I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1009: Transformation of Taoism and Control of Taoist Heart

It was different from Mo Yuqian's excitement.

Even when Su Li looked at Mei'er's soul lying quietly in the whirlpool of the fate chart, his expression remained calm, without sadness or joy.

His growth has been tremendous.

Although the level reached is not obvious, the foundation has indeed improved a lot.

Only then did Su Li understand what kind of state Hua Qiudao was back then.

This state is the so-called state of mind.

This kind of state of mind, now Su Li has an extremely real feeling.

This kind of understanding can be felt but cannot be expressed in words.

This kind of perception actually has a lot to do with the so-called where the heart is and where the Tao exists.

Su Li looked at the fairy floating quietly in the light blue vortex, and seemed to see another universe deep in the vortex through the light blue vortex.

And in that universe, there seems to be a thousand hearts.

Those thousands of hearts are like blooming flowers that keep blooming, showing an incomparable brilliance.

It was also at this time that Su Li's mind naturally reflected what the Mirror Fairy once said.

That was the realization that Fairy Mirror had after seeing the shrinking of thousands of hearts.

Thousands of hearts are also thousands of people's hearts. What the people yearn for is often truly eternal.

That time, Su Li gave Fairy Jing some advice.

At that time, in such a state, Mirror Fairy established the Tao where the heart is and where the Tao exists.

At that time, Su Li had some pointers and changed the word 'in' to 'xiang'.

The direction of the heart represents yearning, representing yearning for all the beauty or ugliness, because existence itself is meaningless, only yearning has meaning.

Now, through such a destiny star chart, as well as the light blue vortex, and the soul of Meier who seemed to be sleeping in it, Su Li suddenly became causally connected with such a 'Tao'. induction.

Likewise, he suddenly understood that this was the so-called third level realm.

The first level is the first level that Mirror Fairy realizes, and it is called 'where the heart is, where the Tao exists'.

As for the second level, it was the guidance given by Su Li to Fairy Jing at that time, which was 'where the heart goes, where the Tao exists'.

Now, after Su Li experienced such a cause and effect, he clearly understood the third level of this path where the heart is still and where the path exists.

This so-called stillness is very normal stillness.

Calm, calm, quiet, silent, meditative, etc.

It's all quiet.

If the mind is calm, the Tao will be natural; if the mind is calm, it will be natural.

It is said that spiritual practice is a process of cultivating the mind.

Everything starts from the heart and ends from the heart.

Just like the practice in Journey to the West, you can subdue your mind and you can attain enlightenment.

This time, Su Li was not defeated by the enemy, but he was almost defeated by his own heart, which was not peaceful.

Now, he truly understands how to control his heart towards the Tao.

Once you understand this, it will not be too difficult to gain the ability to 'subdue your heart'.

Even if I haven't truly achieved the 'calmness of the heart and the existence of the Tao', it has already surpassed so many things in the past.

In other words, this ability, this foundation, no matter whether it is presented or not, cannot be updated simultaneously by others.

Because these are things that cannot be synchronized.

If the same heart is given to the enemy, the enemy is still the devil's heart or the heaven's heart, or the so-called heart of hope, the Buddha's heart or something like that.

But for Su Li, it was just a peaceful mind.

After such a level of transformation, Su Li looked at the various so-called Tao and Dharma, and he discovered that everything was really just like this.

This is no longer expansion, but the essence can be seen through phenomena.

With my current meditation, if I use it to deduce the three thousand avenues combined with the ability of the Holy Master Tianji, the three thousand avenues can be directly advanced a lot.

This is the true Tao.

While Su Li was thinking, he seemed to have become clear-minded.

At that moment, he even felt that his whole body was enveloped by a special layer of glow. This dense glow was similar to the immortal light blue he had seen before, and even the woman in the white gauze skirt above the immortal light blue. The halo of light on his body is the same.

Such a glow indicates a kind of mystery and a kind of inability to be seen.

After Su Li's thoughts appeared, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Mo Yuqian.

At this time, Mo Yuqian seemed to have been attracted by his 'meditation' and some special temperament.

When Su Li looked over, he was even sure that if he unleashed some of the abilities he learned from Mei'er, Mo Yuqian would immediately throw herself into her arms.

The combination of meditation and any ultimate path can almost produce an influence similar to that of the three thousand avenues of perfection.

He made this decision in his heart, but Su Li did not do so.

Not only did he not, he also restrained all his aura, so at this time, he had become as if he had returned to his original nature.

Everything seems to be stable in a single thought.

Su Renhuang...

Mo Yuqian hesitated, then spoke almost instinctively.

She looked at the extremely beautiful woman in the light red gauze skirt in the light blue vortex, that strange woman who looked like a sleeping beauty, with an obvious look of shame on her face.

Even though he was not really dead in the broken timeline, he was actually killed.

And it was indeed her who took action.

Now that she understands the decision she made, and looking back on her previous experiences, she regrets that she was too harsh and left no room for herself.

If not, now she would be more natural when facing Human Emperor Su Lisu.

