I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1031 Identity Positioning, Death of Black Shadow

When Su Ye's message came through, Su Wangchen suddenly understood.

Now that he is not in the state of 'Supreme Ten Thousand Daos', and is involved in the situation, some things are seen very one-sided.

He had already realized this at this time.

What's more important is that after he took away Su Ye, he is now Su Ye and not Su Wangchen, so some of the memories of 'Su Li' can't exist.

This means that when he faces this mysterious black shadow, he has no way to deal with it.

And if he existed as 'Su Wangchen', it wouldn't be so difficult to deal with the black shadow.

In other words, after he took Su Ye's body, he temporarily became Su Ye, and his abilities were restricted in all aspects, and he had certain constraints!

The information that Su Ye conveyed at this time was conveyed as an 'outsider'. At the same time, he was in the state of 'Supremacy of Ten Thousand Daos', so he could see it more clearly.

Therefore, Su Wangchen blindly guessed that Su Ye could probably determine the specific identity of this dark figure.

Su Ye's voice still echoed in Su Wangchen's heart.

But at this time, he was enlightened by it.

This kind of thorough understanding is a thorough understanding of the cause and effect of this time.

Su Ye's reminder made Su Wangchen know that even though he had taken Su Ye's body away at this moment, he was not Su Ye!

Yes, it’s not Su Ye!


Just because, the cause and effect that brought Zhuge Qianyun and his party through the Tianchi Blood River this time was actually the cause and effect completed after Su Li used the Tianji Fate Reversing Technique to reverse Su Ye's fate.

Its leader is Su Li!

So at this time, he, Su Wangchen, was going to play the role of, or rather be the most causal being, and it was Su Li!

Combined with the theories of cause and effect such as Netherworld Ship, Netherworld Sea and Que Xinyan and meditation, there is no doubt that this cause and effect directly refers to the cause and effect of the original Netherworld Sea Que Xinyan rescued Su Li and encountered the man with a ghostly mask on the Netherworld Ship!

That scene was the result!

And right now, that’s the reason!

Right now, it’s the process!

Su Wangchen understood immediately!

It was also because he suddenly understood that a series of related memories suddenly revived in his memory.

In the fantasy world of the past, Su Li was almost killed by the cause and effect of the Soul Suppression Monument, and then fell into a coma after breaking through the void and falling into the Netherworld Sea.

Then he was rescued by Que Xinyan.

After that, Su Li met the Netherworld Ship and the man in the black robe and mask with a ghostly face on the Netherworld Ship.

The man finally knelt down and kowtowed, his eyes were bleeding and he said some words of repentance!

At this time, such a scene of cause and effect appeared in Su Wangchen's memory.

From the moment he clearly understood his current 'identity' or the identity he 'represented', he understood how he should solve it.

Because of the enlightenment and understanding, what was originally a dead end suddenly turned into a road to heaven.


At the moment when Su Wangchen was deep in thought, the terrifying Sword Master attacked again.

Only this time, Su Wangchen suddenly became unusually calm.

In fact, he did not dodge at all, as if the murderous intention of the evil dragon giant sword derived from the swordsmanship was no longer a murderous intention.


When the sword came to kill, Su Wangchen suddenly raised his hand and pointed his finger on the giant sword.

In an instant, a twisted void appeared in front of Su Wangchen's finger.

The next moment, all the blood in the Tianchi Blood River gathered together and turned into a waterspout, blocking his fingers.


The giant sword strangled the waterspout fiercely, and the waterspout shattered. The void seemed to be directly shattered, and a hollow appeared for a moment.

However, Su Wangchen's expression did not change in this scene. Instead, he just looked at the mysterious black figure calmly.

When a person dies, he becomes a ghost, when a ghost dies, he becomes a ghost, when a ghost dies, he becomes a hope, and when a hope dies, he becomes a misfortune. These so-called existences are just a ray of obsession after all.

One of your obsessions is the way of sword control, and the other is...the three of them, mother and daughter.

At this time, in Su Wangchen's mind, those partial memories from the oldest era, that is, the memory of Su Li's 'inaction', appeared partially.

Therefore, he already understood the cause and effect of this.

This black shadow was actually the real evil thought that Su Li struck out in the first place!

Or, in other words, it was the evil personality that was chopped off that drove his wife to death and killed his son and daughter. It was the real inner demon!

It is said that a country is easy to change but its nature is hard to change. In other words, the existence of this existence itself is very special.

