I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 477: : Thunder Authority

Above the Olympus holy mountain, there was a round of sun, and the world that had tended to be dark was shattered by the light and suddenly turned into a day.

But this round is different from the real sun.

The real sun is a star that keeps fusing. Its temperature is so high that it can burn the entire blue star into glass as soon as it descends on the blue star.

After this sun rose, everything began to grow, and the green grass and trees that originally attached to the Holy Mountain of Olympus seemed to have been infused with vitality, and they grew savagely.

But a different sun is also stained with the word sun. When it rises, the bats that are crushed by the gods and gods on the ground are stiff and squeaky like sulfuric acid splashed on their faces. Screams.

God cursed the blood, he gave them nearly eternal life, gave them extraordinary power, but made them enemies with humans, never see the sun.

Some bats, under the stimulation of severe pain, actually broke free of the power of the gods, while making a tragic howl, flapping their wings and rushing into the place where the sun could not shine, hiding.

And Bilborn also uttered a terrible cry at the moment the sun rose, and then fluttered his wings in the sun and flew into the bottom of a big tree.

"Chariot of the Sun, this is Apollo!"

"It's not just that Athena, Hera, Poseidon and Hades have betrayed Zeus, and even Apollo has betrayed Zeus."

"How do you know that Apollo betrayed Zeus instead of helping Zeus?"

"If he wanted to help Zeus, he would have helped, so it would take him so late?"

"Maybe he just defeated the rebels?"


In Zhang Hua's live broadcast room, everyone quarreled about whether Apollo participated in the rebellion, but their quarrel had no effect on what happened in Olympus.

The sun fell on the gate of Zeus’s palace, and a body line was perfect as a carved male **** came out of the sun. Although his size was only about 1.9 meters, it was incomparable to the tall size of the Nordic gods, but no one I don't think that this famous **** will be weaker than any other **** in the Nordic gods except Odin.


Seeing Apollo's appearance, Zeus' palace heard a huge roar, and the anger contained in his voice was enough to ignite the entire world.

Apollo didn’t care about Zeus’ anger, and his voice calmly said, “Father, you should know that no one can resist the inevitable fate. Uranus can’t, Cronus can’t, and you can’t do so. Now, whether you like it or not, Pallas will follow the prophecy and become the new king of Olympus."

Hearing the conversation between Apollo and Zeus, the humans who watched the live broadcast were 100% sure that Apollo was indeed involved in this rebellion. It’s just how bad Zeus’s popularity is. Even his son betrayed him and joined him. The rebel side has gone.

But thinking that Zeus's brothers, wife, and daughter betrayed, it seems that there is no surprise that one more son betrayed.

Just who is this Pallas? Why did Apollo say that he is the new **** king? Among the twelve gods of Olympus, there is no **** named Pallas.

Under the suspicious gazes of countless people across the Blue Star, a series of thunders appeared out of thin air.

This road is one meter thick, and I don't know how high it is. The thunder quickly shrunk and turned into a thunder spear about one meter long, which fell into the hands of Zeus.

Zeus held a thunder spear in his hand, shouted angrily, and threw it at Apollo.

In an instant, a ray of light that was more dazzling than Apollo's sun chariot tore through the world, and appeared in front of Apollo in the blink of an eye.

Faced with the thunder from Zeus, Apollo's sunny complexion sank, he took out a bow and arrow, blocked it in front of him, and slammed into the flying thunder spear.


As if the sound of a high-energy bomb exploded throughout the Holy Mountain of Olympus, a terrifying wave of air spread out with Apollo's bow and arrow as the center.

A pair of thriving flowers and trees was almost immediately torn apart, stirred in mid-air and then destroyed. Olympus, which is regarded as a holy mountain by the whole of Greece and even the surrounding countries influenced by Greek culture, is bursting out. Countless cracks appeared under the action of the force.

Some cracks are very shallow, but some are deep, and the deepest one seems to cut off the Holy Mountain of Olympus.

In the next instant, a ray of light flashed, and all the cracks slowly healed.

"so close."

"On the top of the mountain, I almost thought I was about to fall down and smash the anchor to death. Although I knew that I was watching the live broadcast, I still became nervous, just like watching a horror movie."

"Who is the **** who just shot?"

"Although I don't want to say, but from the perspective of power, the Olympus gods are not as good as the Nordic gods. In the last time the gods twilight, the Nordic gods destroyed the entire Asgard. The world is full of wars, and the scope of Olympus is limited to this holy mountain, and the intensity of the war is far less than the previous war."

"Of course, the last time the gods at dusk was when the Nordic gods and the rebels set out a war between horses and horses. The war spread across the nine worlds. There were countless gods involved, and this time all the gods did not stand on Zeus. Over there, he is a lonely and widowed person. As for the mighty power, it may be because of scruples. After all, this is the residence of the gods and cannot be beaten away.

"Judgement? Last time the gods were at dusk, I didn't see any gods who were jealous. The golden palace of the Nordic gods was shattered into pieces."

"In fact, we should be grateful that the Olympus gods are not as powerful as the Nordic gods, otherwise our Blue Star would have been broken into pieces."

"Our world is protected by the gods, so it shouldn't be broken into pieces."

"Put your hopes on illusory luck?"


When people are noisy ~www.NovelMTL.com~ a male **** with broad shoulders and chest, and a strong armor walked out of the palace.

Seeing his appearance, the imprisoned Zeus roared again,


The thunder that caught the sky appeared again and fell into the hands of Zeus.

Even though the **** king is imprisoned in his palace, even if the **** has been rebelled and no one can rescue him, as long as his authority is still in his hands, as long as he still rules the sky and the thunder, he is the one who frightens all gods. King of Gods.

He raised his spear and threw it at Pallas.

The dazzling light appeared again, and the spear condensed from thunder flew to Pallas at a speed that humans could not observe.

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