Su Li just glanced at Mo Yuqian indifferently, and already knew her concerns and unspeakable mood.

Su Li said: There is no need to mention the previous matters again. It is the greatest sincerity to handle the matters I asked you well.

In addition, some of the next things also require your sincerity.

Su Li's voice was very soft and more ordinary, but it made Mo Yuqian like to listen to it, and she even became intoxicated by it.

Mo Yuqian was stunned for a moment. After she came to her senses, she realized that Su Li didn't respond to Su Li for several breaths.

She blushed, then immediately bowed and said, Mo Yuqian will do her best.

Su Li nodded and said: Mei'er's soul is here. After the ancient hell gate is opened, you will need to perform special pulling to bring out Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul and the Moon King who were once inside.

Su Li didn't ask Mo Yuqian if she could do it.

What he said was in the tone of a declarative sentence.

This means that in his judgment, there is no problem for Mo Yuqian to do this.

Mo Yuqian herself didn't have any confidence in pulling Mu Yuxi's Heavenly Soul and Moon King from the ancient hell.

Especially this place now, which is a special space gap in the depths of the Elven Sea, interspersed with a layer of timeline fault space.

This is really not a place you can just come to.

If it was possible, how could something happen before Su Ying died?

But after these words came to his lips, they were not spoken.

Mo Yuqian hesitated for a moment, then tried her best without hesitation, using all her secrets and even silently gathering part of her soul and life essence to develop special immortal powers.

This time, an extremely complex seal was cast, and suddenly the entire void became distorted.

Many mysterious auras that contained murderous intent gathered like thunder and struck hard towards where Su Li was.

This situation is very sudden and very tyrannical, like a catastrophe that can destroy the world.

However, when such a mysterious aura enveloped Su Li, Su Li didn't even blink.

It was as if the mysterious aura that could kill an immortal-level powerhouse was not dangerous at all.

Such a breath quickly hit Su Li, but it penetrated through Su Li's body naturally.

Mo Yuqian originally wanted to remind Su Li to get out of the way, but she didn't say anything after all. She still had a hint of temptation.

However, after such a mysterious aura passed through Su Li, she felt even more ashamed for judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

After passing through Su Li, this energy quickly entered the ancient hell gate beside Su Li. At the same time, part of the energy also flowed into the light blue vortex gate.

Subsequently, these energies formed an energy cabin similar to the cabin of a small boat, completely enveloping Meier's soul in it, and naturally swam out of the light blue vortex.

The other part of the mysterious energy quickly disappeared after entering the ancient hell gate.

Mu Yuxi's Heavenly Soul and Moon King did not appear in the ancient gate of hell.

Under this situation, the scene quickly became quiet.

At this time, Mo Yuqian said almost instinctively: Su Renhuang, I think the pulling effect this time should be good.

Su Li nodded and said: It is indeed stable. The two of them should appear soon.

Su Li said with a sincere tone: Thank you very much.

Mo Yuqian said: I thought you would avoid the energy that contained the origin of catastrophe and fate, but I didn't expect that you would just ignore it.

Su Li said: After all, this thing needs to be filtered first, and I am the filtering tool. After all, behind me are Mei'er, Yu Xi's Heavenly Soul, and the Moon King.

Mo Yuqian was silent for a moment, then she raised her head and looked at Meier's soul behind Su Li and the ancient gate of hell, with a hint of envy in her eyes.

Mo Yuqian thought for a while and said: It's just that this time, the energy of these catastrophes didn't have any impact on you. This is...

Mo Yuqian didn't finish her sentence.

But Su Li knew that what she wanted to say was that this was too powerful.

Su Li smiled faintly and said: It's not that I'm great, I just figured out some issues that I've never been able to figure out. There's a saying that 'people with different paths don't work together', but it's actually a very simple thing. It's just that I never really understood it.

And similarly, since you and I are 'common', then any attack from you will be invalid to me.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, she was confused for a moment.

Even if we are of the same kind, if we kill each other or compete with each other, there will be injuries, right?

How could it be invalid?

The Su Renhuang obviously did not use Zhenxu or any other means!

Mo Yuqian sensed her own level of life wisdom enlightenment, which was now the twenty-third level!

However, at this level, she still found that she knew nothing about Su Li!

You can't even sense anything.

Su Li smiled and said: Don't be confused. When you should understand something, you will understand it naturally. If you don't understand it now, you won't understand it no matter how I explain it.

Just think of our current method as a 'team mode'. In this mode, there will be a peaceful restriction between each other. Any attack of mine will not hurt you, and neither will you.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, she was a little unbelievable, even... she thought it was very strange, like a fantasy.

However, no matter how funny or outrageous it was, she still believed it.

Su Renhuang, can I... try again?

Mo Yuqian hesitated, then spoke.

Su Li nodded and said, You try it.

Mo Yuqian hesitated for a moment, then gathered together a murderous intention that contained catastrophe, life disaster, life soul and even life energy, and locked onto Su Li instantly.

