I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 482: : An irresistible fate

On the sacred Mount Olympus, Zeus and Ananke stood together in this place that was once the residence of the gods. Although there are only two of them left in the majestic place where the gods haunted, this place is still blue. The focus of the human beings.

In Asia, Europe, Australia, South and North America, North and South America, countless people put aside what they were doing, turned on their mobile phones, TVs, and computers, and watched everything that happened here intently.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 5 billion people watched this event through various broadcast channels. The reason why not all Blue Star humans are because there are still many people who do not have TVs, computers or mobile phones.

"In this situation, it feels like Zeus is at a disadvantage."

"After all, Anan’s personality in Greek mythology is second only to Chronos. Now that Chronos rarely shows up, this goddess can be said to be the first **** in Greek mythology. Although Zeus shows infinite The power of, can be compared with Anan Ke, it is still a bit worse."

"Who can tell the difference between the fate of the Greek gods and the fate of the Nordic gods in a straightforward way? How do I feel that the fate of Greece and the Nordic gods are the same thing."

"Assuming that fate is playing a single-player game, Allraug's approach is to designate a route that he thinks is the most suitable, and then let the character go. Even if the character deviates a little, he will go back and try again, until this point. The character perfectly follows the route he delineated until he clears the level, and Ananke kills all the other routes, leaving only one route for the character to go."

"Then what if this character chooses not to clear the level?"

"...Are you an expert on the bar? Why don't you go to the construction site if you can lift the bar?"


Under the gaze of people all over the world, Zeus became furious. He heard the potential meaning of Anan Ke’s words and clenched the lightning in his hand, and said angrily, “Anan Ke, you want to tell me that Zeus is only under the control of fate. A beam jumping clown from, playing funny juggling in this stage called the universe, is it for you to make fun of?"

He was furious, and his last respect for the **** Ananke was gone.

"Zeus, why do you think you are not a joker? Just rely on the egg of Farnese? But have you ever thought that the act of serving the egg of Farnese is itself part of your destiny!"

Anan Ke gently stretched out his hand, and a piece of papyrus appeared on his white fingers, "This is the description of you at this time in the manuscript found in Delvini. Please read it for yourself."

Zeus got the papyrus from Ananke's hands. He lowered his head, and in the next instant, his pupils shrank.

Because the content on this papyrus is:

"Zeus hid the root of all things in his belly, giving him the power and energy of Farnese. Therefore, all things were born in Zeus and born from Zeus."

"... the splendid and boundless deep space universe, the near sky, the untouched vast sea, the far earth, the ocean and the deep underground, the rivers and all the immortal gods, male gods and goddesses, all that are and are not. , All mixed and entangled like running water in the belly of Zeus."

A small piece of papyrus, describing the state of Zeus at the moment, the score is not bad.

"This is impossible!"

Zeus ripped the papyrus angrily, and the might of God could make this papyrus shredded, annihilated, and even a little bit of related matter particles no longer exist.

Even under the anger of Zeus, the entire world's record of this handwritten copy found in Delvini and the entire human memory of the content of this handwritten copy disappeared completely.

It seems that in the entire history of mankind, these manuscripts have never been found in Delvini.

But after the anger burned out, there was an immense fear, because he saw a huge monster named'destiny' in that little papyrus.

This terrible monster dominates everything, what has already appeared and what will appear, everything is dominated by fate, and it is not at all controlled by God.

"Zeus, you fear fate and resist destiny, but your fear, your resistance, all your actions are actually part of a rolling destiny."

"You hope that the power of Farnese will enable you to resist fate, but the prophecies circulating among human beings have already told you that the act of obtaining the power of Farnese itself is the arrangement of fate."

"...Zeus, whether you are smooth or reverse, under the control of fate, you have always been doing what fate guides you to do."

"You are the marionette of fate!"

Zeus fell silent, his face was ugly, he wanted to resist fate, but Ananche told him that the reason he resisted fate was actually made him resist, and even the power he used to resist fate was made by fate. What he has, this kind of knowledge, makes him totally unacceptable.

After a long time, he calmed down the anger in his heart and calmly looked at Anan Ke, who was always calm.

Everything is governed by destiny, even he is no exception, but destiny is governed by Ananke, as early as a thousand years ago, even in the more distant past, even when the universe was not opened and everything was not born, this one was in charge of the number of days. The goddess has cut off the future with infinite possibilities, and there is only one future that satisfies her.


"Ananke, Pallas, who will replace me in fate, is dead. The destined fourth-generation **** king has died before he grows up. How do you solve this problem? Back in time?"

He condensed divine power. If Ananchi looks back in time, he will eliminate this process. Maybe he can't defeat Ananchi, but she can still do it to contain her~www.NovelMTL.com~ The destined fourth-generation **** The king is the son of you and Metis, not a daughter. Even if Athena turns from a goddess to a male god, he is not the new **** king who will replace you. "

As she said, she raised her hand and opened Zeus's belly, revealing Metis who had been eaten by Zeus.

This exquisite figure with a gorgeous silver hair and a white dress wrapped in a white dress was now holding a baby boy with maternal brilliance on his beautiful face.

"Zeus, after you ate Farnese, you killed all the gods with divine power, but you only forgot about Metis and your son who were eaten by you a long time ago."

Zeus looked down at his wife and son in his stomach, and his eyes did not see the joy of his son at all, but were full of hideous faces with an abnormally distorted face.

He reached out and grabbed Thunder and stabbed him in his stomach.

"Just kill him, all fate will come to an end!"

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