I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1046: Resonance to set up a trap, mutual communication to counterattack

When Su Wangchen gave a series of help to the former Su Li, Su Li, who was in the cause and effect of the Elf Realm Sea, also had a certain reaction.

This feeling comes from his current special state of 'meditation'.

This is a state of mind, a special state of mind, and the result is naturally a special reaction.

Moreover, this kind of Tao is derived from further detachment from not within the Three Realms and not among the Five Elements. Just like the special vision obtained in the fantasy world in the past, it is currently or in other words all level, in a transcendental position.

This situation is very ideal.

But it is quite difficult to ensure this situation.

It’s not that it’s not easy to achieve, but that once you achieve it, you have to keep it from being spied on, which is really difficult.

Now, in such a disconnected state of the timeline, with the black shadow of Guixu Su Li protecting the road, it can be used with such confidence.

Otherwise, dealing with these problems today is still very passive.

At this time, Su Li was still quietly waiting for the results, waiting for Su Wangchen to complete the core communication of Su Ye's memory restricted area.

The so-called interconnection is actually like the instantaneous interconnection between different time and space. As long as there is instantaneous interconnection, many causes and effects can be received and many causes and effects can be solved.

Now, the system anti-virus has been completed, the Moonlight Treasure Box has been isolated, and the ability to 'sign in' has been temporarily blocked.

This also allowed Su Li to realize many memories that he had 'forgotten' in this 'quiet' state.

This kind of forgetfulness is not forgetfulness, but Su Li's conscious self-erasure.

All of this is naturally related to the anti-virus this time.

After coming out of A Chinese Story and being tricked by a part of Zhenxu, and then when Su Wangchen discovered Hu Chen's abnormality, some cause and effect had already been fully revealed.

With the help of the system, the Emperor's Classics and the Great Destiny Technique of Three Thousand Avenues, every time Su Li discovers many important causes and effects, in order to avoid being pried by the unknown, Su Li will do certain things. 'Blocking' and self-memory blocking and erasure processing.

Or maybe it was recorded in the Huangji Jingshi Book.

Therefore, many times, Su Li would appear very passive and hesitant when faced with many causes and effects.

This is not because he is not courageous enough, nor is he indecisive, but sometimes he is too courageous or decisive in his killing. In that case, being decisive is a moment of pleasure, and the whole family is cremated.

In this ending, Su Li had already suffered too much in the fantasy world.

Now, after the system has recovered, the Moonlight Box has been isolated, and even the sign-in function has been blocked. All the erased memories have naturally returned.

Likewise, Su Li's state of 'meditation' was immediately completely stabilized.

Not only that, Su Li's own realm has continuously crossed a small level. On a large level, the Earth Immortal realm has also reached a state that is close to its peak in one fell swoop.

None of this actually matters.

What really valued Su Li extremely, and even made him tremble, was that from beginning to end, he and the system had been planning to harvest the cause and effect of this time in reverse.

The purpose of the layout is to attack the upper level and buy the bottom at the same time.

After coming out of A Chinese Girl's World, after Su Wangchen learned resonance and learned part of Wangdi's cause and effect, and thus suspected Hu Chen, that time, Su Wangchen decisively resonated with Su Li.

And from that resonance, Su Li gained more karma than he imagined.

Because, in fact, when he first came into contact with Lie Xuanji, Su Li had already come into contact with the cause and effect of 'resonance'.

At that time, he and Lie Xuanji also talked about the cause and effect of the Hongmeng Research Base.

Moreover, he also found the answer in Lie Xuanji. He had already discovered the relevant rules of 'resonance' at that time. Chapter 486: Love and Peace, Repaying Evil with Kindness has related descriptions.

Therefore, after he later obtained the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Destiny Technique, and even the Great Reincarnation Technique and other three thousand avenues, these became Su Li's greatest foundation. With these foundations, after being exposed to the rules related to resonance again, especially Su Li's The moment Wangchen and Su Li resonated, a lot of information was immediately revealed.

Because Su Wangchen took the initiative to report Hu Chen, part of Hu Chen's identity was also discovered by the Great Cause and Effect Technique.

At that time, the system anti-virus was actually turned on.

