I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 87: : Scepter of God

   After connecting to the mirror Vader again, he found that the mirror Vader and the adventurer were praising God. .

   "praise you!

  "The Great Master of Order:

  "The creator of all orders:

   "The Supreme One of Fairness and Justice!"

   Jiang Hao manipulated the mirror Vader to praise God with the language learned from the adventurer's lips, while moving his gaze in front of him.

A few steps in front of him, three priests stood on the squirming flesh, the scepter in front of him radiated light, and those tentacles that were like a dance of demons stood quietly in the air, as if intoxicated in the singing of praise to God. Up.

   On the stairs, green worms crawling forward came out against the human face, they showed pious expressions and praised God loudly.

   Is this solved?

   Although after his report, he believed that the people of the three major churches would be prepared, but he came up to deal with this ancient evil, and the background of these three major churches is stronger than I thought.

   "Is this the power of the Scepter of God?" Duncan's low voice was filled with shock.

"No matter how powerful the ancient evil thing is in the outer space, it will also be restricted to a demigod after entering the main plane." Masefield said lightly, "What's more, this ancient evil thing itself is a larva. The great Lord of Dawn is wounded, otherwise it will not nest here and set a trap to devour the souls of the clergy of the church."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he said, "Someone can actually resist the call of the scepter of God."

   As soon as his voice fell, the green worm in front of him exploded at the same time, the green blood was splashing, and the faces fell on the ground, looking at the three priests and talking.

   "The gods are not omnipotent, but Cyric is omnipotent..."

   The flat voice like a puppet's speech overwhelmed the holy, solemn and solemn voice of illusory praise. The adventurer who was still praising God immediately changed his words.

   "You are one and ten thousand;

"  " is the beginning and the end;

   "It is the highest and the only one..."

   The Most High, the Only One... Is Cyric? Is there a relationship between the **** of knowledge and the dark sun? Why is there a voice praising the dark day in the body of the ancient evil creatures wriggling? Could it be said that the fall of the **** of knowledge is related to the dark day? But hasn't he already fallen? The corpses were still floating in the star realm... Jiang Hao thought about it while manipulating the mirror image Vader to praise the dark sun with the words he had just learned.

   Although the gods of the good and neutral camps divide the evil gods into the evil camp, the evil gods will not unite. They are already benevolent if they meet each other without hurting each other.

   "The Book of Cyric, it seems that my lord is right. The fall of the God of Knowledge is related to it."

   "Speaking spirit: shut up."

   Masefield pointed his hand, and a golden light was released from the scepter of God, dyeing the squirming flesh into gold.

   All faces and the adventurer closed their mouths at the same time, and Mirror Vader also shut up.

   The body of the ancient evil creature wriggling walker suddenly became quiet, and there was only a faint illusory praise from the scepter of God.

   Immediately afterwards, he pointed again, and the mini crystal book on the top of the scepter automatically opened a page, which was engraved with dense laws.

   "God said: Don't spy on your God."

   Suddenly, a scream came from upstairs.

   "God said: Those who offend God will come to me and receive a fair trial."

   Then, a black figure staggered out from upstairs. He was wearing a black robe, and under his silver hair was a middle-aged man's face with a crazy look.

   It can be seen from his legs that he wants to run backwards, but his body literally ran down from the stairs.

   "'Black Scholar"? What the adventurer said is true, there are really ‘Black Scholar’ professionals here." The priest of the God of Justice was a little surprised.

   After they knew that there were ancient evil creatures creeping walkers in Fenlan Hotel, they spread the news to the church headquarters. For any city in the main plane, the existence of ancient evil creatures was a huge disaster.

   The church quickly reacted, and Masefield, the **** son of the Church of Order, sent the Scepter of God to Ganzros.

   When the son of God arrived, another adventurer came to report that there were ‘black scholars’ in the Finlan Hotel. He and Duncan thought this was a trap, and the purpose was for the souls of the clergy.

   After all, for the ancient evil things, the souls that are tainted with the breath of the gods because they often communicate with the gods and powers are a great tonic.

   I didn't expect that what the adventurer said was true.

   "God said: You are guilty, and sinners will wash their sins by hanging."

   The man stopped suddenly. He stood upright, arms open, and a golden rope fell from the sky, wrapped it around his neck, and pulled tight.

  In an instant, the man's complexion turned red, and a strong sense of suffocation and dizziness surged into his heart.

   "Damn gods running dogs, you guys are dying to death..."

   Following his voice, his skin quickly separated, and dark red blood flowed down from his body and landed on the squirming flesh.

  The blood-moisturized meat quickly grew out of tentacles ~ www.NovelMTL.com~ These newborn tentacles are like a source of infection, allowing more tentacles to come alive.

   Soon, the man died of bleeding.

  At the same time, the ancient evil creature wriggling walker woke up.

   "Be quiet, there are no evil things of wisdom, and listen carefully to the praises of the believers to my father."

   Masefield’s voice fell, and the sacred, solemn and solemn illusory praise around the scepter of God suddenly resounded, and countless believers appeared around the scepter of God, praising the great ruler of order loudly.

   Hearing this song, the ancient evil creatures wriggling walkers awakened by the death of the man became quiet again, and the wriggling tentacles straightened out one by one, seeming to be intoxicated in the hymn.

Looking at the ancient evil being quiet, Masefield said faintly: "You go back first, the ancient evil life is tenacious. No one except the gods can completely eliminate it. I want to transform it into my clone first. Then take it to the Seventh Heaven Mountain to receive my father's purification."



   The two old men responded at the same time and turned to leave. When they reached the door, their tentacles retracted and gave way.

   After the two priests left, Masefield raised his hand and put his palm on the wall, and his divine power surged, eroding its will, and preparing to transform it into a body.

   Suddenly, the Creeping Walker came alive, and several tentacles stretched and bitten on Masefield's body, and the flesh was exposed with faces, densely packed, all over the hotel.

   They showed a pious expression, opened their mouths, and began to sing:

   "Praise you, Oghma, the great omniscient lord, you are an all-knowing and omnipotent being..."

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