I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 979: Harvesting the Truth, Monkey Karma

When that flash of light appeared, Su Li suddenly understood a lot of cause and effect in his heart.

At this time, he stopped talking and looked at Yamina silently.

Yamina's mood has also changed a lot at this time.

Therefore, when Su Li spoke such rune language, she already understood something.

As the true Queen of Life, her courage is far greater than that of Qing Nami before.

Therefore, she was not persuading anything at this time. Instead, she just nodded gently, and her tone was obviously much gentler: Su Renhuang, please take care of yourself on this journey.

Su Li said softly: Well, I already have some ideas in my mind about this matter. Although it is immature, the possibility of failure is actually not high.

Moreover, some things still have to be done after all. Even if you know that there are tigers in the mountains, you still have to go to the tiger mountains, right?

Yamina pondered for a moment and said: At this time, I have nothing to say, but there is a cause and effect in the past that involves a cause and effect analysis. I would like to talk to you, Su Renhuang, but I don't know that Su Renhuang Are you willing to listen?”

Su Li said: If you want to say something, it will be of great help. Of course I am willing to listen, Su. I am all ears.

Yamina stared at Su Li with her beautiful eyes and said: Su Renhuang is indeed the Su Renhuang.

Su Li said: The Queen of Life deserves to be the Queen of Life.

While the two were talking, they looked at each other and smiled inexplicably, and everything seemed to go without saying anything.

What is the significance of this?

The significance is that under such circumstances, in such an environment and situation, one of them is the Queen of Life Yamina who dares to bring out the core cause and effect. This courage is simply extremely terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that Su Li still dares to listen even though he absolutely knows that the core cause and effect is extremely terrifying. This is naturally even more cruel...

In other words, one is not afraid of death, and the other dares to follow without fear of death, and even dares to go into battle to test it himself.

Therefore, when the two of them looked at each other and smiled, everything was understood in silence.

Yamina said: Many causes and effects in this world originate from a special story.

Su Li said: Yes, if my judgment is correct, it should start from Journey to the West, and then lead to the Great Desolation and the Conferred Gods.

Yamina said: The Suren Emperor really... guessed everything.

Su Li said: There's really no need to guess. After all, there are many people in this world who actually really want to be Tang Monk, or maybe they are monkeys, but they still want to be Tang Monk after all.

Yamina did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a while.

After a while, she sighed softly and said: In the story of Journey to the West, there is a special experience. After capturing Tang Monk's essence and soul, you can truly become immortal, right?

Su Li nodded slightly and said, Yes, this story is indeed like this.

Su Li knew that the so-called immortality and Tang Monk's flesh had obviously been changed by the Su Wangchen demon in the fantasy world, and then turned into grabbing the so-called essence and soul, and then they could truly be immortal.

Therefore, there is no doubt that someone has imitated the cause and effect of the Tang Monk Flesh by this devouring method such as harvesting the life soul and life energy.

Then, when a group of superiors discovered that this method of harvesting fate or essence and soul could really make them extremely powerful, they naturally became out of control.

Perhaps, it may not be as immortal as 'Tang Monk Meat', but it does break many shackles.

Therefore, cannibalism happens openly in this world.

In particular, it is impossible for special beings like Su Wangchen and such delicious food to escape such a fate.

Su Wangchen would never have thought that the harvest cause and effect popular among such a group of practitioners would emerge because of a story about eating Tang Monk's flesh.

Of course, if Yamina hadn't mentioned this, Su Li wouldn't have thought about such a cause and effect, although he could actually deduce it.

But with Yamina's proof, everything becomes more solid.

At this time, Yamina mentioned this story, and Su Li gradually guessed some of Yamina's intentions.

This is not a cage of truth. On the contrary, it is a cage of truth to prevent Su Li from doing it. In other words, it allows Su Li to further understand more causes and effects in this process, so as to Be prepared to take precautions.

Sometimes, the difference between truth help and truth cage is just a thought.

