I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1004: Desperate Negotiation, Resonance Buying at the Bottom

Mei'er's situation is almost the same as Su Ying's situation before.

Facing such an attack at the level of Holy Light Judgment, he was actually still powerless to fight back.

Therefore, in such light, after Mei'er's figure completely disappeared, Mo Yuqian's eyes fell directly on Su Li.

Now, what you want to see has already been seen. What you want to happen has also happened.

Mo Yuqian spoke softly.

After she said these words, she restrained all her breath.

Therefore, the scene calmed down again, but the entire void had become quite chaotic and violent, as if it had become unstable and would collapse over time.

And once this kind of collapse occurs, it will definitely cause the entire space and this small world to completely collapse and turn into nothingness.

So, what will happen to the cause and effect?

Su Li's mentality became even calmer at this time.

Because he had some sense of the system's anti-virus process.

It was also because of that slight sense that Su Li was extremely sure that he was not at a disadvantage yet.

This advantage lies not only on his side, but also on the stability of 'Su Wangchen's' side.

Among them, of course, is the death of Emperor Wang.

Emperor Wang's death itself has ended many causes and effects.

This is also the case, which alleviated a huge crisis.

Now, when Su Li heard Mo Yuqian say such words, he couldn't help but feel a slight ripple in his heart. Even when he saw 'Mei'er' in such a situation, although there were some emotional changes in his heart, he didn't feel too much. Big ripple fluctuations.

Yes, it should be said that your goal has been achieved, hasn't it?

Su Li spoke calmly, but there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Mo Yuqian just shook her head, her expression also a bit complicated.

Su Li's eyes fell on Mo Yuqian's beautiful and tranquil face.

Mo Yuqian's eyes were very clear, and her big eyes were extremely bright. If you just look at it from this appearance, she is definitely a beautiful and lovely girl next door.

But in fact, it is not the case.

Su Renhuang, now, I think we need to have a serious talk.

After Mo Yuqian was silent for a while, she didn't wait for Su Li to speak again, so she couldn't help but spoke anyway.

The void on this side has become more unstable.

Likewise, there seemed to be a bit of anxiety in Mo Yuqian's calm words. Even if she didn't show it, even if Su Li didn't sense it, Su Li had already noticed it in her heart.

This point actually has nothing to do with the level of life wisdom and enlightenment.

You tell me.

Su Li still spoke calmly, his expression very indifferent and casual.

It was as if, at this point, Su Li no longer cared about anything.

In this state, it is as if there is no desire or desire in the extreme.

Mo Yuqian sighed and said: Mei'er's situation is actually not what you see. In fact, what I killed was not her soul, nor her origin, but just There are many shackles attached to her.

Those who are erased and beheaded are all shackles after all.

And through these shackles, I can actually use the law of 'resonance' developed by Su Wangchen to truly kill them.

I say this, Su Renhuang, can you understand?

When Su Li heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Immediately, he smiled sarcastically and said: Then, since you can do this, just do it, then why do you need to discuss it with me?

Mo Yuqian said: You know, if I exist like this, I will never be willing to act as a tool, let alone a chess piece. I, Mo Yuqian, am Mo Yuqian, and I will not be anyone's shadow. It won’t be anyone’s stand-in.”

When Su Li heard this, he glanced at Mo Yuqian and said, So?

Mo Yuqian said: So, I want to go my own way.

Su Li said: How to get there?

Mo Yuqian said: The Su Renhuang has walked out of his own path of the prehistoric royal family and the human emperor, and has walked his own path of truth and emptiness, so he must be able to understand something.

Su Li said: I am indeed walking my own path.

Mo Yuqian said: Yes, Su Renhuang, you are not willing to become a chess piece, a tool, a puppet or a soul-sucking existence. You will also find your own way. Then, I, Mo Yuqian, will take this path. , is it wrong?”

Su Li said: It's never wrong to follow your own path, it's just to survive.

Mo Yuqian sighed: Thank you Su Renhuang for understanding that, in fact, if you want to go your own way, then some things have to be done after all.

In the past, I thought that I could be different and different from all practitioners.

But in the end, I discovered that there is actually no difference between me and them.

Even, in many places, they can persist, but I cannot.

Many roads have actually been sealed for a long time. If you want to open that road, you have to go through some dark things.

I can only say that Su Renhuang, you are very lucky. For some reasons, you have extremely strong protection.

However, not everyone has such a powerful destiny and rich heritage as Su Renhuang.

We don’t have it, so our struggle is actually very weak.

To reach this point... I can only bear the blood of endless darkness and sin.

Su Li fell into silence after hearing this.

This was a bloody and cruel fact, but he couldn't say anything.

Because, don’t persuade others to do good without going through their suffering.

Su Li has already experienced this very deeply.

In such a world, if there are only two choices, one is to eat, and the other is to be eaten, then even Su Li will never be willing to just sit back and die!

Therefore, the only choice is to be the cruel executioner.

Behind all the good things, there is the blood of sin.

It's nothing more than that some beings will continue to sin as they grow up.

And some beings will grow up and choose to spread love and light all over the world.

These things made Su Li feel clear in his heart.

The same is true. He really does not have any qualifications or ability to convince Mo Yuqian.

Because what Mo Yuqian said is true.

In fact, Su Li was aware of this in the 'Ancient Hell' at that time because almost everyone there at that time was hostile to him, Su Li, and even had the intention to kill.

But only Mo Yuqian didn't.

Not only did he not, Su Li even vaguely realized through special abilities such as the Great Cause and Effect Technique that this existence was crucial and very 'helpful' to him.

Now it seems that the feeling at that time was indeed correct.

Do you need my approval?

After Su Li was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on Mo Yuqian's face again.