Likewise, Su Li also obtained a massive amount of causal information, and at the same time, through the system, he immediately identified possible hidden dangers within the system.

And being able to open the inside of the system is just like the previous Hanguguan Dojo could be 'illegally invaded'. This in itself shows that there must be something wrong somewhere.

Based on Su Li's state at that time, he almost thought of the Moonlight Treasure Box without hesitation.

This is a very terrible result.

Likewise, Su Li immediately put an end to this speculation without hesitation. At the same time, he meditated extremely decisively on the Emperor's Classic of Worlds. Combined with the core authority of the system, he and Guixu Heiying immediately used Emperor's Classic of Worlds to proceed. Got in touch and started planning immediately.

It seems that only a moment is planned, but in fact, for Gui Xu Heiying, time is almost infinite.

Therefore, this game was established under such circumstances.

The two men divided their forces into two groups. Su Li was responsible for killing the virus. At the same time, he used the method of mending the sky to forcefully suppress the issue of continuation of the timeline and buy time for this.

Su Wangchen, on the other hand, must act as a qualified tool. Along the way, he must not only see Su Ye alive and intact, but also open Su Ye's memory restricted area and find the real core information.

At the same time, Su Ye also needs to act as a part of the tool to cover the many causes and effects of the previous system sign-in rewards.

Because these are likely to be scanned by the Moonlight Treasure Box.

And only if the origins of these rewards are re-covered, then some of the final flaws can be repaired and made up for.

Just like at this time, the 'Elemental Magnetic Evil-Slaying Sword' that Su Li received was actually the reward that Su Li had received when he signed in to the system.

Now that Su Wangchen has reached this point, it just proves that everything is still going smoothly on Su Wangchen's side.

The route that Su Li arranged for Su Wangchen was based on the worst possible outcome at every step.

Therefore, if Su Wangchen could successfully cope with the worst outcome, it would be easier to deal with it if the outcome was a little better.

In addition, there is a special inner eye Su Ye on the outermost layer to reverse cause and effect and is in the supreme state of ten thousand ways to protect it, and there is the dark shadow of Guixu secretly controlling the overall situation.

Coupled with the strong protection of the system itself, there is no chance of problems.

Yes, nothing can go wrong.

Because this probability no longer exists.

Moreover, at this point, Su Li could actually leave at any time and forcefully continue the timeline, but in this way, the harvest would still be too small.

If we don't take advantage of this opportunity and kill a wave of blood in the opposite direction, then the subsequent road will be more difficult.

Su Li's mood was very calm. From time to time, Su Wangchen had cause and effect feedback, and then everything was absorbed into his 'meditation' state.

This is not resonance, let alone mutual communication, but a special detached state of ‘not within the Three Realms and not within the Five Elements’.

This is a special Tao, and it is also an evolutionary system of Su Li's complete Tao system of three souls and seven souls, and will not be subject to any limitations.

Yes, at this point, Hu Chen's cause and effect has been eliminated, and Su Wangchen is independent.

Su Ye was defined as a special god by Su Li because of the reverse cause and effect between the timeline and great love.

God loves the world.

If this kind of cause and effect temporarily prevails, you will be truly invincible.

The name Su Ye, or the name Hua Heye, what is it on the other hand?

What does it represent? !

If this cause and effect is smashed down, the light blue world and even the great plane of the Tower of Babel and the world of heavenly rules will be too much to bear.

Of course, this is also just a symbolic meaning and does not involve real cause and effect.

It is equivalent to pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner, but now it has been pulled, and the effect is extremely terrifying.

The key is that Su Ye's dedication to love directly breaks the terrible prison and vicious karma of killing his wife and children. This is the real invincibility.

If Su Ye himself didn't have a heart of great love, then this cause and effect wouldn't work even if Su Li forced it on him.

Su Li looked back at his memories and felt quite sad.

These many memories never existed, but now that they all suddenly returned, he realized that he was a bit awesome.

The resonance was learned by the enemy, and it turned out that he deliberately released it.

Because this is a long term.

If this line is released, the fish will definitely take the bait.

Then, the interconnected cause and effect has been spread out.

