I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 991: The donkey in Guizhou has no skills and looks forward to the death of the emperor.

Su Li glanced at the ferocious and strange shadow, his eyes filled with deep disdain.

Immediately, Su Licai stared at Su Yan teasingly: A gentleman takes revenge from morning to night. In this regard, I have always been a gentleman.

When Su Yan heard this, his breath stagnated slightly: You

There was a hint of impatience on Su Li's face, and he said: I still facilitated this opportunity, but I didn't want this scene to disappoint us or leave us with any regrets.

However, if you are not sincere at all, then you can deal with these many causes and effects alone.

Now, does it still need to be so complicated?

Su Yan took a deep look at Su Li, and his original weak state gradually dissipated.

At the same time, the shadow on his body also merged into his body bit by bit, making the whole person look extremely strange and invincible.

At the same time, his exhausted breath also dissipated, and his entire rickety back straightened.

In short, as if he was rejuvenated in an instant, all his auras had undergone fundamental changes, and his whole person seemed to have transformed into a real King Lei Yan, powerful, free and invincible, and uninhibited and indulgent.

Although this change was a bit sudden, it did not exceed Su Li's understanding.

He is the best actor, it’s just about who can act better.

Unfortunately, Su Li directly reversed the situation and cut off the road, blocking it completely without giving the opponent a chance.

The opportunity is to overthrow the boss in person!

This is also the case, why the other party said something like we are born from the same roots, so why rush so angrily!

Does this statement make sense?

From the other party's perspective, after many years of hard work and planning, all the goals are about to be achieved, so naturally they don't want anything to go wrong.

Su Li could have 'helped' the other party to succeed, but Su Li was so stubborn and unruly, doing all kinds of damage from the other party's perspective. Wasn't this just ignorance and lack of self-awareness?

In other words, we were originally one and the same. If something goes wrong with me now, you won't be much better.

In this case, if you are targeting me like this, isn't it just like, Why are you so impatient?

Su Li also understands this kind of psychology and mentality.

But understanding does not mean accepting.

It was impossible to accept it. Su Li didn't care whether it was the so-called killing of the donkey or the so-called cunning rabbit.

Only his own experience is true.

In this world full of actors, in this world where intelligence can be raised to the twenty-seventh or even the thirty-third level, Su Li didn't think how he at the eighteenth level could shake many causes and effects.

But what he insists on will never waver.

At this time, Su Yan was changed by Su Li's attitude, and he also showed his true state.

Su Li had never seen this state before, so he was quite afraid of it.

Su Yan glanced at Su Li lightly and said, How can you trust me?

Su Li said: I will never believe you.

Su Yan frowned and said, Do you know what my appearance here means? I just want to try to change the past. Why try to change the past? Because the future is not good.

Su Li said: That's you, not me.

Su Yan said: Changing the past means that for a certain period of time, I represent you in the future. You may not believe it, but I think you will definitely try to go back to the past and change the past! How are you different from me? ! Can you understand my current mentality?

Su Li said: Change the past? Not to mention whether you can have this ability. Even if you have it, do you think what you can change is really the past? You can't change the past, and you can't change the world. The only thing you can change is you. Just yourself!

Well, there’s no need to say more about this! In short, the cause and effect this time, and your attempt to break out of the cocoon into a butterfly through the Iron Horse Glacier and revive Emperor Wang are impossible!

What is Emperor Wang?

Emperor Wang is not Du Yu, and he cannot intercept Du Yu's cause and effect.

In addition, even if the Kingdom of Shu exists, it does not mean that it is the Kingdom of Shushan. It is a completely different existence!

Not to mention, the Kingdom of Shu has never existed.

That ends here!

In addition, regarding the cause and effect this time, I also give you a saying: the spring silkworms will not die until they die, and the wax torch will not dry up until the tears turn to ashes!

This cocoon cannot be broken. Do you know why?

Silkworm bushes and ichthyosaurs, silkworms, are celestial insects after all. After spinning cocoons, it means that they have spun out all their silk.

