I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 995: The Absolute Heart, the Ancient Tower of Life

The ancient coffin lamp glowed with a cyan glow, which looked a bit strange in this gloomy environment.

But Miaoyin's state is very detached.

Her words also made Su Li's heart gradually calm down.

Previously, Su Li had a series of special flashes of light, which brought together many bizarre causes and effects. Coupled with the many vague memory scenes that suddenly appeared along the way, Su Li had already guessed the real reason.

What's the real reason?

Naturally, the system is killing viruses.

Any anomalies will be detected by such a ‘scan’.

In other words, at this time, all his insights and causes and effects were influenced by the cause and effect of the system's anti-virus investigation.

So, a lot of things are very abrupt.

But it's very reasonable.

To understand the rationality of this, one needs an extremely terrifying ‘level of life wisdom awareness’!

Su Li stared at the coffin lamp quietly, but did not look at Miaoyin.

The sound is beautiful.

Everything about her combines with Su Li's aesthetic sense, and even every part can form a great temptation.

For Su Li, it was like seeing an existence that haunted him.

However, Su Li did not think about this, but quietly waited for Miaoyin's answer.

Miaoyin was silent for a while, then nodded gently and said: Yes, there will indeed be a miracle, that's why there is such a glimmer of hope left.

Otherwise, what hope is there in this world?

Miaoyin said, looking deeply at Su Li, and said: Just like this, Su Renhuang, have you really figured out the consequences of this? Do you think that once something goes wrong, it may It’s not your own loss, but…”

But what, Miaoyin did not say.

But Su Li knew.

In other words, after he quietly looked at the coffin lamp and sorted out the contents of the ten flashes of light and the inexplicably vague memory scenes before, Su Li completely understood.

Su Li said: I don't want to be born on the same day, but I want to die at the same time. I don't want to share the same bed before life, but I want to sleep together after death.

In fact, life and death have long been ignored for me.

Of course, it’s not just me, it’s her too.

When Su Li mentioned her, Meier's figure emerged in his mind.

However, this figure just disappeared in a flash.

Because when it comes to temptation, there is probably no strange woman in the world who can be more charming to him than Mei'er.

Upon hearing Su Li's words, Miaoyin's beautiful eyes froze for a moment, and then she turned her head silently, her eyes also falling on the coffin lamp.

The coffin lamp shone with a cold glow, as if it were carved from a decayed skull, and it seemed a bit weirder at this time.

Miaoyin was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about a very important issue.

After a while, Miaoyin nodded and said: After all... I still took this step.

In this case, then...

You come with me.

It's just that this journey is full of huge risks. All I can do is protect myself and take appropriate care of you.

Su Li said: I have felt your care, but please believe that my ability is still enough.

Miaoyin silently glanced at Su Li again. That look was not a look of trust, but a hint of judgment about Su Li's ability.

That look was very clear, but it was also clear that Su Li understood that his strength was still far from enough.

However, the wonderful sound did not say this.

Sometimes, some things don’t need to be said, but showing them is more straightforward.

When Su Li saw this, he couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile.

After all, the time for him to grow up is still too short, yes, too short.

He lives in the present, but his so-called 'present', in fact, the time he spent growing up is far less than that of many geniuses, or even those of ordinary practitioners.

Because, in fact, his practice time is indeed not long.

Also because the training time is too short, even if there are many years of accumulation in Guixu Black Shadow, there are still some shortcomings in the end.

This lack, in the eyes of Miaoyin at this time, was directly magnified infinitely.

But Saraswati did not stop him, but agreed.

Because, no matter for Su Li or Miaoyin, there is no better opportunity.

I hope... it can create a miracle.

The opportunities are really... running out.

Miaoyin murmured, then reached out to lift the coffin lamp, and then stood up.

When she stood up, the void around her body actually had extremely strange ripples.

It was as if her existence was not in the air, but in the water.

Su Li had completely ignored the surrounding environment.

When the coffin lamp rippled out, pieces of green light gathered into a glow like a skynet, locking a void.

