I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1025: Mutual exposure, Heavenly Soul War!

Among the causes and effects caused by Guixu Heiying, Xi Junshang's cause and effect is very huge.

In other words, it corresponds to the cause and effect of Xi Taishang.

Where does Xi Junshang come from?

From Wandao Star, Wandao Soul Clan!


What is Wandao?

The supreme being of all dharma and the supreme dharma of all dharma.

In this regard, if Su Li, the main body, can truly understand the special Taoist form of the 'Ten Thousand Daos Supreme', then it can actually be seen that the Ten Thousand Dao Soul Clan is actually a partial factor and chess piece of cause and effect.

This is the enemy's chess piece.

But for Gui Xu Heiying, once he places such an important chess piece in advance, the enemy will not be able to place it.

Sometimes there is only one way in this world.

The operation of Guixu Black Shadow is to follow other people's paths and leave others with no way to go.

The dark shadow of Guixu arranged for Hu Qingniu to reincarnate, thus overturning Xi Junshang's series of causes and effects.

The corresponding one is the cause and effect of the Wandao Soul Clan.

And it is precisely the Ten Thousand Soul Dao inherited by the Ten Thousand Dao Soul Clan, which is an eternal method of the Soul Dao.

The benefit of this is that it can evolve through unlimited ‘real-time updates’.

In other words, before the enemy wants to take advantage of the Wandao Soul Clan, the Wandao Soul Clan has already become a pawn in the hands of Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu.

This method is a reverse bargain hunting method.

When the other party was playing with the timeline and real-time updates, what Gui Xu Heiying did was to put the time into an earlier curve, just like Hu wanted to use Hu Qingniu to copy the bottom of Gui Xu Heiying's 'Hua Qiu Yin' .

In fact, after the Wan Dao Soul Clan was inflicted with the cause and effect of the Guixu Dark Shadow and became a chess piece of Hu's side, its Wan Dao Law was updated in real time. What was the result?

It was the Gui Xu Heiying who incorporated his own Tao into the opponent's Taoism, using the enemy's endless resources to continuously update his Tao in real time.

It was also in this way that he cultivated a state of the 'Supreme Ten Thousand Daos' Taoism that was harvested by Guixu Black Shadow.

The key is that this state is always hidden in the special Die Domain where ghosts die for themselves.

This scene was exactly the same as Su Li's experience of using Su Pangu in reverse.

It's just that Guixu Black Shadow took this set of methods a little further.

And this scene naturally requires the help of the system's core authority, Immortal Light Blue, and the woman in white gauze skirt above the Immortal Light Blue.

Of course, Hua Qiudao also went out for activities, which attracted the core attention of the guards and other beings.

In addition, there are the cause and effect of the timeline, the rules of the timeline, and the method of control.

Another point is that Meier is in charge of the Qingdi Palace in Mount Tai, and Hua Ziyan is in charge of the underworld, stabilizing a series of causes and effects.

Only in this way can there be such a harvesting process.

At this time, all the supreme states of ten thousand ways have been harvested and become an ability!

This is already the real result!

Right now, what’s paving the way is the process.

The process takes place now and even in the future.

But the process will also be trapped in the past.

This is not a contradiction, because the same is true for real-time updates.

Living the present existence, gaining a special orthodoxy, sending it back to the past is like establishing a sect, and then settling through time.

The existence in reality will be 'updated in real time' immediately after returning.

As for how the past was destroyed, it doesn't matter. After all, what is good now and in the future is truly good.

If the past was not good, it can be covered up.

Such cause and effect is actually extremely complex.

At least, Su Li cannot really fully master it.

But what he did was completely adequate and almost perfect.

The black shadow of Guixu seems to be more powerful and invincible, but that is also the result of endless years of real-time updates and the accumulation of endless years of orthodoxy.

Moreover, every step he takes is definitely on the edge of life and death, and every step is extremely dangerous.

Relatively speaking, the previous fight with Hu was just one of many dangers of life and death.

All of Hu Qingniu's cause and effect were completed with great stability at this moment.

Although the process was full of dangers and thrills, the final result was nothing unexpected.

Hu Qingniu finally entered the reincarnation system of the Chinese ancestral land, and carried the cause and effect given by the black shadow of Guixu and even Su Wangchen.

Su Wangchen's body and his divided soul also entered the six realms of reincarnation.

This time, because many changes have taken place within the realm of the reincarnation system, Su Wangchen's situation cannot be disturbed.

