I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 55: : Osiris

  What do we think?

   What can we say?

   We are very confused now, okay.

   Folklore experts looked at each other, not knowing how to speak.

   They were all called by the Ministry of Civil Affairs from all over Egypt. After being called, someone posted relevant information. After reading it, except for a few people who knew it for a long time, the rest were confused.

  The myth turned out to be true? Is there really a god? Did my previous archaeological examinations go for nothing? Is it too late for my published paper to be retracted now?

   Three views have just been refreshed, and now my mind is just like paste, where can I put forward any opinions.

   But they are dumbfounded. Some experts are not dumbfounded. Several experts who have known the truth of the matter for a long time looked at each other and exchanged opinions in silence.

   "Are you in a group?"

   "No more, no more, no group."

   "The consequences are a bit serious after being exposed."

"OK then."

   After the exchange of opinions, everyone closed their mouths tightly.

  As a financially difficult household, it is commonplace to organize a group to cheat the superiors to obtain funds. If you don't cheat your superiors to get the funds, you will not be able to live your life, okay?

   But this matter is too big, they dare not start.

   After getting some funding from the boss, you can enjoy the cold face of the boss at most. If the president of Huyou makes a mistake in the national strategy, the consequences will be great.

   And they couldn’t figure out what was going on.

   Isn’t the Eye of Horus dedicated to the underworld **** Osiris? Why does it appear in the body of Ramses II? Also, isn't Sekhmet transformed into Hathor? Why does Sekhmet seem to be reincarnated?

   There is no such thing in mythology, OK?

Because they didn’t understand the situation, they didn’t dare to speak indiscriminately, and started playing the game where I was a wooden man. They only waited until the matter was resolved by others or the government’s patience was exhausted, and I’m sorry for not being able to help you. Sorry, goodbye, goodbye.

Just when they were ready to fight an arduous battle, someone said with a little nervousness and expectation: "I think what happened at the Temple of Ramses II was actually Horus. Si wants to take back the eye of Horus."

   Are you talking nonsense? He touched the eye of Horus, did he want to take it back? Clemens glanced at the young man. He was in his twenties. He had thick black curly hair, a pale yellowish black complexion, and a strong Mitte characteristic. "What's your name?"

   "My name is Niininettier." Niininettier immediately became nervous and excited when he heard the president ask himself.

   Clemens showed a kind smile that would only appear when facing a TV camera, "Nininettier, can you elaborate on it?"

   The several experts who sat there with their mouths closed looked at Nininettier at the same time, with an encouraging smile. If you can speak, you can talk more. It is best to finish the words alone so that we don't need to be asked.

"Yeah." Ninninetir nodded vigorously. He organized a few words and said: "I used to conduct in-depth research on the history of the New Kingdom period of ancient Egypt because of my interest, as the new Egyptian new kingdom that came to the throne in 1279 BC. The last great king of the kingdom, Ramses II gave the ancient Egyptian civilization an unprecedented power."

   "During his reign, he built the Temple of Abu Simbel, which is now the Temple of Ramses II, and put his statue alongside the gods Ra, Amon, and Putah."

"Legend, this is because Ramses II felt that he was equal to God, so he put his idol and the idols of the three gods together, but under the glory of the gods, how can man be equal to the gods? There is always only the same God who can be equal to God."

  If the gods do not exist, as the de facto pharaoh, the de facto supreme ruler of ancient Egypt, Ramses II can naturally deify himself with his authority and allow himself to be with the gods.

   But gods exist, how can a mortal dare to be so arrogant to equate himself with gods, even if he dares, Rashen should give the gods punishment.

   "So Ramses II should be the reincarnation of the gods. Only in this way can he explain why he put his idol and the idols of the other three gods together without any opposition from anyone or god."

   The more he talked, the more he felt that his guess was correct.

   Ramses II is arrogant and put himself alongside the gods. This is a false history.

   Ramses II was the reincarnation of the gods, so putting himself and the gods side by side, this is the real history.

   Clemens' eyes lit up suddenly, "Is Ramses II the reincarnation of a god?"

  Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed possible. In ancient Egypt, there have always been legends of gods personally reincarnated as pharaohs to rule all living beings. Once the gods of Ra, Amon, and Osiris were all reincarnated into pharaohs to rule the living beings on the earth.

   "If he is a god, then which **** is he?" Clemens asked excitedly.

   The mummies made from the corpse of Ramses II are still in the Egyptian Museum. If Ramses II is a god, it means that they have a corpse of a god.

   "Who owns the Eye of Horus, who is the reincarnation of Ramses II who holds it."

   Clemens almost blurted out, "Osiris, the **** of the underworld!"

This word is just like magic. As soon as I said it, there was a patter of rain~www.NovelMTL.com~ The noon sun was obscured by thick dark clouds, the sky became dim, and there were lightning from time to time. Cleaved from high above, lit up the world in an instant.

In the Egyptian Presidential Palace, Secretary of the Interior Sharif is just like sitting on a wax. The American ambassador to Egypt Robert Allen on the opposite side is holding the table with both hands, looking down at Sharif, with a sharp voice, "Minister Sharif, I ask you to release our American citizens immediately Catherine, don't be conceited."

   "Mr. Ambassador, I don't understand what you are talking about. We in Egypt have not detained any citizen of your country." Of course, Shirefu would not admit that he had detained Catherine. Whoever admits this kind of thing is stupid.

   But at the same time inside, he spit out fiercely.

   We in Egypt detained not only one Catherine, but also several Americans. As a result, your one-American ambassador spoke to Catherine, and closed Catherine. You didn't mention anyone else at all. The purpose of this is too clear. You don't need to cover up.

   spit out and spit out, Sharif’s complexion was startled, and in the lightning that split off in an instant, he saw a mummy covered in bandages staggeringly approaching.

   But when the electric light disappeared, the mummy disappeared.

   Is it because I have been under pressure recently and have hallucinations?

   This thought just flashed in Shirefu's mind. The next moment, a lightning struck down. In the electric light, the mummy with bandages all over his body was exposed to the electric light again.

   His erect golden pupils looked at him.

   For an instant, he had the urge to kneel down and bow to the mummy.

   "Huh?" After Robert Allen retorted Sharif aloud, he found him looking behind him with a stunned expression. He turned around and saw the mummy behind him, stiff and sluggish.

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