I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1006 Meier counterattacks, Su Li takes control

Mei'er's simple words immediately let Mo Yuqian break her guard.

Mei'er is Mei'er after all. Even if she is not as powerful and extraordinary as the Mei'er that Su Li was alive at this moment, her ability to sense and judge some causes and effects is still not bad.

Likewise, she immediately became extremely decisive and proactive.

When Mei'er said these words, Mo Yuqian's face changed drastically, and she also realized that if she didn't take action on some things, she would probably miss the best opportunity.

Therefore, Mo Yuqian did not wait for Su Li's choice, and suddenly developed an invincible killing intention towards the huge roulette wheel.


When that murderous intention suddenly emerged, the space filled with hazy gray mist suddenly shook, followed by an extremely harsh concussive sound.

The sound was like a thunderous explosion sealed in a thick space, dull but terrifyingly powerful.

When that sound appeared, it was accompanied by an extremely powerful concussive force.

The moment this shock force appeared, the void directly shattered into powder.

And Mei'er, who was hit by such a huge shock force, was also shattered instantly along with the extremely huge roulette wheel, which was like a roulette wheel of life.

Under this shock, everything in front of Su Li's eyes shattered and disappeared.

Even the previously extremely mysterious hazy mist and the infinite holy light that spread across the void were all turned into invisible particles, and then disappeared.

This is a special purification method. After the power of shaking the void, the chaotic sky suddenly becomes clear.

Just like the ruins blown by the strong wind, although it is clean, it is even more desolate and empty.

The noisy cicada forest is more than quiet, and the bird singing mountain is even more secluded.

At this time, this side of the world showed such an aura.

The world is broken and twisted, but the overall space blockade has not been broken. The space as a whole due to the fault in the timeline is still intact.

However, some areas of the details are already mottled and riddled with holes.

It is almost impossible to repair such a broken timeline that is almost exhausted and decayed.

Then, the only option is to cut it off or rebuild it.

It is easy to cut down, but difficult to rebuild.

But at this time, Su Li knew that this part of the reconstruction had actually already existed.

Where is that part?

In the Shushan world that Li Juan once created.

As long as it can be connected and integrated with the past, a series of prehistoric traditions can be taken away directly.

In the past, Su Li had never figured out why Li Juan spent so much money to build the perfect world in Shushan, and why she still received support for building it in this way.

Now, Su Li has completely figured it out.

So there was an identity as a Shushan disciple, an identity named 'Hua Jiuli'.

And as long as that world is restored, once Su Li becomes Hua Jiuli, his identity of Su Li will definitely be overthrown by cause and effect.

But as mentioned in the system at that time, once Su Li's identity was gone, this would almost be the system's last line of defense.

Taking the last path as Hua Jiuli, it is almost impossible to win.

All his cause and effect, all his moral traditions, all exist in the identity of 'Su Li'.

Even the 'life simulator' he released and the corresponding 'Su Yan' couldn't take this path.

This is an extremely difficult road.

If there is no chance now, there will be no chance in the future.

He previously built a life simulator, authorized the authority of the Three Thousand Avenues that contained the six reincarnation systems at that time, and also used the Great Cause and Effect technique to become independent, and even gave it an intelligent system and an independent growth system.

If this were in the small world of the heavens, its growth ability would be amazing.

The owner of this simulator is Su Yan.

The core setting he considered at the time was that every time he restarted, he would accumulate a special talent and ability. However, the development trend of the world, or the system's mission mode, was definitely a hell-level difficulty.

Under this difficulty, as long as this Su Yan can grow up, he will be absolutely invincible.

Moreover, all the causes and effects of Su Yan are on Su Li. In other words, if this existence can grow up, it is very likely...

It is very possible to be truly invincible.

This idea is a good one, but it must be able to escape the scope of influence of the timeline, or have an impact beyond the timeline.

Otherwise, you will still be blocked by the general environment and become a turtle in the urn!

As for the detachment of the timeline, this time, it is also a critical step.

This is naturally extremely important to Su Li.

At this time, Su Li watched the void being shaken and extinguished, and as Meier completely turned into nothingness and dissipated, his mood remained as calm as ever.

He did not sense whether Meier still existed or whether there was a possibility of being killed because of being resonated with her.

Instead, he just looked at Mo Yuqian with cold eyes.

At this time, Mo Yuqian had restrained all her murderous intentions, and immediately stared at Su Li, as if she wanted to see Su Li fall into the hysterical state he was in after losing Mei'er.

In the fantasy world of the past, Su Li told Meier that if something happened to Meier, he would not mind using extreme means to destroy the entire world.

Perhaps, this is the cause and effect that the other party has 'grabbed', so Su Li will be regarded as a knife, a sword, and an ultimate weapon against all dangers.