Hearing this, Mo Yuqian smiled self-deprecatingly and said, No, since you are going your own way and have your own approval, it's enough. Naturally, you don't need Su Renhuang's approval.

Su Li said: In that case, then tell me your purpose.

Mo Yuqian said: I hope we can join forces.

Su Li said: Are you forming an alliance? In that case, your gesture is not a good one.

Mo Yuqian said: Soldier first and then courtesy? In fact, that is not the case.

Su Li said: But your previous threatening words are still echoing in this space. Although I am indeed far behind you in the level of life wisdom awareness, some basic cause and effect can still be understood.

Mo Yuqian said softly: Help Mei'er cut off the shackles of cause and effect. This should be considered a great sincerity, right? How can we call it a 'soldier'?

Su Li took a deep look at Mo Yuqian, then looked calm and said word by word: I'm sorry, I don't agree.

Mo Yuqian's expression froze for a moment, and then there was a slight change in her expression. It seemed to be a kind of stasis and disbelief that what she hoped for did not happen as expected.

But her emotions were well under control.

What happened seemed to go beyond her original plan and judgment.

So, after thinking for a while, she asked again: Why?

Su Li put his hands behind his back and walked around in the void for a moment, then said softly: There is no reason, no reason, I just don't want to intersect with the path you are taking.

The path I take is only my own path, and the Tao I understand is only my own Tao. If I still have partners, they are only the people from my Chinese ancestral land.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, her expression was slightly solemn and cold: Why?

She asked the reason again and it seemed that she would never give up without a good answer.

Su Li stared at Mo Yuqian.

At this time, Mo Yuqian was also staring at Su Li.

After a while, Su Li said calmly: If you are not of my race, your heart must be different!

When Mo Yuqian heard this, her beautiful and clear eyes were suddenly dyed bright red, but soon, the bright red halo like blood mist dissipated.

Her eyes became clear again.

You know, I'm a guy who does whatever he can.

Mo Yuqian spoke and then continued: If I can't achieve my goal, then I will definitely destroy it!

Su Li said: So, please start your performance, or do something hysterical, so that I will fall into endless regrets and the tragic consequences of not forming an alliance with you, and then I will regret it all day long.

When Mo Yuqian heard this, her cold eyes were locked on Su Li's eyes, as if she wanted to see Su Li's thoughts.

However, Su Li's thoughts and attitude were as stubborn as ever.

It seems that even if I regret it greatly in the future, I will never waver in my will at this time!

At this moment, Mo Yuqian couldn't help but take a deep breath, and her expression was very uncertain.

After a while, Mo Yuqian suddenly gathered a large amount of light sources and turned them into a totem-like light source picture.

When such a picture scroll is presented, the light and shadow changes in it are like a picture of mountains and rivers.

After such a change in the picture scroll, the Qionglou Yuyu and the Immortal Pavilion Terrace, like the Qingdi Palace, were quickly condensed.

And among them, a figure quickly regrouped.

Later, after the figure gradually solidified, it was captured directly by Mo Yuqian, who was refining it from the void to its true form.

That figure is still Meier.

It's just that this time, all the auras of Mei'er's body were enough to make Su Li moved. Unfortunately, Su Li still acted as if he hadn't seen her.

If the previous Meier was 90% similar, then this time, the similarity was almost 100% or even 110% vicious.

This level of similarity is truly astonishing and shocking.

What's more important is that Mei'er, who is made of light and shadow, has a special jade hanging around her neck. It's the same jade that Su Li gave to Mei'er.

Su Li watched quietly, even though his mind was slightly palpitating and trembling, there was still no emotional change.

He won't show any flaws at this time.

Moreover, Su Li could almost tell through the abilities of the extraordinary Tianji Master and even the Tianji Saint Master that this Mei'er was real.

However, this kind of reality is somewhat special.

Specifically, it is the issue of cause and effect in space and time.

This Mei'er is not the Mei'er from the Qing Emperor's Palace in Su Li's dojo.

That Meier is the Meier who accompanies Su Li and lives in the present.

And this one is Mei'er in 'time and space', just like the Mei'er he saw in the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower when Su Li met Hua Taichu.

It's true, but it's not the same time and space.

Just like going back to the past, there must have been a Meier in the past.

At this time, Mo Yuqian extracted part of the rules of the timeline, separated the cause and effect, and placed them in front of Su Li.

This negotiation is indeed an extremely terrifying cause and effect.

Su Li also had to go all out.

Su Renhuang, you see, this should be the strange woman you care about most.

Moreover, Emperor Wang's death contributed to the most terrifying method of soul-in-soul synchronization, which is the so-called 'resonance' method.

What would you say is the result of seizing cause and effect in this way?

This method may seem strange, but in fact it is not strange at all. After all, there are already many real 'results'.

The special abilities of Chao and Li Juan, as well as Ying and Ying Huang, come from abilities similar to this.

And this ability

In fact, I was the first to realize it!

Mo Yuqian said, and then added: Now, I will tell you an earlier cause and effect frankly.

All of them feel that you, Su Lisu, the prodigal son of Renhuang, have turned around and are no longer the heinous villain you once were. Even the young lady is willing to believe you.

but I do not know how!

I will never believe that such a vicious villain would turn around!

Therefore, I will never forgive you!


Now, either you agree and let me see your sincerity and your feelings for 'Mei'er'; or, you can only lose Mei'er completely from time and space!

I know that even if you are still protecting Meier now, if Meier is no longer in most of the core areas of the timeline, then it is impossible for you to continue to be the present moment!

Su Renhuang, now, give me your choice!

As Mo Yuqian spoke, an astrolabe like a wheel of fortune gathered in her hand, she raised her hand to shoot it and shrouded it towards Mei'er.



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