If the thoughts are full of good intentions, they are the auxiliary, assistance and help of the truth; if the thoughts are full of deep malice, then they are naturally the vicious cage of the truth.

At this time, Yamina is sincerely kind, so this truth does not contain the nature of a prison, and will not drag Su Li into the vortex of cause and effect, but only allows Su Li to understand part of the truth and cause and effect.

Under such circumstances, Su Li's sense of the Queen of Life became a little better.

Of course, the real Queen of Life is indeed not too bad to become the real Queen of the Natural Elves, just like the Human Emperor of the human race. How could it really be so bad?

And, in other words, existences that can become alternatives for the system did indeed appear in such situations in the fantasy world.

So, if it is too poor, it will definitely be unmatched.

Likewise, Su Li's initial bad impressions of Yamina disappeared.

There is no doubt that these are all due to Yamina's cause and effect.

But Yamina's cause and effect is tied to the system, so she cannot really be defeated.

This is the first person Su Li has ever seen who was named but could not deny the cause and effect.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another such person in this world, and that is Su Li.

Or maybe it was Su Wangchen in the fantasy world of the past.

The nature is the same, but the essence is completely different.

Now, Yamina spoke, and Su Li also fell into deep thought.

At this time, Yamina added: In this story, the relationship in this team has actually fallen apart in the incident of that special big shot.

Su Li said: Zhen Yuanzi's dojo?

Yamina said: Yes, it is the dojo of the eternal immortal town Yuanzi. Isn't there a ginseng fruit in his dojo? One piece can make ordinary people immortal directly!

Su Li was silent for a long time without speaking.

There is indeed nothing wrong with saying that this kind of magic transformation actually corresponds to the realm.

Zhen Yuanzi, a real boss.

The efficacy of the ginseng fruit is needless to say.

So, what's the problem?

Yamina added: When Yuanzi of the Immortal Town received the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk, he first brought out ginseng fruit to entertain them.

But later, after some cause and effect, he finally handed over to Sun Wukong.

Among them, is Sun Wukong the most powerful?

Su Li said: Indeed.

Yamina said: After all, you have surpassed Tang Seng, haven't you? In the past story, Tang Seng was an immortal who lived in the next life. He had a noble status and a huge backer. He went through all the karmic experiences in order to change his mind. Qualifications, right?”

Su Li was silent for a while and said, You continue.

Yamina said: I thought about it for a long time. After Zhen Yuanzi's incident, there was actually a gap between master and disciple.

After all, who has the final say in this team?

Therefore, after Zhen Yuanzi, the cause and effect of three dozen giant bone demons appeared.

Su Li was stunned, and then immediately realized that this was Su Wangchen's demon changed again, changing the three dozen white bone demons into three dozen giant bone demons.

Yamina said: Before the giant bone devil transformed into a devil, she was a beautiful and strange woman, she looked like Yun Qingxuan, didn't she?

The meaning of this reference is the cause and effect of the green butterfly attacking the heart...

It's a long story, and it's not convenient to say more. You can just think of it as synonymous with attacking the heart.

At this time, this 'plan' was seen through by Sun Wukong, who directly pointed it out.

But as the leader, Tang Seng is shameless?

At this time, among their team, Zhu Wuneng and Sha Wujing had never actually made a move, and they had never seen Sun Wukong make a move with all his strength.

So Tang Seng felt that if you don't say it is something, then that is what it is.

Then, this kind of powerful and powerful being was finally expelled.

Later, after some cause and effect, they realized that it was impossible to live without the monkey, so they found the monkey again.

At this time, the first thing Tang Seng said was actually to acknowledge the monkey's ability and status, and then said that if we go to the West, the monkey will bear the brunt of the credit and can account for half of it.

But at this time, what Monkey said was just to use Juehun Ancient Forbidden Spirits...

It can be seen that during this period, there is actually no affection between master and disciple. What is there is just interests.

Do you think so about this?

Yamina spoke softly.

