I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 459: : Otakemaru

Why did you refuse to say that you saw Ouemaru? If you say something, I have hope that I will pass.

Shigeru Tanaka looked at Tomioka Yoshimasa, and said calmly, "The monsters belong to the monsters, the humans belong to the humans, and the non-interference between the humans and the monsters is the divine law set by the great **** of heaven. This is not only your priests. Obey, our Onmyoji is still observing."

"But there are always some monsters that are difficult to eliminate, and they have crossed the divine law set by the great **** of heaven. Otake Maru is like this, Ibaraki Doko is like this, and the Hundred Ghosts in the incident of Huangquan fall are like this, but fortunately we, Onmyoji Work together with the priests to keep these monsters out of the sight of mankind, lest these monsters interfere with the development of mankind."

"Speaking of, priest Tomioka, I don't fight side by side with you once or twice. My shikigami is familiar with you."

What kind of **** your shikigami is familiar with me, do you have something like shikigami?

Tanaka Shigeru, I didn't say you, you are an onmyoji, I am a priest, everyone does not offend the river, why do you have to pull me into the water? If you don't drag me into the water and wait for you to die, I will support your wife and children.

Tomioka Yoshimasa stared at Shigeunaga Tanaka and said, "Although you said that I have fought side by side with you many times, but since I was injured by it when I expelled the big monster Tengu, my spirituality has been damaged in the past few years. The more I can't remember the past, the things you said, I can't remember them for a while."

They're all old friends, and I'm not willing to ask you for a favor. You forced me.

Tanaka Shigeunaga was fierce, and said to Tomioka Yoshimasa with concern, "Spiritual damage? Why didn't you tell me? Last time we went to Pingcheng Jingdong to solve the Hyakki Yakyu incident with Reiko, the priest. Okay, why did you suddenly become spiritually damaged... When did you become spiritually damaged? I asked Dayue Wan to treat you. Although Dayue Wan is not good at healing, at this time, I can’t manage that much, after all. Spiritual damage is a major matter and cannot be delayed."

As he said, he waved his hand and said to the air in front of him, "Go, Otake Maru..."

Tanaka Shigeunaga, you are ruthless.

Tomioka Yoshimasa knew that if he refused, Shigeru Tanaka might blew himself up, and it would be the kind of explosion with him.

He drew a target called Tanaka Shigeunaga in his heart, then shot it with an arrow, shot it sloppy, but smiled on his face, "Don’t bother Otakemaru, its spirit body was beaten to pieces in the last battle. , Now the form is very illusory. From my perception, I can only vaguely sense its existence, and then let it spend strength to treat me, I am afraid it will hurt more seriously, maybe even the form cannot be maintained , It can only be transformed into a pure spirit...As for my injury, it will be fine for me to find other priests to treat me after I go back."

He sighed as he said, "Oh, the spiritual power of the priest should be used to protect the people of Dongying, not to treat me. I'm sorry to the emperor."

What is Emperor Guan? Don't play too much.

Seeing his success in dragging his old friend into the water, Tanaka Shigeunaga felt a little emboldened in his heart. He waved his hand and said to the air in front of him, "Come back, Otake Maru."

Sakagavilia saw the two supernatural beings finished chatting, and smiled with a sense of existence, "Mr. Tanaka's Shijin Odakemaru does not look very good, it is very illusory, but unfortunately there is the power of the evil **** here, so I have been in intermittent contact with my lord, the feathered snake **** Kukulkan, otherwise, I can pray for my lord to cast down his divine power and heal Mr. Tanaka’s shikigami."


Tanaka Shigeruaga and Tomioka Yoshimasa were stunned at the same time, their heads turned slightly, facing Sakagavilia.

He said that Otake Maru didn't look very good?

There is a Ghost Odake Maru here.

Seeing Tanaka Shigeruaga and Tomioka Yoshimasa looking at him, Sakagavilia was a little flustered, "What's wrong? Mr. Tanaka, Mr. Tomioka, do you feel anything?"

He suddenly remembered that in horror movies, the evil spirits behind the supporting characters often appeared inexplicably, and his whole body became stiff.

Although this is not a horror movie, it is the home of evil **** followers, and the protoplasm is dozens of times more terrifying than the evil spirits in horror movies.

This guy is not a parallel importer like himself, is he?

Tanaka Shigeruaga and Tomioka Yoshimasa were a little flustered inexplicably.

Although it is as unthinkable that a country’s heritage is parallel imports, it’s as incredible as Dongying’s national treasure-level scientist is a primary school student who graduated from elementary school, but I’m not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Besides, it seems that it is not impossible to have my own parallel import example in the front, and other people are parallel import products.

It’s just that if Sakagavilia is the same parallel importer as himself, then the mission of crusade against the evil gods this time can only rely on the reincarnation of the gods Saint Seiya and Sekhmet? Why does it feel a little unstable?

Catherine on the side smiled and said, "Oyuemaru’s condition is indeed a bit bad. I can feel that it is seriously injured. It is a pity that I don’t know much about the oriental shikigami, otherwise I can treat it with my divine power. ."


Tanaka Shigeruaga and Tomioka Yoshimasa were startled again.

Tomioka Yoshimasa asked in a low voice, "Sahmet-sama, can you perceive Otake Maru?"

"Although Otakemaru is illusory, as a god, I can see the essence of everything, so it can't hide it from me." Catherine replied.

No way.

This adult who claims to be the reincarnation of the **** Sekhmet is also a parallel importer?

In other words, this time the mission to defeat the evil **** is only an extraordinary person, Saint Seiya? One **** has four pits?

Tanaka Shigeruaga and Tomioka Yoshimasa panicked~www.NovelMTL.com~ The **** reincarnation/Quatting Serpent High Priest/Saint Seiya teamed up to conquer the evil god, but turned into a Saint Seiya and singled out the evil god? The great God of Heaven is on the top, do you want to play with me like this?

If it weren't for the existence of Saint Seiya who claims to be able to kill gods, once the small universe broke out, even the gods could explode, they would have sat on the ground now.

They all saw Ouemaru?

Cornelius, who had vaguely suspected that Shigeru Tanaka was working on the emperor’s new clothes, immediately put this idea behind him. In order to prevent others from discovering that he was not aware of Otake Maru, he revealed the details of the Saint Seiya. , "Although Odakemaru's form is illusory, it seems that the damage is quite serious, but it must be competent just to detect the number and location of the enemy."

"Mr. Tanaka Shigeunaga, let Otake Maru go to find the way."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Shigeunaga Tanaka and Yoshimasa Tomioka sitting on the ground with a pop.

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