I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 984: Strength without desire, female corpse in the ancient city

In the secret realm of Heavenly Punishment, there is endless thunder and sea of ​​blazing flames.

It's like the doomsday world is burning, accompanied by destructive blue-purple lightning and thunder.

Such a scene is indeed extremely shocking.

The area Su Li entered was a buffer and neutral place, so he did not encounter such a lightning strike as soon as he entered.

But even so, facing such an environment that is like the punishment of a wrathful god is indeed extremely frightening.

Even with Su Li's character, he was still touched.

It's just that Su Li definitely won't achieve enlightenment or refine, transform and improve himself here.

Because all the cause and effect here may be captured except for the seed of the ancient tree of life in the sea of ​​​​elf territory.

That seed is the core cause and effect, and it is also the cause and effect that he can lock and control.

Don't worry about everything else.

All that can be regarded as scenery along the way, which can be viewed but cannot be stayed.

Su Li had a very clear understanding of all this.

He looked seriously into the distance...

Deep in a sea of ​​flames, there is an abandoned ancient city.

The ancient city is mottled and ancient, and contains an ancient aura of broken Dao marks, which is extremely heart-stopping.

After Su Li saw this abandoned ancient city, he already knew what kind of ancient city it was.

That is the ancient city of worshiping heaven that has been silent in the years.

Because of the timing, it is presented here.

In the ancient city that once worshiped the gods, everything was built systematically in Zhenxu.

But the ancient city of worshiping the heavens here is the ruins of an ancient city in the sea of ​​​​elf territory, but it is not the real ancient city of worshiping the heavens.

Just like a person's transformation, leaving traces of the original 'body' existence.

The ancient city of Jitian contains the ultimate spirituality and has turned into a special existence, wandering between heaven and earth.

But its ‘home’, the remains and ruins of the ancient city, exist here.

Su Li was not surprised when he saw the ancient Tianjie Ancient City appearing here.

Everything is almost within judgment. Even if something bizarre happens, he can accept it.

Su Li did not hesitate or have any worries. With a movement of his figure, he evolved the Thunder God Flame Sword Technique, turned into a Thunder God Flame Sword, and flew away in the air.

The endless thunder light went crazy at this time and struck Su Li fiercely.

Let him be strong if he is strong, and the breeze will blow on the hills.

Su Li murmured softly, and the Zhenxu Taoism appeared.

In an instant, he derived cause and effect that was not within the Three Realms and was not within the Five Elements. Therefore, all the thunderbolts penetrated his body, but did not cause any harm to him.

Standing on a wall a thousand feet tall, if you have no desire, you will be strong.

Su Li muttered another sentence calmly.

This is his way of coping, and it is also his state of mind and attitude.

Just like if you don't have thoughts and desires when facing a beautiful woman, you won't become a licker.

At this time, Su Li was also like this.

He has no intention of chance or pursuit of this endless thunder and sea of ​​flames. Even if he is looking for the seeds of the ancient tree of life, it is not for himself after all.

Moreover, the ancient tree of life and its corresponding seeds will never attack Su Li in such a cause and effect.

Therefore, Su Li has nothing to fear.

With such a state of mind, no matter how powerful and invincible this endless thunder and endless flame sea is, it still cannot have any impact on Su Li.


The thunderbolts destroyed thousands of ways, but they passed through the void after all, unable to cause any damage to Su Li, or even causing any impact.

But such attacks have continued.

Su Li's figure was still flying in the air, calm and stable.

Just like walking through thousands of flowers, not a single leaf touches me.

Now, Su Li was also walking through the sea of ​​thunder and flames, but he didn't feel any pull at all.

As long as any little bit of these thunder or flame sources is gathered in the body, it can transform into a physical body, or turn into endless life, soul, life, energy, soul, energy, and other benefits, which will greatly help his growth.

Su Li could clearly sense this.

But he knew that once he did it.

That would really mean falling into the enemy's cage.

Because the life soul and life energy he is devouring here at this time most likely comes from the Queen of Life Yamina.

