I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 475: : Egg of Farnese

On the sacred mountain of Olympus, nymphs representing mountains, forests, fields, springs, and the sea walked among the gorgeous palaces of the gods with wine and delicacies.

At this time, the nymphs did not seem to know that the world of the gods was revealed by Zeus from a higher dimensional space and time. They sat in the mountains and rivers for themselves, watching their wings spread, making a squeaking sound, and moving towards The bats that rushed by themselves gave out a crisp laugh, full of natural and harmonious taste.

In the next instant, these bats pounced on the nymphs, opened their pale fangs, and bit down on the white and tender skin of the nymphs.

At this moment, an indescribable aura radiated from the palace, and the majestic aura immediately enveloped the entire Olympus holy mountain, whether it was a human, a blood clan, or nymphs, Unanimously, there was an impulse to worship.

Then, under the gaze of countless live broadcast viewers, the bat that had just pounced on the nymph fell to the ground with a thud, its wings spread straight, its whole body stiff, and there was no sign of any movement.

The nymphs who were almost bitten also squatted on the ground, their bodies trembling constantly, and were extremely afraid of the majesty of the gods.

Zhang Hua, who was driving, had the urge to kneel down for an instant, but he immediately realized that he was driving now. If he kneeled down, he would definitely destroy the car. Under the influence of his survival instinct, he gritted his teeth and stepped on it. Brake and park the car on the side of the road.

Just after finishing this, Zhang Hua felt a more powerful majesty descending on him. It seems that he just didn’t kneel down immediately when facing the mighty power, and he didn’t humbly offer his faith and angered the gods, the supreme. The gods paid close attention to him.

The irresistible majesty instantly shattered his will. The high pressure from the gods bent his spine, and the pale face reflected in the rearview mirror of the car was covered with cold sweat at some point.

"what's going on?"

The netizens across the network cable couldn't feel the power, so they didn't know what happened. They saw that the anchor suddenly braked first, then squatted down, and immediately sent countless question marks on the screen.

"This seems to be divine power, divine power like prison, divine grace like sea... This thing will make all wise or unwise beings kneel down."

"The bats that flew to the Holy Mountain of Olympus all fell. In other words, the blood race played GG as soon as it approached the Holy Mountain?"

"Who just said that the blood race can fight against the holy son?"


The person who said that the blood race could fight with the holy son immediately stopped talking. He did not expect that the classic villain in Western myths and legends, the boss blood race, would be such a weak chicken. He would kneel before even seeing the face of the gods. This strength and fame are a little bit. Not quite.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the blood race could not be comparable to the gods. After all, the blood races are just extraordinary creatures cursed by God. To ordinary humans, they are of course evil bosses, but for gods, blood races and humans are actually the same. A creature that can be crushed to death with a finger.

After about a few minutes, the overwhelming and irresistible majesty disappeared out of thin air, and Zhang Hua, who was overwhelmed and out of breath, immediately let out a sigh of relief.

He carefully leaned on the door of the car and stood up, while wiping the sweat off his forehead with a tissue, while holding the live broadcast equipment, he spoke to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Very dangerous, I almost died just now. If I hadn't gritted my teeth and stepped on the brakes against the power of God, you should only see my body at this moment."

Suddenly a large number of "Anchor 666" and "Anchor Mighty" floated on the barrage, and various rewards followed one after another. Many people who had never watched the live broadcast also charged up for the reward. In just one or two minutes, Zhang Hua has accounted for hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins.

Seeing these rewards, Zhang Hua's pale face suddenly turned bright red, the corners of his mouth bent unconsciously, and his face tried not to show a happy smile.

He didn't have the idea of ​​revenge against the gods because of this incident. If he were the protagonist, he would definitely be full of resentment. He would definitely yell Thirty Years Hedong, Thirty Years Hexi, and Mo bullying the youth, but he is not, he It's just that an ordinary person among the many beings in the world can't avenge a god, and there is no hope.

He even felt that as long as he showed resentment, maybe a lightning bolt would drop him to death in the next second.

And since he was a child, it wasn't that he hadn't been mad. How could he be overwhelmed and want to avenge the gods because he received anger once.

Besides, he is so popular now that he will soon become a big anchor, and by that time he will make a lot of money, drive a luxury car, live in a villa, and play a young model. Isn't it fragrant? Why go against the spirits deliberately and deliberately?

In the palace of Zeus, the tall Zeus sits on his throne with his eyes closed, and black chains extend from the end of the void in all directions, binding him and his throne together, unable to move.

But this is the case. Zeus sitting on the throne still gives people a feeling of stalwart, like a powerful giant standing proudly in the world, all things in the universe, the earth, the ocean, the sun, the moon and the stars are all surrounded by Turning around him, it seems that he is the center of this universe and the master of all living beings.

In front of Him, a long long table was quietly placed in the center of the palace, and various fine wines and treasures were placed on it at will. The seat that should have been full of gods was already empty at this moment.

In the rebellion of Athena, Hera, and Poseidon, no **** was on Zeus's side, or there were gods on Zeus's side, but they were driven out by rebellious gods such as Athena.

But at this moment~www.NovelMTL.com~ a black bat flew in slantingly and instantly turned into a human being.

Bilborn bent down slightly to make the traditional European aristocratic etiquette, with a decent smile on the corner of his mouth, and said respectfully, "Salute to you, Majesty Zeus, the great **** of all gods, your brilliance, eternal Shining on the gods of Olympus, even if it is the end of the universe, it will not be able to obliterate your light."

Zeus opened his eyes, and the gaze from the **** king instantly penetrated his body and soul, "Interesting, the blessing from the Son actually made you immune to Athena's power."

"It is my lifetime glory to get your praise." With Zeus's approval, Bilborn's heart was full of surprises like a pupil received the teacher's praise.

His waist bends down, and the aristocratic smile is no longer maintained, and directly turned into a flattering smile, "I wonder if I can be honored to do a little bit of power for your Majesty?"

"Go and bring me the Egg of Farnese."

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