Now that there is no Moonlight Treasure Box, as long as the opponent takes a bite of the 'interoperable' bait, even a small bite, Su Li can directly pull all the enemy's core layout into the game through the Three Thousand Avenues and the system's terrifying ability. Then instantly 'interoperable control'.

Nothing reveals secrets like a system.

Moreover, whether it is a state of meditation, the supreme ability of all things, or the systematic ability of the ultimate 'listening'.

As long as the other party dares to take a bite of the bait of 'intercommunication', the enemy will be completely exposed.

This is a game arranged by Su Li.

For this purpose, Su Li even deleted Lian Hu's causal memory.

Now that he is back, Su Li suddenly remembers that Hu is the gourd, a causal existence such as the fairy gourd.

Once upon a time, during the ancient civilization of Loulan, Su Li came into contact with a super boss named Hu, who was also the ancestor of Loulan Fengqi and Loulan Fengyu.

It was this terrible Loulan ancestor.

At that time, this ancestor was very powerful.

But their strength was really strange to Su Li at the time.

These existences, in the world of Loulan ancient civilization, are comparable to the top, and they are immortal and even top-level immortal existences.

But after leaving this ancient Loulan civilization world, his strength was extremely poor.

At that time, Su Li actually never understood the reason or the cause and effect.

But now, Su Li knows that the core reason lies in the promotion of Small World.

After the small world is promoted to the middle world or even the big world, the identity of the owner of the small world will not change.

Therefore, he will also become the master of the big world!

Then, once the 'definition' of the master of the big world is successful, it will directly mean that the entire big world is invincible!

How tyrannical is the true realm lord level of a big world?

Isn’t this much better than struggling to survive and dangerous cultivation?

In this way, looking at the real controller of Shushan Perfect World, Li Juan, once Shushan Perfect World is promoted to a world at the same level as the world of heavenly rules in the Great Plane of Babel, what level will Li Juan's strength be?

So, why did Li Juan obtain 50% of the reincarnation authority? ? ?

Nature is here!

Because the Shushan Perfect World is completely modeled after the Chinese Xianxia World, and it is also built in a very 'perfect' state.

This is definitely a huge plus!

As long as this thing is built and promoted successfully, Li Juan will have a possibility of not only 50% reincarnation authority, but also 100%!

And what is the world of A Chinese Story?

It’s always been ‘fertilizer’ to be devoured!

Even the light blue world is fertilizer to be devoured.

As for who devours whom, now Su Li has naturally completely seen clearly that Shushan Perfect World is the real devourer!

The rest is nourishment!

This is the core reason why those high-ranking people spare no effort to support Li Juan!

Su Li is developing the world over the Chinese ancestral land. It is already a big world, but the level of civilization is too low and the Age of Dharma Ending is too long. He is like a sick old man with abscesses all over his body, which is equivalent to We are really moving forward with a heavy load.

How can such a speed compare to the vibrant and perfect world of Shushan?

Likewise, in Su Ye's memory restricted area, the shadow of Guixu immediately returned to the past, as if updated in real time, and began to create a similar fairy world template on the ninth floor of its memory restricted area.

Su Li will also cover these when necessary.

At that time, the Chinese ancestral land may be destroyed, it may be covered, or it may be returned to ruins.

Of course, Su Li didn't want to use this 'spare tire'.

There was no way around it, after all, he had to prepare for the worst!

These are undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

The enemy had reached this point unknowingly. If Su Wangchen's resonance hadn't been suddenly seized by the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Destiny Technique and the system, it would have been too dangerous.

After those bubbles burst, many small worlds have actually been swallowed up by the Shushan Perfect World.

Nowadays, the difference is not the background, but a kind of recognition.

Therefore, Su Li will never recognize any cause and effect now.

Once he is unsure of his current state, he will hide his weakness and delay it for a while.

These are already under control.

The current crisis still comes from ‘Hu’.

This time, Hu appeared again.

But he appeared as the master of the ‘shadow’.

This is scary.

This also shows that Hu’s ancient Loulan civilization was directly promoted and recognized!

Therefore, every subsequent confrontation will be extremely dangerous and intense!

This time, Su Li has clearly won and even isolated the Moonlight Treasure Box, so only after the timeline is successfully continued, the real world of great war will come!

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