Once this happens, the alliance formed by Yamina and him may be shattered in an instant.

In the endless thunder, Su Li's forward figure froze slightly for a moment.

Those thundering sounds covered up an extremely mysterious thundering sound.

Even though it was covered up, Su Li still heard it.

Therefore, Su Li almost immediately judged that someone was using methods such as Zhenxu Realization.

And who else can use such means in such time and space?

Is it true to explore cause and effect?

“However, after all, it’s still a matter of doing the same thing.”

Don't you know that Yamina is able to survive to this day and still maintain her origins as the Immortal Queen of Life, just because she has the ultimate will to resist?

It seems that everything before is indeed as I judged.

Su Li's thoughts flashed through his mind and he quickly regained his composure.

Yes, not only Yamina took this unexpected situation into consideration, but Su Li also took it into consideration.

Therefore, the dialogue between the two people actually had some reservations and some traction.

The purpose is to prevent others from reminiscing or looking back at the memory.

When Su Wangchen's resonant memory gave him Su Li, Su Li actually thought that this was a two-way passage. Although it contained great benefits, it also contained great risks.

After a pause, a thunder seal suddenly exploded, tearing the sky apart and striking Su Li fiercely.

Su Li's figure did not move forward, but quietly looked at the thunder.

In that thunder, there seemed to be a figure because the huge thunder light lit up the darkness of the ruins of the ancient city of Jitian in the distance.

Su Li saw a woman in white hanging by a huge chain from a huge beam above the ancient city.

It was like an ancient female corpse hanging at the city gate.

On the wall above the ancient city, there was also an identical woman in white, with disheveled hair, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, standing there quietly.

Its eyes cannot see clearly, but they are particularly empty.

From a distance, she seemed to be looking at Su Li.

In the dim sky and earth, the distant sea of ​​flames dyed the entire world dark red.

In the dim ruins in the distance, the light became even dimmer.

When the huge thunder tore through the void, the ruins were lit up at the same time, and then a scene like this appeared.

Just like an atmospheric horror scene.


This world does not seem to be reassuring because of the explosion of thunder. Instead, it is like the thunder cannot prevent the terrifying cause and effect from coming, so it shows its incompetence and crazy roar.

This kind of atmosphere is very shocking.

Even Su Li couldn't control his heart palpitations.


Boom Ka

Destructive thunder and lightning exploded in front of Su Li, exploding a thunder and lightning halo.

Snow-white and purple light groups exploded again and again, like the void cracking open and space-time storms erupting.

But no matter whether such an attack landed on Su Li or in front of Su Li, Su Li was not impacted.

No matter whether he has emotional changes or not, he still evolves into Zhenxu, and he still cannot be truly targeted and attacked.

Not to mention, here, even if the origin of thunder actively tried to penetrate into his body and fit in with his origin of thunder flame, Su Li would still immediately reject it.

In other words, it is not rejection, but the true and false Taoism derived from Su Li himself, which makes this origin directly penetrate into the air, and it will come out as it goes in.

When such situations occurred again and again, the thunder between heaven and earth gradually stabilized.

However, Su Li's figure did not continue to pause, but flew into the air towards the ancient city of Jietian Ancient City.

After arriving at the gate of the ancient city, Su Li saw the ruins of the ancient city.

Smoke is still rising over the ancient city.

Blue-black smoke lingered, like the smoke emitted by some unknown existence that was not fully burned after being struck by lightning.

At the gate of the city, hanging was not a woman in a white gauze skirt, but a hollow gauze skirt, a very beautiful, aesthetic white gauze skirt that strange women like to wear.

Su Li glanced at him and saw a piece of human skin in the gauze skirt.

It was an extremely delicate and soft human skin.

It's just that this human skin is extremely hollow, but when it's attached to the gauze skirt, it fits perfectly.


Su Li could tell that as long as the human skin was filled with air, it might be a very good toy.

However, Su Li was not surprised when he saw it, and there was no change in his eyes, as if he had never seen human skin before.

Whether he saw it or not, he didn't need to care about the result.

