sincere sense of respect and respect arose in his heart - such an existence is really worthy of respect!

As for the cause and effect mentioned by Guan Qiushui, Su Wangchen really didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning - he, Su Wangchen, had now combined the abilities of Su Ye and Su Li, and Su Ye was still in the state of being the supreme protector of all things. , what should he worry about?

But now, he has engraved this matter deeply in his heart without any carelessness.

He knew very well that if he was careless this time, he might really lose many causes and effects, and then the things Su Li told him would definitely not be handled well.

If you don't do it well, the result may not be too bad, but it will definitely not be good!

Such a result is absolutely unacceptable to Su Wangchen!

Su Wangchen calmed down his inner impetuousness - this was a kind of wandering mentality after mastering the invincible swordsmanship, and it was caused by the instinctive influence of the rules of the swordsmanship.

Now, realizing the many risk factors involved, Su Wangchen immediately abandoned them all, and quickly maintained a special ethereal state in his heart, making his heart a little more 'peaceful'.

This is a state of 'quiet mind', which comes from the inheritance and teachings of Noumenon Su Li - this can be done once you are unable to suppress the inner turmoil and unspeakable impetuosity at a critical moment.

After Su Wangchen performed this, he immediately calmed down. The blazing sword energy and sword energy all over his body, as well as the powerful sword energy aura like a sharp edge, were completely restrained, and he completely returned to his original nature.

At this moment, Su Wangchen's change aroused Guan Qiushui's strange gaze.

Her beautiful eyes came over again.

This time, there was a little more appreciation in her eyes, and a little more relief at the same time.

This look seems to say - it seems that you, the chief senior brother, are really good and have indeed grown up.

Su Wangchen responded with a grateful smile.

When Guan Qiushui saw this, he obviously saw Su Wangchen's gratitude and smiled in the same way.

It seems that everything is left unsaid.

After the Shushan Sword Sect came out, Su Wangchen followed Hua Yunmeng and the others down the mountain to the banquet at Tianmen Land.

Su Wangchen still doesn't know the specific cause and effect of this banquet.

In Hua Jiuli's memory, he found no relevant specific information.

But he was too silent by nature, so he didn't take the initiative to ask.

After flying all the way, Su Wangchen soon saw an extremely vast sky pool in the distance.

And above this ancient mountain range, Void Tianchi, there is an extremely huge palace.

The palace is extremely luxurious, ancient and vast and majestic.

The momentum is amazing and shocking.

The glow is brilliant, the cranes are flying, the clouds are shrouded, it is extremely beautiful and moving.

After Su Wangchen took a deep look, he immediately accelerated his sword and left.

In a place like this, Su Wangchen even had an inexplicable illusion - was this really not the heaven of ancient times? Or is it the mysterious heaven in the legend of the Chinese ancestral land?

When Su Wangchen flew down, he also saw many practitioners.

Most of these practitioners are in the late stage of Lianxu Hedao or at the peak of their realm, and their realm is not too high.

But their combat power is almost comparable to that of Hua Jiuli.

Even the realm of some beings is not high, but they still give Su Wangchen a very dangerous illusion.

It seems that the opponent has some terrible trump card that can almost kill him with one blow!

Su Wangchen's senses are very keen now.

His own secret method has also reached an extremely profound level.

Likewise, he was quite shocked by this situation - isn't the combat power in this world a bit too scary?

In other words, there is obviously something wrong with the comparison of combat power between the two sides...

While Su Wangchen was pondering, the three people around him, Hua Yunmeng, were already communicating with some practitioners.

Su Wangchen didn't pay too much attention - all his attention was on those practitioners who made him vaguely feel happy.

This group of cultivators are all at the perfect state of Lianxu Hedao, and they are all sword cultivators!

These sword cultivators also have extremely profound attainments in the art of swordsmanship, and each of them has at least condensed the sword intention that they themselves have comprehended.

It's not the way of sword control, but its power must not be underestimated!

Senior Brother Jiuli.

Senior Brother Hua!

Senior Brother Yujian Shenzi.

When Su Wangchen looked at them, these practitioners also spoke one after another, their tone of voice was quite respectful, and their eyes were quite fanatical.

Brothers, you are welcome.

Su Wangchen responded with clasped fists, acting very humbly and naturally.

Later, some practitioners took the initiative to ask about some difficulties in sword practice because they got to know each other.

This banquet seems to focus more on communication.

Su Wangchen thought for a while, but didn't hide it. He took out part of the secret and answered it seriously.

Because this time Guan Qiushui judged that there was a black mark between the eyebrows, which contained a strange crisis, Su Wangchen kept a low profile and was very sincere.

He is not afraid of trouble, but he does not want to cause a lot of trouble.

After all, for him, the purpose of coming to this world is just to open the core forbidden area and open the door to the next level of forbidden area.

Everything else is really not important to him - even if the cause and effect is to be covered.

The more Su Wangchen acted like this, the more popular and recognized he became.

It could be said that wherever Su Wangchen passed, almost all the talented people present would look at him with suspicion.

Not only men, but the beautiful girls and fairies with classical temperament also stop by and favor her, which makes people feel very happy.

