I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 48: : Respective circumstances

  Mr. Mysterious Man is going to be promoted to the true god. If I help him promote the steam engine, he will raise my class level to 21 after he is promoted to the true god... Fiona Russell closed his eyes and digested the message in the projection carefully.

   Everyone is so strong, I am the weakest one.

   "Projection!" Howard Russell recognized what it was at a glance. "Did you risk using projection?"

"That's right." Fiona Russell deliberately blinked her eyes, and followed her father's words. "The teacher said, use the projection created by the projection technique to take the risk, so that there is no danger even if there is any danger in the course of the adventure. It will endanger itself."

The projection created by    projection technique is not absolutely safe. If it encounters powerful existences such as gods, demon princes, and ancient evils, it will still be injured or even killed.

But if my daughter is adventurous on the main plane, she shouldn’t encounter powerful existences in the void outside the realm such as gods, demon princes, and ancient evil things... Howard Russell thought, the edict pattern in the corner of his eyes smiled, "Have you fun? ?"

   "I have gained a lot of knowledge." She could not imagine that she would meet the gods one day before, and she also witnessed the upcoming rise of a new god, which she could not see in the noble circle of Kirchnur.

   But how should I complete the commission of the mysterious man?

   Fiona Russell thought about it.

  Although my father is a Duke, he is a heavyweight in the kingdom, but I am not the heir to the Russell family, and I don’t think much about the resources I can use... Well, let’s start with my father first.

   After organizing the language a little, Fiona Russell said: "What shocked me the most was the appearance of a steam engine in the kingdom of sacred Viksima."

   "Steam engine." Howard Russell frowned slightly.

   How did my daughter know about steam engines.

   Fiona Russell pondered the words and said: "Although I don't know the steam engine, I can feel that the steam engine will become the mainstream of the mainland in the future."

  Mr. Mysterious Man is so strong, sooner or later the steam engine he created will spread all over the continent, right?

   "Your feeling is wrong, Fiona." Howard Russell said with a smile: "The steam engine will not become the mainstream of this world."

   "Why?" Fiona Russell was deeply puzzled.

   Seeing my daughter looking at her suspiciously, Howard Russell's lips smiled, "Because some people don't want to see the steam engine becoming the mainstream of the mainland."

   He thought of the gods who descended the oracle an hour ago, and added: "Well, those are great beings."

  Ah, is there a **** hostile to the steam engine? Can Mr. Mysterious Man still succeed? Well, if that Highness is willing to help, the possibility is still very high.

   But how should I complete Mr. Mysterious Man’s commission, I suddenly feel so annoying.

   Fiona Russell sighed in her heart, maintaining an elegant smile on her face, "Dad, I heard you have something to do, so go ahead."

   Listening to his daughter's words, Howard Russell smiled dozingly, "Well, Dad is going to the Secretary of Finance for something. Dad is leaving first."


   Holy Viksima Kingdom, Azlik City.

   Iyetta Cavendil, who has changed into a middle-aged craftsman, clutched his wrist to cover the white light above.

  A request? What a generous His Royal Highness, I just provided him with information, this is a small thing, and I got his promise.

"Join us and become our brother." The artisan with the same messy hair and raunchy talked to him, with a simple smile on his bearded face, and a sacred and holy voice in his voice, "My lord The **** of craftsman, Gund Frank, values ​​you very much. I can promise you that as long as you join our Tritheism, you can immediately become a bishop, and the priest level will be raised to level 20. In the future, you can become the patriarch of the Tritheism. By."

   I have used the call technique for me, and I really take it seriously. If I were really an ordinary craftsman, I should have been brainwashed by your call technique to become a mad believer in the **** of craftsman.

   Iyetta Cavendil sneered in his heart and called the name of the God of Craftsman. The God of Craftsman should be watching here now.

  The noses of these gods are really as sensitive as hyenas. Even if I use the divine power of the Lord of Dawn through the ritual to use the prophetic crown to shield the future, these gods can still perceive their own destiny when the steam engine is born.

   "I am willing to join." Iyetta Cavendil's voice deliberately brought awe and fanaticism, "I am willing to dedicate everything I have, even my life, to the great craftsman **** Gund Frank."

   The craftsman smiled on his honest face, and he stretched out his hand, "From today on, we are brothers, brothers who live and die together."

   The other hand, squeezed heavily on his hand.

   Iyeta Cavendil said in a slumbering tone, "Brother!"



Afram Krell, who was holding the paper man with his fingertips, felt a headache, "It turned out to be a believer in the dark day...Fortunately, he was protected by that highness~www.NovelMTL.com~ He thought about it for a long time. Yes, turned around, walked to a gray wooden door, raised his hand and knocked.

   "Come in." After just a few taps, there was a response inside.

Afram Krell opened the door and saw a black robes and a pale-haired old man sitting there and flipping through the book. His tone was respectful, "Respected Archbishop Barnes, to the predecessor of the Diocese of Kedag I heard some rumors about the death of the bishop."

   He is not worried that your archbishop will doubt the source and authenticity of his information.

   As the Krell family who has extensive influence in the seven northern kingdoms, it is normal to have secret channels to learn about things that the church does not know.

   Although he automatically lost his identity as the heir of the Creel family after joining the church, he was still able to mobilize some resources.

   "The only **** believed in the only religion seems to be related to the dark sun."

   "Dark sun." Barnes's face, deeply traced by the wind and frost, was in awe.

  Although this mighty evil **** has already fallen, the record of the history of the Fourth Age in Graycastle still describes his power.

   "Is he coming back?"

Barnes took a deep look at Afram Krell, "I will confirm that if the only **** that the only religion believes is really related to the dark sun, the judges will go to the diocese of Kedage with you. Clean up the believers of the dark day, these evil gods that have been buried in history should not continue to jump out."


  Afram Krell nodded and walked out. After he was gone, Archbishop Barnes continued to flip through the book.

   The gray and plain, uncovered book cover squirmed a few times, and a line of colorful blood appeared.

   "The Book of Cyric..."

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