Many causes and effects here are related to eyesight.

Except for the seeds of the Ancient Tree of Life, many things that can be seen cannot be seen.

Many things that cannot be seen can also be invisible.

After Su Li walked over, he moved his eyes away from the hanging white skirt, and then looked at the wall above the ruins of the ancient city.

The city wall is very high, but Su Li can still see clearly because he is in the air.

Over the ancient city, standing was a corpse.

A body frozen in ice.

The ice was either thick solid ice or a light layer of wind and frost covering her body.

Then, she was frozen here like a statue.

Moreover, the gauze skirt on her body is obviously not white, but the original cyan color.

But after being covered by that layer of frost, all the colors were lost and turned into snow white.

So from a distance, she seemed to be standing quietly on the ancient city, staring into the distance.

When Su Li looked at this woman, his eyes were equally calm.

Did you see it?

Still don’t see it?

Nobody knows.

Because there was no reflection in Su Li's eyes or in the depths of his pupils.

If anyone pays attention to his eyes, they will find that deep in his eyes, there is nothingness and not even the ancient city of Jitian.

So, do the hanging human skin in a gauze skirt and the frozen woman in the ancient city exist?

This is no longer possible to judge.

At least, as long as Su Li didn't show it, no one knew whether he could see it.

If you can see it, what exactly do you see?

This is the cause and effect of ‘eyesight’ that Yamina mentioned.

If Yamina hadn't appeared, Su Li couldn't be sure what the result would be if Su Li presented these scenes he saw. But what Su Li can be sure of is that he will definitely fall into a state of extreme passivity.

It is even very likely that he will be permanently destroyed as a result!

Su Li's figure ignored the hanging human skin in the gauze skirt and the frozen woman, and flew directly over the ancient city.

Su Li even did not give way to some of the building structures that blocked his progress.

Like nothingness, he directly penetrated part of the ruined walls of the ancient city and entered the interior of the ancient city.

In the ancient city, the environment is hugely different.

Among them were the mysterious gray mist that Su Li had encountered before, ancient purple arcs flashing, and hazy aura like purple clouds flowing.

Moreover, among the ruins of the ancient city, it does not appear very dark, but only presents a desolate, ancient but extremely hazy feeling.

Su Li moved forward silently, and at the same time secretly mobilized the Three Thousand Avenues and many other abilities to suit himself.

At the same time, he moved forward almost instinctively, towards the core area inside the Ancient City of Heaven.

He couldn't be sure where this place led, and whether it was connected to the core of the Elf Sea.

But Su Li was sure that no matter what the situation was, he must be extremely vigilant and careful.

The further he moved forward, the more Su Li could not control himself and felt the unspeakable heart palpitations.

It was as if, deep in the core of this ancient city, there was some extremely terrifying cause and effect that was pulling him, constantly locking his essence and soul, forming a terrifying cage.

It was even as if he was trying to lock his soul and pursue his soul and seek his life.


I have evolved the True Void Dao Tradition and am no longer within the Three Realms or the Five Elements. Yet I am still being dragged along like this!

Su Li was somewhat touched.

His expression became a little more solemn, and at the same time he silently burned a ray of original blood and gently bit the tip of his tongue to keep himself in a special state of clarity and calm.

At the same time, Su Li silently began to recite the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra to adjust his state of mind.

At this moment, Su Li knew that his state of mind was attracted by such an environment and the mysterious atmosphere contained in it, and had become less stable.

Once his state of mind is unstable, it will be relatively difficult to evolve the Zhenxu Taoism, and the dangers he will face will be beyond imagination.

There seems to be unknown cause and effect in the depths of this ancient city that is related to me.

After Su Liyou pondered for a moment, he vaguely sensed something.

At the same time, Su Li clearly felt that due to such a pulling force, wisps of light blue spiritual light flew out from his eyebrows.

This scene made Su Li obviously reveal some background beyond his own, because such wisps of light blue spiritual glow were unique to the system.

But at this time, this kind of spiritual radiance actually emerged from Su Li's eyebrows on its own!



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