However, if he didn't know, maybe Su Li would really be like this.

But you know, he will not satisfy the enemy.

All the causes and effects pulled by this timeline, including the seeds of the ancient tree of life, will definitely come to the final end in this cause and effect.

Why aren't you angry?

After Mo Yuqian stared at Su Li, she finally couldn't hold it back, with deep resentment and unwillingness in her voice.

Under this situation, if Su Li didn't go crazy immediately, it was already destined that he wouldn't go crazy later.

So, what's the point of her killing Mei'er and even killing her through a method similar to resonance?

Even if Meier is completely dead, many important karma and authority will definitely be replaced. At that time, she will still make a wedding dress for others.

Su Li glanced at Mo Yuqian coldly in a condescending manner and said: Ever since I locked the blind goblin on the gate of hell, I have thought that such a day would come.

Therefore, instead of being angry with your current performance, I feel very happy.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, her expression turned ugly, but she still sneered and said, Are you still being tough? Don't you two have deep feelings? Don't you want to avenge her?

The contempt on Su Li's face did not subside at all, and even became a little stronger: No, everything I said is the truth. Or do you think Meier is dead?

Mo Yuqian said: She was killed by me personally, and even through the destiny astrolabe and the ability to resonate with the soul, she was killed directly along the timeline law! How can she survive?!

Su Li said calmly: So, you don't understand what the timeline is. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. But what you don't understand even more is what is life and what is death.

Mo Yuqian said: Don't you know very well?

Su Li said calmly: Among the inheritance of sword control, there are actually some other inheritances. Among them is a kind of sword intention called the sword intention of life and death! Do you know why Emperor Wang named him 'Wangchen'? ?”

Mo Yuqian was startled when she heard this, and her face immediately became a little more ugly.

Although she was not ugly, every change in her face made Su Li feel an unspeakable sense of pleasure.

At this moment, Su Li was even like a wise man strategizing, watching the enemy step by step into the darkest abyss and unable to extricate himself.

This feels good.

But this kind of feeling and ability has nothing to do with all levels of life wisdom awareness or intelligence!

Mo Yuqian was silent for a long time and then said: Why?

Su Li said: There are corresponding definitions of life and death in the sword of life and death, and the meaning of life itself also has corresponding definitions. It doesn't matter whether Meier dies or not, as long as she is in my thoughts, in my heart, To be alive in my memory is to be alive.

I remember her, she still exists, even the timeline cannot erase it.

Just like I won't remember Su Ying and you after I leave this place, then Su Ying and you don't have to exist.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, she just sneered.

Obviously, she found Su Li's words very funny!

Even, it is too self-centered, it is simply a fantasy and an idiot’s dream.

However, as she sneered, her face gradually became gloomy again.

Su Li said: What? Already thought of it? In fact, the name Su Wangchen and the definition of 'Wangchen' are meant to break away from the shackles of memory.

Because only without the shackles of memory can we break away from the shackles of the timeline.

But he couldn't do it.

In other words, he can do it, but he is limited.

Combined with some of the special causes and effects you provided before and some of the causes and effects provided by Su Ying, I have already understood many things.

What you call ‘I used to be very vicious’ should be true.

But there must be a reason for this viciousness.

And the incident of Asuka Jinliang Yuzang happened before, so everything will be connected naturally, right?

When Mo Yuqian heard this, her beautiful pupils shrank uncontrollably.

All of this has been clearly seen. After reaching this point, a lot of things have indeed come to light.

This has been made clear.

Mo Yuqian said: So? What do you want to do?

Su Li said: Now, we should be able to cooperate.

Mo Yuqian's breath was stagnant, and her expression suddenly became complicated.

Su Li said: You have made many attacks before, which actually contained the murderous intention of the extreme, but you couldn't kill me, right? Although you left a hand and a glimmer of hope for me, I didn't grasp that glimmer. The fact that I can survive is all due to my own ability.

Maybe my fighting ability is indeed inferior to yours, but if I want to live, you can't kill me.

Mo Yuqian's eyes fell on Su Li and did not look back for a long time.

Su Li said calmly: Don't believe it?

Mo Yuqian said: Benefits.

Su Li said: It's no good. I can remember you, so you can try to walk your own path. In the future, I can lead you into the path.

Mo Yuqian said: What is the meaning of this kind of empty promise? In the words of Zeng Wangdi, is it a waste of money?

Su Li said: Do you know Bai Ying?

Mo Yuqian's words that she was about to speak paused for a moment, and then said: What do you mean?!

Su Li said: I will give you ten breaths to think about it, or you will disappear completely and be directly harvested by them, and all your efforts will be in vain.

