I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 434: : Male God

Athena Pallas?

No, no, this goddess actually transformed herself into a male god, and then complied with the destiny to overthrow the rule of Zeus?

The humans present roared in their hearts, and everyone felt that they had been impacted by an incomprehensible picture, and their hearts were swaying fiercely.

But they thought about it, but they felt that Athena's actions seemed to be expected.

In ancient Greek myths and legends, Zeus feared that the boy born to Metis would overthrow his throne, so he ate Metis in one bite, so the headache was unbearable, and he finally had to ask Hephaestus to split it. His head, Athena jumped out of his head.

Because Athena was a goddess, the gods agreed that the prophecy had been destroyed.

Don't forget that in ancient Greek myths and legends, the so-called prophecy is, in a sense, the number of days that Anan has engraved.

The number of days will not be changed.

Athena transformed herself into a male god, and fulfilling this prophecy is tantamount to adding her destiny... Maybe it is really possible for him to overthrow the rule of Zeus and become the king of the fourth generation of gods.

As for the goddess becoming a male god, gender is not important to the gods, and in some myths and legends, Athena was originally a hermaphrodite god.

Prometheus looked at the male **** who came out of the light, and was sure that Pallas Athena had disappeared from this world, and now standing in front of him was Athena Pallas, a A newborn **** reborn from the body of Athena.

Although this **** possesses all the memories, knowledge and wisdom of Athena, it is a completely new god.

"I didn't expect that my original prediction would be realized in this form."

"But compared to Zeus, you are indeed more suitable for ruling the gods than him."

Prometheus looked at this Athena with wise eyes, no, he should be called Pallas, and asked, "Then Pallas, what do you want me to do?"

"I hope you can persuade the Titans to support me." Unlike the original slightly ethereal female voice, Pallas's voice is full of mellow feelings. "The ancient Titans are also the gods of Olympus. One member, I hope they can work with me to meet unknown challenges."

"You actually want Titan God to join you under your command. I don't know whether to praise your bravery or praise your pointlessness."

Prometheus smiled and praised.

This kind of dialogue moved the hearts of the human beings present.

The so-called Titan gods originally referred to the twelve Titan gods, three one-eyed gods and three hundred-armed gods born from the union of the **** Uranus and the earth mother **** Gaia, that is, the first gods.

As Cronus replaced his father and became the new king of gods, the Titans ruled the sky, the earth and the ocean, and the concept of Titans gradually extended to all giants with Titan bloodline.

Even the demon kings like Typhon are divided into the **** Titans.

In the process of Zeus overthrowing his father Cronus, the Titan gods led by Cronus and the new gods led by Zeus had a massive war, and the final result ended in the failure of the Titan gods.

The defeated Titan gods were imprisoned by the gods in the body of Tartarus of the Abyss, never seeing the sun.

And now this Pallas (Athena) actually wants to subdue these defeated Titans. This bravery is bigger than Zeus and I don't know where it is.

Unconsciously, humans such as Archimes began to lean towards Athena.

On the one hand, the previous president Cornelius received the blessings of the former Athena and the present Pallas. Their Greek government and this goddess have such a little fate. In their opinion, everyone is their own. Of course people must lean towards themselves.

On the other hand, it was because they felt that the Pallas was more likely to be in the top position.

After planning, I don’t know how many years there will be destiny to add to him, no matter how you look at it, you will not lose.

"I can help you go to the abyss of Tartarus and persuade those Titans, but I can't guarantee whether they will support you." Prometheus's voice was faint, "After all, in their eyes, I am talking about A traitor to the gods."

"Thank you for your help, Great Prometheus." Pallas raised his weapon, saluted the ancient giant, and then his figure slowly disappeared.

"Wish you success!"

Prometheus said, and a pair of wise eyes moved to Archimes and others.

It's over.

Archimes and the others became nervous together.

They have just seen Prometheus’ secrets, and now they have heard that Pallas plots a rebellion. Maybe they will die because they know too much. Even if Prometheus is kind, they will definitely be imprisoned here to avoid themselves. The others leaked the secret to Zeus.

But to their surprise, Prometheus did not shoot them to death or imprison them, but said another thing, "...Do you know where the power of the gods comes from?"

Archimes and others were startled for a while, then shook their heads and said they didn't know.

In fact, they had a lot of speculations about the source of power of the gods, and they had also explored them, wanting to understand the source of power of the gods, and then grasp it by themselves.

Some people speculate that the power of the gods is possessed at birth. When he grows up and goes through different ages, his divine power will progress and change until it is fixed.

It is also said that the power of the gods actually comes from their influence on the human world. They draw power from it by influencing the changes in the human world and spreading beliefs, and then strengthen themselves.

Others say that the gods are actually absorbing something called spiritual energy/magic power for cultivation. If humans get the exercises, they can move mountains and fill the sea, burn the sea and cook fish like those gods.

But no matter what kind of speculation ~www.NovelMTL.com~ can't justify itself.

For example, suppose that gods possess divine power when they are born. How to explain those gods who are at their peak at birth and have barely grown up?

And if the gods drew power from them to strengthen themselves by influencing the changes of the world and spreading beliefs, then how do you explain that those gods will destroy the world without any change? Wouldn't it be better to circle believers and raise them as pigs?

As for the exercises, it is even more incomprehensible. Where have they practiced for those great beings who were born to be gods?

Therefore, although this topic has been included in the discussion, many theologians and religious scientists have speculated, debated, and researched it, but they have never come up with a result.

After they said they didn't know, Prometheus spoke slowly, "Except for those ancient primitive gods, almost all new gods will draw energy from a place called the ‘source of power’."


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