When Hu Qingniu has been stripped away and saved from reincarnation, all the cause and effect contained in Hu Qingniu have disappeared.

On the other side, it can be said that the chicken is stolen but the rice is lost!

Hu Yi Xing's expressions were quite cold.

In fact, Hu Yu stared at the dark shadow of Gui Xu in the void for a long time, as if he wanted to see through the dark shadow of Gui Xu.

However, he still couldn't see through it after all.

Because no one can see through the dark shadow of Guixu in the supreme state of Jidao Ten Thousand Paths.

However, Hu still looked at it.

Not only did he look at it, he also suddenly grabbed the void and caught a 'turtle spirit' out.

This 'turtle spirit' actually contains the cause and effect of Emperor Wang, like a real old tortoise, and its aura is a bit like Kame Mako.

After the turtle spirit appeared, its figure condensed, and several dark demon spirit shadow bodies appeared on its body.

After the phantoms of the dark demon spirits gathered in Dao Mo Lake, they gradually solidified and soon turned into nine heads of souls.

Such an existence is very much like the legendary 'Nine-Headed Insect'.

After the nine-headed turtle spirit manifested the aura of Emperor Wang, there was an aura of Wangchen Karma on its body.

And when this breath appeared, the nine-headed turtle spirit continuously twisted and combined its heads to form a very strange nine-color long whip.


Suddenly, the nine-color long whip turned into a long snake of time and space that pierced the void, and stabbed fiercely towards the forehead of the black shadow of Guixu.

This blow seemed to span the endless void and the timeline, and contained the ultimate law and the ultimate path.

This kind of murderous intention is extremely powerful and terrifying. It has transcended the ordinary realm level, and the underlying aura it contains is no longer the aura of immortality, but a regular murderous intention on the timeline.


The black shadow of Guixu just glanced at it, and then suddenly raised his hand to gather the destiny roulette.

The roulette wheel is more like the ancient compass.

The compass showed a dark yellow color, with extremely ancient characters engraved on it.

The dark shadow of Guixu just gathered a wisp of ordinary divine power and engraved the name of 'Tie Ling' on the compass. Then the divine power suddenly turned into a finger and pointed hard on it.

As for the terrifying murderous intention that was about to hit him between the eyebrows, Guixu Shadow didn't take it to heart at all.


After tapping the name of the 'turtle spirit' with one finger, the name of the turtle spirit suddenly exploded.

In that scene, those words seemed to turn into broken souls, and exploded into powder particles formed by the power of heaven on the compass on the spot!


At the same moment, all the attacks that hit the murderous whip of Guixu Shadow and the power of rules corresponding to the timeline were all turned into nothingness at this moment.

As for the original nine-headed insect turtle spirit, its nine heads seemed to be directly hit by the terrifying invisible power of heaven, and they were directly exploded into blood mist and powder on the spot.

The blood mist is not bright red, but colorless.

Just like the explosion of the soul, there is no physical energy fluctuation.

But that silent devastation was enough to shock people's hearts.

There was dead silence.

The dark shadow of Guixu held the ancient destiny roulette, and once again condensed his fingers, he was about to write the name of 'hu' on it.

At this time, a dark shadow suddenly flew out of Hu's body.

The black shadow wears a ghost face mask and holds a pair of dark scythes. The whole person looks like the dark god of death.

The moment it appeared, a golden long bow suddenly gathered in the void.

This long bow is extremely huge and dazzling with its dazzling light.

This long bow is a bow similar to the 'Baiyu Demon God's Shining Light Bow', but no one knows whether it is this thing.

After the Yaoguang Bow of Baiyu Demon God gathered together, it was stretched into a full moon in an instant.


The bowstring vibrated, and the void rippled.

An attack across endless time, space and void seemed to be about to appear immediately.

This is a battle between Hu and the shadow of Guixu.

As long as there is the slightest abnormal situation, it will definitely be a death-defying ending.

In other words, if the strength of Gui Xu Heiying is even remotely inferior to him, the outcome will be a disastrous defeat!

And in such a battle, even if the shadow of Guixu exists in Su Ye's Tianchi Blood River, and Hu exists on the thirty-third heaven, it will have no impact on the battle between the two sides.

With such an existence, when the timeline is no longer in effect, fighting across the void is no longer a big deal.

The same is true. It is really not difficult for such a being to kill the being below, or to conduct 'monitoring'.

However, the upper levels of both parties have always had some restrictions.

