I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 484: : Black hole

Anyone who has studied astronomy knows that the solar system is a galaxy in which gravitational and centrifugal forces are in balance. 8 planets, 205 satellites and over 500,000 asteroids follow the solar system's traffic rules and move around the sun in an orderly manner.

Although there are occasional car accidents and the celestial bodies in the universe will occasionally collide with the blue star, but under the protection of the atmosphere, this degree of car accident does not have much impact on the blue star.

But once the balance of gravity and centrifugal force in the solar system is broken, countless celestial bodies will hit the blue star one after another.

Some small celestial bodies are okay, they will burn out when they pass through the atmosphere, but some large celestial bodies, or even planet-level celestial bodies, hit the blue star, which is a catastrophic disaster.

Before the planet hits the blue star, the blue star’s tide will change due to the planet’s gravitational pull, flooding, frequent tsunamis, lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes and other previously uncommon disasters will dominate the blue like the protagonist in a TV series. The sight of human beings.

When it comes into close contact with the Blue Star, a huge light source will illuminate the entire world, everything on the surface will instantly vaporize at high temperatures, and a huge overpressure shock wave will destroy everything that can be seen.

Magma from the ground gushes out, and huge dust covers the sky. After the extreme heat passes, the extreme cold will dominate everything, and the biological extinction will begin.

So after knowing that a star had disappeared, everyone who knew the news was frightened, for fear that these two gods would fight in the solar system and break the balance in the galaxy.

"In fact, we don’t need to be so nervous at all. It’s not so easy to break the balance of the solar system... The core of the entire solar system is the young star, the sun. Unless it affects it, I want to cause you to worry about it. They need to destroy the solar system to a certain extent. As for the specific extent, I need to build a model to calculate."

During the video conference, an astronomer spoke.

He was temporarily invited to participate in the meeting and was responsible for solving puzzles for the heads of countries, so he performed his duties at this time.

"This gentleman, what you are talking about is normal, but the situation is abnormal now."

A think tank next to Hodgson projected a video onto the big screen, "This is the picture taken by our telescope. Because of the delay, it has been a few minutes ago."

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the video.

Under their gaze, they only saw countless points of light shining indefinitely under a dark background, like gems from a distance.

But what everyone noticed was that under the night sky dotted with gems, another gray line, like a small version of a snake, was eating the beautiful gems.

The gems eaten by it are like dream bubbles, and disappear without a trace before being touched, leaving only a dark color without light.

And after this gray snake, the celestial bodies that circulate steadily and orderly under the action of gravitation appeared to be confused. Some celestial bodies, the two gods who were fighting left, attracted each other and directly collided.

"The battle between Zeus and Pallas was not only as simple as smashing these celestial bodies, but their burst of power also shattered the tangible and intangible forces into chaos. It just so happens that gravity is one of the smashed forces. "

"So, the balance system of the solar system has lost control!"

Hearing what the think tank explained, the astronomer closed his mouth and said nothing.

His thinking is judged based on science, but it is obvious that people do not want to talk to him about science, and they talk about theology with him.

"We must stop them, because if they continue to fight, the balance system of the solar system will definitely go wrong."

"Although after the balance fails, we can survive if we are lucky enough, but we cannot rely on luck because the probability is too small."

The think tank issued a pessimistic judgment.

Human beings are too fragile. Any disaster such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions can cause them casualties.

If humans can bathe in magma, dance in tsunami, and dance in lightning, there is no need to worry about this or that.

"But how can I stop them?"

Greek President Archimes asked in a deep voice.

Anyone can ask questions, he can find a lot of questions to ask, the important thing is how to solve this problem.

The think tank heard this question and immediately closed his mouth.

Let Zeus and Pallas stop? You might as well ask me to find a way to push the blue star from the solar system. At least I can use science fiction to talk about this issue.

Other think tanks, astronomers, theologians, religious scientists and others saw that the meeting had finally progressed to the most critical moment, and they all shut their mouths while watching their noses and hearts.

They don't do this kind of proposition.

When the heads of the countries were unable to do anything, Jiang Hao slowly took the celestial bodies into his own pocket.

The gods wars observed by the human satellite telescopes were actually just his illusions and deceptions, and he took away the disappearing celestial bodies.

His purpose of doing this is certainly to show the magnificent power factor, but the main purpose is to create a hole card.

The name of this hole card is called Black Hole.

A black hole is a special kind of celestial body produced by a large amount of matter starting to converge toward the center during the collapse of a massive star, shrinking, compressing and squeezing.

Although the core of a black hole is just a singularity with huge density ~www.NovelMTL.com~ with an extremely small volume, the powerful gravitational force emanating from this singularity can lock any matter and energy in nature inside and make them float. In the gravitational horizon, it will always fall to the core of the black hole, but it will never reach the core.

Even within the horizon of a black hole, even time cannot escape, it will only be infinitely distorted.

Jiang Hao's plan is to collect enough matter, and then simulate the birth of a black hole in nature, artificially creating this arguably the most terrifying, powerful, and terrifying celestial body in the real universe.

The reason why he collects matter in the real universe is, on the one hand, to hide his hole card, on the other hand, it is also because it is too difficult to collect enough matter to create a black hole in another world.

Although the alien world is known as the multiverse, it is still too small compared to the real universe. If the real universe is an adult, then the alien world is only a sperm.

He believes that after the appearance of the black hole made by the massive material in the real universe, he will surely surprise those great divine powers in the alien world!

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