Or, follow me and I'll give you a chance.

Mo Yuqian said: You may have misunderstood the current situation.

Su Li said: Really?

While Su Li was speaking, he gently raised his hand.


At that moment, in Su Li's hand, an astrolabe shining with a dense glow like a source of colorful hope quietly condensed.

At the same time, an extremely huge dark cliff appeared behind Su Li. Above the cliff, it seemed that a huge starry sky tomb totem was about to appear.

Although there is no real manifestation, the wisps of shadows and mysterious aura are extremely real and strong.

Su Li did not condense all these, because at this time, Mo Yuqian's expression had changed.

This, how is this possible! How is this possible!

Who the hell are you?!

You are definitely not Su Li! You are definitely not the Su Renhuang!

Mo Yuqian immediately denied Su Li's identity because Su Li, the Su Human Emperor, would never have such an ability, let alone control the destiny chart!

However, Su Li just looked at Mo Yuqian with a contemptuous look and an extremely cold and indifferent attitude.

In the end, all Mo Yuqian's emotions calmed down.

Then, she took a deep breath and said: It's just that these benefits are too few. I have to pay huge risks, but there are no real benefits.

Su Li said: I can give back all my origins to the people of my Chinese ancestral land. As the Emperor of the Su people, I have always been true to my word. What do you think is the point of me deceiving you?

Mo Yuqian said: This cause and effect is so big that neither you nor I can truly trust it.

Su Li said: Go away. I won't target you, but I won't cooperate with you either. At least I won't do anything to benefit the enemy.

Although, the moment you attacked Meier, I really wanted to cut you into pieces.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, she couldn't help but laugh.

Then, her laughter grew louder and louder, and gradually, she started laughing like crazy.

After a long time, she took a long breath.

Then, several terrifying explosions appeared on her body uncontrollably.

Then, all her orifices began to bleed.

She was indeed still injured, but the injury was not serious, it was just that she had been suppressed before.

However, Su Li didn't care about her situation at all.

For Su Li, he didn't care about anything at the moment.

Don't worry, I will show my sincerity, but if you plot against me, I will treat myself as a gift and go directly to strengthen them!

You know who the 'they' I'm talking about are!

Mo Yuqian spoke word by word and said.

Su Li said: If I take out the destiny astrolabe, you should actually guess what abilities I have in my hand. This is my greatest sincerity!

In addition, regarding Meier, I only regard it as a test for you and me, so I have not taken action against you at this time, and I will not do anything in the future.

However, the key is whether you are sincere.

I am willing to believe in you, but I also hope that the Sword Controlling Dao, the Ancient Forbidden Soul, and the Sword of Life and Death in my hands are willing to believe in you.

Su Li's tone was very calm.

This is not a threat.

But after reaching this point, after seeing the many causes and effects of the destiny chart and Meier's reminder at the end, Su Li also saw some of Mo Yuqian's weaknesses.

At the same time, because of some experiences in the fantasy world, Su Li had identified a key weakness of Mo Yuqian.

In the final analysis, Mo Yuqian did not take action against Meier in the end, but Su Li was somewhat unable to do anything to her.

But just because she wanted to cut through the mess quickly, trying to cut off the chaotic situation and hold on to the biggest advantage...but she made a little mistake.

In such a game, even a little mistake can be extremely fatal.

Mo Yuqian's expression was very uncertain.

But after a while, she finally gave in.

Okay, Su Renhuang, I will trust you once!

Mo Yuqian agreed.

But he was obviously very unwilling.

She showed a self-deprecating sneer: It's just that I didn't expect that the great Su Emperor, who is like the source of hope, would also make a deal with a dark shadow soul like me.

Su Li said: What is darkness and what is light? Although you are a dark shadow soul or an evil soul soul, you can also condense the purest source of hope and possess the most holy holy light. Judgment ability.

Isn't this ironic?

Not to mention, this place is a forbidden land deep in the realm of life elves, and it is also a place with no attributes of time and space.

Talking about attributes is sad and ridiculous.

Mo Yuqian said nothing.

Su Li said: Now, show your sincerity to help me control the timeline, communicate with the Ancient Hell, and open the door to the Ancient Hell!

I need to meet them.

Su Li's tone was very sharp, with an unquestionable attitude.

This is an irrefutable order!

Such a tone can be said to be very strong and does not give Mo Yuqian any face at all.

It can be said that if Mo Yuqian is even a little bit unwilling, then this cooperation will definitely collapse.

However, instead of objecting, Mo Yuqian showed a bit of surprise and disbelief on her face.

You, you actually know...

What she knew, she didn't say clearly.

However, a strong light of hope suddenly appeared in her eyes!



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