I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 993: The fire of karma burns the body, the origin of the sea

The gate to the void has been opened, and the way to the depths of the elven sea has also been revealed.

Even through the open door to the void, one can see that it is filled with the endless aura of the ancient tree of life.

It is a kind of spiritual energy that is as real as substance, or it is a kind of soul energy that has been crushed.

Such energy formed clusters of clouds and mist, rising deep into the sea.

It was like an extremely bizarre and mysterious world, and also like some dreamlike and beautiful fantasy scenes that Su Li had seen while walking through the darkness.

In short, with Su Li's ability, he could tell at a glance that the depths of the so-called elven sea were a special restricted area.

It can even be said that it is a special restricted area similar to the dojo in Su Li's memory restricted area.

Is this world deep in the elven sea a world that belongs to the restricted area of ​​memory?

This time, are you going to enter other people's restricted memory area?

Su Li glanced at it and already had many answers in his mind.

But this time, he immediately thought of the series of experiences he had experienced in the fantasy world that entered Yun Qingxuan's restricted memory area.

Those can only be a reference, but they are not the cause and effect today.

Su Li's figure flew over and soon arrived at the door of the huge waterspout.

However, Su Li did not go in immediately, but instead laid his eyes on Bai Qian.

After the mist in Bai Qian's eyes gathered for a while, it gradually dried up.

She did not urge Su Li to enter, but there was a lot of sadness in her eyes.

Su... Renhuang Su, can you still remember the past?

After Bai Qian hesitated for a moment, he asked softly.

Su Li's eyes fell on the Void Gate, but he didn't answer Bai Qian immediately.

He hesitated for a while, and then said calmly: I can't remember, but if the feelings are left, they will be left after all. The feelings are very deep.

But I know she is still there and I feel that special calling.

I always thought that calling was cause and effect and a cage, but now it seems that it is not.

It is just a call of the soul, and that is also the source of love.

Bai Qian nodded lightly, but also sighed softly, and said: The door has been opened, but after all, emotional matters cannot be forced. Is she willing to see you, or are you qualified to see her... After all, some... testing is needed.

Su Li said: I know.

Bai Qian said: This kind of test does not test your strength, nor does it test the trust in you.

Su Li said: I know.

Bai Qian said: Do you really know?

Su Li said: This kind of detection is a kind of protection for me.

Bai Qian stopped speaking, but there was still a hint of unbearable color in her beautiful eyes.

Renhuang Su, have you ever heard of the saying that one's karma will burn one's body by fire?

After a while, Bai Qian spoke again, but her tone was much more solemn.

Su Li knew that the biggest cause and effect started at this moment.

Su Li said: Is this the content of the test? Just take action.

While Su Li was speaking, he gently clasped his hands together, showing a pious posture like a Buddhist disciple.

But Su Li didn't worship heaven and earth, it was just a gesture.

Although Su Li was like this, Bai Qian still couldn't bear to persuade: Su Renhuang, I can understand many of your causes and effects, and I admire them very much, but... you shouldn't actually do this void passage.

Su Li interrupted Bai Qian's words and said softly: I have made up my mind. Moreover, I am almost certain that if I give up this time, I will not have another chance.

When Bai Qian heard this, her body trembled slightly.

But she remained silent for a while.

She obviously listened to Su Li's words completely.

Likewise, her mood at this time was very difficult to calm down.

After a while, Bai Qian saw that Su Li did not have any emotional changes and his attitude was still extremely firm. Then he sighed and said, Human Emperor Su, I have offended you so much.

Su Li said: Please.

Bai Qian stopped speaking, and then locked eyes with Su Li with extremely solemn eyes.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying flame suddenly burned from Bai Qian's eyes.

Then, the flames gathered in the air and swept directly towards Su Li.

This flame is naturally what Bai Qian calls 'karma fire'!

And such a method is also a special method of burning one's body with karma.

Such a method can be said to be enough to wipe out countless powerful monks, because as long as they exist in the world and practice, they will definitely contain the so-called 'karma' and 'karma'.

And karma fire is precisely the terrifying thing that contains such special cause and effect karma and karma. Once burned by these karma fire, the end will be extremely miserable.

However, once the source of extremely pure merit and hope is contained in the body, then after the two are incomparably matched, it can withstand the burning of such karmic fire.

Such a test is not a test, but it is indeed a kind of protection.

For those who want to enter this place, this method is like a special kind of 'tempering'.

In other words, gold is refined by fire.

If you have reached this point, if it is fake or pretending to be cause and effect, then you will definitely be burned in the fire of such karma, your body will be broken into pieces, and you will not end well.

Whether he was deceived, had his soul washed away, or whatever, he would definitely not be able to persevere under such a method of burning his body with karma.

But if it is a real existence, then it will also be tempered by the flaws and all kinds of dross contained in the body in such a state of being burned by karma.

This is like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

Therefore, whether it is feasible this time can only depend on the outcome of this karma-burning body.



When the terrifying dark red flames swept over along with the blue flames, at the moment when they were about to surround Su Li, the flames formed like a cage and enveloped Su Li, but did not go any further.

Su Renhuang...

Bai Qian's eyes were quite complicated, and he continued: You are the real Su Renhuang, but your current strength is still far from enough. The power of this karma fire is very strong. Once you are burned, I'm afraid it will be a disaster for you. They will be implicated deeper and become even more passive.

At the same time, although such karmic fire will refine gold, it will also reveal a lot of details.

Su Renhuang...

It’s actually still too late to let go now.

Su Li shook his head and said: The red dust is fire, the heaven and earth are ovens, and everything in the world is cause and effect. This so-called karma fire burning the body is karma fire refining the heart. I have already known this.

Now that you are here, you still have to do what you need to do to pursue your political goals.