He lives for endless years, traveling through endless time, space and memory restricted areas, but he is looking for a special cause and effect.

In other words, what is left of 'it' at this time is probably only one instinct, a hunting instinct.

Su Wangchen opened his mouth at this time and whispered some cause and effect.

He said these words in a coherent way.

He represents Su Li at this time.

Since he represents Su Li, he naturally communicates with the other party in a way that is similar to resonance.

After all, Su Li is the only one in the world who can truly master the sword.

The other party knows this technique.

Then, it must have a special origin, at least related to Su Li.

When Su Wangchen spoke, the Tianchi blood river had already swept towards Zhuge Qianyun and others.

Under the rolling waves, the group was pushed to the other side of the blood river, as if they were isolated from the world.

Su Wangchen didn't do anything to them, even though they were shadows, they were just projections of cause and effect.

The mysterious black shadow figure froze, and the somewhat twisted sword-control path that gathered together also stopped.

His originally dull eyes immediately turned red. When he stared at Su Wangchen, his eyes showed an extremely terrifying look.

A wife who loves you so much and has sacrificed so much for you finally reaches a dead end and has to take her son and daughter to death and complete annihilation.

But you are still unrepentant.

In this world, there is no cause and effect for holding their corpses.

Now, you are assimilated by the shadow here, and you come here to hunt the cause and effect, and snipe the true self derived from your repentant heart. Does your conscience really not hurt?

Are you worthy of those dead bodies sleeping on the Netherworld Ship?

Su Wangchen said word for word.

Every word he said was equally heavy.

After he peeked at these memory fragments, he almost fell out with Su Li.

It can be seen that these memories are by no means so friendly.

It's just like a gambler who lost everything and didn't say anything, but also robbed the family of the money for their children's medical treatment and milk powder for gambling.

Not to mention this, in comparison, the 'Su Li' in the earliest era was not only like this, but also continued to 'bet' and 'lost' his wife to the 'Fengyue Tower', and even 'lost' his children.

Of course, this is just an analogy.

In fact, the real situation is even more terrifying than this.

You know, in a world like this, no one is willing to die as long as there is a way to survive.

Su Wangchen said these words word by word, accompanied by some simple words, but they directly pierced the body, mind and even soul of the black figure.

The existence of the dark shadow is, in the final analysis, the inner demon.

In the final analysis, it is just a wisp of evil thoughts, or an evil spirit that has been chopped out.

This scene of cause and effect is actually being performed all the time.

In the fantasy world of the past, Su Wangchen once mentioned that he was an evil spirit that Su Li had chopped off.

In today's world, today's Su Wangchen is also an evil spirit chopped off by Su Li.

But these are just distractions.

The real heavenly soul is the dark shadow of Guixu, which takes over the cause and effect of the evil soul and then forever suppresses the blood river of Tianchi.

But this time, Guixu Shadow did not show up because the enemy did not know the true cause and effect of Guixu Shadow.

So this time, at such a critical time, the real evil spirit appeared.

If there was a fight, Su Wangchen and Su Ye would never be able to defeat this evil spirit together.

Because this is indeed a part of Su Li.

Because Su Li's sword control skills were absolutely invincible.

Moreover, even if Su Wangchen represents Su Li, he is just an evil spirit that Su Li chopped off.

In contrast, Heiying was the first generation, while Su Wangchen was the third generation. The gap between them was indescribable.

It's normal to be defeated.

But this time, the cause and effect does not require fighting to solve.

Just like in the fantasy world of the past, when they met the mysterious man in black robe and mask with a ghostly face in the Nether Sea, Su Li and Que Xinyan couldn't defeat him.

You can't beat him for sure.

At that time, after Heiying and Su Li communicated, Que Xinyan didn't feel anything, as if time had been shortened or covered.

That is obviously not an illusion!

That kind of shortening or covering of time, the cause and effect is right here in front of you.

What Su Wangchen has to do now is to represent Su Li and let the evil spirit completely let go!

After Su Wangchen said these words, he looked at the black figure with extremely calm eyes.

The black shadow was silent at first, and then his body began to tremble violently.

Then, he seemed to be going into some kind of violent state, trying to kill everything.

But at this time, Su Wangchen directly meditated on the Netherworld Ship.

The Nether Ship is a very tragic skeletal warship!

The withered bones on the warship were very thin and ordinary.

