I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 1000: Breaking the shackles of each other, cause and effect should be established

At this time, Su Li was indeed attracted by such a battle.

Such a battle was far beyond Su Li's imagination.

This is the evolution of true combat power, and it is also a brand new fighting method that exceeds Su Li's expectations.

It is as if, in this time and space, the battle itself has broken away from the so-called laws and realms.

The battle at this time is an extremely pure battle, and it is also a real and bloody battle.

There is no so-called realm distinction such as divine transformation and creation, there is no breath manifestation such as earthly immortal soul, and there is no all the power contained in the world of heavenly rules in the great plane of Babel Tower.

When all the fighting spirit gathers, when all the murderous intent pervades.

In Su Li's eyes, all complex origins are purified in the timeline.

What is left is only the fighting spirit that comes from his own blood and body.

But even so, such a battle is still beyond imagination and extremely exciting.

This is the purest derivation of Dharma and Tao, as if all the highest principles in the world have been analyzed and turned into the purest atoms and molecules, presented to Su Li in an extremely naked way. .

Likewise, Su Li's energy and spirit became more concentrated, and his attention became more attentive.

At this time, the demonized Su Ying was filled with overwhelming demonic energy, and when the basic original demonic energy, which had been purified once, was combined with its own combat power, it was truly overwhelming for all generations.

In her hand, a demonic sword was also derived from the endless demonic energy.

The sword she held in her hand, with its aura, was as if she could split the heaven and earth and shatter the stars with one sword!

However, such power is also suppressed by the special rules of such a world and cannot be fully displayed.

Even so, Su Li could clearly judge that if it were outside, this sword slashing down would definitely split open the entire light blue star.

Su Ying's fighting power was like this, but Mo Yuqian, who had absorbed the essence of Meier's essence and soul, was even more terrifying.

She seemed like a real stream of light and shadow. While traveling through the void, she suddenly stopped again.


The void shook, and then it was like a peerless female war goddess coming to the dust.

As her figure flickered, the place where she had been suddenly exploded, turning into a brilliant firework.

The splendid evolution split the endless time and space, and countless bubbles burst in it.

Within the burst bubbles, patches of blood red, gray, and darkness intertwined, as if the endless spirituality within them had been shattered.

And this silent murderous intention undoubtedly came from the demonized Su Ying.

Su Ying couldn't see the movement of the attack, and she didn't swing her sword to strike. However, when such murderous intention was released, it was not really shown.

At least, Su Li didn't notice when Su Ying took action.

But Mo Yuqian not only discovered it, she even got out of the way.

After getting out of the way, Mo Yuqian did not take action immediately, but stood quietly in the void, staring at the demonized Su Ying with extremely calm eyes.


Demonized Su Ying spoke again, her voice cold and even sinister.

act recklessly!

Mo Yuqian also spoke, her voice cold and sharp.


There seemed to be another fight between the two of them, as if out of nowhere.

But in Su Li's eyes, neither of them made any move.

But the void where the two of them were was shook violently again, and then, there were extremely terrifying ripples twisting and exploding.

However, after such a distorted and explosive scene suddenly appeared, it suddenly disappeared, and soon became calm again.


At this time, traces of uncertain chains finally appeared on Demonized Su Ying's body.

The traces of these chains are not very clear. If such a fierce battle had not caused the constant distortion of the void, and if the mysterious rules of the void on this side had not suppressed the huge impact, I am afraid that such traces of chains would have been difficult to find at all.

The traces of the chain not only appeared on the body of Demonized Su Ying, but also on Mo Yuqian's body.

Both of them seemed to be shackled by such chains, and at the same time, wisps of faint light were faintly escaping.

When the two were fighting, they seemed to have been aware of the chains on their bodies, but neither of them attempted to break them.

But between the moves, mysterious power gathers from these chains from time to time, and rushes into this strange chain from time to time.

At this time, both of them seemed to have noticed something unusual about the other.

Therefore, the demonized Su Ying suddenly took action and killed Mo Yuqian.

Mo Yuqian, on the other hand, also used a terrifying killing light like a five-color divine light, and suddenly killed the demonized Su Ying.



The attacks of the two landed on each other extremely forcefully.


The chains on the demonized Su Ying shook suddenly, but soon fell into silence.

Obviously, such a blow was extremely powerful, and although it came from Mo Yuqian, its attack did not shatter the so-called chains and shackles after it hit the demonized Su Ying's body.

At the same moment, Mo Yuqian, who was hit by the demonized Su Ying, also lit up with a glow, and then fell into a state of disappearing.

The chains on her body only lit up for a moment, and then went out.

Then, the shackles also appeared again.

After such a situation occurred, both the demonized Su Ying and Mo Yuqian's expressions changed slightly.

Therefore, the two of them had no reservations and fought together crazily again.

This time, Demonized Su Ying took action again.


She waved her hand and shot out a sword beam, which struck Mo Yuqian fiercely.


After the chain on Mo Yuqian's body became brighter, it made an extremely harsh 'ding' sound.

The appearance of such a sound means that such an attack did not even break the defense!

Mo Yuqian also gathered a killing move that looked like five-color divine light, and struck the demonized Su Ying hard.


Demonized Su Ying was hit hard on the shoulder, and a sonic boom of destruction was heard in the void.

However, Demonized Su Ying only trembled all over and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, the chains on her body also shone brightly for a moment, and then she fell into the same state as before.

This state also means not breaking the defense.

This may be a temptation, but it is also more like a destruction of this mysterious shackles.

It turns out that you are wearing shackles. It seems that you will never be able to loosen these shackles!

At this time, Mo Yuqian seemed to be sure of something and finally murmured.

Her tone was very solemn, and her expression was particularly solemn.