Then, the void began to expand infinitely. The scene was like the oncoming stars encountered when traveling through the dark and cold universe at extremely fast speeds, expanding at an extremely terrifying speed.

This is the ancient road.

Miaoyin explained softly.

Su Li pondered slightly and said, Yes, I understand.

Miaoyin added: The Wanjue Ancient Road is a very special ancient road, and the starting point and end point of this road are also extraordinary.

Su Li said: I will pay attention.

Miaoyin nodded and did not continue the introduction.

At this time, the green light of the coffin lamp also began to shroud Miao Yin and Su Li again.

Su Li hesitated slightly, but then did not resist.

And Miaoyin didn't even hesitate, letting the green light envelope her.

After the green light stabilized, Miaoyin said: The cause and effect on the eternal ancient road is extremely dangerous and terrifying. It is the road of death on this ancient road.

Su Li nodded again, and at the same time began to look at the so-called 'extreme ancient road'.

In Su Li's eyes, such a special ancient road may be good, but it is only good.

As for the so-called danger on this road, Su Li could clearly identify it, that was the ancient formation on the ancient road.

As for the so-called ancient formation, Su Li was actually more familiar with it, which was the Wanjue Ancient Sword Formation.

It is somewhat similar in nature to Juehun Ancient Forbidden City, but there are many changes.

For those who do not understand the two, there is no causal connection between the two.

But for Su Li, he even knew that the cause and effect between the two was not only extremely deep, but also extremely complicated and entangled.

At this time, as Miaoyin led the way, the coffin lamp opened the ancient void. After opening the ancient road, Su Li could clearly feel the incomparable vast sword intention.

The Juehun Ancient Forbidden Sword Intention contained in the Wanjue Ancient Sword Formation is the original sword intention and is the core element of the true sword-controlling way.

How could Su Li not be familiar with this thing?

But now, Su Li also knows that except for him, no other existence can feel this.

Therefore, the so-called peerless danger is actually the murderous intention of the sword formation corresponding to the eternal ancient sword formation.

But for Su Li, these are the most satisfying, because this kind of sword formation will not even attack Su Li at all.

As the Wanjue Ancient Sword Formation gathered together, an extremely mysterious ancient tower soon appeared between heaven and earth.

When Su Li saw this ancient tower appearing, he was slightly startled, with a brief look of astonishment on his face.

However, after a moment, Su Li showed a bit of relief.

Miaoyin's expression was calm. Along the way, she had not said a word since the green light of the coffin lamp enveloped Su Li.

At this time, after sensing the mysterious ancient tower, Miaoyin's face also showed a somewhat relaxed look.

This is a special ancient pagoda, Su Renhuang, do you remember it?

Miaoyin asked.

At this time, Miaoyin's voice was filled with trembling.

Su Li quietly looked at the extremely huge and mysterious ancient tower that appeared in the void, nodded slightly and said, Remember.

Miaoyin said: I thought it would be difficult for you to walk through this path with the sword intent of such a powerful and invincible ancient sword array raging.

Su Li said: I also said that I am actually not as weak as you think. If I can't even walk this way, I will really let 'her' down.

Miaoyin nodded gently and said, You have walked this road for a long time, right? It's like walking for endless years?

Su Li said: According to the artistic conception of the ancient sword, it should indeed have the experience of the vicissitudes of life and the immersive feeling, but in fact, I think this road is very short.

Because in fact, in the current time system, if we really calculate time, then walking this road took me a total of 1,800 breaths, which is a quarter of an hour.

When Miaoyin heard this, her body froze slightly.

Even her breathing paused for a moment.

Her pair of bright moon-like eyes fell on Su Li's face almost instinctively.

It seemed that she wanted to see if there was any concealment or exaggeration in Su Li's words.

Unfortunately, it was obvious that she did not see any exaggeration in Su Li's eyes.

In other words, the Wanjue Ancient Sword Formation will be extinct forever, but it will never be able to sustain Su Li's Wanjue heart.

Only with the utmost heart can one face the murderous intention of the Juehun Ancient Forbidden Sword Formation directly.