There are also some powerful sword cultivators, because their sensing power is extremely heaven-defying, they can also vaguely sense the terrifying aura of Thunder God Flame Swordsmanship and Swordsmanship all over Su Wangchen, so they are full of fear towards Su Wangchen. and admiration.

These beings had more or less wanted to see the true foundation of the sword-fighting method before, but now after some induction, they immediately restrained some of their hostile attitudes and their arrogant thoughts.

Su Wangchen was also aware of these.

But he acted as if he didn't know and didn't take the initiative to cause trouble. Even if some practitioners spoke harshly, or even if some practitioners made negative remarks, Su Wangchen would just smile slightly and still treat each other with courtesy, even repaying evil with kindness.

In this way, although the scenes at the banquet were not very harmonious a few times, they did not take action.

The overall atmosphere of the banquet was still very cheerful and lively.

After half a day, the banquet was completely dispersed.

Su Wangchen was not too polite during the banquet. He tasted some immortal treasures and spiritual fruits, and even ate some without any hesitation.

In terms of taste, it is naturally quite good.

In terms of effect, it is also outstanding.

However, for Su Wangchen, these benefits were actually better than nothing.

But he was still very satisfied with his taste this time.

After that, after he left the mysterious Shushan Tianmen, he also got to know each other with a group of top geniuses, and the two parties said goodbye very friendly.

After saying goodbye, Su Wangchen and Hua Yunmeng prepared to return to Shushan.

At this time, Hua Yunmeng took the initiative to speak.

Junior Brother Jiuli seems to be a little restrained in dealing with such a scene. He is not very relaxed. So many fairies invited you to dance before, but you actually refused.

Just as Su Wangchen was about to speak, the familiar memory appeared again in his mind.

Immediately, he spoke almost instinctively: I actually like dancing, but I'm afraid that if I get too excited for a while and can't control myself, it will be bad if I do a thunderbolt, lightning, ghost and animal dance.

When Hua Yunmeng heard this, a hint of curiosity appeared in her beautiful eyes: What kind of dance is that? Why is the name so strange?

Hua Yiyue and Hua Xianyue could not help but show curiosity at this time - thunder, lightning, ghosts and animals dancing?

This was the first time they encountered such a strange name.

Su Wangchen was stunned for a moment, then almost instinctively took out a creation pen, constructed a ray of reality, and drew the scene of Yun Ziye dancing the thunderbolt, lightning, ghost and animal dance.

Taking out this creation pen at this time, there is no doubt that it needs to be used for fishing. I have experienced this cause and effect before. But this time it’s replicated and executed like this, which is real fishing! 】

Such a rare opportunity, Ying will definitely cherish it. Because at this time, they only have this chance. 】

At this critical moment, Su Li's voice suddenly appeared deep in Su Wangchen's heart.

In other words, it is not a voice, but a human voice. It was the message that Su Li planned to send to him in the first place.

It's just that this information has always been blocked or not triggered.

Only when certain causes and effects are executed, the scene reappears or is presented, and certain requirements are met, will this information be activated in an instant, and disappear in an instant after Su Wangchen's enlightenment.

While Su Wangchen had such a cause and effect in his mind, his hand did not stop and continued to present the picture of thunder, lightning, ghosts and animals dancing.

First of all, there are still some problems with the origins of characters like Yun Ziye.

As for the specific origin, Su Wangchen does not need to reveal it for the time being.

Secondly, among Zhuge Qianyun who had been 'blinded' before, Zhuge Jiayi must be regarded as the 'mind's eye' for 'monitoring'.

If Su Wangchen hadn't blocked them, they wouldn't be able to peek.

Even if they don't have this idea themselves, as chess pieces, they often do many things, and they may not know it themselves.

While thinking about it, the creation pen appeared and lasted for about two breaths.

Within two breaths, the atmosphere in this void immediately became different.

Su Wangchen could even clearly sense that the aura of laws between heaven and earth had become much more solemn.

This is very interesting.

Su Wangchen's eyes sparkled and he chuckled. After he drew such an 'animated' scene, Hua Yunmeng and the others suddenly had strange expressions, but at the same time they also looked a little surprised.

Hua Yiyue laughed so hard that her flowers trembled, but she still remained reserved, covering her mouth to prevent her image from being ruined: This dance... hahahahaha, it's really... it's really amazing, but Jiuli Junior brother, do you really know how to dance like this? How about you dance a song for us? In this way, junior sister will repay you well - well, how about you pledge yourself to me?

Hua Yiyue said and gave Hua Xianyue a joking look.

Hua Xianyue is a real little cutie, and her temperament is very much like Mu Yuxi's before.

When she heard this, she couldn't help but cast a blank look at Hua Yiyue, and said coquettishly: Senior Sister Yiyue, it's up to you to think about it. Hum, if you want to, just confess to Junior Brother Jiuli, why do you want to drag me along? !Hmph, you guy, you have paid so much attention to Junior Brother Jiuli early in the morning, and you always blame me. It’s really abominable!

Hee hee, Junior Brother Jiuli, why don't you give me a dance?

I think those weird moves are also very suitable for you.

Hahaha, it’s very funny when I think of the cold and handsome sword-wielding swordsman acting like this - I’m not kidding you.

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