I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 51: : Temple

   Egypt, Ramses II Temple.

  As one of the four ancient civilizations of the Blue Star, Egypt is full of exotic culture and charm, attracting a large number of tourists from all over the world.

  Whether it is a pyramid or a temple, it is a must-visit place for tourists to Egypt. The Ramses II Temple, the largest of the many temples in Egypt, has always been a tourist attraction for taking pictures.

   But today, the Ramses II Temple was abnormally unopened when it was open. The guards on duty in black surrounded the entrance, and at the same time they pulled up the cordon, and there was a sign that visitors stopped.

   "Huh? The temple is closed today?"

   "No way, the temple can still be closed?"

   "The news seems to say that the Eye of Horus was found here, but wasn't it migrated here? Why didn't it find it during the migration? Is it hidden in a crack in the stone? And the news didn't say that it was closed today."

   Someone tried to go up and talk to the guards.

"Hello, brother, do you know when it will reopen for tourists? I am the tour guide, and my tourists and I will only stay here for three days. If it is within three days of the Ramses II Temple If it cannot open, my tourists and I will have to leave early."

"do not know."


   When many tourists were stopped outside the Ramses II Temple, a group of folklore experts who had been invited to investigate came into the temple accompanied by guards.

This temple, carved out of the rock by the ancient Egyptians, faces the Nile River. The front facade is composed of four giant seated statues of Ramses II with a height of 20 meters. The main body of the temple is a 60-meter-long rectangular hall. The statues are arranged in two rows, with frescoes and reliefs painted on the walls.

   As soon as people walked in, there was a sense of shock.

   Catherine was in the crowd. She was not invited, but her teacher was.

   Originally, participating in such an archeological operation would add a brilliance to her resume.

   But she is totally unhappy at this moment.

   "Professor." Catherine lowered her voice, and glanced at the mercenaries who were following her and the professor unconsciously. Although you changed your clothes, I knew you even if you put on makeup.

   "Why are they still following us?"

   It is just to borrow the teacher’s reputation to enter the country. If it is said that they will be separated after entering the country, why do they appear here?

   "I don't know, but there is no way. We can't refuse their request, so we will treat it as if we have enjoyed the presidential treatment." Professor Felton also lowered his voice and said helplessly.

   "Teacher, I worry about them..."

"I know."

  Professor Felton suspected that they were trying to make trouble.

   After all, as the cousin of European feces chucking sticks, the United States has completely inherited the characteristics of the feces chucking sticks in a country where the sun does not set and carried forward, becoming a blue star feces chucking stick.

   It is precisely because of this profound knowledge that Professor Felton quickly left with the students after getting off the boat, not wanting to continue to involve them.

   But I didn't expect that after arriving in Aswan, these people appeared next to him again, and at the same time, the White Water Company called and asked him to enter the Ramses II Temple with them.

   No need to doubt this time, the other party is 100% here to make trouble.

   But God, why me?

   They are doing things on their own. No matter how big or small they are, they must be blacklisted as a cover for the entry of the other party. If they are caught on the spot, they will only have two lines of tears behind bars.

   At the same time, he was a little curious about what the White Water Company sent them here to do.

   Make a big news in the Temple of Ramses II? However, this temple has no special symbolic meaning. It is better to go to the pyramids than to make a big news.

   Come here to commit theft? Shouldn't theft go to the Egyptian Museum? Only there can be rich.

   Is it for the eye of Horus?

   Professor Felton was extinguished by himself as soon as this thought flashed through his mind.

The Eye of Horus has a great symbolic meaning in Egyptian mythology, but this meaning is more academic, economically, Egyptian artifacts have never been sold for any price, unless this eye of Horus really resembles The ancient Egyptians have the mysterious power to perceive good and evil and protect the soul.

   Otherwise, it's not worth it at all. They drive the USS Central Park amphibious assault ship.

   Glancing at the mercenaries, Professor Felton kept his voice very low and low, "After visiting the Eye of Horus, we will return to China. What they want to do has nothing to do with us."

   After the exchange, the two followed the crowd with the flow.

   At the end of the hall is a stone chamber that serves as an altar, which houses four statues of gods, from left to right are Putah, Amon, Ramses II himself, and Ra.

After dozens of people walked into the stone room, they stopped, and the Egyptian Minister of the Interior, Shiref, who was leading the way, motioned to others to open the sealed Eye of Horus~www.NovelMTL.com~ It was the size of an eye. The stone is painted with a simple gray line into a one-eyed full of characters.

   "This is the Eye of Horus?"

   "It looks like a mural painted directly on the stone, and it is no different from the pattern painted on amulets by the ancient Egyptians."

"The legend says that Horus was robbed of the left eye by the **** Seth when he was fighting with the **** Seth. Then he defeated the **** Seth with the help of the moon **** Kongs and regained his left eye. Later, he took this The amulet with extraordinary magical power that only turned into an eye was dedicated to the underworld **** Osiris, but if this is the case, the eye of Horus should not exist in the form of a stone."

"It exists in the form of eyes, and it seems to be the eyes of Ra. Is this the eye of Horus actually the eye of Ra? There is such a possibility. After all, the ancient Egyptians mixed Ra with other gods and described it as confusing. The relationship, Ra? Harahuti is the **** born after Ra and Horus mingled, so the eye of Horus is sometimes regarded as the eye of Ra."

   "First, appraise the time, and then combine it with the myths and legends of the time."

   Almost as soon as they saw the Eye of Horus, the invited experts discussed it.

After the invited experts had almost discussed it, Egyptian Minister of the Interior Sharif organized a language to say: "The Eye of Horus was found in the statue of Ramses II himself. We in Egypt have done some related work before. After checking, the information will be sent to you. All the results researched from the eyes of Horus belong to you. We in Egypt do not make any requests."

   "Our requirement is only one point, and that is that we in Egypt hope that you can help us find a way to activate and use it."

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