Miaoyin pondered for a moment, and then said: So, do you have any insights?

Su Li nodded and said: I have indeed gained a deep understanding of the Ten Thousand Jue Ancient Sword Formation and my understanding of the Jue Soul Ancient Forbidden City. This has also given me a new in-depth understanding of these two abilities. , it has also greatly transformed my own swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

Su Li did not hide this, but told the truth.

In other words, Su Li really understood Miaoyin and there was no need to hide it.

Because the arrangement of Miaoyin comes from Mirror Fairy.

Su Li maintained full trust in Fairy Mirror, an existence that was exactly like him.

This was originally the case, and the full trust that is naturally derived from the current anti-virus state is naturally more worthy of recognition.

Miaoyin said: So, then you have indeed walked this road.

But all I can do is send you here.

Next, everything depends on Su Renhuang himself.

Miaoyin said, bowing slightly towards Su Li.

Su Li nodded slightly and said, See you later.

Miaoyin said: Okay, I hope we can see you later. Su Renhuang, please take care, don't jump to conclusions too easily along the way, and always be firm in your inner judgment.

When Miaoyin left, she still paused for a moment and gave one more warning.

It was just that she said this sentence, but no sound came out, and Su Li couldn't hear it, as if it had been erased by time.

However, Su Li couldn't hear it, but Su Li's Eye of Hundred Calamities ability could peep into it.

So Su Li still got such a reminder.

Su Li watched Miaoyin leave because of such a reminder that Miaoyin could not exist. In an instant, Miaoyin's energy, blood and soul source were obviously depleted by more than 90%.

Su Li forgot the reminder from Miaoyin in this moment. At this moment, Miaoyin's figure also stopped continuing to dry up. At the same time, her figure quickly disappeared into the blue light.

The coffin lamp accompanying the existence also disappeared at this time, as if it had never appeared.

Not only that, in Su Li's mind, everything about Miaoyin and even his previous experiences were all blurry and he couldn't remember it at all.

Su Li did not look at the place where Miaoyin left, but turned to look at the mysterious ancient tower in front of him.

That ancient tower contains the extremely ancient and pure breath of time and space, and contains the powerful and invincible breath of time and space power and laws.

Such a breath made Su Li think of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower completely instinctively!

The cause and effect of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower has indeed been solved a little bit, but the only solution was the cause and effect of Su Yan and Mu Qingyan, a strange woman from all realms.

In fact, the cause and effect of the Time and Space Soul Locking Tower itself has never been resolved, and it has never even been truly triggered!

But at this time, under the cause and effect of receiving the seeds of the ancient tree of life in the realm of life elves, now he has touched the cause and effect of the time and space soul locking tower.

Seeing the ancient pagoda quietly appearing in front of his eyes, and looking at the mysterious blue light road paved by the blue light under his feet, Su Li no longer hesitated, took a step forward, and walked towards the mysterious ancient pagoda. past.

At this time, the sword intent in the Wanjue Ancient Sword Formation began to become much more scattered.

But among the scattered sword intentions, some extremely mysterious projections appeared.

These projections show certain causal scenes that Su Li and the mysterious woman in white gauze skirt experienced.

It was obvious that the woman in white gauze skirt was Su Li's Taoist companion, and the relationship between the two parties was quite good.

But that kind of relationship is obviously more than a friend, but it is still in a state of being less than a lover.

After seeing this scene from his sword intention again, Su Li took a long breath, and then instantly evolved his sword control skills and rushed directly into the ancient tower that looked like a time and space soul locking tower.

In the ancient pagoda, there is also a mysterious woman in white gauze sitting quietly.

However, here she did not light the green lantern.

And when Su Li appeared in the ancient pagoda, the woman in white gauze skirt also opened her beautiful eyes.

There was a bit of expectation, a bit of surprise, and a bit of unspeakable complexity in her eyes.

You...are here after all.

The voice of the woman in white gauze skirt was so familiar that Su Li even felt a little trembling.



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