I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1,015: Forget the world and kill yourself, the supreme king of all laws

Suicide is indeed not easy.

But Su Wangchen's Asura Hell Scythe is extremely powerful, and it is not too difficult to kill some special cults.

Moreover, in order to avoid a similar situation, before coming here, Su Li also taught him a special ability, Shura Soul-Slaying Way, through resonance.

This kind of technique is not a pure soul-cutting method. It can be specially used to cut off various causal entanglements and some special inherited techniques.

But Asura Soul-Slaying Dao has become very powerful and special under Su Li's practice and transformation.

After being revised again and again by the system and revised again and again by the Huangji Jingshi Book, the effect of this technique is exaggerated.

Not only that, it also contains the blessings of the great cause and effect technique and the great destiny technique. It can be said that once it is used, it can be absolutely erased.

Su Wangchen used the Asura Hell Scythe to perform this kind of self-destruction in the Asura Soul-Slaying Way. It can be said that he was completely risking his life.

At this time, he had no choice.

Time is running out.

Within this limited period of time, if there are still problems with Su Ye who he contacted through the deduction of the secret method, it means that even the method of secrets has been eroded.

Then this game has obviously been lost.

If you commit suicide, your losses will be huge and your injuries will be severe.

But this is also a means of asking for directions.

If there cannot be absolute trust between two people, one party must take the initiative.

The party who takes the initiative is likely to suffer a loss or even be completely devastated.

While Su Wangchen was thinking about it, the Asura Hell Scythes had gathered together and struck him mercilessly.

At that moment, Su Wangchen was shocked. He used the Shura Hell Scythe to kill all the geniuses, even instantly!

With one blow, it can even kill some extremely talented people.

But now, this sword, which had gathered all his life's fighting power, was struck on his own body.

Not only that, he didn't even offer the slightest resistance.


In an instant, when the knife came down, Su Wangchen felt that a terrifying foundation was shattered in his body.

It was a terrible feeling of suddenly being out of control.

In other words, after one blow...

Su Wangchen's consciousness disappeared.

It was as if the whole world suddenly became quiet.

This scene is very strange and terrifying.

All of Su Wangchen's thoughts were locked on his own abilities such as the inner and outer worlds. This ability originated from his body, Su Li.

Su Li knew how to do it, he actually knew how to do it.

Moreover, he has also developed and used this ability privately, and the current progress is also very huge.

But now that he was being targeted and beheaded, he was actually somewhat reluctant to give up.

But at this point, he had no choice.

He cut himself down with one knife.

Su Wangchen felt that the whole world was broken, and his world fell into darkness and silence.

There was only an unspeakable cold feeling that was extremely piercing, existing on his body.

That feeling is indescribable and cannot be clearly perceived.

The world fell into a state of deathly silence, without wind, rain, or anything.

Around him, Su Ye could no longer be seen, and there was no gray mist aura or mysterious picture.

Everything seemed to have turned into nothingness.

Su Wangchen didn't know how long this state lasted.

But in the dark, he seemed to feel that he was light and airy, even frivolous.

The surroundings were empty and silent.

He seemed to be floating in a dry and cold universe, unable to see anything.


Vaguely, Su Wangchen suddenly heard an inexplicable cry.

That voice was a bit familiar, it seemed...

It seemed to be his own voice.

He seemed to be crying.

Su Wangchen tried to gather his sensory abilities and listened very carefully.

It was indeed his own voice.

The sound of himself crying.

Su Wangchen was a little confused, but still tried to get closer to the voice.

In this state, he gradually approached the source of the sound.

After a long time, as if passing through the endless gray psychedelic area and gray fog area, Su Wangchen saw himself.


he himself.

He lay quietly in a nebula. Below the nebula, there was a colorful halo of light, and further below, there seemed to be a blood-colored river.

Beside Nebula, Su Ye and a gray shadow stood there quietly.

The two of them were looking at the lying Su Wangchen with complicated eyes.

As for Su Wangchen, a large blood hole opened between his eyebrows. The blood hole was the size of a fist and formed a hexagon, like an altar.

This is the center of the eyebrow that has been pierced, as if dead.

And that cry was not a real cry.

