I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1017: The Green Bull seizes the house and returns to Suli

Su Wangchen could use his supreme state to seize the body directly and completely kill Hu Qingniu.

But he didn't.

The anger in his heart came from the cause and effect he saw.

That cause and effect is true.

Empress Fang Yuening used her own death and the death of her child to intensify Su Li's growth.

The greatest sacrifice for a person to grow up is the real devastation of life and death, joys and sorrows.

Especially men.

The process when a man grows from a boy to a man is often very cruel.

There are not many fragments in the memory.

But every scene is like being there in person, like being there.

It was because of being immersed in the scene, feeling the same, or simply feeling it himself, that Su Wangchen realized how much of a beast 'Su Li', or the former 'Su Wangchen', was!

Some people can't be human beings, but some people really don't deserve to be human beings!

Just like Xu Xian among the white snakes - he has a wife like Bai Suzhen, but he uses realgar wine to persecute his wife.

Of course, by analogy, Xu Xian is much stronger than the beast-like 'Su Wangchen'.

A being who gives his wife and children to others to use as cauldrons for the sake of his own cultivation. What kind of vicious existence is this?

There was no barrier or gap between Su Wangchen and Su Li.

But just because he recovered some memories like this, he was really depressed for a long time.

He is an uninhibited and indulgent person, he is wanton, unrestrained and heroic, and the same is true. There is really no room for any sand in his eyes.

He asked himself that he might not be a good person, but he was definitely the kind of person who could kill relatives for justice.

Likewise, the anger in his heart could not be extinguished.

Fortunately, he was still in the state of being the Supreme Master of All Laws and the Supreme Master of All Ways. If not, he would have gone completely berserk and fallen into a state of hysteria.

A person who contains the source of hope suddenly finds that his foundation is filled with endless sins - it is not even an exaggeration to say that such sins are the source of sins.

That's the truth.

This is the truth.

This fact is cruel.

And this truth is also very dark.

Su Wangchen's consciousness was still in a wait-and-see state.

Like Su Li, he can also live in the present, and he can also establish the present as the orthodoxy and truth and emptiness as the orthodoxy.

Even at this time, because he had revived part of Su Li's memory in advance, he could directly overturn Su Li's cause and effect, turn his back on the guest, and directly kill Su Li in reverse.

But he didn't do that.

Anger is just anger.

Anger doesn't solve the real problem.

At least, although it really wasn't a thing in the past, now, Su Li is indeed changing and has indeed become better.

Is this redemption?

Is this atonement?

Su Wangchen didn't know.

But whether he is living in the present or living in reality, Su Wangchen knows that Su Li must not forget the causes and effects of the past.

Yes, you can't!

Su Wangchen knew that there might be mysterious cause and effect surrounding Su Li, and even the dead Fang Yuening and his children lived out a certain situation in the next life, and then saw the grown-up Su Li, so they paid more What.

As a result, Su Li no longer remembers the past.

However, this is definitely not the reason why Su Li doesn't remember.

Su Li, you must remember and know these causes and effects!

I may be able to die, or even be eternally extinct. But the sins that he deserves to atone for must still be atoned for after all!

I'm Su Wangchen.

He is Su Li.

The name Su Li, Su is the resurrection of all things, and the meaning engraved in Li is the joys and sorrows! He can forget everything, but he cannot forget the separation of life and death, the joys and sorrows!

Su Wangchen pondered for a long time, and the anger in his heart condensed little by little, and finally condensed into a bloody flaming lotus.

The flame lotus burned for a while and then extinguished in his cold heart.

He finally suppressed his anger.

No matter how dissatisfied he was with Su Li, no matter how angry he was - in the final analysis, in the past, Su Li represented a whole and an existence named 'Su Wangchen'.

At that time, Su Wangchen was a villain.

Then, because of the death of Fang Yuening and his children, he finally awakened and grew up step by step.

Perhaps, he finally found a path to extremes and even succeeded.

But he lost Fang Yuening forever, and lost his son and daughter forever.

So, at the end of the endless road, he broke some kind of limit and went back to the past.

Only then did Su Li appear.

Or in other words - after having Su Li, another clone named 'Su Wangchen' was cut out.