Su Li saw that she had only accumulated one millionth of the combat power and was holding back. He smiled indifferently and said: Go with all your strength. You will know if you try it. Don't worry. In this state, you All of his attacks won't even have any impact on space, not even a wisp of dust.

Mo Yuqian's original idea of ​​holding back was instantly shattered.

Immediately, she gritted her silver teeth, looked a little more solemn, and said: Su Renhuang, I'm offended.

Su Li nodded lightly and stood there without any defense.


Mo Yuqian took action.

One blow was simply earth-shattering, as if a devastating catastrophe was about to swallow up the heaven and earth, destroying the sun, moon, and sky.

However, after such a blow fell on Su Li...

Su Li was like a black hole, directly absorbing all the murderous intent and energy content of this attack.

There was no movement in the space, and the dust in the space did not even show the slightest distortion.

Not only that, Mo Yuqian even discovered that the information she had gathered was back without any loss.

Mo Yuqian was dumbfounded.

Then she hesitated again, and then fired ten moves in a row again!

Although Su Li asked her to use all her strength in the previous move, she still had reservations.

But after discovering that it was ineffective, each of her next moves was several times or even dozens of times better than before.

In the last move, she even exploded into a state of extreme transcendence, which increased by nearly 100,000 times on the original basis!

But such a decisive blow is still like a stone cow entering the sea, without any ripples.

What's even more frightening is that she has clearly consumed her foundation, but her foundation is still there!

Such a scene made Mo Yuqian take a breath, and her blood surged all over her body. She felt a very complicated mood, and even felt an indescribable shock.

She was already extremely shocked at first, but now, she even felt that it was outrageous. She even felt that Human Emperor Su Lisu might have completely detached himself!

What kind of existence is this?

What could happen?!

At this moment, after Mo Yuqian discovered that all her methods were ineffective against Su Li, although she was shocked and horrified, she also felt creepy.

Her greatest asset is that she has some ability to suppress Su Li.

But such a trump card is obviously useless now.

In other words, if Su Li did not join forces with her, she would probably be wiped out by the upper echelons of the world of Heavenly Rules in the Great Plane of Babel, leaving no way out.

This is a very special ability that cannot be resonated and updated simultaneously. However, this ability is not invincible. It can only be said that this ability has no flaws and cannot find any weaknesses, but it is not normal either. usage of.

In addition, you don’t need to worry. What I, Su Li, have said is true to my word.

Su Li smiled, his tone still calm.

With this kind of ability, if he had it before, he would still be more or less a little arrogant, a little happy and even proud.

But now, he is very indifferent.

Just because he already has some basic ability to 'subdue his heart'.

Su Renhuang, Mo Yuqian is really convinced.

Mo Yuqian couldn't help but bow and salute again. The pride in her heart was completely smoothed away by Su Li's method.

Su Li nodded lightly and said, You will not regret this choice in the future.

Hearing this, Mo Yuqian's eyes became more expectant: I hope that there will be a good future. It will be an honor for the entire Ziwei Imperial Domain.

When Su Li heard this, he didn't say anything else.

He turned his head and set his sights on the ancient gate of hell.

At this time, a certain dull purple light appeared in the place where the ancient gate of hell was located.

In the purple light, there seemed to be a universe and a galaxy appearing in a dream.

Then, two more intense purple lights gradually condensed in this cosmic galaxy.

After the purple light gathered, one of them gradually turned into snow white, while the other gradually turned into khaki color.

After the snow-white light and shadow gathered, it turned into two parts, one part turned into a crescent moon, and the other part turned into the Moon King sitting quietly on the new moon.

Another khaki light condensed into Mu Yuxi's heavenly soul, and floated quietly inside the gate of hell.

When the two people appeared, their spirits and souls instantly gathered together, like a real new life.

Afterwards, the two walked together, followed an extremely mysterious ladder to heaven, and then stepped onto the ladder step by step.

After a while, Meier's Heavenly Soul floated out from the light blue vortex that Su Li had opened before, and in the vortex, Mu Yuxi's Heavenly Soul and Moon King came together.

Soon, the two of them walked out of the vortex at the same time, and immediately saw Su Li and Mei'er lying quietly in the energy cabin in front of Su Li.

At this time, the ancient hell gate and the light blue vortex behind Su Li quickly turned into nothingness and dissipated very quickly.

The gate to ancient hell has obviously been closed.

Before closing it, Su Li could clearly see that the blind goblin picture on it was peeling off and falling off bit by bit, as if it had been corroded by the horrific years.

While it was falling, Su Li seemed to hear the screams of the 'Ying Emperor' coming from somewhere.

It was an indescribable pain that seemed more brutal and terrifying than the torture of hell.

Su Li took one look and then withdrew his gaze.

Then, he looked at Mu Yuxi Tianhun and Yue Wang, with a bit of tenderness in his eyes.

There was no excitement, no emotional outburst.

However, it is more exciting than the excitement and emotional outburst.

It seemed that Su Li's look and smile at this time were enough to warm the hearts of Mu Yuxi Tianhun and Yue Wang.



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