I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 76: : Fallen

   The breeze blew, a half-human-tall tree swayed with the wind on its crown with only a few green leaves, and a few drops of rain fell, leaving a trace on its emerald green leaves.

   A white hand was placed on its canopy, and the fingertips stroked the green leaves several times, but it was still not able to turn it into a bald tree.

  Wait for more green leaves... Fiona Russell thought to herself, and took her hand back.

   But why didn’t everyone come today? Is something stalling? Or did you change the meeting place but didn't notify me?

   Fiona Russell was a little flustered.

   As soon as she wanted to go back and contact everyone with the scroll of prayer, she saw a paper man coming across the air, a little black aura wrapped around him.

"Mr. Paperman is here, everyone did not change the meeting place... But what happened to Mr. Paperman? Why is there a black breath entangled on his body, giving me a strange feeling, like crazy, he is cursed Is it? But it is also possible that the exposure to new knowledge has become crazy... Mr. Paperman is usually very intelligent. Maybe he is a professional scholar. I don’t know if he has noticed that something is wrong with him. I still Remind him." Fiona Russell guessed in her heart, pondered for two seconds, organized her language, and asked.

   "Mr. Paper Man, someone told me, ‘The one who rules knowledge seems to have a problem, so don’t touch unknown knowledge, don’t touch unknown words, to prevent it from becoming crazy!’"

   After thinking about it, Fiona Russell added: "This news should come directly from the enlightenment of the gods."

   "My lord..." Afram Krell's pupils shrank suddenly.

   "My lord has fallen into an evil god?"

   "No wonder I have always had crazy and tyrannical thoughts during this time..."

   "No wonder I borrowed the power of my lord and couldn't find the source..."

   "It turns out that the source of all this lies in my lord!"

   There was a huge wave in his heart.

  My lord? Mr. Paper Man is indeed a professional scholar... Fiona Russell sympathizes with Mr. Paper Man in her heart. The gods who believe in degenerate into evil gods, and the clergy usually have only two choices.

   One is to fall with the gods and become a cultist who everyone shouts and beats. The other is to cut off the connection with the gods, but their own profession and class level will disappear directly.

   But I heard that there is a third option, which is to take refuge in other gods, and use the power of the gods to transform one's own professional level into the corresponding priest's professional level.

   But it seems that I have never heard of any deity who will accept believers from other deities as his own clergy, and will consume his divine power to transfer him.

  While they were talking, Iyetta Cavendil and Jiang Hao, who appeared in the image of the Lord of Heaven in a white dress, appeared one after another.

  Successfully absorbed a clone of the God of Craftsman. Iyetta Cavendil was in a good mood. He frowned when he looked at the paper man who was entangled in the black spirit, "Depraved aura, you believe in the evil god?"

   "Mr. Paperman didn't believe in the evil god, but the **** he believed in had something wrong with it, it seemed that he was degenerate." Fiona Russell said what she knew.

   "The **** of knowledge has fallen." Iyetta Cavendil was dazed for a while.

  The **** of knowledge has fallen... Jiang Hao's eyelids twitched slightly. After reading many books, he no longer knew a little about the high-level power of the other world.

  As a **** born in the second era, the existence of the **** of knowledge is quite ancient. He has mastered ‘knowledge’ and ‘words’, occupies ‘history’, and secretly mastered ‘wisdom’.

   Such an ancient and powerful **** has fallen.

   There was no sound in the small dimension space for several seconds before Iyeta Cavendil’s exit broke the silence:

   "Are you sure? Has the **** of knowledge really fallen?"

"I'm sure." It was not Fiona Russell who spoke, but Efram Krell. The scholar's voice was bitter, "I have been feeling uncontrollable crazy and tyrannical in my emotions recently. I thought I have a problem or have been cursed. It seems that the **** of knowledge has fallen, and I have become crazy under his influence."

   Fiona Russell asked worriedly, "Mr. Paper, the **** of knowledge has fallen, what are you going to do?"

   "I want to find a way to leave Greycastle first." Afram Krell replied simply.

   Graycastle has become insecure, and Archbishop Barnes should have fallen under the influence of the God of Knowledge. The things he saw like tentacles were not his own illusions, but the changes produced after the fall of Archbishop Barnes.

   And if I stay in the Graycastle, I will also fall...but it won't be easy to leave the Graycastle. Archbishop Barnes blocked the Graycastle in the name of preventing the followers of the evil **** and prohibits entering and exiting.

   Thinking, Afram Krell looked at Jiang Hao, "His Royal Highness, I want to ask you to help me leave Greycastle~www.NovelMTL.com~ I will pay for your satisfaction."

   Graycastle can now be said to be the base camp of the evil **** of knowledge. It is a bit difficult to help Afram Krell leave from Graycastle.

   But this is not impossible.

   Jiang Hao thought for a moment, then nodded gently, "Yes."

   "Thank you, great majesty." Afram Krell relaxed a little.

   After Afram Krell and Jiang Hao finished their dialogue, Iyeta Cavendil only said, "His Royal Highness, I have already thought about the last request."

   Jiang Hao nodded with a smile, "You said."

   Iyeta Cavendil sorted out the language and said: "The God of Craftsman came down to a clone. He wanted to corrode me and turn me into his clone, but this clone was absorbed by me."

   "I'm pretending to be his clone now, but this kind of pretense won't last long. I would like to ask your Highness to deceive his perception and make him mistakenly think that I am his clone."

   To deceive the perception of a god? Your request is a bit difficult. I am not the dark day mastering lies, but I can try to deceive him with the power of the wheel of fortune, Jiang Hao thought.

   Just as he was about to speak, he heard Avram Krell answer first, "...You have absorbed the clone of the God of Craftsman, and now you want to pretend to be his clone?"

"I have a way to keep you from hiding the God of Craftsman. Although you can't keep hiding from him, unless something unexpected happens, you can hide it for more than ten years." Afram Krell said lightly: "But I I want to use this method in exchange for the request you made to your Highness."

   More than ten years is enough time to be enchanted... Iyetta Cavendil nodded, "You said."

  Afram Krell looked at Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao nodded, "Yes."

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