But these thin and ordinary bones came from the bones of a woman.

This woman is the bones of ‘his’ wife.

Her wife died, but she used her own bones and her own obsession to carry the bones of her son and daughter in the Netherworld boat, traveling towards the depths of the Netherworld Sea.

The purpose is just to allow his son and daughter to cross the sea of ​​suffering and reach the other side.

Su Wangchen meditated on this scene at this time.

Is this the truth?

Su Wangchen didn't know.

But he was still so meditative.

Because when he meditated on such a scene, he already knew that it might not be the truth, but it would never be false.

Because the truth is often crueler and greater than this, and it can better show the greatness and beauty of 'his' wife, and it can even better show the affection between mother and son, and mother and daughter.

Relatively speaking, the greater and more lofty his wife is, the more her arrogant nature is highlighted.

Su Wangchen penetrated the meditation scene into Heiying's heart.

The shadow stood there.

The next moment, he started to tremble again.

After a while, tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

In my life, I will not kneel to heaven and earth, and I will be uninhibited and indulgent...

But now, he has become their dog.

The last thing I can do for her, for my true self...

That is, to atone for her sins.

They think they have complete control over me, but they don't know that my obsession exists to atone for my sins. Since I now represent Xu and the Hu, Cheng, and Zou under its control.

Then, I will give you a real ridge!

The shadow muttered to himself.

Blood and tears kept flowing in his eyes.

The next moment, the Netherworld Ship that Su Wangchen had meditated on suddenly materialized and suddenly landed on the Blood River of Tianchi.

At the same time, the shadowy figure also stood on the bow of the Netherworld Ship.

Afterwards, he continued to exhibit extremely terrifying auras of Taoism and law.

Among them, the extremely terrifying Xu and the Hu, Nie, and Zou under Xu are represented!

Then, the black shadow suddenly knelt on the ground, kowtowing to Su Wangchen, who represented Su Li!


The next moment, the black shadow's body representing Xu, as well as the corresponding Taoism and cause and effect of Xu's subordinates Hu, Yi, and Zou, all exploded and shattered!

The shadow kneels!

At this time, he represents ‘Xu’ and Hu, Cheng, and Zou under ‘Xu’!

This meant that the other party was all kneeling in front of Su Li.

At this time, Su Wangchen, who is bearing the cause and effect, represents Su Li!

Likewise, the void in all directions began to twist violently, as if a terrifying storm was about to erupt.

What's even more terrifying is that a large number of lanterns appear in these twisted voids.

These lanterns, like whole worlds, all began to burn.

The flames quickly spread in all directions.

Then, when those flames were burning fiercely, a large amount of black energy began to dissipate, as if the Taoism, Taoism, and cause and effect led by Xu and the subordinates of Xu, such as Hu, Cheng, and Zou, were all completely destroyed in this. Like broken.

This is a desperate counterattack!

Even a sure kill!

At this time, the dark shadow that caused all these causes and effects seemed to have let go of all causes and effects and all obsessions.

When will all the good fortune come to an end?

This feeling can be recalled later, but at that time... I was at a loss. Hahahahaha.

The shadow murmured, smiled, and at the same time took out a statue and stared at it affectionately.

Then, he suddenly knelt on the bow of the Netherworld ship again, grabbed the ground with his head, and knocked hard.

A moment later, the Netherworld Ship was stained with blood, but he was still kowtowing.

Once upon a time, no one knew why he did this, or who he really was.

And now.

Su Wangchen, who stood in front of him, represented Su Li's existence, but he knew that with his kneeling, he was completely on the opposite side of Xu and Hu, Cheng, and Zou under Xu.

The biggest cause and effect placed by Xu and other beings, the biggest cause and effect that pulls Su Li, at this moment, is about to... become extinct.


On the Netherworld ship, the flames burned brightly.

After the blood was stained on it, the kneeling shadow raised his head and suddenly gathered the same sword control.

It's just that this time, the sword control method is no longer the evil dragon giant sword before, but an extremely pure bright sword.

The giant sword was transparent and even showed a perfect seven-color mysterious light color.

The giant sword carried thunder and light, illuminating the entire Tianchi Blood River.

Then, it traveled down from the void and disappeared directly from the head of the black shadow.


Under such sword control, the black shadow completely turned into nothingness.

At this moment, the Nether Boat was completely shattered and turned into layers of blood, covering the entire Tianchi Blood River.

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