Su Li said, looking firmly at the burning Karma Fire.

When Bai Qian heard this, her eyes gradually became firm and a bit colder at the same time.

But this time, she finally didn't hesitate anymore, gathered the terrifying karma fire, and surged directly towards Su Li.


At that moment, all the blood, flesh, and bones all over Su Li's body seemed to bloom with endless solemn treasures in the flames. Even the state of the essence and soul that Su Li had derived also appeared. A trace came out.

As for the so-called Karma Fire, Su Li was not afraid of it at all.

The fire of karma burned his body, but Su Li was in the flames, as if he had completed the tempering of copper skin and iron bones.

Not only that, Su Li's strength growth itself was extremely fast, and the many flaws in the original details were as if they had been forged with incomparable perfection after being burned by such extreme flames.

Even the special wisp of 'Dao injury' that Su Li deliberately left behind had recovered to a certain extent through such tempering.

Su Li himself did not expect that some of his abilities would be greatly harvested through such tempering.

Some of the originally unstable foundations have become much more stable through such tempering.

This is certainly a good thing, but for Su Li, it is not the most important thing now.

Su Li was tempered in such karma fire for three hours.

This time is still very long.

But for everything here, this time is meaningless.

Three hours later, Su Li's treasured appearance was solemn, and his whole body even glowed with the glow of the Dharma. The source of hope and the source of merit formed a halo of destiny like the halo behind the Buddha.

And all the karmic fire formed a gauze guarded by flames, which was draped on Su Li's body very naturally.

Su Li's spirit at this time was extremely pure, his spirit was stable, and his entire body had undergone obvious improvement and transformation.

All of this happened naturally, without any rush.

Not only that, but the many supreme ways he had comprehended seemed to have opened various shackles one after another, clearly reaching into another level of heaven and earth, and gaining great improvement.

In addition, there are also the twelve three thousand avenues among the three thousand avenues, each of which has obvious improvement and transformation.

Su Li clearly felt the huge improvement in his own strength, and this improvement was an improvement in his foundation. On the contrary, it was not obvious to his own realm.

This is also the situation of Su Li's normal transformation, but he usually does not have such a huge opportunity for transformation.

Now, when such a situation occurred, Su Li immediately understood the reason.

He has the kind of mind that does nothing, and in this karma fire, it is as if he has achieved the fruition status, and the benefits are extremely normal.

Without these benefits, it would not be in line with the series of causal settings of the prehistoric royal family.

Not only did the karma fire on Su Li's body not eat away or devour him, it now turned into a robe of karma fire and draped over Su Li's body. This scene also shocked Bai Qian.

Likewise, Bai Qian's beautiful eyes finally no longer held hesitation and worry, but instead looked sparkling, as if she finally had a little more hope.

I didn't expect that the Su Renhuang would actually reach this point.

Bai Qian was quite sad, there was obviously a bit of excitement in her words, and there was a slight tremor in the timbre of her voice.

But she still controlled her emotions, and her tone of voice became more intimate and joyful.

In terms of emotional changes in this area, Su Li's grasp was extremely accurate, so he could not make any mistakes.

“If I hadn’t come to this point, I wouldn’t have come to this point.”

Su Li said softly.

When Bai Qian heard the words, he understood immediately.

Yes, if I hadn't reached the place of karma now, I wouldn't have taken the test of 'karma burning the body'.

Bai Qian said softly: Bai Qian cannot fully disclose the information about the young lady, so I ask my uncle to explore on his own how to do it.

Bai Qian's title has changed.

Su Li looked at Bai Qian and said, This sentence has revealed a lot.

Bai Qian spoke softly, bowed slightly and said, My uncle got this in exchange for the test of 'burning one's body with karma'.

Su Li nodded and did not respond immediately, but looked towards the Void Gate again.

Su Li said: This place should be a memory restricted area. Do you know whose memory restricted area is it? You know, once I enter the memory restricted area, the risk will be very huge.

When Bai Qian heard this, her expression froze slightly, and the look on her pretty face immediately dimmed a bit.

She was silent for a long time and did not respond to Su Li's inquiry.

Su Li said: You don't answer, but I already know the answer.

Bai Qian said: I'm sorry, uncle, in fact, Miss is also very incompetent in this matter, but she has indeed paid too much price.

Su Li nodded and said: No wonder only Wang Di, Su Wangchen, Feng Yao and other beings can enter here, but I didn't expect that this place would be my Su Li's memory restricted area.

Are all the memories I have lost here?

Bai Qian shook her head slightly and said, It's just a very rare part.

Su Li said: Bai Qian, thank you.

Bai Qian lowered his head slightly, looking a little disappointed, and said softly: Uncle, I'm sorry.

Su Li did not continue to speak, but instead raised his steps and stepped into the special void passage.

That entrance distorted the void, but connected the inside and outside very naturally.

After Su Li's body entered, the void in all directions immediately merged.

Then the huge waterspout disappeared immediately.

Along with the disappearance, Bai Qian, who was standing next to the waterspout, disappeared.

When Su Li entered the void that was like a spiritual storm, he immediately knew that it was not a memory restricted area, but only a void fragment in the memory restricted area.

It belongs to an extremely special small world like a broken world.

And such a small world is actually called the Depth of the Elf Sea. The significance of this is obviously extremely extraordinary.

Here, Su Li activated the Eye of the Hundred Tribulations without hesitation, and at the same time mobilized the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Destiny Technique and other abilities of the Three Thousand Avenues.

The next moment, Su Li saw a woman in a white gauze skirt sitting there quietly in the core area of ​​the endless spiritual storm.

But beside her, a lamp was burning quietly, a solitary lamp that Su Li was extremely familiar with.

Su Li had even used this lamp before, and it was the coffin lamp!



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