After thinking carefully about the cause and effect, Su Wangchen sorted out a general direction.

But whether this is the case, Su Wangchen is not sure.

Although the supreme state of all laws is very powerful, he cannot obtain all the cause and effect through this ability.

Some causes and effects can be deduced because memory exists and there are traces to deduce them.

Some causes and effects do not exist at all, so naturally they cannot be deduced.

So this time, even if I die, I must record the cause and effect and pass it on to him.

Before this, Hu Qingniu cannot be killed.

Once Hu Qingniu still exists in the outside world, if he seizes his body and kills him, he will be alerted.

Su Wangchen continued to maintain this state while he was pondering.

As for the crying and being occupied by the body, although Su Wangchen was very reluctant, he could only endure it for the time being.

In this state, Su Wangchen was not worried that after Hu Qingniu took his body, he would have contact with and sense his current state of consciousness.

And because Emperor Wang has cut off all cause and effect at this time and is dead, Su Wangchen is also not worried about being resonated in the opposite direction.

In his current state, the cause and effect of reverse resonance can no longer resonate with him, and can no longer sense his existence.

Su Wangchen already had a clear idea in his mind.

On the other side, the black shadows of Su Ye and Guixu gathered into a purple mist and swept towards Su Wangchen's body.

However, after the purple mist gathered, it was quickly absorbed by Su Wangchen's body.

Then, Su Wangchen's body became a little more transparent.

The green energy that was originally flowing in it immediately turned into dark gold.

Soon, these auras merged with Su Wangchen's soul.

Everything went very smoothly.

Likewise, Su Wangchen quickly opened his eyes.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, there was a moment of confusion in his eyes.

Immediately, a phantom mark of the Blood Tower appeared deep in his eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

Afterwards, Su Wangchen coughed out a big mouthful of black, and at the same time stood up from his floating state.

His eyes calmed down and returned to normal.

When he stood up, he moved his body and limbs.

Suddenly, the bones in his body made a crackling sound like fried beans.

This seems to be an awakening of the body's energy and a transformation of strength.

Su Ye, as you wish, I used the Asura Soul-Slaying Way and used the Asura Underworld Scythe to kill the ability of the inner and outer world.

This move killed me. I almost died.

Su Wangchen, Hu Qingniu said, with a hint of fear and solemnity in his eyes.

At the same time, he also obviously showed some dissatisfaction with Su Ye.

Therefore, his voice was somewhat cold.

Su Ye took a careful look at Su Wangchen, and then looked at the dark shadow of Guixu next to him.

The dark shadow of Guixu also looked at 'Su Wangchen' seriously and fell silent.

Immediately, the black shadow of Guixu suddenly said: You seem to be recovering a little quickly. Can you tell me the reason?

Su Wangchen glanced at the black shadow of Guixu and said, I know you are Hua Qiuyin, and I do recover faster - if I don't recover faster, wouldn't I be at your mercy?

Su Ye suddenly said: Su Wangchen wouldn't talk like that, you are not Su Wangchen.

The shadow of Guixu said: Su Wangchen, who can take the initiative to prove his sincerity by killing himself, will not say anything about it after doing this. This is out of order.

Hearing this, Su Wangchen frowned slightly and sneered, saying: I also want to have a bigger picture. I came here for Su Lisu, the Human Emperor, but it's a pity that I gave such sincerity, but you didn't have the slightest bit of sincerity. Sincerity.

That being the case, what else is there to say? As for whether I am Su Wangchen, haha.

'Su Wangchen' chuckled, his tone cold and mocking.

As for whether he was discovered, he obviously didn't care.

After all, for now, there will no longer be another Su Wangchen.

In this case, this theory of cause and effect is also on the top.

So, if he is not Su Wangchen, who can be Su Wangchen?

Hu Qingniu was still very proud.

He had carefully sensed the bloodline, background and other abilities of this body, and it was really too strong.

This kind of strength made him almost trembling with excitement.

What's even more terrifying is that the soul of this body is incomparable with the corresponding magic weapon. If you add in his combat experience and accumulated background as Hu Qingniu, and if he undergoes a fusion 'update', he will definitely be invincible. .