On the other hand, after hearing Mo Yuqian's words, Demonized Su Ying's expression also changed.

Your shackles have been loosened, and it's rare to be able to break out of the Ancient Imperial Domain! However, this time is your end!

While your shackles are still intact, I will send you on your way!

I want to see how long you can hold on now!

Demonized Su Ying seemed very calm at this time.

His violent and crazy state was not as bad as when he faced Su Li before.

We'll see!

Mo Yuqian responded calmly, and then her figure rose directly into the sky.

As for the demonized Su Ying, she obviously has some lust and inner lust.

However, in this regard, Su Li's judgment is not very clear now, and he cannot be sure whether it is the other party's deliberate flaw, whether it is a trick, or whether it is the real situation.

While Su Li was making judgment and analysis, Mo Yuqian took action again.


At that moment, Mo Yuqian evolved a totem like the blazing sun, and then, like a rainbow piercing the sun, she directly launched an extremely terrifying killing move.

In that moment, the whole world seemed to be suddenly enveloped.

As for the sun in the void, it was as if it had been swallowed by a whale, and darkness appeared for a moment.

It was obvious that Mo Yuqian directly mobilized all the foundation of this void.


Then, Mo Yuqian fiercely exhaled a breath of turbid air into the void.

That breath hit the heaven and earth like a horse.

Between heaven and earth, this turbid air directly turned into extremely pure flames, burning directly to the earth like heavenly fire and karma fire.


At this moment, Demonized Su Ying, who was shrouded in the mysterious flames, suddenly opened her mouth and took a deep breath.


Just like the earth was shattering, all the abnormal energy sources existing in the void were swallowed up by the demonized Su Ying. Even Mo Yuqian's murderous intention was swallowed up in one gulp.


After demonized Su Ying swallowed it, she breathed it out casually.

But after it was exhaled, those flames, like the world-destroying heavenly fire in the midst of immeasurable catastrophe, fell down in an overwhelming madness.

Such a scene is naturally even more terrifying because where the fire passes through, almost even the void can be burned, twisted and even collapsed!

In such a storm of destruction, Mo Yuqian and Demonized Su Ying stood opposite each other, once again unmoving.

Soon, whether it was the demonized Su Ying or Mo Yuqian, the auras on their bodies became more and more terrifying.

Demonized Su Ying's whole body even seemed to be on fire, and extremely blazing flame energy was escaping.

The unknown impact force formed by these energies kept repeatedly impacting the shackles that existed on her body at all times.

And Mo Yuqian's situation was almost the same.

Only this time, Mo Yuqian had an extra aura on her body, a special aura of the ultimate sword.

And such a breath is also ready to move, seeming to be constantly attacking the chains of unknown order that exist on it.

This process, in an extremely quiet environment, is like a war drum that is constantly beating.

The sound was extremely clear and audible.

In this way, another moment passed.



Suddenly, a sound like an iron chain breaking suddenly came out.

That is……

The so-called chain of order was truly broken.

And the person in front of me who broke the chain of order was none other than Mo Yuqian!

Yes, Mo Yuqian's transformation speed has obviously surpassed that of demonized Su Ying.

At this time, there was obviously a look of surprise and uncertainty in Demonized Su Ying's eyes.

However, she calmed down quickly.


This time, Demonized Su Ying took action again.

However, Mo Yuqian was extremely fast.


Mo Yuqian used extremely terrifying power to develop extremely terrifying murderous intent, and directly killed the demonized Su Ying.


Demonized Su Ying's figure was like lightning, constantly passing through to avoid it.

However, this time, Demonized Su Ying had a very difficult time dealing with it.


It seemed that Demonized Su Ying would be suppressed and even assimilated in an extremely short period of time. However, at the critical moment, Demonized Su Ying's body, the chain of order that had been locking Su Ying with extremely terrifying shackles, actually began to It expanded at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was obvious that the chain could no longer hold up.


At this moment, Demonized Su Ying further violently raged her bloodline, her combat power and the attack and killing techniques from Mo Yuqian merged into one, and they attacked the chain together.

Under such a terrifying attack, the huge chain suddenly tightened, and then there was a sudden breaking sound.

Then there was the extremely terrifying sound of more chains of order breaking.

When these sounds come together, they form one.

Such a change can be described as extremely sudden.

But all of this is obviously a matter of course because everything seems to be in some kind of tacit understanding between the two parties.

After the chain of order was broken, the aura of the demonized Su Ying became more profound and terrifying, but the hysterical and crazy state was reduced a lot.


At this time, the demonized Su Ying suddenly took a deep look at Mo Yuqian, and then she turned into a stream of light and teleported away, wanting to escape from this void world.

However, although the demonized Su Ying was freed from her shackles, her strength increased greatly, and she was very fast, Mo Yuqian was not slow either.

Just when Su Ying was about to disappear, the afterimage flickered in the void, and Mo Yuqian's figure suddenly blocked Su Ying's body, forcing her out of the unknown invisible void.

It's better to keep fighting. It's a rare opportunity.

Mo Yuqian spoke calmly, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Su Ying's figure reappeared, and there was no longer any demonic aura around her beautiful body.

However, instead of becoming weak, she became even more terrifying.

Why are you doing this? Your shackles have been opened, and there will be no cause and effect in this world that can stop you! The same goes for me! This can only be said to be a result of our mutual cooperation, and it is also the best result. !”

Su Ying spoke softly, her eyes complex, but also quite cold.

It seemed that she didn't want to cause more trouble at all.

However, she is obviously not afraid of causing more trouble.

Mo Yuqian said: This has just begun. If you leave, then all the effort will not be worth it.

Moreover, even if you want to leave, you will definitely not be willing to come to Su Renhuang!



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