I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 455: : I feel the power of terror

I have infinite deep power? Why don't I know?

Catherine glanced at Tomioka Yoshimasa subconsciously. People all over the world knew that she was the reincarnation of the **** Sekhmet, and she herself felt that she was the reincarnation of Sekhmet, but because of her awakening power, how? It doesn't have anything to do with the term infinite depth.

Shigeru Tanaka on the side saw his old friend speak, and immediately pretended to say, "Although I am not a servant of the gods, I have also been in close contact with the great God of Heaven. In his body, I have felt The divine power is like the sea and the hell. Although your majesty is not as good as the **** of heaven who created the universe and created the universe, His Highness Sekhmet is also among the top three gods among the gods I have come into contact with."

In the myths and legends of Dongying, the Lord of Heaven is the **** who ordered the gods to create Dongying and the world, but now the creation gods in the mythological system of other countries have become the creation of the universe, and they have silently changed their own gods. Forced the grid up.

As for the explanation, it’s easy to explain. The ancient Dongying people had limited vision and thought that the world they saw was all, so they mistakenly said that the act of creating the universe by the great gods was the creation of the world. We modern Dongying people just took this wrong. The description is just reversed.

After listening to Catherine, she began to ponder. Is there really an infinite deep power in my body, but I can't feel it myself?

Tomioka Jichang on the side started to complain when he heard the words.

After the deity descends, can kneeling on the ground be called close contact? Do you have any misunderstandings about the term "close contact"?

And who among the gods you have come into contact with besides the Lord God of Heaven?

But he would not say these words.

Everyone is in the same boat, and helping each other in the same boat is the kingly way.

Does Catherine possess infinite deep power? How can I not feel it?

Cornelius frowned.

"Indeed, I also felt infinitely deep power in Your Highness Sekhmet. This power is very similar to the divine power of my lord Feathered Serpent God Kukulkan." Sakagavilia on the side Hearing this, he quickly echoed the road.

In fact, he really didn't feel the infinite and deep power of Catherine. In his eyes, Catherine was no different from thousands of ordinary women.

But other people who are extraordinary have said it, it must be there, but he, an ordinary person, can't feel it.

They all felt it, but I didn't feel it? Is my perception weak or is my strength too low to feel it?

No, I cannot expose my weaknesses. As the only extraordinary person in Greece, I cannot expose my weaknesses and let people see through my reality. This will allow other countries to lower the risk of Greece.

Cornelius thought, nodded and said, "I have seen many gods, Hera, the goddess of wisdom Athena, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, Prometheus the fire thief, and the gods. Father Zeus, I have seen all of these. If their power is the sky, then the power of His Royal Highness Sekhmet is the sea. Although it is not as high as the sky, it is very heavy."

It turns out that there is a mighty power hidden in my body.

Catherine began to think.

If I can develop this power, will it become the true pillar of Egypt?

Unexpectedly, I would just say it casually. As a result, there is a powerful power hidden in her body. Tomioka Yoshimasa looked at Catherine calmly. If only Shigeru Tanaka followed his words, he would not Will have this kind of thought, after all, Tanaka Shigeunaga's details are not clear to him, just a liar.

But this Cornelius is different from Sakagavilia. The former is a famous Greek saint who has a reputation all over the world, and the latter is a high priest serving the feathered serpent **** Kukulkan. Very mysterious.

These two people said that there is a powerful power hidden in Catherine's body, and then there must be a powerful power hidden in her body.

It can only be said that it is indeed the reincarnation of the gods.

But why am I not a reincarnation of a god? Ugh.

Thinking, Yoshimasa Tomioka folded his hands together, bent over and bowed, "My name is Yoshimasa Tomioka. I am a priest who serves the great **** Susano. I am good at expelling and purifying demons and monsters. However, I am not good at learning art and have only spiritual power Three or four out of ten of the Great Priest Priest, it is almost impossible to expel and purify the evil **** Ubosathra with his own power, so I will ask you all for this matter."

Before the others could react, Tanaka Shigeunaga showed a look of embarrassment, "Prince Tomioka, you know my ability, and it is similar to you. I am afraid I can't handle such a big thing."

You threw the pot out by the way, what about me? You can't leave me alone.

"Tanaka-kun, don't worry, aren't there two adults, His Royal Highness Sekhmet, Cornelius and Sakagavilia?" Tomioka Yoshichang reminded.

"Look at me, I'm guilty of the old problem of going solo again. Alas, since the onmyojis withered, no onmyojis have been teaming up against the enemy." Tanaka Shigeunaga's voice changed and learned from Tomioka Yoshimasa They put their hands together at Sekhmet, bent over and bowed, "My name is Shigeunaga Tanaka. I am good at Shiki. It’s just that my Shiki has only been subdued for less than a few years. The devilishness has not yet been refined. The Cthulhu, I am afraid that he will be contaminated by his power and turn back against the water. So three, I will ask you this time. I would like to thank you on behalf of all mankind."

No, you two will ask us to deal with the evil god?

Cornelius looked bad.

Tomioka Yoshisho, who had been staring at the people present, saw Cornelius’ face ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and immediately sighed, "Before I came, I was ready to die. In terms of expelling the evil god, even if it is death, it is worth it, but I am afraid that I will drag everyone down."

Cornelius' complexion improved, "Everyone cooperated and expelled the evil **** together. It doesn't matter whether it is dragged down or not."

After speaking, he began to introduce himself, "My name is Cornelius, and I am a Saint Seiya under Athena. As for what I am good at, haha, the online debate should have almost scratched the bottom of our Saint Seiya."

The details on the Internet?

Sonic fist, light speed fist, absolute zero, time is still... are these? It is indeed a saint who claims to be able to slaughter the gods. It seems that the mission to defeat the evil **** this time is stable.

Sakagavilia, who was still a little worried, was very calm and grinned, "My name is Sakagavilia, the high priest of Quetzalcoatl, and I am best at communicating with the gods."

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