Su Li smiled and said: Wangchen always thought he was a monkey. This story is told to the Heavenly Dao in the world of Heavenly Dao rules in the great plane of Babel Tower, right? Is he a disciple of Heavenly Dao?

Yamina said nothing.

Su Li said: Thank you for letting me know. I understand.

Yamina didn't answer, but it was actually the best answer.

Why today's Emperor Su Wangchen often turns into a monkey is actually because he wants to establish the monkey's cause and effect.


This cause and effect cannot be recognized or even responded to.

Because Su Wangchen never thought that he was a monkey, but Tang Monk.

And the existence that Su Wangchen split off, or in other words, the existence that he split from Su Li, was the monkey, the master of great power.

Therefore, the so-called tightening curse and the ancient ban on souls are the greatest guarantee for the main body to restrain the clone.

In other words, Emperor Wang and Hu Chen, these two existences, one is Tang Monk and the other is monkey.

The key is to see who is Tang Monk and who is Monkey.

Among them, Su Li's current situation is involved.

He, Su Li, split into an unscrupulous clone, which is now Su Wangchen.

It just so happened that Su Li could indeed control his clone Su Wangchen.

And the clone Su Wangchen has even evolved the monkey's cause and effect countless times.

Combined with Yamina’s story, what will be the outcome if we continue?

Therefore, the original suggestion that he split into a Su Wangchen, it was clear what evil intentions were behind it.

Whether this is the case cannot be completely determined.

But one thing is, the cause and effect is by no means simple!

After Su Li thanked him, his mood became solemn for a moment, but it quickly dissipated.

It's not that he trusts Yamina, but in this situation, Yamina's courage is terrifying. The Queen of Life really has no thought of retreat.

In other words, she is not afraid of death, nor is she afraid of offending Emperor Wang, nor is she afraid of exposing all such plans!

To put it bluntly, this is a tiger!

To put it nicely, it was trust in Su Li.

In other words, she had no choice. Su Li was willing to enter the Elf Realm Sea, which was the greatest sacrifice, so she gave the greatest sincerity.

Either succeed, open the gap together, get out of the predicament, and usher in the dawn of hope!

Either fail, become completely extinct, and become completely lonely.

This is courage.

Like Qing Nami before, she still didn't dare to make any decision after all.

But Yamina dared, and not only did she dare, she also did it directly.

Thank you for nothing. Instead, I should thank you. Thank you for not caring about it before.

Yamina spoke very gently.

Her tone was not serious, but it gave people a very firm feeling.

Su Li said: If I had cared about it, I guess we wouldn't have had this conversation. How can a person who can care about trivial matters have any courage?

Yamina smiled and said: So, this must be a big gamble.

Su Li said: It doesn't count, I'm quite sure.

Yamina said: You are too confident, but this is exactly what I want to see. In addition, Su Renhuang, don't worry, these words will not spread any information.

Su Li said: I know, because I sensed the extremely pure realm of life, and this realm of life reminded me that true love derived from hope, and the hope of true love, can create miracles.

Yamina said: The Su Renhuang deserves to be the Su Renhuang. From this point of view, this time we meet, we will die without regrets.

Su Li said: Live well, the life elf realm still needs you to lead it and move towards true glory.

Hearing this, Yamina took a deep look at Su Li and said, If you really want to take that step, I will let the Life Elf Queen of the Ancient Tree of Life be your maid and serve you sincerely for a hundred thousand years.

When Su Li heard this, he felt a little scared in his heart, but smiled and said, I hope I can have this honor.

Yamina said: Time is running out, and the life realm cannot lock information for long. Next, I will tell you some of the secrets of the twelve-element magneto-optical array. This is the key information to open the sea of ​​​​elf realm. After this information is transmitted , between us, let’s forget about each other for the time being.”

Su Li said: Okay.

When Su Li responded, Yamina's expression immediately became solemn.

Yamina closed her eyes, and many little elves like colorful butterflies suddenly flew around her.

These little elves wave their wings of light, forming an incredibly beautiful sea of ​​mysterious light flowers.



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