Now that Hu Qingniu has been eliminated and the soldiers have suffered heavy losses, they are naturally unwilling to give up.

It is also even less likely that he will be controlled by the mysterious Taoism of Guixu Black Shadow, and it is even less likely that he will be truly feared.

You have to take action after all!

That's why there is such a battle!

After Demon God Bai Yu drew his radiant bow into a full moon, the endless gray mist gathered into a mysterious gray arrow.

The arrow missed, wisps of gray lightning gathered, and wisps of terrifying aura of silence that seemed to contain the avenue of decayed time filled the air from time to time. It was terrifying and abnormal!

Once such an arrow is missed, the consequences may be extremely disastrous.

However, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, didn't care at all, and his expression didn't even change.

The ordinary fingers he had gathered together suddenly became more condensed at this moment, and began to emit dazzling white light.

The next moment, the ancient compass and the mysterious Guixu aura were all gathered in that one finger.

Then, the finger disappeared.


The arrow from Baiyu Demon God Yaoguang's bow missed and shot out suddenly.

With that blow, the world became dark, and all the realms seemed to be extinguished. A terrifying aura of ruinous catastrophe filled the world, oppressing Su Ye and even Su Wangchen's supreme consciousness of all realms, which was a little unbearable.

At this time, Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, had actually protected the two. But even so, the two were still a little unable to bear it.

Su Wangchen, who was in the state of consciousness of the Supreme Being, was still fine.

On the contrary, Su Ye, because he was a real person, was slightly affected. At this time, his seven orifices exploded, and his body was almost destroyed.

But he stood still, motionless, tall and strong-willed.

The master is by his side to protect him.

Master is fighting an unknown strong man!

There is no way he could be so unbearably affected and die!

In other words, I would rather die standing than frown for even a moment!

At this time, Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, ignored Su Ye.

When the arrow shot out and appeared above the Blood River in Tianchi, it had turned into an extremely huge arrow.

The arrow was not sharp.

On the contrary, it seemed extremely slow.

But the size that covers the sky and the sun is like a soul-crushing monument that has been enlarged countless times!

At the same moment, fingers the size of which covered the sky also appeared in the sky!

That is a real giant finger of the sky!

The huge fingers stabbed the huge Jianshan body hard.

After the two collided, an extremely terrifying thunder suddenly exploded in the void.

Thunder exploded, and the gray mist and blazing white collided, forming streaks of extremely terrifying purple.

After the purple arc appeared, terrifying thunder continued to explode in the void.

Amidst the thunder, the timelines of the double helix structure were exploded one after another, just like a person's vertebrae were blown off section by section.

At that moment, the mysterious spine-like projection gradually covered the earth and even penetrated into the unknown void.

Eventually, such projections converged on places like the Sea of ​​Blood Flowers of the Red Flame Barren Mountain Emperor.


Between heaven and earth, it seemed as if there was an ancient imperial corpse whose spine was broken into countless sections by such purple thunder.

And this ancient corpse...

It was the mysterious soul burial place mentioned by the former Fire Spirit Emperor Ape, where a huge and mysterious ancient corpse was sealed.

That place like the Red Flame Desolate Ridge.

Now, the battle between the two sides seemed to have shattered the spine of the ancient corpse in one move.

No one seems to know what it is and what the consequences will be.

However, after Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, made such a move, Hu over there also silently withdrew the Baiyu Demon God's Yaoguang Bow.

As for the 'turtle spirit', it had already been exhausted, and its body exploded and shattered. The remaining black turtle shell was not damaged, but it had already been hit by the terrifying impact of the battle, and fell into the unknown dark abyss of void, without knowing its whereabouts. .

Hu did not go to recycle and look for it.

The dark shadow of Guixu also didn't care.

Hu withdrew his murderous intention and stared at Su Li, the black shadow of Guixu, with extremely cold eyes.

And Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, also stared at the 'hu' with an extremely cold look.

As expected, it's your Heavenly Soul!

Every word Hu said, his voice shook the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the identity of the dark figure ‘Hua Qiuyin’ who returned to the ruins was officially exposed by Hu!

Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, didn't take it seriously, and said calmly: Sure enough, you are also the original Su Wangchen! The so-called 'Hu' is still Hu after all, and Gu Yue is Hu.

You will never forget your pride!

Hu didn't respond, waved his hand and turned around. His figure dissipated above Thirty-three Heavens, and all his aura disappeared completely!

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