Even if he turns into a moth, he will die immediately!

So, what if you break out of your cocoon?

You can't do it!


Emperor Wang is dead this time!

Su Li said it!

Su Li's words directly determined the cause and effect of Wang Di!

Hope the emperor!


Su Li's words caused the glacial starry sky to explode, and all the stars in the four directions seemed to collapse, burning at extremely fast speeds and falling one after another!

That horrific scene is simply unimaginable.

It was as if a solar storm erupted and impacted the stars in all directions, causing a cosmic storm of devastating proportions.

However, Su Li and Su Yan, who were at the center of the storm, allowed the storm around them to break out and remained unmoved in it.

This scene is more like a real person standing in a virtual environment, or a virtual reality experience. It looks complicated, but the person involved is not affected at all.

Su Yan's face turned pale for an instant.

And the weird zombie-like shadow that merged into his body became extremely distorted, as if Su Yan's body was not a comfortable harbor, but a blazing oil pan.

His body was extremely twisted, and his shadow showed an extremely painful and ferocious look.

You are so cruel! At this point, our brothers have cooperated sincerely, but you are so cruel!

Su Li, you traitor, you the lackey of the Empress, you deserve to be tortured and killed, you deserve to be hidden away! In the future, you will definitely regret it!

Do you think you will have any good fruits after you destroy me? !

No, without me carrying it in front, if you wait and see, your consequences will definitely be more tragic. After being fattened and drained of all value, you won't even have a chance to struggle!

With a broken face, Su Yan's words were particularly direct.

At this time, those thoughts and calculations did not show up anymore.

Obviously, under such circumstances, Su Yan was sure that Su Liding was no longer easy to deceive, so he stopped using a series of methods.

At this time, it was actually already clear.

Now that Su Li has reached this point, he has also denied the value of his existence and even determined his cause and effect!

So, what more did he need to say?

Su Li sneered: You think too highly of yourself, from beginning to end, you have not understood the value and meaning of your existence.

Moreover, you have never thought that everything you say is exactly the reflection of your value!

Could it be that you haven't discovered that all your current actions are actually a tool?

All you have done is to block me. What will I do to you if I succeed?

In our form of existence, you have only endless benefits.

In fact, the more powerful I am, the greater your value will be, and your status will rise.

Gu Yuan

On the contrary, if I compromise, believe it or not, I will immediately be supported and treated favorably, and what do you think will happen to you?

You, Su Yan, understand these principles better than I do.

So, do you really think that what you think is what you think?

Su Li's question made Su Yan fall into silence almost instinctively.

Su Li added: You don't have to believe it, but this time, Emperor Wang is bound to die. You probably haven't thought about it. 'The cry of the cuckoo and the cry of the blood ape' itself does not correspond to a good cause and effect.

Moreover, the corresponding causes and effects of Emperor Wang, Du Yu, Shu, Cancong and Yufu are not a good thing in themselves.

You may think that the Shu Kingdom can encompass the Shu Mountains and then lead the cause and effect of King Su Yanna Lei Yan.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

One is one, two is two.

Therefore, I hope that the emperor's spring will be entrusted to the cuckoo.

Emperor Wang, it’s time to die.

Su Li said, his tone became more firm.

Su Yan, who was in front of Su Li, was shocked when he heard this, and endless chains of order seemed to explode in his body.

All the chains exploded like firecrackers, and a large number of black shadows and gray mist filled his body.

These gray mist and black shadows combined extremely quickly, trying to recombine into Su Yan, but they couldn't combine them anyway.

Su Li quietly stared at the gray mist that was constantly forming, and said calmly: You have been dead for a long time. Even the cause and effect was ended by me myself! Therefore, Emperor Wang should look like Emperor Wang, and Su Yan was always just Su Yan, just King Lei Yan!

This is completely different too!

Don't let Yanyan down! After all, Yanyan is smiling.

Don't let the former Mu Qingyan down, because the former goddess of all worlds Mu Qingyan also had a smile on her face.

We are born at different times, but we sleep together after death.

