I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 523: :betray

Seeing the three most famous demon princes in the bottomless abyss appeared, the Lord of Dawn realized that he had fallen into a trap.

The big sun surrounded by darkness suddenly radiated infinite light and heat, and the super-high temperature burned the surrounding void, and the infinite light broke through the darkness and filled the void with light.

However, the darkness is so vast, so boundless, even if the sun's rays can pierce all darkness, after exhausting its power, it will still fall into the darkness and become a part of the darkness.

The two-headed baboon Dimo ​​Kogan's two heads showed smiles at the same time, one of which had a cracked mouth that could fit him in with the other.

"It's useless."

"This is the mezzanine between the abyss level and the level..."

"This place is similar to the void outside the territory, boundless, without boundaries, even if your light is dazzling, it is impossible to illuminate it all."

"At the same time, you don't need to expect other good gods to help you, because the devil lord and the evil **** living in the abyss have reached an agreement, and they will help us hold the other gods."

"Plus this time, the abyss consciousness has rioted like never before. It opened its mouth wide and sealed off this area. Even if the Lord of Order took the initiative himself, it would not be able to break through its blockade."

"Although I don't know why the Lord of All-Knowing did not accept our invitation, but it doesn't matter, you will never escape..."

As soon as it finished speaking, the other head opened its mouth and bit on the neck of the talking head, and said angrily, "Shut up, you idiot."

And the other end unceremoniously counterattack.

It spit on another face, "You just shut up, you stupid idiot."

Since ancient times, the abyss has come out of Ambi, and Demo Kogan is the Ambi in the Ambi, because it has a double personality, once the amusing is compared, the two heads will fight by themselves.

When the two-headed baboon scolded himself, the only light in the darkness began to shrink and gradually transformed into an extremely handsome man.

As soon as he appeared, he opened his golden eyes, swept through the endless darkness, and found Demogogan who was hiding in the darkness, then stretched out his hand, opened the portal, and hit the portal with a fist.

The golden light burst out, penetrated the portal, and appeared beside Demo Gogan.

The left head of the two-headed baboon immediately became angry, "The three demon princes are here, you actually beat me, do you think I am the weakest?"

The head on the right was preparing to blaspheme. Hearing what the left said, he immediately scolded, "Fool, he obviously thinks I am the strongest, so he came to beat me."

"It's hitting me, you idiot." The left head became furious.

"Am I not you? You **** baboon."

When the two heads were arguing, the shadow of the fist fell directly next to Dimo ​​Gogan, and the divine power hidden in the shadow of the fist immediately exploded, piercing Dimo ​​Gogan's body, tearing its flesh and soul.

The hard-hit Demogogan immediately escaped into the darkness, using blasphemous words to cover his tracks, shielding the search for him by detection and prophecy abilities.

"Idiot." The Abyss Maharaja Okas yelled at the disappearing Demogogan.

It was impossible to hit Demo Kogan at this level, and even if it hit, it was impossible to break Demo Kogan's defense.

But at the moment of the enemy, Demogogan's two heads were actually quarreling, and no one had arranged a defense, and he was directly injured and ran away.

"Dual personality is too much trouble."

Grazt touched his arm unconsciously. Affected by the power of the goddess of capital, a consciousness split into its body. If this consciousness continues to grow, it might be like a double-headed baboon. There is a situation where you hit yourself.

Just as Grazt was thinking, a little golden light lit up, and the hot high temperature suddenly swept in front of it.

"It's me this time?"

Grazt launched the astral projection, projecting a part of the astral into this void.

The endless silver ocean unfolded slowly, and the golden light fell on the ocean, like an elephant falling into a swamp, and the speed became extremely slow and extremely slow.

Seeing that he was temporarily safe, Grazt began to spare his attention, preparing to fight back.

But at this time it discovered that the target of the Lord of Dawn was the Abyss Maharaja Orcus, and attacking it just made it impossible to rescue Orcus.

The Lord of Dawn turned into a small sun, bursting out with his full power, a light that was ten million times stronger than the ordinary sun, and instantly blinded Grazite who was looking past.

Orcas, who was greeted by the eruption of the sun, immediately lost all perception. The high temperature of over 6000 degrees Celsius quickly melted Orcas’s body, and the surging divine power suppressed its consciousness, slowing its thinking speed, making it impossible Issue an effective counterattack.

With just one blow, Occas, the demon lord who was considered by many to not lose to the mighty power, was defeated, and he was about to die in the hands of the Lord of Dawn.

But at this moment, Demogogan, with two heads, appeared behind the Lord of Dawn.

"You really thought I was going to make comparisons in battle, that was what I pretended..."

Its two mouths opened together, uttering inexplicable babble, speaking as if a mortal heard the language of all the dark truths in this world.

The powerful blasphemy immediately polluted the consciousness of the Lord of Dawn, and black spots appeared on the surface of the dazzling sun, just like sunspots.

Affected by the blasphemous language, the Lord of Dawn's divine power operation had a problem, and his suppression of Orcus quickly faded, allowing Orcus to regain his thinking.

Seize the opportunity ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Orcus immediately broke free from the influence of the Lord of Dawn, and a flash escaped from his attack area.

"Thank you."

Okas thanked him with lingering fears.

Just now, if it didn't break free, it might really die in the hands of the Lord of Dawn.

The Demon Lord is not like a true god, dead but not stiff, no matter how thorough the fall, as long as there are people who believe in themselves, as long as they can absorb faith and accumulate divine power, they can return from the star realm.

If the demon lord is dead, it is really dead, and even the corpse will be used by other demons to make artifacts.

"If you want to thank me, use your corpse as a reward."

When the voice fell, Demogogan appeared behind Occas, with a hand inserted in it, and powerful blasphemous words came out of its two mouths, which can only be possessed by the most powerful demon in the abyss. The authority of the'devil prince' came into play, extracting authority from the 113th floor of the abyss from the soul of Occas.

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