In particular, the level of cultivation of this body's Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques is really ridiculously high, and it is inexplicably shocking!

Fortunately, the other party was invaded in a state of self-destruction. If not, trying to seize this person would be nothing more than a dream!

Okay, okay, okay, it's so good, so wonderful!

Hu Qingniu was extremely satisfied.

But he sneered at the words of Su Ye and Guixu Black Shadow Hua Qiuyin.

I don't bother to explain, and I don't want to explain.

Even if it were Su Wangchen, he couldn't deny the fact that he succeeded in seizing the body, and the cause and effect was successful!

Therefore, without 'Su Wangchen' here, Su Li will definitely lose over there!

So, this time they have succeeded, right?

Now, all we have to do is wait for a good ending.

Everything is so perfect, so smooth, so refreshing and invincible.

Su Ye looked at 'Su Wangchen' quietly.

He couldn't be sure whether this 'Su Wangchen' was Su Wangchen. What he said was just a test with suspicion.

However, Guixu Shadow knew very well that the person in front of him must not be 'Su Wangchen'.

Because the real Su Wangchen’s spirit, soul, and even his thoughts and will are all in a state of ‘the supreme being who sees the future’.

This state is a potential developed after the system is decontaminated. It is also a change after the three thousand avenues merge. It is also an ability that he transformed after using the ultimate secret method.

He promoted the system anti-virus process.

The so-called Hua Qiuyin, the so-called dark shadow of Guixu, is still Su Li!

Even though the two Su Li were separated by time and space.

But it has no effect.

The reason for this is that 20,000 years ago, when Su Li existed as Master Su Ye, he had already discovered many secrets.

In order to lock these secrets and prevent them from being completely harvested, he could only lie down completely and seal himself off by means such as the Memory Forbidden Zone and the Juehun Ancient Forbidden Zone.

The corresponding cause and effect is actually very simple.

Once a being has two souls, or a cause and effect similar to a soul within a soul, and appears to have two bodies, it will be difficult to harvest the soul and life energy.

This is the DNA double helix structure of destiny.

Su Li, the dark shadow of Guixu, has shaped his own destiny into such a pattern bit by bit. Therefore, Su Li's growth this time has been so 'smooth'.

If it weren't for this, if it hadn't been for the fact that the life soul and life energy had not been truly harvested, Su Li would not have grown to this point this time, let alone have many opportunities to turn defeat into victory!

But Guixu Black Shadow Su Li would not say these things.

When the time comes, he still has to fuse back.

Moreover, this day is not far away.

He promoted system anti-virus and led to some causes and effects.

But now, Su Wangchen was taken away, which he had already discovered in Zhenxu.

Therefore, he gave Su Wangchen a state of 'seeing the future as the Supreme Being of All Dharmas'.

This is an exercise of ability.

At the critical moment, he gave the Su Li in the timeline this ability.

And now, he gave Su Wangchen this ability.

So, he knows everything that happens here.

But he didn't show it.

But - he didn't think of anything.

An unexpected surprise.

That is, Su Wangchen actually opened the memory of the former villain 'Su Wangchen' while seeing the supreme state of all laws in the future.

Moreover, this memory is indeed true.

Didn't Su Li lose a lot of memories in the past?

In the past, didn't the empress Fang Yuening have a lot of karma with Su Li?

In fact, these are the first parts.

As for some charming causes and effects with the empress.

That's just...

After all, it's just the empress's dream.

In other words, it is a covering of memory.

This past may be more acceptable than the vicious past.

If you can't refine the imaginary and return to the true, and refine the true to the imaginary...

You can't save her, nor can you save your son and daughter.

The only thing that can change the timeline is a more powerful timeline.

So, the right way is to create a powerful world and use an extremely unnatural timeline as the backbone of the world.

Various thoughts passed through Su Li's mind.

However, at this time, he looked at Su Wangchen and Hu Qingniu who had been taken away, but he didn't say anything else.

Regardless of whether his body was taken away or not, Su Wangchen was Su Wangchen.

As long as Su Wangchen is Su Wangchen, it doesn't matter whoever deals with the cause and effect.

After all, Su Wangchen was going to die.

So - it's a good thing that Hu Qingniu took over.



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