Then, why are you still alive? If it is, it is, and if it is not, it is not. You can't bear the cause and effect!

In addition, the Nine Heavens Sword Control Technique given by Emperor Wangduo is really artistic, and the artistic conception of the sword simulated by the replica is really powerful.

But... that's a simulation after all.

However, for me, it has indeed made a fundamental transformation in my Thunder God Flame Swordsmanship.

It's simulated to you, but it's real to me.

So, benefited a lot.

With this sword-controlling skill, I can just send you on your way.

Su Li spoke softly, but those words were extremely loud and firm.

In this case, the gray fog and black shadows that Su Yan...that is, Emperor Wang was about to gather at this time were unable to gather again, and even converged slower than they dispersed.

Su Yan's pupils shrank, and his expression was a bit uncertain and even frightening.

It seemed that he couldn't figure out where the flaw in him was, so that Su Li directly exposed all the details.

But Su Li didn't say anything. Instead, he let out a long breath of turbid air, and then gathered the sword's artistic conception and came out.


The next moment, the extremely terrifying sword control skills gathered the artistic conception of the sword, the endless sword intention and thunder flames, and actually formed an extremely pure thunder and fire top.

The thunder top formed by sword control was swung directly into the void by Su Li.


After an ordinary tired spinning top flew out, it turned into an extremely huge starry sky grave in an instant. The starry sky grave was like an alien aircraft, exactly in the shape of a top.

At this time, when the huge thunder top like a huge tomb in the starry sky spun, it directly shattered the Iron Horse Glacier in the void and shattered all the voids.


The void continued to fragment, and all the storms collapsed before Su Li's eyes.

Soon, Su Li's figure stood on a deep and ancient river.

This is not the Netherworld Sea.

But at this time, there was a corpse in the river, swimming upstream.

Under the body, blooming azaleas formed a simple but beautiful flower boat.

It's like a beautiful big bed.

On the bed, the body of Wang Emperor Su Wangchen was lying quietly, with a calm face and a pale look.

His eyes were still open, but his pupils had already dilated.

In the depths of his eyes, there was deep reluctance, and deep... despair.

Emperor Wang is dead.

He could not seize Su Li, nor could he replace Su Wangchen in the outside world.

Su Li even responded to the cause and effect with these two sentences: Spring silkworms will not run out until they die, and wax torches will turn to ashes before their tears dry up.

The cause and effect mapped here means ‘exhausted’.

That is to say, Emperor Wang died, but all the benefits of Emperor Wang disappeared.

All the benefits have become the sacrifice of Spring Silkworm Candle.

The object of such dedication is naturally the Chinese race.

Therefore, all the benefits were given to the Chinese people by Su Li through his heart of merit.

Because these two poems actually describe great dedication in China.

Hu Chen wants to win?

This time, Su Li intercepted.

Directly bless all the cause and effect on Emperor Wangwang.

In terms of external cause and effect, this time, Emperor Wang was a traitor. He took all the resources and foundation and completely dedicated them to the people of the prehistoric royal family.

This, no matter how investigated, is such a result.

Just imagine that a being who is loyal to the world of heavenly rules in the Great Plane of Babel suddenly gives all the benefits selflessly to the enemy. What will be the result?

Others don't know, but Su Li knows that people like Li Juanying, Huang Chao and others will probably vomit eighteen liters of blood.

However, this is just the beginning!

At this time, looking at Emperor Wang who was lying on the flower bed with gray hair and a gradually 'serene' expression, and looking at his body swimming upstream, Su Li no longer stopped him.

Su Li even didn't bury him.

Watching him swim upstream and lie dead, Su Li's eyes became a little more complicated.

Because this is already the Elf Sea area!

Arriving at the Elf Territory Sea, Su Li looked directly into the distance deep into the Territory Sea.

There is an area like the tomb of the Great Emperor.

A place with an extremely huge ancient tomb mountain, but such a tomb mountain is completely covered by the sea.

This is the scene deep in the sea of ​​elves, and there must be seeds of the ancient tree of life in it.



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