Rather, it is a cry that the body seems to make after facing death.

Su Wangchen looked at the 'body' lying quietly and listened to the crying, feeling very confused.

However, this scene was extremely shocking to the soul.

My body is actually crying.

Su Wangchen felt indescribably strange, but also extremely touched.

He tried to sense his own state, but found that he was in a state of complete nothingness.

Vaguely, he sensed something different!

At the moment of his death, he seemed to be in a special state of three thousand avenues of trance.

This state seems to exist based on the ontology.

It belongs to a state of supreme being.

It won't stay in this state for too long.

But even if it only took a few breaths, Su Wangchen knew that it was enough.

According to ordinary people, that is

I was already dead at this time, and then my soul was killed.

Is the inner and outer world integrated with me? I almost killed myself by killing myself!

I don't know if the main body knows about this. If not, that kind of ability exists in him. He is equivalent to carrying a super monitor and all the details may be exposed.

And I vaguely know that the body seems to hide a huge secret. Although I don't know what the secret is now, it is quite dangerous.

No, I can't continue to be in this state. If I don't return to my body, I will definitely die!

If I die here, my connection with my true body will probably be completely severed!

And after I killed myself, in order to cut off the possibility of it appearing, the other party set up a cause and effect that would lead to death if I killed myself. Fortunately, this state of being supreme in all realms temporarily raised the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to the extreme in one fell swoop.

Therefore, this natal ability is still strong enough to withstand this fatal blow.

He must die, even be killed, but he lives towards death.

It's just that Su Ye asked me to do this. Doesn't he know that I will definitely die? Or...has he clearly calculated that there is a glimmer of hope for survival?

Su Wangchen didn't want to doubt Su Ye.

But this time there was a danger of death in self-destruction, and he had to doubt Su Ye's intentions.

While he was thinking about it, Su Ye exhaled inexplicably and said, It seems like it's okay.

The dark shadow of Guixu nodded softly and said: Yes, the other party has a layer of Zhenxu, so death is inevitable.

Su Ye said: Then if he returns to reality, will he still need to kill himself? If he wants to protect him, how can he protect him? This move contains his lifelong skills, and I obviously can't stop him.

The black shadow of Guixu was silent for a long time, and said: I have already sensed it, so I can just do this scene again. It is very reasonable and smooth.

Su Ye wondered: Master, what do you mean?

The shadow of Guixu said: That's what you think.

The dark shadow of Guixu said, and then said: Okay, no need to say more.

As he spoke, the black shadow of Guixu gathered a purple thunderbolt, evolved into twelve destructive magnetic light pillars, and crushed them directly towards the void.


The void exploded, and everything was instantly annihilated.

At the same time, Su Wangchen, who was still in the state of 'Supreme Ten Thousand Daos', was completely confused.

Immediately, even though this side of the void was destroyed, he still existed in the void.

But the body was annihilated and dissipated because of this.

Later, Su Wangchen saw with his own eyes a small timeline that resembled a DNA double helix structure appeared in this side of time and space.

On the timeline, the light blue shadows gathered together and transformed into a beautiful mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman's figure appeared for a moment, and she directly raised her hand to reverse the timeline, readjusting everything that was broken in it, and rearranged it.

Therefore, at that moment, Su Wangchen was stunned.

Immediately, he saw that when the broken fragments were rearranged and reassembled and 'operated' again, the moment all the 'fragments' moved smoothly, mysterious thunder sounds appeared in the void again.

After the thunder sounded, in the distance, the figure of Emperor Ying appeared from the horizon. At the same time, there were Ying standing quietly aside, Li Juan, Chao, Tongtian Realm Lord and other existences beside Ying.

Among them, there was another existence similar to Hu Chen. However, this existence was similar to Hu Chen, and Su Wangchen recognized it at a glance.

This is not Hu Chen, but Hu Qingniu, the protector of Tianyan Goddess Hu Chen and Tianyan Goddess Lu Yiyi from the Tianyan Clan!

After this person appeared, he quietly looked at the black shadows of Su Ye and Guixu who communicated with the space channel through the method of heaven, and then disappeared into the depths of the shadows on the horizon together with Ying Huang and other beings.

