I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 461: : National reaction

"this is……"

Sakagavili was stunned as he watched the sky, the underground, the front, back, left, and right all become fleshy pieces that flowed like waves, and a chill rushed upward from the bottom of his heart.

"Don't panic, everyone, move closer to me."

Cornelius shouted.

Although he is not good at perception, he can still feel the terrible darkness in all directions. Under such circumstances, running around is a dead end.

After hearing the words, everyone quickly moved closer to Cornelius and gathered together.

After watching everyone get closer, Cornelius asked Tomioka Yoshimasa and Tanaka Shigeunaga, "Two, what should we do now?"

Originally, they wanted to make a surprise attack, but they were caught in a trap. They were a little panicked for a while, so I asked the two of them.

How to do? Of course it is the most glorious sacrifice.

For a moment, Tanaka Shigeunaga went from one extreme to the other and immediately said, "Since Ubo Sasra has appeared, then fight him decisively."

Cornelius stretched out his hand with a headache to hold Tanaka Shigeunaga. Although he didn't know what the onmyoji was stimulated and how he was so good, suddenly he changed from a politician style of slippery and unreserved to a Norse style. Reckless style, reckless when encountering things.

But he couldn't watch this onmyoji go to death either.

"Wait, this is not Upossra."

Sakagaveri whispered to the side, "Before I came, I had a deep understanding of the evil **** Cthulfutan who appeared in Dongying and Hasta, the king of yellow clothes who appeared in the universe. As the old evil **** The ruler of the Sun, their status is still under Upo Sasra, but even so, any human being will go crazy the moment he sees him."

"But now when we face Uposasla, there are no signs of madness, that is to say, it is not Uposasra that appeared."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and the fear in their hearts faded a little.

At this moment, Yemen’s head protruded from the flowing flesh, and a low and mysterious voice echoed in the corridor.

"Our Father in heaven, the Almighty Creator of all life..."

"I praise you, may you come before us, may we return to your embrace, and re-feel the warmth of the beginning of life."

Suddenly, the heads of everyone present began to reverberate with an extremely pious, but extremely distorted prayer.

Under the action of this sound, their brains began to stop functioning, and their thinking began to stagnate. Only those extremely crazy prayers played in a loop, brainwashing them without interruption.

In this voice, Sakagaveri, Tomioka Yoshimasa, and Tanaka Shigeunaga were the first to be unable to support them, and fell under the circulatory brainwashing, and began to go crazy.

"Praise you, the great Uposasla, the origin of all life, the father of all living things..."

While praising the evil god, they approached the wall.

As they approached, a few mud-stone-like tentacles protruded from the flowing wall, piercing their chests.

Seeing this scene, Cornelius and Catherine were stunned. Dongying's Onmyoji, priest, and Milecan's high priest were actually killed by the Cthulhu followers?

"Cornelus, come back to sizzle soon... just rely on the two of you... don't care about the others, come back quickly!" 315 Chinese Net

In the headset, the worried voice of Greek President Archimes came out, but it may be intermittent and intermittent.

Cornelius made a decision immediately upon hearing this, and roared,


As soon as the voice fell, the people who were tortured by the sound of prayer and felt that their minds were not awake suddenly woke up, and then one by one used the strength of the milk to run back.

But even at the most critical juncture, a team of special forces must protect Cornelius and Catherine.


In a conference room of the United Nations Headquarters in Milliken, heads of state gathered together. In front of them, projectors kept projecting what happened in the joint scientific research station.

Although the head of a country is busy with official business, it is okay to spare a little time to follow the progress of the crusade against the evil god, not to mention the crusade against the evil **** itself is a first-class event, and they naturally pay great attention to it.

After the channel made of steel was transformed into meat, the projection in the meeting room immediately showed intermittent fluctuations, and then closed with a snap.

A staff member went up to adjust and found that the signal was unstable, and quickly switched the camera to the outside, so everyone saw that the base full of science fiction was suddenly covered by flowing pieces of meat, and then it changed into a huge one. , A gelatinous amoeba, with gelatinous tentacles waving freely in the air.

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The base has actually changed into this way. When did this happen?"

A theologian murmured, seeming to be asking someone else, and he seemed to be asking himself.

The faces of the heads of countries were also ugly, especially the Prime Minister of Dongying Tianchuan Masamune, whose Onmyojis and priests of Dongying had fallen inside.

"I recommend using missile bombing immediately."

A military expert made his own proposal.

A terrifying monster with an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of acres, any non-heavy weapon will not cause much damage.

"No way."

Tian Chuan Masamune objected subconsciously after hearing this.

Tomioka Yoshimasa and Tanaka Shigeunaga are still inside. Although I don't know what's going on inside, there may be rescue.

"Our transcendents are still inside, and we can't give up on them."

Egyptian President Clemens said after that.

Catherine is the reincarnation of Sekhmet~www.NovelMTL.com~ is an important figure for the Egyptians to communicate with the gods. Once they die, the light of the gods may leave them in Egypt. After all, they did not worship Egypt since ancient times. Egyptians of gods, they have a guilty conscience.

"But the entire joint scientific research station has become this monster, and the people in it are probably not lucky." Milliken President Hodgson said in a low voice, "It is better to destroy this monster as soon as possible, lest it rush out of the New World and cause disaster. "

Don’t Hollywood movies often have such plots? Monsters are still in the growth stage. As a result, the human side is haggling, delaying the warplanes and causing the monsters to grow into full forms. If it were not for the help of the protagonist, humans might have perished.

As for the transcendents trapped inside, I don't know what Sakagavili is? Just a mortal, if you die, you die.

Achimis, who was in contact with Cornelius, heard Hodgson’s muttering, and immediately glared at him, and started to froze, “Hodgson, President Huo, you are just a new country. For this kind of thing, you must Talk less, watch more, listen more, or you will just look like a monkey, jumping up and down."

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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