Soon, this group of people completely disappeared.

However, the low-pitched exchanges between these people were still heard by Su Wangchen in his heart.

They have indeed discovered the core's peek, and the abilities I mentioned about the external and internal worlds have been integrated into their blood.

Once you kill yourself, you will definitely die.

Therefore, as long as he does this, Su Wangchen will die.

Once Su Wangchen dies, then I, Hu Qingniu, can take over and take his place.

Hu Qingniu's tone was full of confidence.

Yes, even though Su Ye and Hua Qiuyin have the ability to peek into the results of 'True Void Realization', they are unlikely to have the opportunity to take action.

Emperor Ying spoke calmly.

Ying muttered: This time, I suffered huge losses and was hit several times in a row!

Li Juan said: Before, even if we were at the lowest level, we couldn't be hit with real effects. But before this time, I was almost disabled. And Ying was seriously injured this time.

Chaodao: This means that their level is constantly improving, which is the most terrifying thing.

The Master of Tongtian Realm said: We must consider all our plans in the long term. It seems that we need to rearrange the arrangements, otherwise there may be trouble.

I observed that from the side controlled by Emperor Ying, the cause and effect in the realm of life elves, including the final cause and effect in A Chinese Story, did not end normally.

Several of the largest chess pieces we placed are obviously ineffective.

This result...

It's a little scary.

Taiqing Boundary Master muttered: There is no need to be too anxious about this matter. Let's take a look at Su Wangchen's choice first. Judging from the cause and effect we have seen before, the Guixu Black Shadow thinks he has a way to save Su Wangchen. Wangchen, so we just need to seize the opportunity.

At the moment when Su Wangchen committed suicide, Hu Qingniu directly evolved the soul of the Qingniu in the inner and outer world, escaped into it, and entered using the Qingniu method of Hanguguan!

Hu Qingniu said: This is natural. However, after entering, you should lose yourself for a period of time, but don't worry, nothing will happen.

Yinghuang said: Well, let's wait and see.

These people communicate in a special Taoist rhyme. Under normal circumstances, such communication cannot be seen or heard by even immortal light blue level beings.

But at this time, Su Wangchen was in a very inexplicable state of 'Supremacy of All Ways', so he heard it very clearly.

In fact, the previous communication method between Gui Xu Heiying and Su Ye was also a telepathic communication method. Others could not hear it, but Su Wangchen also heard it.

At this time, he even transcended the constraints of true and false cause and effect and the timeline, and heard such a voice.

This made Su Wangchen think a little more. It was probably that his body was in a state of extreme transcendence and had reached an extremely terrifying level.

Thinking of this, Su Wangchen felt inexplicably calm.

He did not dare to maintain this state for too long, so he maintained an ethereal state and tried not to use this ability as much as possible.

Because he was afraid of the huge loss in this state, he sucked the body dry.

This is undoubtedly a very terrible thing!

In Su Wangchen's thinking, due to the rewind of time, Su Wangchen below communicated with Su Ye, and at the same time started communicating with Su Ye again, and began to kill himself again.

Everything is exactly the same.

But the strange thing is that Su Wangchen is also the same Su Wangchen, but Su Wangchen himself has an extra consciousness of the supreme state of ten thousand ways, overlooking this scene like a peerless god.

It was empty before.

It's true now.

He couldn't judge this point before when he was in the game, but now that he is in the supreme state of ten thousand ways, he can clearly judge it.

The Asura Hell Scythes gathered together, and in an instant they gathered Su Wangchen's lifelong skills, and together they killed him again.

At this time, a ray of green light gathered from the void, and even when time was frozen and space was stagnant, it suddenly pierced Su Wangchen's eyebrows.

At the same time, a blood hole immediately exploded between Su Wangchen's eyebrows.

At this moment, Hu Qingniu immediately went to seize Su Wangchen's body, and instantly devoured Su Wangchen's soul, which was severely injured by the Asura Hell Scythe.

This scene was almost overwhelming and was completed in an instant!

Su Ye was also surprised at this time. The situation was the same as before, and he immediately used the three pure purple energy to sweep towards Su Wangchen, and at the same time summoned his master, hoping to rescue him through a special method.



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